Monday, January 31, 2011

How Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection Can Spare A Visit To The Doctor

If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you have a yeast infection, you are in need of a natural remedy for yeast infection. A natural remedy for yeast infections can allow you to avoid going to the doctor when you already know what is wrong.

You see, even seeing your doctor may not mean that you will get a prescription; there are pills on the market that your doctor can prescribe, but depending on your infection type and severity, he or she may recommend that you try a natural remedy for yeast infection. That is right; some doctors would rather if you try out a natural remedy for yeast infection rather than go on medications. Also, you may have more success with a natural remedy for yeast infection simply because you will not be using manufactured and unnatural chemicals, but rather natural products.

One option in the quest for the perfect natural remedy for yeast infection is yogurt. Yogurt, many people claim, helps to keep the vaginal area healthy by maintaining normal acidity levels. But it is not just any yogurt; plain, un-flavored yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, which basically works by producing more acid in the digestive tract and throughout the body. Yogurt, of course, is to be consumed, not placed inside the vagina as a natural remedy for yeast infection.

As a matter of fact, any natural remedy for yeast infection that involves inserting something into the vagina (other than the doctor recommended over-the-counter suppositories) is probably a bad idea without doctor consent. A natural remedy for yeast infection should not be directing you to push an infection into another part of the body, unless your doctor says it is okay to try.

Likewise, any natural remedy for yeast infection that promotes douching with a certain mixture is not a good natural remedy for yeast infection to perform without doctor supervision. Douching in general upsets the Ph balance of the vagina; this is what caused the infection in the first place. Nevertheless, some people have tried the following natural remedy for yeast infection with success.

Tea tree oil is supposedly a great natural remedy for yeast infections. In Europe, it seems, women routinely use this oil inside the vagina as a natural remedy for yeast infection. This oil is available in most natural food stores. Another natural remedy for yeast infections is cranberries. Most everyone knows that drinking pure cranberry juice can help urinary tract infections; it turns out that it may also be an effective natural remedy for yeast infections.

Whichever natural remedy for yeast infection you decide to try, remember that if the infection does not clear up within about a week, you need to go see the doctor anyway. Sometimes the symptoms of a yeast infection are actually indicators of something else, and only a doctor can tell you for sure.

Learn the top ten causes of yeast infection plus safe, fast and proven yeast infection treatment, yeast infection remedy and cures.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to Prevent Yeast Infections - Best Way to Cure Yeast Infection

Are you searching for ways on how to prevent yeast infections? Have you spent large amount of money for drugs that at first seem to have cured yeast infections (YI) but later you suffer more pain because of recurring yeast infection?

YI is a concern for everyone since around 75% of the population suffers from some form of this infection. YI can cause diaper rash and mouth sores in babies. It can also cause skin rashes in skin folds below the breasts and stomach in adults. Common among women is vaginal YI. But men are not spared from genital YI. In fact, any part of the body can be affected by YI internally and externally. Since YI can cause extreme discomfort, it is important to learn how to prevent it.

To prevent yeast infection, one must understand the nature of yeast infection and its root causes. A valuable information is that yeast is always present in normal human skin and in areas such as the mouth and vagina. The yeast becomes harmful when some conditions are developed that trigger yeast infection.

For example, vaginal yeast infections occur in women when protective bacteria are eradicated by antibiotics such that the quantity of yeast present in the vagina becomes greater than the quantity of normal bacteria. The yeast then multiplies and invades tissues that cause irritation of the lining of the vagina.
Women that are either diabetic, pregnant or are taking oral contraceptives can also develop vaginal yeast infections. Likewise, women that use douches or perfumed vaginal hygiene sprays may increase risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection.

Indeed many women suffer from miserable effects of yeast infections such as burning, itching, swelling and pain in the vagina and vulva. Some feel pain during urination and sexual intercourse. There is also vaginal discharge.

The problem with yeast infection is that its symptoms are very nonspecific because certain symptoms can be caused by other organisms. For chronic yeast infection, no single medical test can give a clear diagnosis for the disease. Many women self-diagnose based on the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections and take non-prescribed medicines for yeast infections. This is dangerous for women who do not actually have any yeast infections.

The use of prescribed drugs can also be dangerous because drugs can decrease the body's immune power. The yeast can become more drug-resistant. Natural treatments that consider the root causes of yeast infections are discovered. Natural treatments consider ways to prevent yeast infection as well as the cure that are proven to be safe and effective based on testimonies of people cured from chronic yeast infection. With this breakthrough, worry no more for there are available home remedies that are proven to cure the disease.

Some of the proven measures that prevent yeast infections are:

Maintain clean vaginal area; change sanitary pads or tampons frequently; avoid douching Use cotton underpants Do not share towels and washcloths Eat more vegetables, protein and grains; consume a lot of yogurt that has live acidophilus bacteria; avoid processed foods, sugars and alcohol Take daily supplements designed to help prevent the recurrence of a yeast infection; use antibiotics only when necessary
Set aside your miseries with yeast infection and disappointments in expensive but ineffective medications. Combat chronic yeast infection immediately.

Discover many more measures on how to prevent yeast infections through natural ways. Breakthroughs in home remedies for yeast infection are discovered and proven effective. To know how to prevent yeast infections and learn more about preventive measures and home remedies and avail of free Yeast Infection Information Report and newsletters click here

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Incurable Yeast Infection Reversed

You should not make the very bad mistake to think that yeast infections or candidiasis are confined to women only. Likewise vulnerable areas of the body are many, and clinical proof exposes a fact that is most uncomfortable to conventional physician-mindset, that yeast infection is behind a number of seemingly incurable ill-health conditions.

Candida Albicans lives in your intestine.

The undeniable facts are that candida albicans is a naturally occurring microbe or fungi, whose primary place of residence is your large intestine. Accordingly. your own body produces what is known as beneficial bacteria, which keep yeast at bay, so to speak,and naturally maintain your body's systems in natural harmony.

A number of short-sighted actions on your part, can very easily deplete the beneficial bacteria, which in turn upsets the natural balance that must exist for good health, and thus causing an overgrowth of the yeast. If that yeast overgrowth breaches the confines of your intestines, then a number of health problems can be set in motion.

Yeast overgrowth triggers

The usual trigger actions on your part that deplete the beneficial bacteria include overuse of antibiotics directly or indirect via consumption especially of meat and diary products from livestock that is routinely treated with an abundance of antibiotics.With the clear exception of Organic farming, the so called modern farming today is literally awash in use of antibiotics and hormones in a quest for more profits Also be aware that your frequent consumption of refined and artificial sugars in solid foods or liquids accelerates yeast infection.

The overgrowth of yeast if severe enough is known as systemic candidiasis and can lead to organ failure, while in less severe cases your body feels badly run down as your immune system struggles to fight the yeast overgrowth and the vulnerability window that is now open for opportunistic infections and illnesses.

Emergency measure against candida yeast infection.

At this point, time is of the essence, move fast for proper help. And as an emergency measure, among yeast infection treatments, is the prescription drug flucanozole, that is effective for any type of yeast flare-up. That is a short term measure to get you stabilized, otherwise it's continued use can be a very serious threat to your liver, not to mention adverse interactions with various drugs such as warfarin and the oral antidiabetic drugs. In other words, if you have candida yeast infection or chronic yeast infections, pay close attention to the following.

You are not out of the woods yet, and you quickly have to think alternative approaches, because most doctors will not write a prescription for any candida yeast infection symptoms beyond the usual vaginal yeast infection or (cutaneous) skin yeast infection. Even more insurance companies are refusing to cover yeast infection medication prescriptions beyond the routine symptoms of yeast infections. Inevitably,you are then ushered onto a not so merry go around of misdiagnosis, one after another.

You do not have to panic because nature's alternative and effective yeast infection remedy or means to get rid of yeast infection is as simple as re-establishing your body's natural balance of beneficial bacteria, as part of a candida diet, and therefore wipe out the yeast overgrowth. It is obvious, is it not, that drugs cannot do that.

