Saturday, April 30, 2011

What You Can Do About Chronic Yeast Infections

A chronic yeast infection can be an indication that the immune system is not working properly. People with chronic health conditions like diabetes and HIV are prone to chronic yeast infections.

In people with weakened immune systems, chronic yeast infections can affect various internal organs and cause pain or dysfunction of the organ. Approximately 85% of people with HIV contract a chronic yeast infection called esophagitis in their upper gastrointestinal system. This infection is similar to thrush but extends down the mouth and esophagus to the stomach. Candida esophagitis can cause painful ulcers throughout the GI system, making it difficult to swallow anything, even lukewarm liquids. If the infection spreads into the intestines, food may be poorly absorbed. People with this type of chronic yeast infection are in danger of becoming dehydrated.

If Candida yeast gets into the bloodstream, a person may become sick without fever. If the infection spreads to your brain, acute changes in mental function or behavior may occur.

When it comes to chronic yeast infections, self diagnosis may be a misdiagnosis. A handful of other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) the most common cause of vaginitis in the US, and trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, cause similar symptoms. BV and trichiomoniasis may also be associated with serious reproductive health conditions that may lead to problems during pregnancy and after delivery.

A chronic yeast infection that includes a vaginal discharge that has an offensive odor with irritation is not normal and should be taken seriously. To diagnose your vaginal symptoms your health professional will perform a gynecological exam to check your vagina for inflammation and abnormal discharge. A sample of the vaginal discharge may be taken for laboratory examination under a microscope or for a yeast culture, a test to see if Candida fungi grow under laboratory conditions. Looking under a microscope also helps rule out other causes of discharge such as BV or trichomoniaisis, which require a different course of treatment than chronic yeast infections.

In general, it is acceptable to use OTC antifungal medication to self treat your symptoms if you've had a yeast infection diagnosed by your health care professional before and you are now experiencing exactly the same symptoms. However, if you meet any of the following criteria, do not self treat. Instead, contact a health professional for guidance:

o You've never had a yeast infection before

o You have fever and/or abdominal pain

o Your vaginal discharge is foul-smelling

o You are diabetic HIV positive, pregnant or nursing

o You used an over the counter yeast treatment but your symptoms have not gone away or they returned almost immediately.

If you take medication to treat a chronic yeast infection (whether it's over the counter or prescription medication) be sure to use the full course of medication. Don't stop using it, even if you feel better.
If you have chronic yeast infections you should make an appointment with your doctor for a complete physical examination. Chronic yeast infections may be caused by a serious underlying medical condition.

Chronic: Ongoing
Esophagitis: A chronic yeast infection of the esophagus

Learn more about yeast infections treatment on our site. You'll also find other information such as male yeast infection and yeast infection in prostate. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Friday, April 29, 2011

What You Need to Know About Candida Yeast Infection

The human body is accustomed to dealing with all sorts of conditions, ailments, disorders and diseases throughout the years. Everybody at some point of another in their lives will experience something or another about their bodies, whether it is a condition or some sort, or a disease that we might have picked up from somewhere, or whether it is a certain disorder that we might experience, the fact is that we experience something or other in our lives. There is no one you are going to come across that is going to tell you they are 100% percent health or have had any form of medical condition in their lives. Everybody does it is a matter of what it is you are experiencing.

Some diseases or disorders are more bearable than others, some are obvious, while some you just plain don't want anyone to find out about or you are trying to hide because it is just plain embarrassing. Likeyeast infections for example. Now there is something you certainly don't want to be publicizing if you have it, and you prefer not to let people know you even have it in the first place. Don't know what a yeast infection is?
It is pretty simple. Yeast infection, or what is also know as Candida yeast infections are to put it simply, a fungal infection and it is a common form of vaginitis which is the inflammation of the vagina. If you find that you have it, like all other infections your body will experience, Candida yeast infections also needs to be treated with yeast infection treatments or yeast infection medication which you can acquire from the doctor.

Although it is not a harmful condition, it is still better that you treat it as soon as possible because it can cause discomfort to those who have it and lets face it, would you want to live with some sort of infection going on down in the nether regions? I don't think so.

Here are some facts or points that you should know about Candida yeast infections so that in the even you are experiencing it, you would know what to do about it:

A greater percentage of women have been found to contract this infection than men. Hence, we can say that if you are a woman, then it is a great possibility that you will have to face a yeast infection.

Yeast infections can occur when there is new yeast introduced to the vaginal area, or if there is a significant amount of yeast already present in the area compared to the quantity of normal bacteria. Yeast infection can also be contracted if there is injury in the inner vagina. Oral contraceptives, douches, diabetes and even pregnancy are also just a few other ways that yeast infections can develop, and all of this is going to require that you get yeast infection treatments or yeast infection medication, the sooner the better.

Contrary to what is commonly believed, yeast infections are not caused by sexually transmitted diseases as this condition does occur in celibate women as well. So just because you are not sexually active, it does not mean that you are not going to contract it.

The symptoms of yeast infection includes sensations in your vaginal area, soreness which can be extremely painful and highly uncomfortable, you will also experience pain during intercourse or during urination as well as vaginal discharge with a texture like cottage cheese and it does have a certain odor. Hence if you feel that any of the above mentioned, then its time for you to seek yeast infection treatments or yeast infection medication.

Yeast infections, or Candida yeast infections as it can also be called, is not a very pleasant thing to have and the best way to get an accurate diagnosis of exactly what kind of treatments you might require should you find you are experiencing this is to seek medical advice immediately. With the proper yeast infection treatments or yeast infection medication, this condition can be treated in no time.

Sarah Lomas is a foremost expert in the yeast infection cure. She has had extensive experience and conducted countless experiments in finding yeast infection medications. She is also a highly acclaimed writer in the yeast infection field and you can find out more at

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yeast Infection Diet - Stop the Itch!

If you suffer from a host of symptoms that never really seem to have a cause, you might need to drastically change the way that you view the food that you eat. Feelings of prolonged depression, fatigue and general malaise can be caused by an imbalance in your body's pH. The vast amount of manufactured foods with highly refined ingredients that we consume can create conditions that are ideal for a yeast overgrowth.

Alleviating your heretofore unexplained symptoms may require nothing more than taking several weeks away from the fast and fatty foods commonly ingested on the run, and enjoying the healthy fare of a yeast infection diet.

Candida Albicans, or yeast lives naturally within the body, populating the vagina in women and the digestive tract in both parties. When the body's ability to regulate the growth of Candida is thrown off, the yeast can spread through various systems and cause a host of problems. This can be caused by taking antibiotics, oral contraceptive, steroids or by merely being prone to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

A systemic yeast infection or systemic candidiasis can plague the individual with numerous aches and pains and affect visual perception and even memory. Normal yest infections can become present in the body such as thrush, skin infection and yeast infections of the genitals. The presence of a system wide infection can be difficult to treat with prescribed medications. This is because the medicine that is strong enough to kill off an overgrowth of yeast that permeates the entire body, will inevitably be strong enough to kill off the body's good, necessary bacteria as well.

Additional symptoms of a systemic yeast infection can include poor memory, mood swings, sinus infection and poor memory skills among others. Having a systemic infection means that your total health has been affected by the overgrowth of Candida, and this means that you are at susceptible to other types of illness while your immune system is suppressed by this condition. Sufferers commonly report frequent cravings for sweets.

