Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Male Yeast Infection Cures - Cure Male Yeast Infection Naturally

Male Yeast Infection is a reality to those suffering from it, even though women are the ones who get most of the attention. Below you will find natural treatments for male yeast infection that we have researched and found. No longer is over the counter drug necessary when there are several home remedies for curing yeast infection in men.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Do a colon cleanse. This cleans the colon of all the toxins and waste bacteria and neutralizes the body of any acidity. Yeast grow more in an acidic environment, so a good colon cleanse is a good way to start your treatment. Yeast is also considered to be toxin in the body and the cleansing the colon will help to get rid of it. While you are doing the colon cleanse, do not eat any dairy products, grain (gluten), soy, wheat, eggs, splenda, Trans fats or fructose or any foods that contain yeast.

Use Cold coconut oil (pressed) for male yeast infection treatment. It can be in the form of pills or in a bottle (liquid form) or even extra virgin coconut oil, which you can get at your local health food store. A 2001 study done by Gudmundur Bergsson, et. al (Anatomy Dept. , University of Iceland) proved that this helps to kill the yeast.

Oregano Oil has also been tested as a proven method of killing yeast. However, the results are more effective when the oregano oil contains more than 68% of carvacrol which is the most active ingredient in the product.

Tea Tree Oil and Cinnamon Oil are also two natural treatments that will kill the yeast infection in no time.

Eat Yogurt Daily for Yeast Infection Cure. Make sure this is a plain (no sugar added) yogurt. Yogurt is a good product for getting rid of male yeast infection. Most Yogurt products contain lactobacillus acidophilus. This is exactly what your body needs to ignite the "friendly bacterium". If you don't like yogurt (as some people have a problem with lactose), then acidophilus pills are your next option. You can get these at any local health food store at minimal cost.

Take a hot sitz bath and include vinegar. This helps to sooth the skin and keeps it free of itching. Restoring the body's PH balance helps to stop the growth of the yeast.

Garlic has properties that are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. At the occurrence of yeast infection, eat one clove of garlic that you buy from your grocery store each day or twice per day. I know this will taste horrible, but it is good for you in more sense than just one. Garlic is also good for sinuses. If you cannot stand the taste, then go the health food store and purchase garlic pills.

You can also apply the garlic directly to the affected area. Wrap the clove of garlic in gauze and tie it. You can lubricate it with tea tree oil and rub it on the area. to treat a vaginal infection can be done in a variety of ways.

Use herbs such as Chamomile, Goldenseal, Black Walnut and Licorice. These contain properties that are anti-bacterial. Some can be used internally and some externally with lukewarm water.

If you want to learn more about Natural Remedies for Male Yeast Infections [] or other yeast infection cures, I highly recommend this website at Natural Cure for Male Yeast Infection [] Here. It covers all types of yeast infection, namely yeast infection in dogs, male yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, and yeast infection baby.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Natural Cure for Yeast Infection: How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections For Good - For Men And Women!

Yeasts are actually small organisms that may "live" in different places of our body. When these organisms start multiplying, it is already a yeast infection caused by this multiplication.

So first, before looking for treatment, you may need to know about the infection itself. Those small organisms called yeast can also be a reason why your immune system is so weak. It is normal as your body gets tired of foreign organisms. There are several reasons why yeast starts multiplying. It is weather because you are tired, or stressed, or do not relax much. It can also be because of medications that you use for one reason or another. Actually, the second is most common reason for the infection to begin.

It might seem simple, but it is definitely not to be ignored. It may destroy your day as it may be red, itch and sometimes it even hurts. So what one could actually do to cure it? In this article you will find two most important things: one is about the itself, second - the best way to treat it. The quicker you get rid of it, the better you will feel.

An important thing is that these infections can be passed to other people, so once you have it, try to keep some distance between you and other people, especially when it's about having sex with your partner.

The cures available

In most research you will find information how to cure this infection. But in this article I will provide information on how to prevent this infection! As mentioned already, one of the reasons could be stress, lack of rest and sleep, and not relaxing enough. You should begin to cure your infection by considering these things first.

Symptoms of yeast infection in women

Even though both men and women can have these infections, it may appear in different way. The most common for women is a vaginal yeast infection, and it occurs when a number of fungus is too high. This can be caused due to improper or too small in size clothing, medicine and other reasons. As in most common cases, vaginal yeast infection is very irritating as the area becomes red, it itches and can sometimes even hurt a lot.

The Natural Cure

Most of the natural ways to cure the infection should be applied only during the period when you are having yeast infection. Keep this in mind, it is important. And if you are having this infection, follow it, and help yourself right now.

First and most common natural treatment is vinegar. It is an amazing natural cure for yeast infection and it is so easy to use! You will need 1 tablespoon of vinegar for 1/4 of water. Don't forget to warm water up before using. Never use vinegar without water - this is essential! Repeat this procedure once a day during the period when you have yeast infection. You may also use apple cider vinegar for this procedure. It is not very tasty, but will work better if you drink it directly without washing the area where you are having a yeast infection.

Another natural cure for yeast infection both for men and women is grapefruit or olive leaf extract. All you have to do is to mix the extract of both with a glass of water. It is such a quick way to get rid of yeast infection!

One of the best and most common ways to cure this infection, especially in men is using herbs. Herbs can be eaten or simply applied on the affected area. Black walnut, camomile and licorice are the herbs that have antifungal and antibacterial characteristics will be even better when it comes about yeast infection.

Using garlic will actually work best as a home remedy for yeast infection. It has antibacterial and antifungal characteristics and it can be applied for the affected area or just eat it the way you are used to.

Probably one of most loved yeast infection treatments is yogurt. It is so loved by many people, and will in most cases be selected as a way to cure yeast infection. If you are having yeast infection, simply consume yogurt or apply it to the affected area. If it is a vaginal yeast infection, take a pad, put it into the yogurt and insert. Take it off after something like fifteen minutes.