The proven Maori candida yeast fighter

Now you have help, all the way from the native land of the nature respecting native Maoris, in New Zealand, by way of a plant called Pseudowintera Colorata, whose leaves have been used for centuries by the indigenous Maori to get rid of fungal infections, digestive ailments and venereal diseases, permanently.

Quicker than you can blink, the European settlers quickly adopted that Maori wisdom of restoring good health, otherwise you would not be learning about it this day. There are two creams, one for vaginal yeast infection, which has minimized the herb's heat, and the other cream contains the strongest extract of the herb mixed with tea tree oil to tackle foot and toenail fungus. The capsule form is made for intestinal candidiasis

The fungicidal abilities of this Maori plant is second to none as demonstrated in 1982, by the clinical research scientists from New Zealand's Canterbury University. They found that the plan's extract was by far more effective than the best pharmaceutical candida treatments amphotericin B at inhibiting fungus growth, and lo and behold, it works faster.You will simply not believe the speed of this natural and totally safe extract.

The clinical scientists indicate that as a natural yeast infection cure, the active ingredients of the plant work by disturbing the yeast cell membranes, causing them to leak and die.

Doctors at health clinics throughout New Zealand using the plant extract in the form of capsules as treatment for candida (systemic candida) reported an astounding 76% improvement rate among their patients. And from the doctors working with the cream version as a natural cure for yeast infection, a very welcome improvement rate of 89% against vaginal candidiasis was confirmed.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

The symptoms of yeast infection are numerous, and a few of the most common ones for most sufferers are as follows,

> Loss of sex drive,painful intercourse,painful or irregular menstrual cycles,vaginitis,impotence,bladder or kidney infections,burning during urination, cystitis, discoloration on the penis.

> Allergies to perfumes, nail polish,odors,chemicals, foods.

> Digestive disorders including heartburn,,constipation,abdominal bloating or pain,gas or diarrhea.

> Athlete's foot,skin eczema,jock itch,fungal infections,vaginal or rectal itching or itching skin.

Yeast Infection Cause

> Regular consumption of refined and artificial sugars in foods or liquids. Consumption of citric acid, which is in most sodas, and have you noticed?

> The now constant drug culture of antibiotics, birth control pills ( and by the way, there is a post in the works, as it were, on how birth control pills are subtley ravaging the health of a woman), steroid use including cortisone, the short-sighted use of hormone replacement therapy, chemotherapy ( such side effects of this can be easily alleviated by a simoultaneous use of a unique type of natural glutathione).


Thrush is the fungal infection of the mouth or the candidiasis of the mouth and throat, and Kolorex tea helps to keep under control such recurring cases of thrush.

Alice Springs with various backgrounds in nutrition and health, blogs about the amazing natural health therapies and the safe natural clinical answers that big pharma does not want you to know.


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Friday, January 28, 2011

Is There A Home Or Natural Remedy For Chronic Yeast Infections?

A yeast infection is a condition caused by the fungus Candida albicans. A vaginal yeast infection is an excess growth of yeast cells in the vagina. Learning to recognize the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection is vital before women attempt self-treatment. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. Yeast infection is so common that 3/4 women will have it in their life time. Treating a yeast infection is simple, but it's important to visit your doctor for the right diagnosis.

Natural Treatment

Instead of reaching for a costly over the counter medication; why not use a natural remedy for yeast infection instead? Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure, and there are some natural remedies for a yeast infection. The first one is dietary natural cure for yeast infection - for example Cranberry pills, which can be found at natural food stores, can be taken throughout the duration of a yeast infection as a supplement. Among the most effective natural treatments for yeast infection is the use of probiotics, or what is commonly called friendly bacteria or beneficial bacteria. Acidophilus is an ideal natural cure for yeast infection, as it is a natural probiotic. The advantage of a natural approach to fighting yeast infection, is it allows control over the yeast permanently and puts your immune system back on track. If you are in any way uncertain, consult a health care provider to modify your diet and/or treat this condition directly with an effective, all natural yeast infection control product.

Who Doesn't Want a Natural Remedy for a Yeast Infection?

Whether it's a dislike for man-made chemicals or just plain embarrassment, many women seek a natural remedy for a yeast infection. One well known home remedy for yeast infection is the regular use of curds or yogurt. This home remedy for a yeast infection combats the fungus (yeast) that is responsible for the infection. Curds and yogurt are foods identified to be the most effective home remedy for yeast infection. Some believe that the best way to use yogurt as a natural remedy for yeast infection is by inserting plain yogurt into the vaginal area. Taking a tampon dipped in yogurt and inserting it in the vagina, twice a day, is one of the most recommended home remedy for yeast infection.

Natural Treatment for Yeast Infections

The treatment for yeast infection varies from person to person. Most of these candidal infections are superficial and clear up easily with treatment but their causes are quite different, their symptoms similar, and treatment varies. Try to avoid intercourse until you have completed treatment and the symptoms have subsided. It is important to receive proper treatment for your yeast infection, and it is very important to consult with your doctor before treatment. If you don't complete treatment correctly you may not get rid of the yeast infection. Women who do not improve after treatment with a standard oral or vaginal treatment for yeast infection should be reexamined by their physician. With proper treatment, the infection usually clears up in a few days to a week.

If the yeast infection is left untreated, the symptomatic pains of this infection may continue and this may worsen the severity. One of the main causes of recurring chronic yeast infection is sexual activity. If your yeast infection is chronic, even after a change of diet and the use of herbal therapies, have your male sex partner evaluated. If a yeast infection is left untreated it can progress to a bacterial infection, which is more serious.

As embarrassing as this can make some women feel, you must realize that the yeast infection is not your fault. Yeast infection is merely an overgrowth of yeast in or on the body, and yeast infection is able to affect ANY part of the human body. Many homeopathic physicians feel a systemic yeast infection is the most overlooked and misdiagnosed disease in medicine. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, see a doctor immediately so they can determine if a yeast infection is the cause of your symptoms, and suggest a course of (hopefully natural) treatment.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.

More of her research and articles can be found at her web site and other sites around the internet.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keep Note of Following Important Aspects While Treating a Yeast Infection

Chunk of people analyze treating a yeast infection is an easy thing and it doesn't have complications. But people are perhaps not aware of the fact that yeast infections are difficult to cure if precaution is not given importance. You might suspect symptoms of yeast infections but consult someone having expertise in yeast infections and enquire to check your case whether your infection is yeast or something else. You can be even asked to treat your yeast infection through medications in case some natural home remedies fail to work.

The major advantage of treating a yeast infection with medications is that the yeast infection is destroyed completely most of the time and there are very less chances of the infection reoccurring. Most often it is observed that with home remedies, the yeast infection is subdued for some time and they resurface when the favorable conditions return. So, when you are treating a yeast infection the most important thing you need to do is get rid of the infection completely.

Choosing treatment options for yeast infection entirely depends upon the person concerned. Don't rely on dubious websites or touts who do false claims to treat yeasts and remain credible indeed. Most such websites provide detailed information about treatments but they hardly describe about major and minor side effects of these treatments. It is unfortunate that such typical websites showcase the brighter side of treatments and deliberately hide negative aspects of such curing options creating problem.

Finding best treatment by your own is difficult particularly when you are to investigate the intricacies involved with yeasts. Professional help from experienced doctors are required in this regard. Doctors guide after investigating the case with the help of modern techniques and latest equipments which analyze possible reasons closely. Doctors are reliable supporters in treating yeasts. If they don't have required equipments you can be asked to go for external diagnostic agencies for the tests performed with latest techniques that detect possible causes of these infections.

When doctor confirms that your infection is yeast he/she prescribes medicine as a first step of curing process. Today's market has plenty of latest yeast infection medication techniques that make this treatment smoother. You don't require some months' treatment to cure yeasts. Yeast infections finish within a week but in many cases it takes some more weeks if this infection spread to other parts of body. Be firm and take medicines to cure yeast infections which guarantee complete cure of this infection. It assures a normal lifestyle for you.

