Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infections Without Drugs

Oh, those miserable yeast infections! Yeast infections are common, but commonality does not erase painful irritations and discomforts. Irritating and embarrassing. Although, women suffer primarily from these infections, men can also get them through sexual relations. Sex with an infected partner allows yeast to pass from one individual to another.

Yeast infections, also known as Candida are caused by groups of microscopic fungi and yeast. Yeast is a fungus that naturally lives in small numbers within the vagina, but is kept under control by other healthy organisms within the body. When something happens within the body, yeast grows and interrupts the balance.

Antibiotics, increased estrogen levels during pregnancy, and hormone replacement therapies can trigger a yeast infection. Other diseases can be factors, such as diabetes and HIV infection.

Most often, women purchase over-the-counter remedies to treat yeast infections and get relief. But, if yeast infections prevail or happen more than four times a year, professional medical advice may be necessary.

Luckily, I've had only a few infections in my lifetime, but have found some home remedies that actually work to get rid of and prevent these nasty experiences.

Remedies that worked for me:

Plain Yogurt
The good bacteria in yogurt fights yeast (internally and externally). Since sugar feeds yeast, be sure to use plain unsweetened yogurt. Eating one cup of plain unsweetened yogurt a day will have your yeast infection gone in a day or two!

Prescribed antibiotics are known to cause yeast infections because not only do antibiotics kill the bad bacteria, it also kills the good bacteria. However, you can ward off chances of getting a yeast infection while you're taking prescribed antibiotics. The day you begin taking antibiotics, begin eating a cup of yogurt everyday. The antibiotics will kill the bacteria (good and bad) in your body, but by replenishing your body with good bacteria, you won't get a yeast infection.

Yeast has other enemies, such as garlic. Instant relief from yeast can be obtained by inserting a clove of garlic into the vagina every few hours. But, if this seems disgusting or unappealing, garlic tablets are effective, too. Taking one tablet a day can prevent or get rid of yeast problems.

Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar:
Another enemy of yeast is apple cider vinegar (unfiltered). Adding a cup (more or less) to your bath water helps to relax you, and attack yeast infection bacteria. However, bathing with apple cider vinegar is not as effective as ingesting garlic, or garlic suppositories. And, NO, you will not smell like a salad dressing!

Usually, we do not drink the necessary amounts of water we need on a daily basis. People should drink an average of eight 8-ounce glasses of water everyday. Simply by drinking adequate amount of water a day flushes excess sugar from the body that yeast feeds on.

Things To Avoid When Fighting Yeast Infections
Some medicines and hygiene products weaken the immune system, and you become susceptible to yeast infections.

-- Antibiotics and birth control pills weaken the immune system.
-- Douching can upset the natural bacterial balance.
-- Feminine Vaginal Deodorants are irritating, especially if you have an infection.
-- Undergarments made from anything material other than cotton (nylon and man-made fibers) prevent air to flow to and from the body. Trapping moisture and heat provides a perfect environment for yeast to grow.
-- Clothing that fits tight in the crotch area also create warm and moist areas for yeast; this also includes pantyhose.
-- Wearing wet clothing for extended period of time, such as swim suits allows yeast to develop.
-- Douching and feminine vaginal deodorants can upset the natural balance of bacteria.

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