While many aspects of systemic candidiasis continue to be debated, many medical professionals have come to agree that the overgrowth of yeast does occur and that it can indeed affect multiple systems within the body. There are numerous treatments for local skin and vaginal yeast infections, but systemic infections require that you take a different approach.

Rather than attempting to kill the overgrowth of yeast with strong medicines or courses of natural herbs and supplements, the yeast can instead be starved to death. Yeast relies on the foods that you eat just as much as you. In individuals suffering from yeast overgrowth, constant cravings for sugary, sweet carbohydrates can be caused by the yeast inside the body demanding necessary nutrients. The yeast infection diet operates on the principle that by sufficiently denying the overabundance of yeast all foods that it needs to survive, you can effectively starve it into non-existence.

One of the many symptoms of systemic candidiasis is a marked craving for sweet sugar foods with the host. Weight gain can be experienced with this condition making the yeast infection diet all the more beneficial. It is a diet that will restore both health and a naturally balanced physique.

The elimination process begins with letting of sugars and yeast containing foods. Manufactured foods are also to be avoided for their high chemical and refined sugar and corn syrup content. The diet recommends letting go of all carbohydrates that break down easily into sugar. Different variations of the yeast infection diet allow the consumption of natural sugars, which in essence means fresh fruit. However, even these require the elimination of certain varieties of fruit. In general, diets consist of high amount of fresh or lightly steamed vegetable in conjunction with high protein options. Additional foods such as olives, beer, vinegar and vinegar containing products, among many others, are done away with as well.

There is a growing number of yeast infection diets that are available online. With each however, the general focus remains consistent: limit foods that quickly break down into sugars or otherwise support yeast, and do away with all sugars and yeast containing foods. The length of time necessary can vary from person to person and can range from weeks to months. The payoff however, is a balanced body that can operate at its optimal level of health.

Click here to learn more about Yeast Infection Diet.
Click here to learn more about how to cure Untreated Yeast Infection.
Samantha Sullivan wanted to know everything there was to know about how to stop her own yeast infections. These articles and were the result of her extensive research and quest to cure her yeast infections naturally.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yeast Infection In Man - An Irony In Medicine When Traditional Treatment Makes The Infection Worse

A Man With A Yeast Infection?

There are certain ironies in the field of medicine. Take Candidiasis, for example, the illness commonly
known as yeast infection. Candidiasis is most frequently associated with woman, but believe it or not,
yeast infection in man is a medical reality. The majority of available information about yeast infection, it's symptoms and the treatments that are available definitely favor women, just as the Candida fungus does.

However, yeast infection in man is just as real and troublesome for men as it is for women. What's ironic is when a man gets stricken by this woman's malady, it occurs most frequently on his penis - the one thing a man and a woman do not have in common.

Penile yeast infection is just one instance of the many medical ironies, and of course, there's a lot more where that came from. Another irony for yeast infection in man can also be seen in the way most men deal with a yeast infection. For example, those afflicted with penile yeast infection frequently panic at the sight of a common yeast infection symptom in man, such as reddish irritation on the penis or a clumpy white discharge.

This panic leads them to consult their doctor and request a prescription medication. In turn, the doctor typically recommends an ointment or prescription drug the patient can take to relieve the symptoms and rid himself of the illness. Instead of treating the underlying cause of the yeast infection, the medical profession tends to only treat the symptoms of the infection, thereby prolonging the symptoms.

Traditional Medical Treatment Only Prolongs The Illness

Do you see the irony? So do the ones who stick to this routine. Yeast infection in man is a sickness that results from an inability of the body to function normally, an inbalance in the body. Yet the method many use to treat it is introducing artificial chemicals into their system, trying to get the body to act naturally through unnatural means.

Of course, medicine is not completely ineffective; it is capable of getting rid of a yeast infection symptom or two. But none of the available prescription medications can guarantee a cure of penile yeast infection in every infected man. If there was one miracle drug that was effective against all yeast infections, then it wouldn't have any competition. Instead, there are many different treatment options (and even more for women) which may or may not be effective, and some of which may even have detrimental effects.

Traditional Medical Treatments May Actually Make The Problem Worse

Here is a case in point. Antibiotics are supposed to promote good health by ridding the body of bacterial infections and fungal infections. But antibiotics, when over prescribed or used improperly, can actually cause yeast infection in man. This is because they kill off the desirable microorganisms (which are absolutely essential to good health) along with the bad. The very drugs that should keep us healthy actually put us at greater risk of infection. Ironic, isn't it?

For these reasons, there have been many others who've decided to deviate from the frustrating routine of trial and error and instead seek out methods to cure a yeast infection naturally. The benefits of a natural approach to treating the yeast infection almost always outweigh taking prescribed drugs. For example, unfavorable side effects won't be a concern with natural methods, and the natural methods will actually improve the overall health of the affected person since they focus on a healthier lifestyle instead of limiting treatment to the infected area only.

Natural Cures Result in Cost Savings and Better Health

And this brings us to the biggest irony of all in the medical field for yeast infection in man. Far too much time and money is spent trying to achieve a cure through a variety of prescriptions, rather than treating the underlying cause of yeast infection in men. The ultimate irony, of course, is that natural cures for yeast infection not only get rid of the problem, but also make us healthier and thereby enable us to live longer lives, all at a fraction of what is spent on prescription drugs.

Natural treatments for yeast infection in men are healthier and more effective than traditional treatments. Yeast infections are best cured by naturally addressing the underlying cause instead of only treating the symptoms. Click here to learn more about natural alternatives to treating yeast infection in man. Go to

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Yeast Infection In Men - Indisputable Ways to Prevent Male Yeast Infection From Haunting Your Life

Yeast infection in men has become a common problem throughout the world. Here you will find the symptoms, reasons and the prevention strategies of yeast infection in men. Current technology in medicine science is very effective against infection of yeast that does not bear any side effects or unwanted sufferings.

Any person can pass the whole life without detecting such infection although he/she is already affected by yeast silently. It is very difficult to detect yeast disease infection until a person differentiates himself with a normal person. Women can also get infected by it and most of the time they face infection of yeast in vagina.

On the other hand a man should never think that he is affected by such type of diseases.

Almost all the doctors will prescribe defiant yeast capsules or antiseptic cream for curing yeast infection in men. Men and women both are allowed to take the drugs and the creams to get the best feedback. If any woman gets vaginal infection with yeast then it is very irritating to live happily. During sexual intercourse yeast spores can be transferred to a man to woman or vice versa. Spores can also be transferred by clothes, water and through other processes. During sexual relation male penis are thrown to woman's vagina and thus spores can be transferred. The yeast spore can pass through urethra and settles in the prostate gland. If you think deeply, you will see that young male and female are not yeast infected as like as the adults. So it can be proved that sex is a major reason for Yeast infection in Men.

A man who drinks alcohol is prone to yeast borne disease. Temperature is a factor to grow yeast on human body. 770 C is very optimum temperature to grow yeast although human normal temperature does not affect much. Woman sex organ is a very common place to grow yeast. Before a woman can feel the pain of yeast she can transfer it to a man's urethra in the prostate. Sometimes Yeast infection in Men can be noticed by penile infection and skin can be dried. Always be careful to prevent any infection by yeast.