Over-the-counter medications, also known as OTC, are the most effective alternative medicinal options for those feeling embarrassed while visiting doctors to treat their vaginal yeast infections. Lots of OTC medications are available today which have proved excellent in curing vaginal yeast infections. Mostly OTC yeast infection medicines come in the shape of cream, tablet and suppositories. Some people are not ok with suppositories hence prefer creams or tablets instead. Don't forget to understand the detailed information about OTC while taking such medicines.

Most OTC medications have the information such as manufacture date, expiry date, and directions of use. These medications usually do not have the information related to the side effects or possible damages to the body. For such information, you will have to rely on the pharmacist or the Internet. Common medications for the yeast infection treatment are as follows:

- Monistat
- Diflucan
- Nizoral
- Mycelex

Precaution is first and foremost step you should take while applying above mentioned medicines to treat your yeasts. The possible problems arising through the drug-to-drug interaction happening due to mix intake of some medicines in one step are severe. That is why you are advised to stop other medicines in case you take some while going to start your yeast infection medicines. Several antifungal medicines are strictly prohibited during menstrual period but you can have Monistat in these periods as well. You shouldn't worry much in taking Monistat medicines during any period including menstruation.

The storage of the yeast infection medication is very important and you must take a lot of care when storing these medications. Very often, you will find the storage details on the medicine package. Most yeast infection medication need to be stored at room temperature. Also, when you are storing the yeast infection medication make sure that the medications are kept away from heat and moisture.

Sarah Lomas is a foremost expert in the yeast infection cure. She has had extensive experience and conducted countless experiments in finding yeast infection medications. She is also a highly acclaimed writer in the yeast infection field and you can find out more at

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Male Yeast Infection is a Disease That is Not Very Common

A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by a type of yeast-like fungus called Candida. For men,the most common cause is through sexual intercourse with a woman affected with a yeast infection. The best way to prevent a penile infection is to practice safe sex. If left untreated, the symptomatic pains of this infection may continue and this may worsen the severity. As embarrassing as this can make some women feel, you must realize that the yeast infection is not your fault.

The causes of yeast infections are both few and numerous. Did you know that the main causes are moist heat and lack of air circulation. The causes are also an important part of discovering exactly what a yeast infection is. The most common causes of yeast infections are taking antibiotics, hormonal changes in the body, sexual intercourse, wearing clothing that is too tight and there are also some diseases that also cause increased chances of getting a yeast infection. There are a few illnesses where a yeast infection is a common part of having the illness, these include diabetes, lukemia and HIV. Once you have discovered just what a yeast infection is, you can take measures to not only treat current ones, but also to prevent future infections.

Rarely, men who have sex with women with yeast infections will get an itchy rash on their penis. However, it is possible for men to develop symptoms of skin irritation of the penis from a yeast infection after sexual intercourse with an infected partner. When symptoms are present, the most common symptoms of a penile infection are: irritation and soreness of the head of the penis severe itching on the head of the penis a white, clumpy discharge redness color on the head of the penis small blisters on the head of the penis. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria that is found on the penis and in the crotch.

Male yeast infection treatments are fairly simple. Natural yeast infection treatments have become popular because medicated treatments often don't treat the underlying cause of the infections. While medication treats an isolated and localized yeast infection, alternative treatments are effective at treating chronic yeast. Non medical treatments often work at helping relieve symptoms and helping balance the pH balance of the body. There are a lot of yeast infection treatments available from over the counter medicines to prescription medicines and if you have tried all of these treatments but your yeast infection keeps coming back then you are only treating the symptoms and not the infection itself. For instance, the strain candida glabrata now seems to be resistant to many of the topical anti-fungal treatments currently on the market.

As with all health conditions it is advisable to see your family doctor before you start treatments to ensure they are suitable for you. Many people have found that their doctors are accepting of both medical and traditional treatments of yeast infections which can be equally as effective or even better then the pharmacological treatments for yeast infections. Make sure you follow the directions given by your doctor and keep up on your treatment plan, which may include weekly or bi-weekly treatments to keep the yeast at bay.

Most people don't know what a chronic yeast infection is or the damage it can do. Chronic yeast infection is a condition in which you have these infections at least four times during a year. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, see a doctor immediately so they can determine if a yeast infection is the cause of your symptoms, and suggest a course of (hopefully natural) treatment.

Male yeast infection treatments are fairly simple. Natural yeast infection treatments have become popular because medicated treatments often don't treat the underlying cause of yeast infections. Dietary changes you can make to significantly reduce your risk of developing a yeast infection. Yeast infection diets can surprisingly go a long way in preventing and curing yeast infections. Part 2 of this article will give you much more information about A well-balanced diet with plenty of fibre can be the best preventative medicine.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Male Yeast Infections

Understanding Male Yeast Infections

Yeast infections seems to be thought of as primarily as a "women's complaint". A male patient who came into our clinic for treatment with his yeast infection had consulted a medical doctor, only to be told that "only women get yeast infections". Nothing could be further from the truth, male yeast infections are widely and commonly misunderstood.

In my experience, it is easier for women to discover they have a yeast infection, much more easily than men. Why? Because women are more happy to visit their doctor when their health starts to deteriorate much more quickly than a male will. many guys seem to think they are "bullet proof" and continue on feeling lousy until they experience major health problems. Like the 38yr old man who saw me a few years ago complaining of bleeding from the bowel. This symptom occured for over one year before he consulted me, and I immediately called a gastroenterologist I know and made an appointment, who soon after diagnosed bowel cancer in this man. Why did this man not see a doctor earlier? The reply was "I didn't feel any pain and didn't think that it was an issue".

Many guys will go through their lives with flatus, gas, burping, diarrhoea or constipation, itchy skin, and a host of other symptoms and think nothing of it. This makes a candida or fungal infection extremely difficult to detect since men are built different than women. Once a woman develops a vaginal discharge, she knows generally that things are probably amiss and visits her doctor. Guys on the other hand (in general) may have absolutely no idea they may have a male yeast infection until it creates other problems in several areas of their body. In most cases, it will be the male's partner who alerts him to the fact that something is "not quite right" in his private department, because the chances are that she has an infection too. Her doctor, if he does correctly diagnose a yeast infection, will want to treat them both to stop the cross-infection from occurring.

Common Causes Of Male Yeast Infections

The most common ways for men to not only get but to maintain a yeast infection are lifestyle and diet. I have found that dietary habits such as beer, alcohol, sweets, chocolate, cookies (biscuits) and various snack and sweet foods are some of the main triggers. Other factors include the use (and abuse) of antibiotics and prescription drugs, sexual relations (without adequate hygeine there after) and stress or burn-out.

Stress and Burn-Out

A little know cause of a yeast infection is stress and burn-out (which lowers immunity and causes adrenal fatigue). I can highly recommend that you read my articles on stress, burn-out and adrenal fatigue online as these are some of the most powerful causes in the 21st century of many different health complaints. Men are working harder and under more stress than ever. Guys, are you really looking after your body?

A weakened immune system allows a yeast infection to proliferate and this will occur by way of several mechanisms. For example, the hormone called cortisol will become low which is vital for a powerful immune response and a body which is slightly acidic will allow a yeast infection to continue unabated. The "good" bacteria become weakened and overpowered by the bad bacteria and yeast, allowing an overgrowth to occur in the intestinal tract.

Snacks Can Lead To Yeast Infections

Guys are prone to refrigerator snacking, my father was a big man and couldn't resist a snack or two most nights. He was always on the hunt for something out of the kitchen cupboards (usually home baking, cookies, a chocolate bar, etc) or out of the refrigerator (ice cream, cold cuts, sausages, left-overs, etc). Dad had a bad case of candida yeast infection and had several trips to the doctor and was also referred to the gastroenterologist due to his constant diarrhoea, gas and bloating. He was always scratching his groin and I can remember the gas and his feet were very offensive to the nose indeed!

Do you snack? Are the yeasts "calling your name" at night or after a meal, are you the guy who wants something sweet quite regularly? Then you will almost certainly have a yeast infection. Bear this in mind: that snack you took from the refrigerator which was left overnight has probably started to grow molds and spores on it. You probably didn't warm it thoroughly in that microwave and bingo - you just transferred bugs into your susceptible digestive tract. More yeast, and so the cycle continues on. The yeast parasite demands to be fed on a regular basis and you will more than likely feed it, until you realise you have it, and do something about it. This will only come when you have read about a yeast infection or actually had a stool analysis which screens for candida. You had a BIG problem if your stool test can actually culture candida, which tells me you are passing live and active yeast into your bowel motions.