Not many people like honey. But it is so great when looking to cure yeast infection! Good news here is that you don't need to consume it; all you need to do is to put some honey on the affected area. Do not leave it for longer than twenty minutes. You should see results after a couple of times.

Buttermilk can be also used to cure yeast infection. It can be consumed and the best time is to drink it at night.

The most common yeast infection treatment for men is cranberry juice. It can be used by drinking juice, or if you can, consume cranberries directly. Additionally, you may also get dried cranberries or cranberry pills - these also work.

There of course are many more treatments available, but these above are the most effective ones. Just remember that the best will always be a natural way to cure your infection, and it should take no longer than the infection occurs. Follow these treatments and you will no longer have these unwanted health problems.

If you are serious about treating your yeast infection and looking for the most effective home remedies for yeast infections ... if you're SICK and TIRED of the current situation, read my personal advice at - you'll heal in DAYS from now.
STOP worrying and start taking action - everything you need is there!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Natural Yeast Infection Cures - 3 Simple Yeast Infection Natural Remedies

Looking for natural yeast infection cures because you're totally frustrated with drug-based treatments? You'll discover here 3 easy yeast infection natural remedies that are proving very popular and effective.

First though, why is it that so many women around the world are desperately seeking natural cures for yeast infections? To answer that we need to first consider the mainstream treatments that are normally used in treating yeast infections.

Mainstream yeast infection treatments can work effectively...

First line treatment is usually through drug-based topical creams, pessaries, lotions, liquid suspensions, pastilles, etc., depending on the location of the infection. Now, these work well enough if you follow the instructions correctly. And will take between 3 and 14 days to work depending on the severity of your condition.

But there are problems for many sufferers too...

Because they are drug-based, there can be some negative side effects for some folks. And, for many, their infection can seem to take forever to clear. And again, many women will see their symptoms disappear, only to come back again after the medication has been ceased. That is, they suffer from recurring yeast infections which have a pretty devastating effect on their lives. Could this be you?

There are 2 possible reasons for this...

(1) The medication addresses the local symptoms rather than the root cause (the Candida Albicans fungus), and, the underlying conditions that can help trigger its 'overgrow' into a yeast infection (e.g. things like a lowered immune system, stress, poor diet, antibiotics, steroids, hormonal changes, etc.).

(2) The Candida Albicans can build-up a resistance to the drugs that these medications contain, rendering them ineffective if you keep using them over a long period of time (e.g. when you have recurring yeast infections, or, your infection is being stubborn the first time around).

This is why so many frustrated women are looking for totally natural yeast infection cures...

More and more women (and men) are turning to yeast infection natural remedies that don't have the negativity of mainstream drug-based remedies, with the added bonus that they're way cheaper too.

These 3 natural yeast infection remedies are proving to be very popular...

(1) Many women swear by using yogurt to relieve their symptoms. They just apply over the vulva and vagina, and / or, they soak a tampon in the yogurt for internal relief. But it has to be plain, unsweetened, with no added color. And it must contain "live, active cultures" - always check the label.

(2) Another women's favorite is to use garlic as a paste or as a tampon. Crush peeled raw garlic into a paste and smear over the affected area. You can also wrap a peeled whole clove of garlic in muslin and use as a tampon.

(3) Last, but not least, is something that is becoming more and more popular, although it has been used for thousands of years; raw apple cider vinegar. You can douche with it, or, have it in a 'sitz' bath. For the douche just add 2 tablespoons of cider to 2 quarts of warm water. For the bath, just add 2 cups of cider to a low, warm bath and bathe for around 20 minutes.

So there you have it, 3 natural yeast infection remedies for you to try at home.

But on their own are they enough?

These are just three of a whole bunch of natural yeast infection remedies, and on their own, they can't really be called "cures". To really cure yeast infections naturally, especially stubborn or recurring yeast infections, you need much more information than I can give in this short report. For example, you have to consider dietary and even lifestyle issues, the type of things that can help to perpetuate your yeast infection if not properly addressed.

If you want to discover more about natural yeast infection cures, and get the facts on how you can get rid of your yeast infection fast (in as little as 12 hours perhaps) and permanently, then please go now to It'll only take a couple of minutes.

Penile Yeast Infections - Can They Be Cured?

Under normal circumstances penile yeast infections, sometimes known as "Thrush" or "Candida", are relatively mild and respond well to treatment. But there are occasions when yeast infections prove stubborn to treatment, and men are not spared from this problem any more than women are.

In the first instance it is important to get the proper diagnosis, penile yeast infection symptoms can be remarkably similar to other diseases which are potentially more dangerous.

For example, and depending on the symptoms present, some sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) appear almost identical to a yeast infection, so be careful and if you are in any doubt at all, or if it is your first yeast infection, then seek medical advice.

One strange anomaly is that not all men have any recognizable symptoms at all. They can carry on with their daily lives and be totally unaware that they have a penile yeast infection. This can be a problem with a sexually active couple, as vaginal yeast infections are a common complaint among women, the man can be the cause without knowing it. For this reason, medical advice very often is to treat both partners when a yeast infection keeps recurring.

Penile yeast infection symptoms normally start with an itch, a particularly irritating itch that affects the foreskin and head of the penis. The next progression is a red rash and can be accompanied with inflammation. Ulcer like spots can then appear on the penis head and the foreskin can become dry and flaky. A creamy discharge is also possible as is pain while urinating.

There have been reports of a whole catalog of other symptoms, some of which include headaches, irritability, memory loss, eyesight getting worse, depression and many, many more.

The truth is that, even if these other symptoms are connected with yeast infections, it is not helpful in any way to consider them. These symptoms can be present when there is no yeast infection, so they have no bearing on the diagnosis of yeast infections. If you have these symptoms and, when you cure your yeast infection, they disappear, excellent, just don't confuse things, there is no benefit to be gained.

A yeast infection is simply an overgrowth of yeast. Yeast naturally occurs in our bodies, it is in our gastrointestinal tract, digestive tract, on our skin. Yeast is all around us, it's even in the air. Yeast becomes a problem only when it gets out of control and turns into an overgrowth, an infection.