Almost all the reasons for yeast disease infection are very similar and it is proved that Sexual intercourse is one of the main reasons. Sometimes yeast can be more dangerous than virus or bacteria as it makes the digestion distort. This allows fungi to grow in the internal parts of the body. Alcohol increases the percentage of getting affected by yeast. Antibiotic can reduce the growth of Candida, but it is not be ensured that a person will not got affected by it once again. There are many foods that contain the spore of yeast and most of the time we take these foods unwillingly.

With so many factors that will trigger the infection no matter in men or women. Hence the priority for us is that we should be aware to control yeast disease infection rather take attempt to cure it. Yeast infection in men is undeniable a real big problem and we should try to control it all the time.

I believe that everyone, no matter male or female can definitely eliminate infection of yeast from life if the right treatment is implemented.
As a guy, I strongly understand the frustration and dilemma of having yeast infection in men. Personally I have gone through and over come this torturing infection by following a very effective Male Yeast Infection Treatment 1 year ago.
You can visit this reliable website - Yeast Infection In Men which provide me detail review of this treatment before I obtained it and successfully cure my yeast infection for good.
Do not miss the chance to completely cure your infection.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Yeast Infection No More - Product Review

Is Yeast Infection No More Effective?
Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More is a must have for every Candida sufferer who wants to completely free themselves from the pain that yeast infection brings. Say hello to a healthier, stronger, yeast-free life!

There is now an effective remedy that you can rely upon to treat candida. ? Yeast Infection No More offers a holistic, natural, and safe approach that's sure to keep you free from candida without the treat of side effects that normally ensue with the use of conventional medicines.

Yeast Infection No More offers a very effective remedy to free yourself from candida. This is highly-suggested for men and women alike, and whether you are suffering from candida in the vagina or throat. The bookis packed withmethods and remedies that do not involve expensive yet ineffective medications. The book has been tried and tested by thousands of people and based on their experience, this program is really effective in curing yeast infection. Linda has also suffered from chronic Candida and her success over it inspired her to share her experience and help others also win their fight against Candida.

Known as the Candida Bible, Yeast Infection No More is Allen's own way of sharing information on how to cure Candida infections the natural way. It contains the most precise, effective, and comprehensive guides to gain freedom from Candida infections readers won't encounter from other so-called Candida self-help books.

So what makes this different from dozens of other books about yeast infection?

This book provides information on:
What Candida is
The real causes of Candida
Candida Signs and Symptoms of Candida
Complications of Candida
Diagnosis of Candida
Ways and Measures to Diagnose Candida
Different medical approaches for Candida,? their comparison, and their results
A tested-and-proven five step multi-dimensional System
Three unique, different programs for Candida sufferers with different medical backgrounds and conditions
The basic 12-hour relief treatment
The quick results Mini Program,
The Holistic System

Some thoughts and reviews about Yeast Infection No More:

1. The yeast cure is lasting
Linda Allen's treatment program offers permanent cure. People who have used this program confirms that they have never experienced suffering from candida ever since. According to Linda Allen, while traditional treatments for candida are effective, there is no assurance that the condition will not persist in the future. In fact, 95% of those who treated candida with traditional medication suffered from the same infection later on. Likewise, conventional treatment isn't any helpful. It only addresses the symptoms but not the main cause of the infection. Those who used Allen's treatment have expressed deep satisfaction because so far they have not suffered from any recurrence of candida.

2. The cure is holistic
Multi-dimensional and holistic-these are the two distinguishing features of Linda Allen's program, allowing yeast infection sufferers to treat this condition in different facets, like change in diet and lifestyle and so on. Through this holistic approach, treating yeast infection is easier and patients can be more conditioned and get the guarantee of successfully beating candida.

3. Its very affordable and very effective
Yeast Infection No More is highly-favored by users and experts alike because of its natural and holistic approach to treating yeast infection. The medications this program suggests are also healthful, being free from harmful chemicals or artificial ingredients that most modern medicines contain. What makes it an even-better draw is its affordable cost, giving a lot of patients the opportunity to save money from medical costs and other related fees.

4. It offers an enticing offer: Money back guarantee
Most reviews can't help but get enticed by the money back guarantee this program offers. Indeed, this is one of the reasons why people prefer Yeast Infection No More. It gives them the assurance that the product is effective and works well to treating their condition.

5. Easy to follow and very simple to understand
Yeast Infection No More review provides simple, easy-to-follow instructions that help patients treat this condition in a since, simple, and unpretentious way. Indeed, Linda Allen successfully got her message across thousands of candida sufferers by providing uncomplicated steps on how to alleviate the symptoms and kills the main cause of candida.

Limitation of the Book
Those who have read this e-book will agree that there is not that much limitation with this book!
However, Allen should provide more details about cleansing, especially with regards to the transitioning phase as well as for those who want to undertake a juice or water fast for the first time. ?Those who have successfully completed several juice fasts know that there are potential problems associated with transitioning from solid foods to juice and then back from juice to solid foods.

To Whom Is This Book For?
This book is for everyone, most especially for people who want to learn more about the causes of Candida and yeast infection and the most effective remedies to bring this painful condition to an end. This book is also ideal for patients who are tired of using doctor-prescribed medications but to no avail, having relieved the symptoms for a short time, only to find themselves suffering from the same condition again.

Linda Allen's e-book is ideal for those who want to discover how to become free from Candida through the step-by-step program that she enumerates, giving long-term Candida sufferers the relief that they need most by neutralizing the environment where Candida breeds and lives in, a far, more effective solution than simply addressing Candida symptoms.

All in all, this e-book contains concise, comprehensive, and detailed information that will help Candida sufferers gain freedom from candida. Yeast Infection No More also highlights the need to eat the right food and live a clean, healthy lifestyle to totally rejuvenate the body and close any possibilities for yeast infection to recur.

This book also provides a list of all-natural ingredients all specific step-by-step guide on how to prepare natural medications to promote self-healing and begin, continue, and maintain the body's strength to fight off the growth of Candida.

The Yeast Infection No More program is not your usual magic potion that will quickly get those symptoms fixed. It's a natural, holistic approach that provides profound solutions to yeast infections, giving you the guarantee that you will be free of Candida if you have the patience to follow the program. No matter how severe your candida is, this program will work!

About Linda Allen author of Yeast Infection No More

Linda Allen is a certified nutrition specialist, medical researcher, and health consultant who developed this program after suffering from candida herself. After trying a variety of prescribed medicines, she continued to suffer from the discomfort brought about by this condition. This frustrated her a lot but it also motivated her to work out her own treatment plan, thus, Yeast Infection No More was born.

Allen spent 12 years trying and testing this treatment until she finally developed a clinically-researched method supported by 35,000 hours of nutritional expertise that can effectively eliminate Candida yeast infection.

We have a complete list and review of the best products to Cure Candida and Yeast Infections

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast is a fungus scientifically referred to as Candida. There is no direct evidence that it is passed. Yeast infections are likely to affect three out of four women at least once in their lifetime. These fungi live on all surfaces of our bodies. Under certain conditions, they can become so numerous they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas. Examples of such infections are Yeast infections, thrush, skin and diaper rash, and nailbed infections. A yeast infection is irritation of the and the area around called the vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast normally live in the in small numbers, but when the bacteria in the become out of balance, too many yeast grow and cause an infection. Yeast infections are very common. About 75 percent of women have a yeast infection during their lives. And almost half of women have two or more yeast infections. These infections enter into the bloodstream through breakdowns or cuts in the skin or mucous membranes.