These common food products in your fridge are universally contaminated with molds and fungus. We all unknowingly eat them thinking they are perfectly safe, they maybe to those with a strong digestion, but for those with a yeast infection they are food. Yeast is naturally occurring in your body, and it is only when the good bacteria to yeast ratio in your digestive system becomes unbalanced, allowing the yeast fungi to thrive which then spread to other parts of your body.

Men Who Drink Beer Are More Prone To Yeast Infections And Prostatitis

You are most probably aware that alcohol is produced by yeast fermentation. Wine has an alcohol content of about 12 percent which is sufficient to kill the yeast. The heat produced to distill spirits like whiskey, vodka and cognac kills any yeast residue. With beer, the alcohol content rarely exceeds 6%, so there is often live yeast left behind. When you drink beer containing live yeast, it can remain live in digestive system and translocate into your body and affect your immune system. Most guys who drink plenty of beer will have their own "mobile brewery" happening inside their digestive system.

Some men never really seem to be affected by this brewer's yeast, or are only affected by certain brands of beers, whilst others can start to suffer pretty bad only days after only a few beers. Do you drink beer and suffer from prostatitis? The live yeast can may make your life quite miserable, and it won't be until you quit that beer habit for some time that you really notice the connection.

The type of enlarged prostate from beer consumption is different from other forms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate, or BPH) in that it will subside once the prostatitis (and alcohol consumption) is remedied. At times you may well have prostatitis and yet your Urologist will do all the tests and tell you everything is OK. This can be truly bewildering, especially when the pain is intense. Many cases of prostatitis test negative, and you well could be in pain and discomfort but the lab test say there is nothing wrong. So, if you enjoy a regular good brew, and you suffer from prostatitis, prostate pain, or irritation, it could very well be the yeast residue in your brew that is causing your problems. My advice? If you have a prostate problem AND drink beer, then stop all beer for some time and focus on restoring your digestive system and allow time to eradicate yeast from your system properly.


Incredible as it may seem, some patients I see with yeast infections have been treated dozens of times with an antibiotic. In fact, many cases of yeast infections have their origin after an antibiotic was prescribed by a doctor. Personally, I would never prescribe an antibiotic for a patient, and if I ever did it would be for a case of pneumonia of bacterial origin. Every medical clinic I have worked in, antibiotics are routinely prescribed - even by doctors who have studied natural medicine and who claim to be "natural doctors". It is almost that they fall back instinctively on their "germ theory" training and believe that the only way to get a patient right is to "kill those nasty germs" with an antibiotic.

How many times did you go to your doctor for a chest cold, a case of sinus, a skin infection or what ever it may have been, and you were prescribed an antibiotic? You obeyed your doctor and took the prescribed course of antibiotics for ten days, but what you may not have been aware of at the time is that those drugs wiped out significant amounts of beneficial bacteria as well as the bad. You didn't kill all the good guys, just lots of them, and you weakened your immune system too. You continued on and discovered that your cough or chest cold went away pretty quick, great you thought to yourself: "that doctor was right, those drugs did work".

Little did you know that you only weakened your system further, making you increasingly susceptible for a further infection in time. Meanwhile, your life continued on - a beer here or there, the same amount of stress, a few cookies or snacks from the fridge. More beneficial bacteria die and more yeasts start to thrive, the scales are slowly tipped in favour of the bad. Then you get sick again - more antibiotics. The bottom line is that you slide down a slope towards a yeast infection, it does not happen overnight, it happens gradually over a period of time and your immune system gradually gets worn down by the main causative factors along with a constant introduction of molds into your body. That is when you begin to experience some of the symptoms of a yeast infection.

Common Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms males experience with a yeast infection are male-associated urinary/sexual problems: jock itch, loss of sex drive, impotence, prostatitis, penis infections, difficulty urinating, urinary frequency or urgency, painful intercourse, sexual dysfunction, a swollen scrotum, etc. Is the male a beer drinker? Suspect candida if he drinks beers regularly and complains of prostatitis, itchy skin, burping, bloating, and other symptoms listed here.

Other signs and symptoms of male yeast infection are constipation, bad breath, bloating, indigestion, frequent intestinal gas, frequent diarrhea, very loose stools, irritability and mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, dry itchy flaky skin. As I mentioned earlier, the male will also probably develop a craving for sweets, pastas, chips, etc. In addition, check out the signs and symptoms of a candida yeast infection page.

The Solution To Male Yeast Infection

The best way to tackle a yeast infection if you are a male is to tackle it systemically, which means you will need to treat the "whole person" and not just the presentation. You need the right diet and lifestyle. Stay with your walking program, and do seek professional help if need be

Eric Bakker is a registered Naturopathic Physician with a Bachelor Degree of Science majoring in Complementary Medicine. Eric is past Vice President of the New Zealand Natural Medicine Association with 20 years of clinical experience in natural medicine.

Eric runs a busy online naturopathic practice in New Zealand and specialises in distance patients. He has many patients throughout the world in countries such as America, England, Australia and several other English speaking countries.

Patients keep in touch via Skype or the telephone and can easily book consultations online through his popular website. Patients can login as Members and have access to a full range of "Practitioner-Only" products and many free member-exclusive handouts and reports. Products are dispatched daily and we pride ourselves on our fast and professional service. Eric can help you with many chronic health conditions and is a highly experienced naturopath, particularly with candida yeast infections.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies Are Perfect Yeast Fighters

Natural yeast infection remedies are preferred by the health-conscious. Even though over-the-counter and prescribed treatments are easily available, those who are looking for more lasting solutions to their yeast infection problem are now turning to natural remedies for yeast infection. Simply put, most natural yeast infection remedies are not only effective in combating yeast infection, they can be used on a more regular basis without any harmful repercussions on our health.

Natural yeast infection remedies can be easy to prepare. Folks always have this mindset that grabbing a medication or two at the pharmacy or clinic is the easiest and most convenient thing to do. This is not actually the case as natural yeast infection remedies too can be concocted with homemade ingredients. You get to save money and time waiting for consultation with your doctor.

We have a number of natural yeast infection remedies that have been reported to provide quick relief and healing for yeast infection.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 1 - Plain Yoghurt

You may have heard about this. Yoghurt is rich in acidophilus which is a natural yeast killer. Use only non-flavored yoghurt without sugar content. There are different ways to use yoghurt to cure yeast infection. You can either apply it directly in the vagina using a yoghurt-dipped tampon or douche with water. Some folks prefer it to be frozen as a popsicle. It is said to be extremely soothing though you would experience a slight sting initially. Eating yoghurt brings the acidophilus directly into our bodies. Normally the yeast infection would go off in a matter of days.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 2 - Acidophilus

Its effect was explained earlier in plain yoghurt. You can get hold of pure acidophilus in certain foods, milks and diary products. Head to the supermarket for some shopping and read the product labels. Alternatively, you can find them in powdered form at health food shops.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 3 - Gentian Violet

Smear gentian violet over the yeast infected area. Remember to wear a pad when you use this remedy. It probably works after the first round of treatment.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 4 - Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent natural yeast infection remedies. But we would not recommend using it as a direct topical medication because of its sting. Dilute it with water as a douche or take a bath in the apple cider vinegar-water solution.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 5 - Buttermilk

Buttermilk would build up your resistance against yeast infection. Be sure to drink at least one glass daily during the infected period. The yeast infection should clear up much faster.

Read up on more potent natural remedies for yeast infection at my blog and discover secret treatment methods that can cure your yeast infection within hours using completely safe and natural yeast infection remedies.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Signs & Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

If you think you might have contracted a yeast infection... however, you are not precisely certain. It's conceivable if you have a yeast infection that you might not even be aware of it or worse... you may mistake it for another condition. There are crucial yeast infection symptoms that you must pay attention so that you can find out what is normal for your ability and so that you can ascertain the difference between a yeast infection and some other sort of infection.