Yeast flourishes in warm moist areas of our bodies, and vaginal yeast infections are common in women. Unprotected sex can pass this onto men.

Under normal circumstance our bodies take care of this quite naturally and an overgrowth of yeast doesn't come to anything, but sometimes our systems are out of balance and the bacteria that would normally control the yeast is depleted in some way and a yeast infection is the result.

The spermicide in some condoms have been known to cause yeast infections in both men and women, so even protected sex can actually be a cause.

Diabetes, a lowered immune system and the use of antibiotics and steroids are also known to encourage yeast infections in both sexes.

A bad diet, especially one high in sugar content, can also cause, or prolong, yeast infections.

There are 'over the counter' treatments, principally creams, that are usually very effective. These contain drugs, however, and can have side effects. Depending on the severity of the yeast infection, your doctor may prescribe oral medication taken over a specified period of time. There is also a variety of natural remedies that are readily available.

The point is, if you have symptoms that last more than a day or two, then do something about it. Penile yeast infections can escalate and the area infected can grow in size, it can also spread quite rapidly to other areas of your body and become much more difficult to treat, so be careful and seek medical advice sooner rather than later.

So, can penile yeast infections be cured? Yes, but bear in mind all that you have just read and err on the safe side.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pregnancy Yeast Infection Facts You Absolutely Must Know and Find Out About

Tips on pregnancy yeast infection are many but here we will deal with only the causes of the same. Essentially, pregnancy is a particularly fragile situation and on top of that if you sustain an infection like yeast infection of the vagina the matters worsen. Generally a pregnant woman cannot be given antibiotics for treatment of yeast infection for fear of causing harm to the fetus. Thus prevention and maintenance of correct cleanliness must be done if you'd like keep away from yeast infections during pregnancy.

General information

Factors behind yeast infection during pregnancy are one of the most significant of all tips on pregnancy yeast infection. The basic reason for this infection is the yeast Candida. Candida is a fungus that causes this infection in the vagina of girls. This fungus is naturally occurring in the vagina of all women, the trouble is created when the amount of this fungi exceed normal.

Occasionally conditions arise, physical as well as physical conditions, which lead to the rash expansion of the fungus. After this conditions deteriorate with the arrival of infection. Until the levels are normal no harm is done but as quickly as levels go up significantly and infection happens. Here we're going to deal with some heads that are the most outstanding in causing the infection.

Eating habits

One tip on pregnancy yeast infection cause is the food you eat. Eating too much starch or sweet foods will do you no good and cause infection during your pregnancy. Also, your way of life is kind of a vital factor when we are deliberating yeast infections. Now see, these always hold whether you be pregnant or not but during pregnancy, you'll have to keep these in mind and do accordingly so you don't attract an infection in your vagina. Eat less carbohydrates and live properly and hygienically to stay away from this infection.

Estrogen levels

Another tip on pregnancy yeast infection is, some times the continuous fluctuations of the hormone levels can end up in this infection. Estrogen levels always change during pregnancy and this could be a reason for yeast infection. Generally, your estrogen levels are very high if you are pregnant. Due to this high level, glycogen is also produced in a very large amount than normal. As such the yeast gets more alibis to grow. It has been found out that glycogen essentially helps the yeast to adhere to the walls of the vagina and stay there. So, thru good living and private cleanliness you'll have to keep it away.


However, antibiotics that you take for your pregnancy may also cause the same. The reason is that antibiotic destroys all bacteria in the body and so leaves the area prone to fungal infection. Once fungus gains entry, it doesn't leave leading to infection.

Sexual intercourse

This is the most helpful tip on pregnancy yeast infection; don't have sexual intercourse when you're pregnant. Occasionally penile skin are the carriers of this fungi and as fast as the penis will enter your vagina you may catch and infection as it is moist and warm.

I'm hoping that you may use these tips on pregnancy yeast infection smartly and refrain from catching infection of your vagina during your pregnancy period.

There are cures available such as yeast infection no more reviews that is recommended for you to check out. Yeast infection no more review offers this 12 hour yeast infection cure that you won't want to miss at all.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Recurring Yeast Infection - Do Not Worry, it Can Be Treated Easily!

What is a yeast infection? It is an over growth of fungus known as Candida albicans. This fungus is normal in small amounts around the vaginal opening, the mouth, and digestive tract. When this fungus grows at an abnormally high rate is when you get a yeast infection. This fungus is not only found in woman, it is also found in men as well.

There are many myths, three major myths and the realities of yeast infections include the following:

- You can always tell that you have a yeast infection because of the symptoms.
This myth is incorrect because the symptoms can be the same symptoms as a bacterial or viral infection.

- Yeast causes yeast infections.
Yeast is a symptom not a cause.

- Yeast infections are basically harmless.
This can be slightly true but yeast infections kill more than 10,000 people a year.

Some people get yeast infections only a few times in their lifetime, however there are some that get recurring yeast infections. This can be caused by many things ranging from being a secondary infection from such medical conditions including, HIV, pregnancy, taking antibiotics, or diabetes. They can also be caused by environmental conditions including, type of soap, type of underwear, or stress just to name a few.

A vaginal infection such as a sexually transmitted disease can easily be confused for a yeast infection. Some symptoms include, intense itching, burning, discharge, and painful sexual intercourse. Other vaginal infections have all these symptoms as well. It can be hard to distinguish between the two. If in doubt always consult a physician. They can run a few tests and while waiting for the results start you on treatment for yeast infection. Should it turn out to be a secondary infection they can then treat that.

Many woman get recurring yeast infections from taking antibiotics, being pregnant, not completing treatment, or having a medical condition such as diabetes. There are many treatments available. These treatments include prescriptions pills such as Diflucan, creams such as Gynazole and suppositories such as Terazol 3.

There are also homeopathic or over the counter treatments such as Monistat which comes in cream or suppository form, eating yogurt, drinking buttermilk, the use of tea tree oil.