Yeast infections that return may be a sign of more serious diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, or AIDS.

Yeast infections can also occur as a result of injury, such as after chemotherapy. Antibiotics are probably the leading cause of Yeast infections in american wimmin. Candidiasis is not considered a transmitted disease. However, 12% to 15% of men will develop symptoms such as itching and penile rash following contact with an infected partner. Condoms can promote yeast infections in two different ways. first, a lot of condoms come packaged with a lubricant that contains nonoxynol-9, a spermicide that may kill the HIV virus.

Condoms can also cause yeast infections if you are allergic to latex, although this is less common. The use of douches or perfumed hygiene sprays may also increase a woman's risk of developing a yeast infection. A yeast infection (yeast vaginitis) is not considered to be a typical transmitted infection (STD), since Candida may be present in the normal and the condition does occur in celibate women.

Mant treatment available for yeast infections. It is usually treated with a antifungal cream, tablet, or suppository for several days. Various topical creams may be used to relieve itching or irritation of the vulva. Yogurt has long been used to battle yeast infections, either as a yeast cream or by adding it to the diet. Oral medications may be necessary, but these can be obtained only by prescription from a physician.

Cymbopogon citratus (lemon grass) is known to stimulate cell regeneration and to soothe and treat intestinal infections. Nonprescription medications are available for treating yeast infection; boric acid capsules are another option. Treatment can last anywhere from one to 14 days. You will usually feel relief from the symptoms within a few days of beginning your treatment. While treatment for a yeast infection is underway. Any other activity which might result in excessive exertion or sweating should be avoided as well, until the condition is relieved.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for homemade recipes and eye stye. She also writes articles on women health care.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yeast Infections - Causes and Cures

Many people think of yeasts infections as a woman's infection cured with a trip to the doctor and a couple of pills. Many times that does not cover the scope of yeast infections. Men, children and babies may also get yeast infections, as well as some who suffer from Chronic yeast infections. To properly diagnosis and cure a yeast infection may require further knowledge of the cause.

Often referred to as Candida, there are two types of yeast infections. The first type is an Acute yeast infection. The symptoms come on quickly and are easy to diagnose. The symptoms are swelling and redness in the genital area, discharge, itching, burning with urination, and are often accompanied with a white coated tongue. If you have ever had this type of yeast infection, you know how miserable it can be.

The second type of yeast infection is called a Chronic yeast infection. You may be treated many times for recurring yeast infections and think you are cured, when in reality, you are not. This kind of yeast infection can go on for years, being undiagnosed. If gone untreated long enough it can lead to more serious illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and a myriad of other diseases, as the candida albicans invade and damage our healthy cells. This type of yeast infection can be much more difficult to diagnose and treat, as it is often overlooked by health professionals.

Yeast infections occur when there is an unbalance of good and bad bacteria in our bodies. Drugs known to cause yeast to develop and thrive are steroids, such as prednisone and cortisone, birth control pills, and antibiotic taken over a period of time. These drugs kill bad bacteria as well as good. The lack of good bacteria in our bodies cause a break down in our immune systems, as good bacteria is needed to fight off infections and disease.

A diet which consists of lots of sugar, starches and carbohydrates may also cause yeast infections. Yeast infections may also be transmitted sexually due to the mixture of secretions which may cause an imbalance in our bodies. Babies often get thrush, a form yeast, from putting bacteria covered objects in their mouths, and having milk built up in their mouths over a period of time. Diaper rashes may also be the result of a yeast infection.

If you are in poor health, have brain fogs, blurred vision, are craving sugar, starches, and carbs, and are constantly feeling lethargic, you may have a yeast infection. By changing your diet and educating yourself about the causes of yeast infections, you can become much healthier and cure yourself for good.

Cathy lives in Salt Lake City and is a freelance writer. She has studied lots of natural methods of healing to promote better health. She loves music, writing, sports, the outdoors, and helping others achieve their goals.
For more information on natural remedies for better health click here:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Yeast Infections in Men - Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Male yeast infections can occur in just the same places that women will get it - with the exception of the vagina of course! But, I'm not talking primarily of the yeast infections that can occur elsewhere on the body, but instead of the type of yeast infections that can occur on the genital area. Yeast infections in men can occur just as they do in women.

Now since men don't have a vagina, and therefore can't harbor or breed the Candida bacteria in their vagina, it falls to the factor of transference for men to get yeast infections.


Although there can be a few different reasons for men to get yeast infections, the most common reason is due to transferal through sexual intercourse. If their sexual partner has a yeast infection, then a man has a chance of also contracting a yeast infection.

You can in fact get a yeast infection by passing it along to your partner through sexual intercourse. For the most part this is how male yeast infections will occur. It will pass from you to your partner and sometimes even back again.

That's why it's a good thing if you can stop all sexual relations until your yeast clears up. After all that's said and done, it's better to have a short period of abstinence in your life than to have to be continually guarding against a recurrence of yeast just because you passed it along to your partner.

This can sometimes have a ping pong effect where you might first have the yeast infection and pass it along to your partner, who in turn will get it, and who in turn will pass it back to you. However, although you can get yeast infections through sexual intercourse, yeast infections aren't considered as a sexually transmitted disease.

This is not a matter of sexually transmitted diseases. Yeast infections can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, but that doesn't mean that the other person will get it. In the case of male yeast infections, there's only a 12-15% chance that they will get it f their partner has a yeast infection.
That's why it's always a good idea to abstain from having sexual relations while you have a yeast infection.


Symptoms of male yeast infections will be similar to those of vaginal yeast infections. There will be some differences but for the most part they are similar.

o Itching of the penis

o Burning sensation of the tip of the penis

o Red rash on your penis

o Burning sensation when urinating


And just as the symptoms for male yeast infections are the same or similar to those of female yeast infections, the cures are also the same or similar. Very obviously there are some things that you can't do in the case of cures, like the use of suppositories for instance.

But you can adapt just about all of the other cures to suit you. You might also want to ask your doctor about prescription medications and over the counter medications.

In the case of over the counter medications you might definitely want to ask your doctor first about whether you can use them as well, or whether you need to go in for something different. And once you do get it there's also the chance that you can pass it back to your sexual partner and get it back again as well.

Are you looking for information about yeast infections in men? If you are looking for a safe, 100% natural yeast infection cure that can provide relief within hours, visit for more information.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Boric Acid For Yeast Infection Treatment

Boric acid capsules used as vaginal suppositories can be an effective remedy for yeast infections in some women. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

Boric acid can be particularly useful for people with chronic yeast infections that haven't responded to over-the-counter or prescription anti-fungal medications. Some pharmacies can prepare boric acid capsules for you. Ask for size "0" gelatin capsule filled with 600 mg of powdered boric acid in each capsule.

One capsule is typically inserted at night before going to bed. Some people may need to take it in the morning and the evening. It can be taken with a vitamin E capsule or used with vitamin E oil to reduce the chances of irritation.

Yeast infection treatment typically takes three to seven days. Chronic yeast infections may require a longer treatment. Using boric acid suppositories for more than a week can cause irritation of the vulva and vagina.

Because boric acid is a strong substance there are some precautions associated with its use. Consider the following:

o Boric acid is toxic and should never be taken orally or placed on cuts or open wounds.

o Side effects may include severe irritation and burning.

o Boric acid should never be used during pregnancy.