If you believe you have some or even all of the signs of a yeast infection, then you should visit your healthcare provider first of all. By getting in touch with your physician you can obtain a suitable diagnosis of either a bacterial yeast infection or some other sort of health condition that could be the cause of similar symptoms. If you have a yeast infection the physician can help direct you in the right direction to get the most appropriate medication specifically designed specifically to treat your infection.

However, if you think that you completely understand the signs of yeast infection and you decide to treat the infection yourself that's fine. There are quite a few good nonprescription medications available for you to use to treat your yeast infection. One of the more common medications in the over the counter group on the market today is Monistat.

Here's the caveat to you treating yourself, if you are going to treat it yourself you must be absolutely certain that you do indeed have a bacterial yeast infection, you purchase the medication designed to treat it and that you apply the medication directly as instructed on the box

It's critical if you decide to treat yourself that you're absolutely certain that you do indeed have a yeast infection. If there is any doubt in your mind whether it is actually a yeast infection or not you must to see your doctor before you begin any type of treatment. The infection signs can include redness and soreness in the vaginal area, rash, a burning sensation, painful intercourse, intense itching of the area, pain with urination, and a generalized swelling of the vulva.

Ask any adult female today who's went through a yeast infection and she'll be the first one to tell you that of all prominent yeast infection signals that the most intolerable of all is the acute itching. In fact this issue can become so awful that it virtually can interfere with your day by day activities. As a matter of fact it is one of the reasons that a lot of women will try to find nonprescription relief to immediately be able to handle the itching in order to get a speedy relief.

Another one of the most bothersome yeast infection signs is the burning sensation related to urination. This is immediately followed by another dreadfully irritating yeast infection sign is pain during sexual intercourse. While both are quite annoying and most often affiliated with a bacterial yeast infection it is crucial to see your health professional in order to preclude other medical conditions.

Vaginal discharge is another one of the yeast infection symptoms that can cause an barrage of problems and generalized irritation. And just like the itching, vaginal discharge can often lead women to look for help quickly... including over-the-counter medication to try to deal with the issue. Vaginal discharge is another one of the predominant yeast infection signs that can cause women problems.

Vaginal discharge at times can be rather odorless and seem as a thin milky consistency and there are quite a little of other times the yeast infection signs can result in a diffuse vaginal discharge which is rather unsavory with a strong and hideous odor. The aroma may at times be one of accented yeast odor and other times may smell like sulfur or rotten eggs. The consistency of the vaginal discharge affiliated with a yeast infection can appear as cottage cheese.

It is crucial that yeast infection symptoms be taken especially seriously. Repeated yeast infections must be dealt with by your doctor as they can point to even more grievous health problems. You might also think about that if you are treating a yeast infection that doesn't resolve them maybe you do not have a bacterial yeast infection after all. In this case, or worse, you must seek medical attention.

After all your health hinges on it. Recognize the yeast infection signs so that you will be able to treat yourself or seek attention from your healthcare provider at the onset of symptoms. There simply is no need to suffer in silence.

For more information on yeast infections, visit

You'll find information on topics such as bacterial vaginosis, & more

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Most Common Causes of Yeast Infection

Adult humans have 3 to 4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, numbering about 70 trillion individual organisms, living in our digestive system. Yeast is present in every one of us. The shear strength in numbers of the beneficial bacteria keeps yeast in check. They are in charge and make yeast produce vitamins, such as the B complex, within our bodies. If this balance is altered by reducing the good bacteria, yeast, being very opportunistic, will spread and take over as a yeast infection or as a fungal parasite or candida (mold), causing a wide variety of unhealthy side effects and diseases.

The most common cause of yeast infection is antibiotics and their overuse...

Dr. John Pitt, on Penicillum in 1979 stated: "It is very ironic that this humbled fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization".

Simply stated, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins, fungal metabolites, that kill bacteria, even the good bacteria that are present in our intestines and essential for good health. This upsets the delicate balance of the yeast to bacteria ratio in your digestive system, giving the yeast fungi the upper hand in creating a yeast infection. Without the good bacteria in your system to control yeast, it spreads and becomes a toxic fungal parasite known as candida.

Penicillin is a good example of a fungal by-product called a mycotoxin. It was discovered from a mold (mold is a fungus) experiment that Dr. Fleming was performing on a bacteria colony. He added some mold from bread to the colony and observed that the fungus killed all the bacteria; producing the substance he later named penicillin. The number one cause of yeast infection was born in 1928 and is so over-prescribed today that yeast infection is a growing epidemic.

Another cause of yeast infection and the destruction of stomach flora are anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen...

These two drugs are common over the counter medications that many people take. Very few people realize what they are doing to their health by taking them. America has become a nation of drug dependent people. Not a night goes by when you don't see a TV commercial for some kind of drug promising some miraculous cure for something. These drugs all contribute to the destruction of bacteria and are a cause of yeast infection.

Another cause of yeast infection, theorized by some doctors, are birth control pills given to women. In the natural menstrual cycle of women, right after ovulation on about the 18th day, both progesterone and estrogen decline to very low levels. At the same time estradiol begins to rise into menses and then these three hormones return to normal. Most birth control pills contain estradiol in significant amounts and add to this problem.

The hormone link as a cause of yeast infection for women is very common. Almost all women that suffer from recurring vaginal yeast infections will tell you that they do indeed get flare ups at the third week of their cycle. . Fortunately, there are now natural herbs and supplements to treat and balance the hormones to eliminate this problem. Like colloidal silver as a minerals supplement.

According to the 2001 Asthma and Allergy Report, the first immunodeficiency syndrome was identified in 1952. Since that time 95 more have been identified with new conditions being discovered every day. The report also states that increased use of antibiotics in infancy is contributing to increased risks of allergies. What is interesting to me is in the 1950's antibiotics came into wide spread general use in medicine. Do you see a correlation here?

The most common prescription for antibiotics is for upper respiratory infections, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, "most of these infections are caused by a fungus". So they do not require an antibiotic as treatment, yet doctors continue to prescribe them. This, over time, will alter the balance in stomach bacteria allowing the yeast to overgrow, and the result is candida, or worse. And by using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement it will solve this problem.

Doctors plead ignorance when their patients develop allergies, intestinal disorders, etc, not even realizing that the very drugs they prescribed are the cause of a yeast infection and these other fungal diseases. Over time, your good stomach bacteria become overwhelmed by yeast as it kills even more of your good bacteria. Candida or fungal disease is the result. By using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement for treating yeast infection it will not affect natural flora. Colloidal Silver safely kills over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and molds, has no negative side-effects (the body requires silver for tissue regeneration and promotes the replacement of specialized cells) and is absolutely safe for human consumption.

It becomes a never-ending cycle. You get an antibiotic for your cold or flu; women especially get a vaginal yeast infection. The doctor gives them an anti-fungal or an anti-fungal cream, or they purchase it over the counter at the local drugstore. The infection is beaten for a time, but then it returns. This will continue to happen until the cause of yeast infection is addressed with natural therapies as colloidal silver natural and diet.

In 1998, two scientists Bernstein and Ross discovered that antibiotics "significantly increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in humans".

In studies done on mice in 2000 and published in "Principals and Practices of Infectious Diseases", a "single injection of streptomycin eradicated the protective effective effect of normal flora". Streptomycin is prescribed usually for people that are allergic to penicillin and definitely establishes one of the causes of yeast infection to antibiotics.

Now it would be a rare individual that could go through life with never being prescribed an antibiotic. Choose wisely if you really need to take them or not for whatever it is you have at the time, since they are the main cause of yeast infection in humans. Have your doctor prescribe Nystatin with it to avoid the overgrowth of yeast infection. Then get on a good probiotic product such as Total Immune Booster, which actually does grow new bacterial colonies. For several decades, silver has proven itself in the treatment of burns, and eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal, and urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed as an adjunct treatment for reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system, as well as a treatment for AIDS infective complications. (For use on the following we reccomend you purchase the colloidal silver as it is smaller and more effective: It has been used as a remedy for allergies, boils, ulcers, lesions, thyroid conditions, infantile diseases, parasites, wounds of the eye, enlarged prostate, warts, bladder inflammation, infections of the inner ear, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa.) Colloidal Silver also acts as a tissue regenerator by stimulating the production of de-differentiating cells, which promotes the replacement of specialized cells.