Before beginning any treatment for a suspected yeast infection you should see a physician to rule out the possibly of an actual infection or for recurring yeast infections to find the cause. Yeast infections are a common occurrence and easily treated. Recurring yeast infections can be embarrassing, extremely uncomfortable, and possibly dangerous. Always complete treatment, seek further medical advice if infection continues to be bothersome, and discontinue sexual intercourse until infection is cleared up completely.

To learn about A Natural Cure For Yeast Infection [] that can end your painful Candida infections once and for all, visit Home Remedies For Yeast Infections [].

Friday, August 19, 2011

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Male Yeast Infection Symptoms Carefully Resemble Those of Girls ...
Male yeast infection can be known scientifically because the male candidiasis condition.

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Rid Yeast Infections From Your Body

A vaginal yeast infection is an annoying but common problem among women. In this article we'll talk briefly about the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection, what are the causes for recurring yeast infections and then what you can do to rid yeast infections from your body. With the symptoms being sometimes severe, it's hard to believe that many women aren't even aware that they have a problem.

A yeast infection is a very curious ailment. Some women may have it and not present any symptoms, some women may think they have a yeast infection but really it's something else, and some may have a slight case and not do anything about it and it goes away on its own. If you've never had a yeast infection before and think you may, the best thing is to go to your doctor to get a definite diagnosis. Your doctor will either prescribe a medication or recommend an over-the-counter cream to rid the yeast infection. If you're someone who doesn't like to take alot of prescribed or over the counter medication there are also many natural and homemade remedies.

How do you know if you have a yeast infection? The most telling sign or symptom of a yeast infection is intense itching around the area. Many times the scratching makes the vaginal area irritated and you may have burning when urinating or pain during sexual intercourse. This pain is sometimes confused with a urinary tract infection but the pain is more external from the irritation. Another symptom is a whitish colored discharge.

You may have an odor but it shouldn't be foul, it may smell yeasty like bread. If you have a foul-smelling discharge, it may be another bacterial infection, and you should see your doctor for further tests.

What causes a yeast infection? Keep in mind that a yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast that is already present in our body. We have a good bacteria in our bodies called lactobacillus acidophilus. It helps keep the yeast in balance. When our body's pH level changes or the lactobacillus is removed, the yeast can now grow unchecked and may become a yeast infection. Some things that can change our body's pH level are antibiotics, birth control pills, stress and perfumed body sprays and soaps. Tight clothing can also be a factor.

Instead of thinking about how to rid yeast infections from your body once you get it, think about what you can do to prevent a yeast infection. Besides avoiding, if possible, the items above, make sure that you don't give the yeast the environment to thrive. Yeast love warm, moist places. This is why women usually get vaginal yeast infections. Try to keep the vaginal area dry. When you work out or go swimming, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Yeast needs sugar to grow. Try reducing the amount of sugary foods that you eat, your carbohydrate intake and alcohol.

Rid yeast infections FAST and Safely.
Even when following some of the above suggestions, you may still find yourself suffering from a yeast infection. If you don't want to use an over-the-counter cream medication or a doctor prescribed pill, there are some home remedies that you can use to rid yeast infections naturally.
If you're not thrilled with the idea of treating a yeast infection with yogurt or sticking anything in your vagina, you should get more information now.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Safe Yeast Infection Treatment During Pregnancy - Top Home Remedies For Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast infection during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon. During pregnancy, the immune system function of the mother's body is naturally lowered to accommodate the baby into the system. Also, the vagina happens to be a place with the most ideal conditions for yeast to grow and multiply. Yeast needs warmth and moisture to grow rapidly. Hence vaginal yeast infection in pregnancy is quite common.

While pregnant, people would be rightfully scared to take any unsafe medication. When the best of the treatments are available through nature, there is no need to resort to drugs and other dangerous treatments to treat pregnancy yeast infection.

At any given time, whether pregnant or not, over the counter medications are not the ones to be taken to treat yeast infections. They treat only the symptoms by giving a temporary relief from the itches, but it does nothing to treat the root cause of yeast infection which is excessive activity of Candida in the body. In fact, antibiotics and pills that conventional medical systems prescribe can actually do more harm than good. They do nothing to keep Candida, and shockingly kill the good useful bacteria that are meant to keep the Candida yeast in check. Hence, it is common to find people suffer from recurring yeast infections after trying antibiotics.

So what are the best home remedies to treat yeast infection pregnancy?

You can do the following to relieve yourself of the itches immediately:

1. Applying unsweetened yogurt in the vagina can relieve the itches and burns immediately. It also has a cooling effect associated with its application. Yogurt is rich in bacteria that have yeast fighting properties.

2. Garlic is the best natural anti fungal option known to man. Garlic bulbs can be inserted into the vagina during bed time to get a cure from yeast infection.

3. Applying a dilute quantity of tea tree oil also helps fight the yeast infections.

The above treatments are very effective treatments to relieve you of the itches and burns due to yeast infection. However, to gain a complete relief from yeast infections, it is important to treat the yeast infection at its roots so that it does not recur.

Yeast infection if left untreated at its roots will keep recurring and over a period of time can turn chronic. It can be hazardous to health and causes various immune related disorders.

Pregnancy is too beautiful a time to be spent worrying about yeast infections. Take action now and rid your yeast infections forever.

To Cure yeast infection during pregnancy by means of a Simple Effective Permanent Natural Cure, Visit Yeast Infection Pregnancy You will Discover how to get rid of even Severe Yeast Infection forever and stay away from those embarrassing itches and burns by treating the Root cause of the infection right away in 12 Hours!
Sandra Greene, an ex-yeast infection sufferer had compared the best treatments available to help you Get Rid of Yeast Infections forever!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sex With a Yeast Infection - Why It's Wrong and What You Should Do

The result of sex with a yeast infection is more yeast infections! This happens because sexual intercourse and oral sex can pass the infection from one partner to the other, and then back again. Of course many folks would say that they would never have sex with a yeast infection. But men can have an infection without any obvious symptoms showing for some time. They then transfer it without knowing. Here you'll learn why this happens, and the causes and treatment for yeast infections.