In addition to boric acid there are other home remedies that are sometimes used to treat yeast infections. Many women use yogurt to help clear up yeast infections. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in healthy vaginas. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide in the vagina. To use this method, a tampon is soaked in yogurt and inserted into the vagina. Yogurt can also be applied directly to the vulva to relieve itching and burning. Make sure that you use plain, unflavored yogurt that contains absolutely no sugar.

Many holistic practitioners advise eating yogurt daily to help prevent yeast and other fungal infections. Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk daily, whether you've got the infection or not. This will drastically reduce the chances of infection.

Tea tree oil that is widely available in natural food stores is another popular yeast infection remedy. Simply soak a tampon in tea tree oil and insert it into the vagina. Gentian violet is a traditional remedy for yeast and other infections that pre-dates most modern antifungals and antibiotics. To use this method you "paint" the vagina and vulva with gentian violet. Just one treatment is often enough to cure yeast infection.

While you are treating a yeast infection with boric acid or other remedies, you can use a paste made from slippery elm powder and water to relieve the itching and burning. Another option is to keep aloe vera in the refrigerator and soak into a cotton pad. This can be applied to the vulva as needed. Some women use an over the counter topical cream, like Vagisil, to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with yeast infections.

Talk to your holistic practitioner about boric acid to help determine if the treatment is right for you. Boric acid can be a safe, inexpensive and effective treatment for yeast infection.

Boric Acid: A household product that is often used to cure yeast infections

Gentian Violet: A traditional home remedy that can be used to treat yeast infections.

Learn more about hydrogen peroxide for yeast infections on our site. You'll also find other information such as relieving yeast infection symptoms and what yeast infection looks like. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Choosing The Best Treatments For Yeast Infection

Because there are so many options available, you should compare treatments for yeast infections before deciding which method to use. When you compare treatments you will find that they range from tried and true natural remedies to prescription medications. The treatment you choose will depend on the severity of your infection and your personal preferences.

Yogurt is a popular home treatment that is often used to alleviate yeast infections. Compared to some other treatments, yogurt is inexpensive and effective. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a healthy bacterium that occurs naturally in the vagina. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. The yogurt can be applied directly to the vulva and can be inserted into the vagina with a tampon that has been soaked in yogurt. Make sure that you use only plain, unflavored yogurt with no added sugar and be sure that is contains live acidophilus cultures. Apply once or twice a day until symptoms improve.

Garlic is another home treatment that is sometimes used to cure yeast infections. Garlic contains natural antifungal substances that kill of yeast. Peel the garlic, wrap in gauze and insert it into the vagina. For best results, you should leave it in your vagina for several hours at a time (like overnight). Garlic capsules may also be used.

Boric acid capsules used as suppositories are an effective medical treatment for yeast infections. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast.

To relieve the itching associated with a yeast infection, try making a paste of slippery elm powder and a little water. Apply as needed. Another option is to keep aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and then soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your vulva. Although slippery elm and aloe vera treatments will relieve symptoms, they will not kill the yeast fungus. Make sure you use them in conjunction with anti-fungal yeast remedies.

There are many over the counter antifungal treatments that can be used for yeast infections. Take time to compare treatments so you will chose the one that will best treat your yeast infection. Monistat is a popular choice. This medication comes in a pre-filled applicator so that the anti-fungal substance can be inserted directly into the vagina. Monistat is effective but it is expensive compared to home remedies. Some women use Vagisil cream to relieve itchiness while they are treating their yeast infections.

Your doctor can help you compare prescription treatments that are available for yeast infections. Diflucan is an oral medication that generally clears up a yeast infection with just one treatment. Like most prescription medications, it does have some unpleasant side effects so make sure your doctor discusses all aspects of the medication with you.

Most women find that they prefer natural remedies to prevent and treat yeast infections. Do some research and decide which treatment is best for you. When you compare the treatments for yeast infections, you will be certain to find the one that best suits your needs, budget and lifestyle.

Boric acid: A home remedy that is sometimes used to treat yeast infections.

Diflucan: A prescription medication that is sometimes used to treat yeast infections.

Learn more about getting yeast infection from tanning beds on our site. You'll also find other information such as vasectomy and male yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chronic Yeast Infection Answers

Yeast infections are common in babies or small children, but that type of yeast infection is an oral yeast infection also known as thrush. It's not often that children have chronic yeast infections, but it can happen if a child encounters toys, bottles, pacifiers or other objects which have been infected by their own previous oral yeast infection, or that of another child's.

In adults however, chronic yeast infections can often be a sign that something else is wrong in the body. Yeast infections are able to take hold when the body's natural immunity is low. Since yeast infection causing bacteria live in our body, the potential for a yeast infection is always there. But we also have a number of "good" bacteria that live in our bodies too, and in a healthy person this good bacteria is usually able to keep the yeast infecting bacteria supressed.

When an adult has other health problems though, such as a severe illness or a diseases which weakens the immune system, they are more susceptible to having chronic yeast infections. The HIV virus and diabetes are two types of diseases that cause weakened immune systems, and people who suffer from these often find themselves having frequent recurring yeast infections too.

There are medications which can cause the chronic yeast infections too however. If for instance, you take prescription antibiotics frequently, you run the risk of getting yeast infections more often. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, good and bad, so while they can clear up problematic bacteria that's causing another health problem, they can also cause side problems such as a yeast infection. Since there are no good bacteria alive n the body to keep the yeast infection bacteria suppressed, the yeast bacteria are often able to thrive.

Other types of medications can supress your immune system too. Prescription medicines used to treat certain skin diseases for instance, are designed to supress the immune system so that your body stops over producing skin cells. This supression unfortunately allows the yeast bacteria to thrive, so you can end up having multiple yeast infections when taking immune system supressing drugs.

Birth control pills are a common cause of chronic yeast infections in women. While they don't supress the body's immune system, they do cause hormonal changes which can have similar effects, thus creating an environment that yeast are able to thrive in.

Foods you choose to eat can also play a role is causing chronic yeast infections. Yeast feed on sugar and simple starches, so a diet high in carbohydrates or sweets can create ongoing problems with recurring, chronic yeast infections.

If you suffer from chronic yeast infections and are not taking prescription medications that could be the root cause, you'll need to look closely at your eating habits. Sometimes the remedy is fairly simple. If you eat a lot of cheese for instance, that could be contributing to chronic yeast infections because cheese has a high mold content. If you eat a lot of sugar and simple starches, you could try changing to a more moderate to low carb diet and see if that helps.

If food and medication does not seem to be the cause of your chronic yeast infections though, you'll want to visit your doctor and get a complete physical, because it could be an indication of a more severe illness.
Note: Some statements in this article may not be approved by the FDA, and should not be considered as professional medical advice.

Discover A Fast and Effective Natural Cure For Yeast Infection, that's Safe, 100% Natural and Completely Drug Free! Chronic Yeast Infection

Monday, April 18, 2011

Diabetes and Yeast Infections - 5 Things Every Diabetic Should Know

As a result of high blood sugar levels and immune system dysfunction, diabetics are prone to more frequent and more serious infections than non-diabetic persons. Among these infections, yeast ranks among the most common and in fact sometimes leads to the diagnosis of diabetes.

Is this dangerous? Is there anything a person can do about the situation?