The following is a partial list of the more than 650 disease conditions in which colloidal silver has demonstrated proven clinical improvement: Acne, Acne Rosacea, Anthrax Bacilli, Arthritis, Athlete's Foot, Blood Poisoning, Bladder Infections, Bubonic Plague, Blood Parasites (causes gray hair), Cancer, Candidia (Yeast Infection), Chilbains, Cholera, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Conjunctivitis, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diptheria, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrositis, Gastritis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus, Hay Fever, Impetigo, Influenza, Keratitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Lymphagitis, Malaria, Meningitis, Neurasthenia, Ophthalmia, Pheumonia, Pluerisy, Pruritis Ani, Psoriasis, Pymphagitis, Rheumatism, Rhiritis, Ringworm, Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Seborrhea, Septicemia, Shingles, Skin Cancer, Staph Infection, Stomach Flu, Strep, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Toxemia, Trench foot, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough. It is also used for all bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to soil water.

Foods as a Cause of Yeast Infection

There are many foods that can be a cause of yeast infections but antibiotics are the primary cause of yeast infection due to the fact that they kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This allows the yeast and fungi to take control and proliferate in the human body. Antibiotics are also present in many common foods that most of us eat. More recently antibiotics are now being detected in the water supply from our overuse. The wastewater enters the sewer system, which is then treated, and pumped right back into the water table. The antibiotics are never removed and it becomes a never-ending circle.

How do these antibiotics get in our foods?

The most common foods that can be a cause of yeast infections in America are beef and dairy. The livestock industry gives antibiotics to their cattle, this is supposed to kill bad bacteria and make the food supply safer. But they are also used to fatten up cows. A fat cow will sell more than a thin cow, won't it? These antibiotics are getting into the dairy product food chain. They are present in milk, cheese, and the meat itself. This is creating antibiotic resistance in humans and bad bacteria, not to mention the long-term health effects to our children, and it ultimately destroys the beneficial bacteria in our intestines allowing a yeast infection to grow in your body.

They also shove these cows into unnatural feeding environments and fatten them up with grain foods that can be a cause of yeast infections, making the meat unfit for human consumption due to mold contamination. The meat can become loaded with mycotoxins from these molds. You eat it, and it is passed on to you.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are grain foods. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, corn, red apples, and peanuts are also universally contaminated with fungus. These foods find their way into our systems from cereals, pastas, breads, potato chips, crackers, peanut butter, cooking oils, etc.

How can this be, you wonder? Grains are usually stored in silos for extended periods of time. They can be stored for years before they are ever sold and brought to market for food processing. During this time, they grow molds in these silos. Now I would assume when they go to process these grains for human consumption they would wash them, but the molds and mycotoxins will enter into the inside of the grain as they try to break them down into dirt. The grains get ground up for processing, and the rest is history. The worst of these grains, as far as mold contamination, are sold for livestock feed and alcohol processing--beer mostly.

Other foods that can be a cause of yeast infections are peanuts, corn, and red apples, which will actually grow mold on them as they grow. Peanuts also are the most genetically engineered food on the planet, stick too organic.

These foods can kill the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system because of the molds they are contaminated with. They also allow the yeast to grow since the yeast eats the sugars in these foods. They often sit in the intestine and ferment before digestion, which causes a condition known as dysbiosis, or toxic colon. These toxins alter good bacterial supplies and yeast gains the upper hand.

Mycotoxins from molds and fungi are also known cancer-causing agents that are released by molds and yeasts. One of these mycotoxins, called aflatoxin, happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth. In the common diets of today, grains are consumed in all three meals in some form, from cereals to breads and pastas. So every day the average American is consuming .15mg to .5mg of aflatoxin.

The western diet of today, due to sugars and molds in the foods we eat, is a cancer-causing machine. The addition of these sugars allows the yeast to thrive unbeknown to many people that have it, and allows it to inject its own mycotoxins into your body. This will suppress the immune system and lead to other autoimmune system diseases such as cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, crohns, arthritis, skin disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, etc. if left untreated.

Chlorine is added to the water supply of the US to kill parasites, microbes, and bad bacteria present in our drinking water supply. But when you drink this water directly from your tap, the chlorine kills the good bacteria in your intestines. To chlorine, bacteria is bacteria, it doesn't know the difference from good or bad.

Fluoride also is a cause of yeast infection and killer of, not only intestinal bacteria, but also enzymes, which are the building blocks of all life and work on the cellular DNA level, as well as in the process of digestion and immune system health.

Buying a water distiller and using this water to not only drink, but to also cook with. It is the only system that will remove fluoride from your drinking water besides reverse osmosis, which makes the water too acidic. Fluoride has been found, when used for cooking, to release toxic metals from common cooking utensils. So called bottled spring water in independent testing is not always safe either, due to pollutants in the air, coming to the ground in rain, and getting in the water table, it can be just as bad for you. You also have tons of run off from fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals in the water supply. A lot of so-called spring water is really just filtered tap water. The industry is not regulated very strongly, so you can't always be sure what you are really drinking. Buy a water distiller for your drinking and cooking needs. It will last a lifetime and be one of the best health investments you have ever made.

So how do we avoid these molds and antibiotics in our foods that can be a cause of yeast infection?

In almost every store in the country you can buy hormone and antibiotic free beef. Buy it, eat it, and simply don't buy the rest.

Cut down on grain foods that cause yeast infections drastically by eliminating the chips, cookies, cakes, cereals, and pastas. Substitute pastas with rice that you have to fry first for a grain.

Eat more organic eggs for breakfast and organic milk if you must. And don't worry about cholesterol, which is caused by mycotoxins in the blood stream, sugar, and trans fats, and is also an immune system response to these mycotoxins from fungus. Take away the mycotoxins and junk food and your cholesterol will be just fine.

Cause of Yeast Infection and the Immune System

Another cause of yeast infection is a generally weakened or deficient immune system.

How does the immune system get worn down enough to be a cause of yeast infection in the average person?

Many times a person has had an illness or injury and their health is never the same again. The body has been damaged too severely for the immune system to repair the cells properly, although it never stops trying. Over time, the immune system weakens to the point it can no longer defend the body. Instead, it focuses on other processes more important for continued life.

Every day we are exposing ourselves to polluted air from the smog from our cars and power plants, which, if coal-fired, deliver acid rain containing mercury to the ground that enters the food chain. Mercury, aluminum, lead, and excess iron are definitely linked to chronic yeast infections. If your levels are high and you do nothing to solve the problem, you will not get rid of your candida yeast infection.

There are now traces of over 300 toxins in our bodies that were not present before 1940. These toxins have been shown to bind to receptors, blocking important enzymatic reactions in the body weakening the immune system.

Chemicals in the home from soaps, laundry detergents, toothpastes, perfumes, cleaning solvents, etc. are causes. I could go on and on in this area. Even carpet is made of petroleum and plastics that are toxic. The effect is cumulative, it takes time, but yeast or other diseases are always the result.

Our foods are more and more genetically engineered and their food value becoming more and more questionable. Modern farming has stripped the soils of all minerals and vitamins, so foods have very little value any more. According to a report released at the 1992 Earth Summit, the USA has the worst soil in the world - 85% depleted. The rest of the world's soils are not much better, with South America and Asia's soils being 78% depleted, Africa 75%, Europe 70%, and Australia 58%. This means the potency of our food supply is not able to sustain optimum health. Is it any wonder we are overweight and chronically ill? We are literally starving to death from lack of nutrition!

Pesticides are used that kill beneficial soil based organisms that used to be a part of our diets from the family farms of old. We add chemicals to dairy foods to give it a longer shelf life.