If you ask the question 'can I have sex with a yeast infection?', the simple answer is yes. But, apart from being uncomfortable or downright painful, the infection can be transferred back and forth, so why would you want to have sex in these circumstances?

Yeast infections aren't caused by sex itself, but where one partner already has a yeast infection, the sexual act can provide the necessary conditions for the infection to take hold. And condoms contain spermicides which can also provide these conditions, so they aren't foolproof either. The only way is to cease sex until you're properly cured.

Yeast infections are caused by a flora or yeast-like fungus we call Candida Albicans. It occurs in our bodies in places like our intestinal tract, vagina, penis, anus, mouth, armpits, scalp, ears, under fingernails, skin, etc. But it doesn't cause you any harm because your good bacteria keeps it under control. In this 'neutral' state, there are no yeast infections.

But, under certain circumstances, this balanced state is upset and the Candida fungus multiplies. It's this 'overgrow' that causes your yeast infection. These circumstances are things like; sex with a yeast infection, antibiotics, steroids, medical conditions like HIV, compromised immune system, poor nutrition, diabetes, drug habit, severe stress, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, menstruation, wet swim / gym wear, etc.

Sufferers usually treat the infected area with topical creams and suppositories. These you get by prescription or over-the-counter. But they are drug-based and the fungus can become resistant to them. Also, they address the local symptoms, not the root cause and underlying issues. The outcome for many sufferers is repeat or recurring yeast infections. And regular sex with a yeast infection only makes this worse.

This is why totally natural treatments are on the increase for yeast infections. Yeast infection victims are turning to drug-free remedies without the side effects and the other downsides of expensive drugs.

To get the facts on the most popular natural yeast infection treatment program out there, go to and you could be free from yeast infection in 12 hours or less. No more having to have sex with a yeast infection. Instead, get your healthy sex life back fast.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in the Lungs - How it Can Bring Havoc to One's Health

The Candida Albican is one of the many species in the body that carry on the signs and symptoms of yeast infection. These Candida typically surfaces in areas that are warm and humid. Some of the yeast infections include vaginal yeast infection and oral yeast infection among others.

Candidiasis knows no age and occurs on people from different walks of life. This can be on women, men, and even infants. There are millions of people suffering from yeast infection that mainly affects their health particularly the lungs. The Candida if not completely removed from the body will continue to flourish and increase in number. This will trigger to the inability of the body to take care of itself thus, the infections produced by the Candida took place in a specific area of the body.

Some of the symptoms of yeast infection in the lungs and other health complications are brought by the build up of Candidiasis. This physical ailment often brings uneasiness and distress on the part of an infected person. This also causes severe pain that if not treated properly may lead to severe yeast infections.

Apart from lung infections, other health conditions like thyroid failure, bad breath, colds, insomnia, constipation and diarrhea, diabetes, fatigue, vaginal yeast infections, respiratory problems, colon cancer, heartburn and depression may occur.

These conditions are considered detrimental to one's health. This is also caused by the Candida depriving the body of proper nutrition spoiling the tissues with poison and toxins. According to studies, a single yeast cell has the ability to produce 75 noxious wastes that can be harmful to the body and can target the immune system, kidneys, lungs, the brain and the nervous system.

Candida yeast in the lungs is often hard to treat for the fungus produces root structures that breaks through the inside layer of the body. The said diffusion of Candida yeast infiltrates the body's first line of defenses thus, allowing the formation of irrelevant and foreign substance. This brings different health problems and a major ground for the body to give in to fatigue, stress and allergies.

If you are stricken by this yeast infection, there is also a greater tendency of the Candida to directly point towards the inside of your body. This occurrence will bring damage to your tissues that would result to major problems like chest pains, skin problems and a lot more.

If there is a yeast infection in the lungs which can cause havoc to the lungs, the Candida can also cause heart failure. This can take place when the heart is wrapped by Candida.

Therefore, if there's anyone in your household or even friends whom you suspect of suffering from the symptoms of Candida and of yeast infection in the lungs, immediate consultant of a physician is necessary. A yeast infected person can also seek help from support groups like family and friends. Remember that yeast infection in the lungs and other areas of the body is considered harmful to one's health and should be given high priority and direct attention.

To learn more about symptoms of yeast infection, including yeast infection treatment, visit where we provide ultimate tips and much more, free of charge.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Hidden Causes of Yeast Infection

It is Candida species that causes yeast infections. There are over 100 naturally occurring species, but only a quarter of them are considered recognized causes of yeast infection, or Candiasis in humans. The most abundant one is Candida albicas, then Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis, and Candida parapsilosis.

For healthy individuals, the intestines are protected from the multiplication of Candida by the beneficial gastrointestinal bacterial flora. Candida is usually kept in check when the natural equilibrium between Candida and the gastrointestinal bacterial flora is maintained. Strangely enough, the main cause of yeast infection is not simply yeast organisms, although these are usually present in small amounts in most areas of the body. When this usual balance is upset, Candida species can reproduce rapidly and provoke multiple symptoms of yeast infection.

Several internal elements, several external factors and their inter-relationship create a yeast infection environment. Yeast infection, like many other recurring health diseases, is caused by several factors.
Genetic traits (which we do not control) and lifestyle and psychological factors can encourage Candida overgrowth, favored in general by contributions from internal factors provoking yeast multiplication.

Internal reasons for yeast infection include:

1. Weakened immune system.

2. Diminished friendly probiotic bacteria.

3. Bad diet choices: sugary products, white flour products and other refined carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol and other yeast encouraging foods.

4. Toxic overload - Candida infection overgrowth can also be triggered by the accumulation of toxins in the blood and the intestines. Toxic overload is the major contributor of many degenerative and chronic health conditions, including candidiasis as it hinders your body's normal ability to heal and detoxify itself and control Candida.