Here are 5 things every diabetic should know about yeast infections:

1. Vaginal yeast infections - don't skip this one men - there are some things here you need to know, too.

Yeast thrive in a warm, moist environment, especially when there's plenty of food, i.e. excess sugar. There are always a few yeast in the neighborhood, but other "good" germs normally crowd them out. In diabetes, the yeast may grow in abundance and become like crabgrass: once it takes hold, it's hard to eliminate. If you have never been diagnosed with diabetes but have been getting more than your share of yeast infections, or have had trouble being cured of a yeast infection, consult your doctor - you may be diabetic.

Usually yeast is not a sexually transmitted disease, but in a diabetic it can be, especially if both partners are diabetic. Other STDs may be more easily transmitted as well if fragile tissues are already irritated from a yeast infection. Women who are suffering from vaginal itching and burning are also less likely to be interested in intercourse. Because the symptoms of yeast infections, urine infections, and STDs overlap women sometimes mistake one for the other.

If you are diabetic and suffering from prolonged or recurrent yeast infections you should talk to your doctor. You may need to control your blood sugars more effectively. You may need a prolonged course of anti-yeast medication. You may need a combination of oral and topical medications. You may need to be checked for another type of infection that mimics yeast.

2. Thrush (oral yeast infection). Yeast infection in the mouth is common in diabetics who don't have their blood sugars well controlled, especially in patients with dentures. Thrush has a variety of presentations. Often it appears as white spots that coat the inside of the cheeks or the tongue. Sometimes the mouth looks raw or irritated. Other people complain of a change in taste or sore feeling even though the tissues appear normal. Oral thrush indicates a need for better sugar control, better oral hygiene, or both. It may require oral medication, topical medication, or both, and may occur at the same time as a yeast infection elsewhere in the body.

3. Intertrigo (yeast infections in warm skin folds). Intertrigo is especially common in men and women who have folds of overlapping skin that remain moist. Common areas include the axilla (armpit), groin, under the breast, and under the belly. Intertrigo appears as a red or pink rash, usually flat (not bumpy), that is often moist, and may have an unpleasant odor or itching. Again the cure lies in controlling blood sugars, keeping the area dry, and medication. Topical creams such as Lotrimin or Lamisil are effective. If itching is prominent, OTC hydrocortisone may be added. Wearing a cotton T-shirt or underwear helps keep the area dry.

4. Antibiotic-related yeast infections. Diabetics who take antibiotics for respiratory or other infections are at high risk of developing any of the above conditions. The antibiotics kill off many normal germs (normal flora), and allow yeast to take hold. A yeast infection may show up while a patient is taking the antibiotic or up to a few weeks later. Those who take daily antibiotics for conditions such as acne or rosacea are especially at risk. The key to prevention is minimizing antibiotic exposure. Don't request an antibiotic for a cold you've only had a few days. If you must continue an antibiotic for some reason, you may need to take a prolonged course of anti-yeast medication as well. One approach for diabetics who tend to get yeast infections is to begin a yeast medication prophylactically as soon as an antibiotic is begun. Ask your doctor what the best plan is for you.

5. Steroid-related yeast infections. It's not uncommon for a diabetic patient to suffer a separate condition (such as arthritis or asthma) for which steroid medications are prescribed. Steroids alone predispose to yeast infections, but doubly so in a diabetic, since they may raise blood sugar levels. Steroid pills, IVs, injections, and inhalers all predispose to yeast infections. If you use a steroid inhaler, make sure you follow the directions about rinsing your mouth afterward. If you receive an injection in your knee for arthritis, be aware that elevated blood sugar readings and thrush may follow. For persons taking steroids on a prolonged basis, daily yeast medication may be required.

It's rare that a yeast infection would be more serious than the situations described above. If you're diabetic and having trouble with recurrent or prolonged infections, ask your doctor if there are any special measures you should take. If your blood sugar isn't controlled, develop a plan with your physician to take control of the situation.
Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

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Permission is hereby granted to publish this copyrighted article elsewhere on the web or in print media, in whole or in part, with the stipulation that Dr. Koelker be properly credited as author, and that the material be unaltered with regard to content.
Cynthia J. Koelker, MD is a family physician of over twenty years, and holds degrees from MIT, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the University of Akron. She is the author of "101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Discover The Truth About Male Yeast Infection - You Are In Danger!

Vaginal yeast infections are common fodder. Indeed, you cannot turn on the television or open a magazine without seeing something or another about a vaginal yeast infection. The fact is, however, that women are not alone in being susceptible to contracting yeast infection in their genitals. There is a male yeast infection as well that attacks the penis. If you are a man, it is important for you to be aware of the symptoms of a male yeast infection.

At the outset you need to be aware that in most instances a man does have a small amount of Candida yeast in his penis. Under normal conditions the Candida yeast in a man's penis remains in check and does not cause any problems. However, in some instances, the yeast level in a man's penis can become unbalanced. In such a situation, a yeast infection occurs.

Signs of a male yeast infection include a burning sensation when urinating or during or after sexual intercourse. Other symptoms of a male yeast infection include a red rash like eruption on the head and shaft of the penis. This can prove to be very painful.

In some instances, a man with a male yeast infection will experience a discharge from his penis quite like what a woman with a vaginal yeast infection can experience. This discharge can be milky in color and rather thick in substance.

There really are two treatment options available to a man with a male yeast infection. First, a man can take an oral remedy - pills or tablets. Second, a man can use a cream to help relieve some of the symptoms of a yeast infection. However, because of the nature of a penis, a cream will only work to relieve the external symptoms of a yeast infection and will not work to resolve the infection within the penis itself.

If you think that you are suffering from a male yeast infection, it is important for you to begin a treatment program or regimen immediately. The sooner you begin treating a yeast infection, the better chance you have for a rapid resolution of the program. You should be able to realize an easing of the male yeast infection symptoms within a few days. The infection itself should be nearly resolved with about one week. Your doctor can provide you with more specific information about the care and treatment of a yeast infection.

Discover more about Yeast Infection Man and how to prevent the yeast infection on Dina's weblog candida infection

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Got a Yeast Infection? Natural Treatment is Available

It is important to know the facts regarding a yeast infection. Natural treatment is available, and it is advisable to take advantage of it even if you are taking a drug to treat the symptoms. Natural treatment for a yeast infection is easy and fast, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

Here are the facts you need to know:

Fact #1:
Anyone can get a yeast infection. Men, women, babies, and children can all be infected by yeast infections. In fact, at one point in their lives, 75% of the population will get a yeast infection. Natural treatment takes care of the underlying causes of the problem and eliminates yeast infections for good.

Fact #2:
Yeast infections are contagious. A man or woman may pass it to their partner. During breastfeeding, a mother and baby may pass each other a yeast infection. Natural treatment will stop this cycle.

Fact #3:
There are drugs one can take that cure symptoms. However, many times people find that the yeast infection recurs in one way or another. The reason for this is that drugs do not take care of the root cause of the yeast infection. Natural treatment will.

Fact #4:

Below are three examples of a typical manifestation of a yeast infection. Natural treatment can help all of these:

Vaginal yeast infections
The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area.

Other symptoms include burning, soreness, pain during intercourse or urination, and vaginal discharge.

Oral yeast infections
a smooth creamy white or yellow coating in the mouth; red, peeling patches, most commonly on the palate and tongue; or red cracks at the corners of the mouth often covered by a pseudo membrane.

Diaper yeast infections
A diaper rash that might have multiple red bumps, pus-filled bumps, or a scaling pattern on the infected skin.

