Friday, September 23, 2011

Believe It Or Not But Toddler Yeast Infections Are A Truth

You may not know it but there is a toddler yeast infection. Any baby can get a toddler yeast infection which commonly occurs in the moist diaper area. An toddler yeast infection will typically start out like a diaper rash, but it won't go away and it won't heal like a diaper rash. Babies can also get a condition known as thrush which is a yeast infection of the mouth. With this condition the cheeks, gums and tongue will develop white patches. You should take a baby to the doctor to have a toddler yeast infection properly diagnosed especially if you haven't dealt with an infection of this kind before.

Reasons for The Occurrence of Toddler Yeast Infection:

A tot with a toddler yeast infection will be a baby in distress which can be difficult for parents to deal with.

Delivery can spread an toddler yeast infection such as a mother with a yeast infection or during breastfeeding if the mother also has a yeast infection. Although an oral yeast infection can develop in a baby even when there is no yeast infection present.

A toddler yeast infection can be experienced by both sexes. You will often think it is a diaper rash, but it won't go away after the typical one or two day period of diaper rash. Bacteria grow in warm, moist areas on both babies and adults. This is why women have extra concern in their vaginal areas although if a baby isn't attended to then the perfect environment for the bacteria can develop. Also a baby on antibiotics is more susceptible since the medication will kill the healthy bacteria that help to keep down a child yeast infection.

Treatment for Toddler Yeast Infection:

A toddler yeast infection can easily involve both the mouth and the diaper area since it typically spreads through a baby's digestive tract. Take a good look at your babies diaper rash and try to determine if there are a lot of pus-filled bumps or if they are forming a pattern. Often typical treatments for diaper rash won't work and it won't disappear on its own after awhile.

If you are a first time parent you will likely be very concerned and you will probably want to take the baby to the doctor right away to look at the rash. If the same child has a recurrent problem of yeast infections then perhaps your doctor can help with some suggestions on how you can prevent an infant yeast infection. For babies on antibiotics the condition may be around for the course of the medical treatment. Although the best treatment a parent can do is to keep the diaper area as dry as possible and don't fasten diapers too fast, be sure to leave some area for air circulation.

As is the case with all medical issues, the first step is to seek professional help. The reason that your yeast infections
are getting worse with regard to frequency must be determined so that a proper treatment regimen may be followed. This is particularly true for women who are living with a compromised immune system, undiagnosed or untreated diabetes or a parasite

You can also find more info on home remedy for yeast infection treatment and causes of yeast infection is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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