5. Stress- Stress can weaken the body's immune capabilities and its ability to fight Candida infection.

Several more external factors and circumstances also lead to candida multiplication and infection. The yeast infection environment is produced because of these factors and associated internal co-factors.

The main external agents of vaginal yeast infection are:

1. Douching or using female hygiene sprays to the intimate area

2. The use of toilet paper that is colored or perfumed, deodorant sanitary towels or tampons, or bubble bath.

3. Wiping "the wrong way" after using the toilet from rectum to vagina, which spurs the spreading of bacteria.

4. Wearing tight garments or clothes manufactured from synthetic fibers.

The main external agents of oral yeast infection (thrush) are:

1. Wearing orthodontic appliances or dentures with a poor fit

2. Treatment by badly disinfected medical equipment catering for multiuse.

3. Introducing dirty objects into one's mouth (especially for babies)

The main external agents of baby yeast infection (diaper rash) are:

1. Lipid-eliminating soaps that increase the permeability of the skin, putting it more at risk for diaper dermatitis

2. Folds in the skin from obesity, with added moisture and friction due to insufficient air circulation

3. Skin in excessive contact with urine and feces because of diapers are kept on for too long

4. Allergy reactions coming from the dye in training pants and disposable diapers, as well as the effects of wipes, lotions and creams, etc.

The external reasons of male yeast infection are:

1. Neglect of male personal hygiene

2. Sexual intercourse with a partner already infected by a yeast infection

3. Using glycerine based lubricants or soaps that are colored or perfumed.

The external reasons of paronychia (nail bed infections) are:

1. Soaking hands in water for a long time. This means that bacteria and yeasts easily invade and multiply in the space under the nail as the nail plate can be lifted up off the nail bed.

2. Use of clothing and shoes that prevent air from circulating.

Because medicine in developed countries focuses on the manifestation of Candida in the infected parts, conventional yeast infection treatments are short term measures. Although the external agents of yeast infection are well described, the basic contributing factors are less so.

The holistic approach first and foremost strives to restore the intestinal natural balance. By tackling the intestinal dysbiosis (the real main cause of yeast infection) while neutralizing the internal and external factors that contribute to this dysbiosis and Candida overgrowth yeast infection and its myriad of painful and uncomfortable symptoms can be permanently cured.

Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

For further information visit: Causes of Yeast Infection

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Tough Truth About Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast infection in women unfortunately is a very common occurrence. The fact is that nearly 70% of all women will develop a yeast infection, at some point during their lives. This condition is known to be caused by any of the various candida fungi. This fungi will develop in the vulva and vaginal area. Although yeast infections in women, can be extremely unpleasant, it is not often serious. These conditions if treated in full course will present no risk to women.

Yeast infections in women is most often revealed when a woman starts to experience itching and burning in the vaginal area. This itching and burning can become more severe during the act of urination. These warning signs can be treated with over-the-counter products from a local drug store. A topical cream is most often used for this, and can give major relief to sufferers.

Additionally some women have been known to see some sort of discharge. The most popular discharge being described as white, thick and odorless. Although embarrassing, it is a normal part of dealing with a yeast infection. Physicians will often prescribe pills to deal with the yeast infection, once it has been diagnosed.

When a yeast infection in women is treated by at a clinic, the physician will have to perform a vaginal exam. This exam will require cultures to be tested specifically for yeast infections. Once the tests come back positively, your physician will decide what to prescribe for you. In many mild cases, it only takes about three days to see relief in your symptoms.

Pregnant women are also affected by Yeast infections. Because excessive weight is one of the main underlying causes or issues for yeast infection in women, pregnant women are most vulnerable. It is perfectly normal for an expectant mother to gain weight which often triggers the start of infections. As this excess weight often encourages the production of moisture, which in turn increases the growth of the candida fungus which causes yeast infections.

Treating the infection symptoms of a pregnant woman, can be particularly tricky. Since so much of the conventional cures, contain medication therein the problem. Women, who are pregnant, can be put in jeopardy, along with their babies when taking this medication. Fortunately, there are other options and alternative products for pregnant women and others in treating yeast infections.

A good alternative to women, whether they are pregnant or not is natural or homeopathic yeast infection cures. These products, are typically plant-based and do not contain medicine. One of these is an herbal cream which can be used in lieu of other prescribed or medicated topical creams. These homeopathic creams have been known to work just as effectively as their counterparts.

Many natural yeast infection cures or tonics, focus on the diet of the sufferer. Making a few simple changes in ones diet, can be a huge bonus to fighting yeast infections. Avoiding foods that are high in yeast or contain it, may be a prudent decision. Through this type of action, you cannot only help to heal your current condition, but prevent further occurrences also.

Another natural cure for yeast infections is the use of supplements. This really has a lot to do with the diet. The natural supplements help to build up your immune system. Nutrients and vitamins that are lacking due to a previous illness are replaced or bolstered. In this way, a yeast infection sufferer, is able to fight the yeast infection within their own body.

Pamela Huntly is an ex sufferer of Yeast Infections and now dedicates her time to helping others deal with the condition. Find out more about Yeast Infection in Women and have a look at Pamela's tell-all Natural Cure for Yeast Infection review to learn how you can treat thrush today.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tips on Curing Yeast Infections the Natural Way

The side effects of many modern yeast infection medicines may cause worrisome situation for you as part of the troubles you face. You must strive for having knowledge about curing yeast infections through applying best possible natural treatment procedures. There are countless options available before you today which can be applied in curing such yeast infections. In fact yeasts are the living organisms which are the part of primitive group of fungi organism. Keep reading and learn about various methods to be applied to cure your yeast infections. Getting information about them has become easy today.

You can easily look up for various natural cure yeast infection methods if you have internet connection at your home. In fact there are many natural cure yeast infection treatments available beforehand which are rather easier to follow. You hardly require any expertise or skill to practice. You can have such natural treatment materials applied to cure yeast infections from grocery stores or super markets near your area.

Even your own kitchen is equipped with lots of such natural items which can be used in this treatment to eliminate yeast infections.