Fact #5:
Yeast infections may leave yeast spores in the body which can cause many other symptoms. Some examples of such symptoms are: fatigue, digestive problems, memory loss, muscle aches, depression, shortness of breath, food allergies, and cravings for sweets. Not everybody gets all of these symptoms, but they might be present as a result of a yeast infection. Natural treatment can eliminate these symptoms as well.

Fact #6:
Yeast spores can remain dormant for years and then flare up again and cause recurring yeast infections. Natural treatment will prevent this from happening.

So I recommend: if you or your loved one has a yeast infection, natural treatment should definitely be on your agenda. Get rid of the yeast infection once and for all, and spend your time dealing with more pleasant things.

Yeast infection: Natural treatment
Suffering from yeast infections? There is a natural, permanent cure. Learn more here.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How Do I Know If I Have Yeast Infection

How do I know if I have yeast infection? A question most women ask especially if this is their first yeast infection. Fist, let us discuss what is yeast infection and what are the factors affecting yeast infection.
Yeast infection is a very annoying condition especially for women who are commonly infected by this disease. Yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albans which are always present in the vagina. Increase growth or reproduction of Candida Albans leads to yeast infection.

There are many factors contributing to the propagation of yeast infection that women should know and some of them are:

  • Imbalance in your system due to antibiotics and stress
  • Wearing tight undergarments or underwear materials that promotes sweating
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking Pills
  • Frequent douching
  • Hormonal replacement for menopause
  • Diabetes or increased sugar level
Even with the knowledge of the different factors affecting yeast infection, you will still ask the question "how do I know if I have yeast infection?" especially if this is your first yeast infection. A doctor can tell you if you have yeast infection by examining your vaginal discharge under a microscope but initially you can tell that you have yeast infection if you have these symptoms.

Severe itching, swelling and burning sensation in and around your vagina , so bad that you can hardly walk
Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese
Vaginal discharge that smells like bread or beer

Asking the question "how do I know if I have yeast infection" is very important to have the right diagnosis. While it is important to know all about yeast infection and to know that what you have is really yeast infection, finding cure for your yeast infection is of course your main goal to put an end to your sufferings. Prescribed medicines may cure yeast infection but if you experience recurring yeast infections don't ignore it as it may lead to chronic yeast infection. Most women have recurring yeast infection and this should not be ignored.

If you have tried prescribed medicines and it brought you nothing but temporary relief, do not despair because yeast infection can be cured permanently. There is an all natural way and drug free treatment for yeast infection that treats not only the symptoms but the root cause of yeast infection.

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Yeast Infection. To find out more on Yeast Infection visit Great Discovery- Beauty and Health

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Treat a Yeast Infection

Discovering how to treat a yeast infection isn't always as easy as you might think. There are so many different products and prescriptions available that don't work, that it can be difficult to find yeast infection treatment that does work.

Yeast infections are caused by Candida fungus that normally lives in the human body in small quantities. But an overabundance of Candida fungus causes the condition commonly referred to as "yeast infection". Yeast infection may affect any part of the body and may infect both men and women but it is most common in women. Vaginal yeast infection affects 75% of women, who are constantly looking for best methods how to treat a yeast infection.

If you find out you have all the yeast infection signs and decide that you want to get treat it yourself then there are many possibilities available to you. There are of course prescription or over the counter medications available but there are also other natural ways how to treat a yeast infection.

If you do not treat a yeast infection properly it may very dangerous. Some companies offer over-the-counter oral drugs which they promise will bring a end to your yeast infections but in reality can make the infection worse or only appear to go away. Although some products may temporarily cover the symptoms, most oral pills do not destroy the infection at it's source.

For women who have recurring yeast infections, going to the pharmacy to purchase an over-the-counter treatment is not only time-consuming, but can prove to be quite expensive. The best way to treat a yeast infection is to deal with the root cause of the problem. This is where natural remedies come in. If you want a long term, more permanent solution, go natural!

Natural Remedies to Treat Yeast Infections
Here are some examples of natural remedies used to treat yeast infections:
Mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of lukewarm water. You may want to hold your nose while you drink it, because it will taste awful!

Another option is to drink a glass of buttermilk every day. Directly after drinking the buttermilk, drink a small glass of water to get rid of the aftertaste. The cultures in the buttermilk are the ingredients that kill the infection.

Some women choose to douche with a solution made up of a pint (500ml) of distilled water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This solution can also be used to soothe the external areas affected by the infection. The douche may be repeated if the infection is advanced.

Plain yogurt can be used to treat yeast infections as well. Yoghurt contains the bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a bacterial that lives in all healthy vaginas and is conveniently located in yogurt! Lactobacillus acidophilus produces hydrogen peroxide, which will kill the yeast infection. Coat a tampon liberally with yogurt and insert it at bedtime. It is recommended that you leave the tampon in place for at least eight hours. Remove the tampon in the morning. Most supermarkets and health food stores carry yogurt with active cultures. But make sure your yogurt has live cultures of the bacteria or the yogurt treatment will not work.

Tea tree oil can be used in a similar manner to treat yeast infections, as it contains known chemicals which reduce fungus. tea tree oil can be used as a topical antiseptic to relieve such conditions as acne, athlete's foot, and yeast infections. In fact, this oil has been used in the treatment of candidiasis which is an infection of the mouth and throat. Although research is ongoing, studies have shown that tea tree oil has been effective in treating vaginal infections. Put a few drops of the tea tree oil onto a tampon and insert it into the vagina.
Another method to relieve the itching caused by yeast infections, is to apply a wet teabag that has been in the freezer. Be sure to take the teabag out before it is frozen. Apply the cold teabag to the affected area.

Would you like to discover how to treat a yeast infection and successfully remove all symptoms within 12 hours? Read Natural Cure for Yeast Infection - Everything you need to know about yeast infections and how to treat them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms - How To Deal With it

Yeast infection is not something that happens only to women. Although it is not something that is very common for men it does happen. Male yeast infection symptoms are usually the same as vaginal yeast infection symptoms.

Here are some of the Male yeast infection symptoms:

- Burning sensation when urinating

- Pain during sexual intercourse

- Rash (along the shaft or on the tip of the penis)

- Burning sensation of the infected area

- Slight swelling

- Even a light discharge is possible

The first thing you should do if you suspect you suffer from a yeast infection is to consult your doctor. Of course you could try the same (over-the-counter) medicine available for vaginal yeast infection if you are comfortable with it.

The solutions and creams provided with the vaginal yeast infection treatments are very helpful to help you get rid of your male yeast infection symptoms. In fact you can even use natural treatment like unsweetened yogurt to help you get rid of your male yeast infection symptoms.

The major problem with male yeast infection symptoms is that there is no ''one real treatment'' available.

There is no ''men only'' treatments designed to help men get rid of this problem. On top of that there is no real test available to help you determine whether you might have a yeast infection or not.

You should be aware the even if you suffer from male yeast infection symptoms does not mean you necessarily suffer from yeast infection. Sometime yeast infections are the result of other condition so in doubt go see a doctor to see if you really have a yeast infection.

One important point to consider if you suffer from male yeast infection symptoms is that you should at all cost avoid sexual intercourse. There is a great chance that you will pass your infection to your partner. On the other hand if you got your infection from your partner it is still a good idea to avoid sexual intercourse until you both get ok otherwise you will pass the infection back and forth between you.