The average American eats over 7 pounds of sugar a year which is creating a Type 2 diabetic epidemic in this country. Obesity is at an all time high from sugar and processed grains which themselves are turned to sugar when digested. The pancreas kicks in some insulin that picks up the sugar and deposits it on the body as fat. Fat is the fuel the body was originally designed to run on, not sucrose.

Sugar contributes to the cause of yeast infections by feeding the fungus in the body allowing it to grow and spread. Sugar is also by far the number one thing that can wear down your immune system. It is worse than smoking.

All of our food is cooked, processed, and enzymatically dead, this causes the pancreas an additional load, and it, must create more enzymes to digest these foods. The metabolic enzymes are forced to help out with digestion when they should be helping repair cells and removing wastes.

We vaccinate our children with basically poisons in the name of good health that actually weaken their immune systems.

Another very common cause of yeast infection is mold growing in ventilation systems. I have personally seen this condition inside air conditioners. These mold spores blow into the home, and once you breath them, they can travel through the body, causing asthma and bronchitis.

Predisposing Causes of Yeast Infection

Trauma Altered Physiological states Drug Addiction Endocrine problems Indwelling catheters Blood disorders and neutropenia Corticosteroid therapy Reduced or dysfunctional phagocytosis Irradiation Transplantation Diabetes Malnutrition Burns Collagen disease All these things contribute as a cause of yeast infections today and weaken our immune systems. Bacteria are our first line of defense in our immune systems, and all these things can and do contribute to help kill them.

It is becoming more and more necessary to take supplements every day to maintain a healthy body and a healthy immune system. Even the AMA recently suggested that everyone in the country should be on a multivitamin/mineral supplement for example like colloidal silver.

The trick is to take quality supplements and eat mostly good fresh foods. Drink plenty of clean fresh water to flush out poisons and wastes from the body while minimizing environmental toxins in the home.

The benefits? You will go through life healthier, more energetic, happier, and live to a ripe old age, if you so choose.

Candida and yeast infections cannot be beaten with diet alone; it simply will not work without good supplements to support cellular health as by using colloidal silver.

Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is

To read more information & natural remedies go here:

All products have a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Top Cause Of Yeast Infection And Three Easy Cure

Yeast, known as Candida albicans, can overgrow, causing a yeast infection, and it occurs when the acidic environment of the vagina or surrounding skin becomes less acidic, which allows a yeast infection to begin growing. This is the cause of yeast infection.

Assuming that you have a yeast infection and treating it with over the counter medications may not be a good idea; it is best to allow a professional to diagnose the infection and determine the cause of yeast infection so he or she can offer treatment options. If you have any of the following symptoms, you should see a gynecologist: itching, burning, and/or swelling of the vaginal area; thick and/or discolored discharge; pain during sexual intercourse. But what is the actual cause of yeast infection?

Most women develop at least one yeast infection at some point in life. In fact, any thing that causes the vaginal area to remain too moist is actually a cause of yeast infection. In addition, some medications, especially antibiotics, can alter the acid levels of the vaginal area and aid in the growth of too much yeast, which is another cause of yeast infection. Besides this, other causes that can change the level of acid and are considered a cause of yeast infection are pregnancy, birth control pills, steroids, diabetes, and even menstruation. Also, another cause of yeast infection is from wearing too-tight clothing.

If you work out often you should change out of damp clothes as soon as possible. This means gym clothes, swimsuits, etc, as wet or damp environments are a well known cause of yeast infection. Wearing breathable cotton undergarments and natural fabric clothing allows the passage of air to help keep the yeast from overgrowing. Also, avoid pantyhose or tights as much as possible-these restrictive garments are a cause of yeast infection. In addition, avoid introducing bacteria to the vagina, which can cause the acid levels to decrease and is a cause of yeast infections. Use proper hygienic rules, such as wiping from front to back when using the toilet, and drying properly after bathing. Keeping these tips in mind will help to eliminate the cause of yeast infection development.

If an infection does develop, you will probably be treated with a cream or suppository that is applied or inserted into the vagina. There are new pill form medications that are available by prescription. And to also treat the symptoms of the yeast infection, anti-itch creams may be recommended for use. Again, it is very important that a doctor examine the possible cause of yeast infection to rule out other causes of the symptoms, since other conditions have similar symptoms.

Bear in mind too that it is possibly to pass a yeast infection to a sexual partner. This is another possible cause of yeast infection; if you passed it to a partner, he can pass it back to you. You may also be the cause of yeast infection in your partner, as men can and do develop infections as well.

Learn the top ten causes of yeast infection plus safe, fast and proven yeast infection treatment, yeast infection remedy and cures.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Under What Situations A Yeast Infection Got Worse And What To Do To Handle Such A Situation

When a lady has a yeast infection, the daily routine can be disturbed by the bumpy symptoms of a yeast infection. For a number of women, it is a matter of determining the probable cause of the recurring yeast infection, and then bringing about a change to pass up that situation. It is thought that tight clothing can cause moisture that yeast then feed on and grow. It must be implicated that everyone has a meticulous balance of yeast in their bodies to start with.

Grip the Problem Step by Step:

A yeast infection can be controlled if you move systematically because it occurs when the yeast begin to grow out of control. Tight and stretched clothing, or under garments that don not allow moisture to be evaporated, can cause a yeast infection. Panty hose have been a problem for many women with recurring yeast infection problems. Additional issues for women when yeast infection got worse problems are women who are having hormonal changes. This can be due to pregnancy or even menopause. A alteration in hormones causes the steadiness to change within a woman's body. These new balances, throw the yeast into overdrive, causing the women to experience worse yeast infections.

When yeast infection got worse, it is often irritating to a healthy woman and often over the counter or home remedies will help clear the condition in about a week. Although a yeast infection can result for those who have autoimmune insufficiency disease or diabetes. For these individuals a getting worse yeast infection becomes a very throbbing know-how and can be a very unbearable illness. A yeast infection can occur whenever a woman's immune system isn't prepared to fight it. As a result the condition can take over a week to clear up and the yeast infection can even resurface in about another week or two. What is just infuriating burning for a hale and hearty individual can become excruciating pain during a severe yeast infection for those who don't have a strong immune system?

Remedies to Prevent Yeast Infection from Getting Worse:

Those women who suffer from the unceasing symptoms of a yeast infection are invariable. Remedy when yeast infection got worse is needed to come from a physician. There are many products that can be procured that may help stop the yeast infection, or help with the symptoms. If these medications are not the yeast infection cure that is needed, seeing a physician is the next step. A physician can run tests to determine exactly what type of bacteria is the cause of the infection. The most excellent way to prevent worse yeast infection may involve finding a way to fight several types of bacterial infection. This may come in the form of an antibiotic, and topical creams.

You can also find more info on yeast infections treatment and male yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Understanding A Yeast Infection

Yeast infections arise from Candida albicans, and other forms of yeast. They are found in the mouth, rectum and vagina. It is normal for a woman to have some yeast in a healthy vagina; however it is when the woman's system is out of balance, there is a profuse growth of yeast-like organisms that causes a thick and white discharge.

There are numerous factors for a yeast infection, including taking oral contraceptives, stress, antibiotic treatments, pregnancy, diabetes, too much of carbohydrates, hot weather and ill-fitting clothes, a suppressed immune system and having repeated sexual intercourse in a short period of time. To some people, some irritants like soaps, new detergents, powders and other products also cause yeast infections.

Circumcised men are not that prone to yeast infections

Not only do women suffer from yeast infections, even men can contract the infection if they have sex with a woman with a yeast infection. And if both partners don't get treated for their yeast infection, they only end up re-infecting each other.

When suffering from yeast infections, men usually develop irritation and itching on their genitals, especially if they are not circumcised. However they don't suffer from any form of discharge when suffering from a yeast infection.

The typical symptoms of a yeast infection include vaginal itching and irritation. Many women also develop a thick, white and maybe a curd-like vaginal discharge. Other symptoms include itching in the rectal opening, experience of pain during sexual intercourse, burning sensation when urinating and redness, with swelling in the vulvar skin.

Treat yeast infections after the right diagnosis

Yeast infections are best diagnosed by a medical professional; however women who can recognize the symptoms can use the many over-the-counter medications to treat yeast infections.

However it is safer to consult a medical professional as though you may think you are suffering from a yeast infection, you may suffer from a more serious condition or infection like Chlamydia or gonorrhea.

With the wrong treatment, the woman's body not only becomes drug resistant to yeast infection medication, while the actual condition is not treated. The doctor will perform a vaginal exam to diagnose a yeast infection. Vaginal discharge is collected for examination and if you suffer from repeated infections, the discharge will be cultured to find out if yeast or some other organism is present.

Sufficient sleep can control yeast infections

On confirming that you have a yeast infection, you will be prescribed an antifungal pill or over the counter antifungal cream or suppository. The treatment can be a single dose or week long. It is generally better to avoid any sexual activities when suffering from a yeast infection.

Yeast infections can be prevented with sufficient sleep, avoiding deodorant tampons, deodorant sprays and douches and avoiding tight fitting clothes and preferring cotton clothes.

If you have to take antibiotics, ask for an anti-yeast prescription or buy some over-the-counter creams. Always wipe from front to back and not vice versa, after urination and bowel movements to avoid yeast infections.

Remember that yeast infections are not dangerous, and usually clears up on its own over time. However if you suffer from repeated infections, it is better to find out what the cause for the infections is and be treated accordingly.

Emily Omay is an expert on yeast infection. Visit her site RIGHT NOW for the best natural cure for yeast infection you will ever see. If you want to know how to cure yeast infection, Emily can help you out. Go there now -

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vaginal Yeast Infections - The Facts

Vaginal yeast infections send more women to the doctor than just about any other cause. Unfortunately, many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns. If you're one of those women, you know that a yeast infection is no fun at all, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to keep from having another one.

According to recent research, the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in the yeast organism itself. No one really knows for sure why the incidence of infections is increasing so rapidly.

Since most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many people don't realize that over 10,000 people in the United States die each year from fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and burn.

The yeast that is responsible for vaginal infections and oral thrush is a tiny fungus called Candida albicans. Occasionally, a yeast infection is caused by a form of Candida yeast other than the common C. albicans. These yeasts include C. dubliniensi and C. stellatoidea. Tests can be done to determine what type of yeast is causing an infection, but infections by yeasts other than Candida albicans are rare.

Candida is the most common type of fungal infection in humans, and it can lead to serious health problems for some people. A yeast infection can even be deadly in people with compromised immune systems. For this reason, any woman who gets the symptoms of a yeast infection while receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

There are four common causes of yeast infections:

1. The balance of power between bacteria and yeast is disturbed. Bacteria help us by keeping the yeast in check, so if the bacteria are killed, a yeast population can explode out of control.

This can happen when antibiotics are used during an illness. A diet high in refined sugars and other carbohydrates can also upset the balance by favoring the growth of yeast and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. This imbalance can lead to a yeast infection in the mouth or vagina.

2. Changing hormone balances, (due to pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, and oral contraceptives), can create the right conditions for a yeast infection.

3. Yeast infections can also occur when the patient's immune system is compromised by an HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, Lyme disease or organ transplant. Steroids can also slow the immune response and allow a yeast infection to take hold.

4. And finally, chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of a more serious underlying illness, such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, leukemia or AIDS. If your yeast infection keeps coming back, ask your doctor for a complete exam to rule out any underlying cause.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are very similar to other conditions that are caused by bacteria and parasites. While yeast infections are not usually dangerous in women with intact immune systems, a bacterial infection can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs, and must be treated promptly.

This is why it is so important to get a medical diagnosis, even if you've had a yeast infection before. It's also the reason why you should be very careful before treating an infection on your own - up to two-thirds of the women who purchase over-the counter medications for yeast infections actually have a bacterial infection instead, and the anti-fungal medication won't do any good. In fact, using anti-fungal medications when you don't need to can make future yeast infections more difficult to treat.

To make matters even more complicated, some "natural" cures for yeast infections that you find on the Internet can actually push a bacterial infection up into your uterus and fallopian tubes, where it can cause permanent damage. For this reason, it's important to learn as much as you can about vaginal yeast infections, and the other types of conditions that look just the same, but need to be treated differently.

Vaginal infections aren?t the most exciting subject in the world, but it?s important to be informed so you can make good decisions about your health. To learn more about Candida albicans yeast infections ? what causes a vaginal yeast infection, how to get rid of it, and how to keep it from coming back ? visit

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Monday, January 17, 2011

What Is Yeast Infection - Its Causes - Its Symptoms - Its Remedies

A yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeasts in the vagina to the extent that it is severe enough to cause the patient to have symptoms. A yeast infection (also referred to as "candida" and "thrush") is a common occurrence amongst females, with medical authorities estimating that at least three quarters of all women will experience a yeast infection at least once during their lives.

Yeast organisms are always present in all people but are usually kept in balance by some of the body's other naturally occurring micro-organisms. It is when the Candida albicans organism, which is to be found in the vagina of nearly all women, gets out of balance with the body's other natural flora that an overgrowth of yeast can occur resulting in unpleasant symptoms.

Tight-fitting jeans, wiping from back to front, wet bathing suits, pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, engaging in vaginal sex after anal sex in an unhygienic manner, and the use of lubricants containing glycerine have all been known to cause yeast infections. Douching can also result in a yeast infection as it may actually kill off organisms in the vagina that suppress the growth of the yeast. In the same manner, women who are taking antibiotics for a long period of time are at high risk of developing a yeast infection because the antibiotic suppresses the other flora in the vagina and allows the yeast to overgrow. If a woman has diabetes, she is more susceptible to yeast infections of the vagina. Women taking birth control pills or steroids to treat a medical condition are also more prone to suffer a yeast infection.

Symptoms include severe itching, burning, and soreness, irritation of the vagina and/or vulva. The itching is not always present but can get really bad to the point where it can become difficult to even walk. For the most part the discharge looks like clumpy white stuff with most medical descriptions comparing its appearance to that of ricotta cheese. But it can also range from thick and not clumpy to faintly yellow to thin and clear. Not too surprisingly, a yeast infection actually smells like yeast (like bread or beer).

There are other infections which can affect the vagina and it is helpful to know the symptoms of these so that you don't go and treat yourself for a yeast infection that you don't necessarily have. Bacterial infections, urinary tract infections and trichomoniasis all have symptoms which could be confused with the symptoms of yeast infection, yet they require different treatments. It is important therefore when you are experiencing symptoms for the first time to get an accurate medical diagnosis to make sure that you don't commence an incorrect course of treatment which could exacerbate the symptoms you already have.

When it comes to treating yeast infections there traditionally have been three avenues available: do-It- yourself; over-the-counter and prescription remedies. It is important to stress again that if you are a first or second time sufferer you should not start any course of treatment without first confirming with your doctor that you are suffering a yeast infection. Women who have had had yeast infections before will recognise the symptoms and will be able to treat accordingly.

Do-it-yourself or home remedies include the direct application or consumption of yoghurt, acidophilus tablets or salves, probiotics and you can even use lightly crushed cloves of garlic, which yield allicin, an antifungal agent. Boric acid can also been used to treat yeast infections (by inserting gelcaps filled with boric acid powder into your vagina at bedtime for three to four consecutive nights). Eating a diet consisting primarily of green, fresh, raw vegetables also may give you relief.

Over the counter treatments are specifically designed for the treatment of yeast infection, so once again you need to be absolutely sure you have a yeast infection before purchasing these treatments. If you use one and you don't really have a yeast infection, you run the risk of creating a strain of drug-resistant yeast in your vagina, meaning that next time you have a yeast infection these drugs won't work
The best thing to be said for prescription medications is that they involve a trip to the doctor who will first confirm that you actually have a yeast infection. In some cases prescription anti-fungal medications may be the only effective cause of treatment.

Another method of treating yeast infection which has just started to come into vogue is that of treating it holistically - which is aimed at curing the condition in such a manner so as to ensure it doesn't return.

Susan Sondfelt is a former yeast infection sufferer who now no longer experiences the condition. To learn how she was able to permanently cure the condition go to How I Was Able To Cure Yeast Infection Once and For All

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