Did you know that garlic has anti microbial properties and is very effective in curing yeast infections? No many people will know this fact. After knowing the medicinal properties of the commonly used spices and condiments, you will definitely be startled. Before you start with any medications for the yeast infections, you must at least give it a thought of using garlic for the yeast infection treatment. If you are too hesitant, try the garlic remedy for at least one day and if you feel the difference, continue with the treatment for few days.

When you are using natural remedies, do not expect miracles to happen overnight. Natural cure yeast infection works well if you try the cures for few days. Apply the garlic paste to the yeast infection and you will find some soothing relief immediately. However, after you get the relief, you may have to reapply the paste for few times in the day. After few weeks of this natural remedy, you will feel much better than before.

Garlic cloves can also be consumed during the natural treatment.

When you consume the garlic cloves and apply the garlic paste on the yeast infection, you are treating the yeast infection from the inside and the outside. Consumption of the garlic cloves often gives a bad odor to you mouth; hence, try and consume the garlic cloves just before you go to bed. Garlic that is used for the paste and consumption needs to be fresh and clean. Peal off the outer white covering of garlic cloves before you consume the garlic cloves. Grinding the garlic cloves can be difficult if you don't know the process of grinding.

Grinding of garlic becomes easy and affordable when it is done by hand. Use blenders to make garlic paste in case you are not aware of proper hand grinding method. This is an excellent garlic paste making process.

Don't forget to use fresh garlic paste on your yeast infections because these pastes always prove effective and give better results. You can purchase best books on natural yeast infection treatments to cure yeasts.

They would expose you with other effective natural features. Such natural cure yeast infection books are cheaper. Interestingly these books can also be purchased online.

One very important thing that needs to be kept in mind when you are curing yeast infections is that you need to maintain a very high level of personal and community hygiene.

Other natural remedies that are used for the treatment of yeast infections are as follows:

- Yogurt
- Tea tree oil
- Turmeric
- Apple cider vinegar

Most of the above mentioned natural ingredients are available in the kitchen of your house so you don't need to go too far. Previously, the herbal remedies were considered to be a first aid for the yeast infections. As the popularity grew, the herbal remedies were used extensively and many people have got good results.

Curing yeast infections the herbal way is very safe and does not cost a lot of money. There are many people who cannot afford expensive over-the-counter medications. For such underprivileged people, the natural remedies are the best.

Sarah Lomas is a foremost expert in the yeast infection cure. She has had extensive experience and conducted countless experiments in finding yeast infection medications. She is also a highly acclaimed writer in the yeast infection field and you can find out more at

Friday, August 5, 2011

Treatments For Yeast Infection - Finding Help For Yeast Infection

The symptoms of yeast infection in women can be annoying as it can cause itching and the burning sensations of the genital area that can be uncomfortable, thus finding treatments for yeast infection is just wise for you to do.

In the quest to find treatments for yeast infection, it is important to learn about this condition and find out why it occurs. With this, you will know how to deal with it and how to find cures as well.

One of the most common infections caused by yeast is the vaginal yeast infection which affects most women at least once in their lives. For some women, this infection can frequently occur though some may not encounter this condition. It is important however to learn more about it as its symptoms may start undetected.

Here are some known treatments for yeast infection that you may find useful.

Over-the counter topical creams

Yeast is a type of fungi that is commonly found in our bodies, but when their number outgrows the good bacteria in your body, it may then cause to start the infection. With this, antifungal creams can be used to treat it. However, it is important to note that symptoms of yeast infection may be similar to other infection like Chlamydia or gonorrhea, which are not caused by yeast. It is therefore important that you have determined that your condition is caused by yeast before opting for anti-fungal creams.

Oral medications

Aside from topical creams, your doctor may prescribe oral medications, although these are not quite preferred because of some side effects. This is not also recommended for women who are pregnant.

Natural and home remedies

Going for the natural treatments for yeast infection may be your easiest and safest choice. Indeed, you can do something to help fight this infection. Yeast feed on sugar and thus, you can help your body to combat this infection by avoiding too much sugar in your foods. Alcohol, dried fruits and sweets, for example, contain sugar that can feed the yeast in your body, so you may want to cut down or avoid them.

You can also supply your body with more good bacteria from yoghurt and other live bacteria cultures. This way, good bacteria will balance the presence of yeast in your body. If you have been taking antibiotics, you may also tend to develop this infection as antibiotics may kill the good bacteria that can fight infections in the body. In this case, yoghurt and other good bacteria supplements can be of help.

Aside from these, it may also help to keep in mind some few tips to help you get rid of yeast infection.

Douching for example should not be practiced. It can cause unbalance of the bacteria in the vagina and may lead to infection of yeast already present in your body.

It may also help to wear cotton underwear. They will not trap heat and moisture and thus preventing these fungi to thrive in the genital area. Make sure too that you are not wearing tight clothing as this also makes an environment conducive to their growth.

Indeed, the best treatments for yeast infection start with knowing what you can do to prevent their growth in your body.

Carolyn Anderson wants to share useful resources to help you get rid of yeast infection. For natural treatments to permanently get rid of yeast infection, check out Natural Cure For Yeast Infection. Also check out Yeast Infection Secret, where you can find easy steps to effectively and permanently get rid of yeast growth.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Want a Yeast Infection Natural Remedy? What You Should Know First

A Open Peek into Yeast Infections and what you need to know before you try your yeast infection natural remedy...

What might arguably be the most generally acknowledged infection or type of candidiasis in the planet in the present day is thrush, which affects frequently female genitalia. (It is unusual, nevertheless not unfeasible, for men to become infected with the disease.) But yeast infections truly do not bound themselves to either sex, and easily affect a number of areas of the human body.

A yeast infection natural remedy is made to cure a yeast but what IS candida albicans?

Yeast infections are infections limited distinctively to the skin or mucous-like membrane, caused in human beings by a kind of fungi called Candida. It appears in laboratory-cultured agar plates as big, circular colonies colored white, cream or whitish-gray. Some of its more illustrious (or rather ill-famed) species is Candida albicans, however it must be noted that Candida albicans is not the only species that causes yeast infections in human beings.