Of course there are solutions to help you relive yourself of the male yeast infection symptoms until the medication starts to work. The first thing you should consider is to avoid wearing thigh clothing. Always wear loose fitting clothing.

Of course you understand that means thigh jeans are out, thigh bathing costume are out too. Other things you might want to do is to avoid eating things like:

- Red meat

- Alcohol

- Yeast containing or fermented products.

Another important factor is to stay stress free as much as possible. We all know that stress can affect your immune system. But the most important part is that if you suspect you suffer from male yeast infection symptoms don't be ashamed to seek help.

If you are suffering from Male Yeast Infection Symptoms and are tired of living with yeast infections visit our website, we offer the best infromation about Yeast Infection Treatment and Yeast Infection Cure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Male Yeast Infections Usually Minor And Treatable

Male yeast infections are usually minor problems that can are easily treated with antifungal creams or ointments. A male yeast infection occurs from sexual contact with women who have a yeast infection. Not every male who is exposed to a yeast infection will get one. Men are at increased risk if they have diabetes or are uncircumcised.

Signs and symptoms of male yeast infections include:

* Soreness and irritation at the head of the penis
* Itching of the head of the penis
* White, clumpy discharge
* Red color at the head of the penis
* Burning sensation during intercourse
* Burning sensation during urination
* Severe itching and pain
* Red patches and blisters on the head of the penis
* Transient rash
* Jock Itch.

Men who are not circumcised may be affected worse than those who are because the foreskin holds in moisture. Men with HIV or other immune system disorders are also more susceptible to getting a male yeast infection.

Sometimes males who have yeast infections have no outward signs or symptoms. However, if your female sexual partner gets a yeast infection after having sex with you, it might be a good idea to get yourself checked. Yeast infections can easily be passed back and forth between sexual partners.

Some males treat their yeast infections with Monistat vaginal cream which is typically used for female yeast infections. Put a few drops of white vinegar in the cream, mix it together and then apply the mixture to the affected area. Some people have reported great success with this method to treat male yeast infections, but the use of vinegar seems to be the key. Don't apply straight vinegar because it will cause a serious irritation in the sensitive genital area.

Some males with yeast infections may need to go to the doctor to obtain a prescription for Diflucan or Nizoral. Because Nizoral is a very powerful anti-fungal it is very hard on your liver. This is not something you want to take unless you absolutely have to. Diflucan is relative safe and there is one version that is available over the counter. FDA approved oral drug often clears the male yeast infection in just one dose.

The use of a condom will often prevent men from getting yeast infection from their sexual partners. The key to successful treatment is early intervention. Be sure to talk to your doctor at the very first sign of a male yeast infection so that that will not have to suffer needlessly.

Learn more about yeast infection in prostate on our site. You'll also find other information such as yeast infection in males and vasectomy and male yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Natural Yeast Infection Cures For Men and Women

Natural yeast infection cures are an easy and safe way to remedy the infection. There are many different other cures that you can also use which include home remedies, over the counter products and prescription treatments.

What is Yeast?

Yeast lives in your body naturally, and the reason you have not suffered from a yeast infection most of your life is because the yeast has been managed by your body. Yeast is a safe organism when it is in its normal quantity in the body. It makes estradiol which is the strongest of the human estrogens. It is a natural part of our body, but for some people the yeast gets out of control and starts causing symptoms.

Yeast infection, or Candidiasis, is caused by a group of microscopic fungus that comes in many different species. Infections are caused by the Candida albicans fungus. Candidiasis is not restricted to reproductive organs and can occur almost anywhere on the body. It is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida Albicans.

In women, vaginal candidiasis is the most common fungal infection caused by yeast. Yeast thrives on sugar so you want to avoid products with sugar in them. Antibiotics and stress have also been known to be contributing factors for causing infections. The most common cause of Candidiasis infection for males is through sexual intercourse with a woman who is already infected. For females, factors that can be a major cause of Candidiasis infection include the use of douches, scented feminine hygiene products, feminine sprays, and the regular use of spermicides. The use of any or all of these can disrupt the delicate balance of the vagina and can bring about an onset of yeast infection. Although easily treated, infections can turn chronic if not well managed.


Oral thrush causes curd-like white patches inside the mouth, on the tongue, palate and around the lips. It may also cause cracked, red, moist areas on the skin at the corners of the mouth. If you have a Candidiasis in your digestive tract it can cause bloating and abdominal pain.

Symptoms for men include red sores at the end of the penis or along the shaft and foreskin. Most men are not aware that these red sores with accompanying rashes on the male organ are actually symptoms of penile infection. The common male symptoms include redness of the penis and the surrounding areas, constant itching, severe pain during intercourse, uncontrollable white liquid discharge with an unpleasant odor, and in the worst cases, green pus may appear at the penile opening. The best thing to do when experiencing male symptoms is to visit a medical clinic and have the symptoms diagnosed for immediate treatment as many symptoms can also be the same as some symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Common signs and symptoms of vaginal infections caused by yeast include itching and irritation in the vagina, thick white discharge, unexplained pain at the time of intercourse, redness and swelling. Regardless of where you get a yeast infection, you are likely to have many of the same annoying symptoms: redness, swelling, rash and the dreaded itching. There are many symptoms and they vary from person to person. Genital or vaginal itching, weakness, penile or vaginal discharge, nervous anxiety, skin rashes, eczema, burning urination and bloating are all symptoms of yeast infection.


Causes of infections can be traced to hot weather, stress, an elevated consumption of alcohol or refined sugars, and taking of oral contraceptives. Diabetics as well as people with a low immunity are more prone to infections. There are many causes for these infections; soaps, talcum powders, some deodorants and products with a heavy perfume such as creams and body lotions etc. Other various causes of infections are: pregnancy, hormonal changes, antibiotic usage, unhygienic conditions, tight clothing or underwear, spermicides, having vaginal sex directly after anal sex without cleansing first, the use of antibiotics, diabetes, and the use of corticosteroid medications. Poor oral hygiene and poorly fitted dentures are the biggest causes of oral thrush.


Pharmaceutical companies will not document or report on natural yeast infection cures because they are not profitable. Drugs don't cure intestinal yeast infections because they only kill fungus, they don't stop the yeast that lives in your body from mutating once the treatment has stopped. Most women are taking anti fungal drugs for months before they realize that they are never going to cure their yeast infection with the treatments they have been using. However, with the help of natural methods, you will be able to cure it in no time. The truth is that there are many different natural cures.

Whether you are looking for yeast infection cures or not, buttermilk and yogurt would be a good addition to your diet. Yogurt is considered one of the best natural yeast infection cures as it contains active cultures (acidophilus) that will help restore good bacteria to your body. Natural yeast infection cures are an easy and safe way to treat your yeast infection. Garlic cures, cranberry preparations, oil of oregano, cinnamon, tea tree oil, teas and more.

Cures may be of two types, chemical and natural. In chemical methods, medicines are used to remove and cure yeast infections. Natural cures use dietary changes and use of herbs to cure you of yeast infection. So for cures you can use any of these two methods, depending on the choice.

You should combine your cure with a prevention strategy, as well as the many natural cures out there. Whether you choose natural or commercial cures though, make sure that you find one that works long term. Even though they are quite easy and effective, you should consult your doctor before proceeding with any natural cures.

If you or someone you know is suffering from yeast infection then go to and check out the all natural health products for curing yeast infections along with other great products. you are just one click away from a natural yeast infection cure.