A yeast infection natural remedy can get rid of this. Here is how...

Candida albicans lives serenely with other flora in the human body, its growth kept in check by a specific bacteria. It makes its home in the dark, warm, damp areas of the body.

This is why yeast is found in areas such as the ears, the mouth, the blood, the gastrointestinal or "stomach" area - and sure, the area "down there." Nonetheless, it also likes human skin, mainly warm, moist parts which like skin folds and armpits. A yeast infection natural remedy will remove the infection from the body.

Candidiasis is also called "yeast infection" for the reason that Candida albicans' standard type is that of solitary egg-shaped yeast cells. When in yeast form, it duplicates itself through budding. This means the cells create genetic duplicates of themselves through bulbs that "enlarge" out of them. These bulbs stay connected to the blood relation cells for a bit before letting go.

Here is more of what you ought to know before you try your yeast infection natural remedy...

So what truly causes yeast? You recognize a yeast infection natural remedy gets rid of yeast what creates it in the first place? At the outset, the human body's temperature must be at a specific level then the pH levels have to be balanced, two of the circumstances crucial for Candida albicans and its associate bacteria to mature without distressing other flora.

Although after the temperature and pH levels change, these microorganisms kick the bucket. This leaves the Candida albicans cells unbound to change into fungi and to duplicate with no control over themselves.

Candida albicans fungi indicate their territories for the duration of this population increase by causing some of these sensations: burning, itching, tenderness, or tingling. From time to time, two of the feelings can exist felt at once. It is a bad thought to scratch the aggravated parts, given that this act would simply compound the overgrowth of the fungi.

Further signs include tiredness, drowsiness, muscle aches, hurt or inflammation in the joints, faintness, fluid retention, tissue swelling, loss of balance, lack of coordination, lack of attentiveness, poor memory, mood swings, sadness, anxiety, irritability, and desires for sugars, carbohydrates and alcohol. Although these are also universal symptoms for other sicknesses, hence they have got to be taken into consideration along with other reliable indicators.

The overgrowth furthermore causes specific side-effects in infected areas. To identify a few, yeast infections produce pasty-or cream-colored patches in the mouth, reaching as far as the soft palate. They cause digestion problems and cause even bowel movement difficulties. Infected penises possess patchy sores by the head or on the foreskin. Candidiasis is additionally responsible for discharges from the ear, the bowels (in the stool) along with the genitalia.

Yeast can bring about grave, sometimes even fatal, diseases. This is remarkably spot on for sufferers with damaged or underdeveloped immune systems, diabetes, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). On the other hand, sufferers can remain permanently cured through direct and proper identification and treatment.

Now you are prepared to get a yeast infection natural remedy.

Still suffering with yeast? Get the best candida natural remedy by clicking here...

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Causes a Yeast Infection? 12 Factors That Encourage Yeast Growth

Yeast is always present in our bodies, especially in those warm and moist areas such as the mouth or the vagina. It is estimated that about a quarter of all healthy women have vaginal yeast in their bodies. It would be helpful to know what causes a yeast infection so that possible actions can be taken to prevent it from happening.

Although you can treat a yeast infection, it would be better to be able to prevent it in the first place. Discussed in the following paragraphs are a few things that will help you to better understand what causes a yeast infection.

The main reason for this infection to occur is that there is an overgrowth of the yeast fungus in the body. As such, the population of this fungus in the body has increased to such an extent to cause an infection. In order to know what causes a yeast infection, you need to know the factors that contribute to this overgrowth.

Antibiotics - These not only kill the bad bacterial but also the good ones as well. Too much intake of antibiotics can drastically reduce the amount of good bacteria in the body. The good bacteria will normally keep the population of fungus in check. However, with not enough good bacteria around, a yeast overgrowth will result causing infections.

A weak immune system - Besides the good bacteria, our immune system also helps to prevent this overgrowth. People having HIV/AIDS or are taking cortisone medications would have a compromised immune system. Their bodies are not strong enough to fight the fungus.

Pregnancy - Pregnant women are prone to getting yeast infections because of the stress of pregnancy. They do not eat well, they suffer from lack of sleep, usually take antibiotics and are therefore vulnerable to infections. During pregnancy, a woman must try to relax, eat well and get lots of rest.

Chemotherapy - This weakens the immune system and this is what causes a yeast infection.

Inner vagina injury - Chemotherapy may sometimes cause inner vaginal injury. Injuries on skin surfaces will allow fungus to enter the tissues and grow, thus causing the infections.

Being overweight or having diabetes - The yeast fungus thrives on sugar. Higher blood sugar levels due to overeating or diabetes will encourage the fungus to multiply. As such, sugar intake must be controlled in order to reduce the risk of yeast infections.

An unhealthy diet - Eating well will keep the immune system healthy. Otherwise, the body will not be strong enough to fight against bad bacteria and fungus.

Oral Contraceptives - These will disturb the balance of good and bad bacteria. When this balance is affected, infections are likely to come.

Feminine douches and spray, scented tampons and/or toilet paper - These products can cause an imbalance of microorganisms in the vagina, hence making it more prone to infections.

Keeping a wet swimsuit on for long - This will provide the fungus with a place to breed. The vaginal area needs to be kept dry to prevent yeast infections.

Nylon underwear that is tight - Cotton underwear is more preferable as it allows the vagina to be able to 'breathe'. Nylon materials tend to keep the moisture in that encourages the yeast to grow. This is what causes a yeast infection.

Menopause - This makes a woman more sensitive to getting a yeast infection. This is because the body reduces the amount of estrogen produced and, as a result, will disturb the chemical balance in the vagina, creating an environment conducive to fungus growth.

What causes a yeast infection? The factors that contribute to a yeast overgrowth in the body are the answers to the question.

Discover little known yeast infection causes and other useful information about yeast infections when you visit Sarah's website: