Thursday, August 25, 2011

Natural Yeast Infection Cures - 3 Simple Yeast Infection Natural Remedies

Looking for natural yeast infection cures because you're totally frustrated with drug-based treatments? You'll discover here 3 easy yeast infection natural remedies that are proving very popular and effective.

First though, why is it that so many women around the world are desperately seeking natural cures for yeast infections? To answer that we need to first consider the mainstream treatments that are normally used in treating yeast infections.

Mainstream yeast infection treatments can work effectively...

First line treatment is usually through drug-based topical creams, pessaries, lotions, liquid suspensions, pastilles, etc., depending on the location of the infection. Now, these work well enough if you follow the instructions correctly. And will take between 3 and 14 days to work depending on the severity of your condition.

But there are problems for many sufferers too...

Because they are drug-based, there can be some negative side effects for some folks. And, for many, their infection can seem to take forever to clear. And again, many women will see their symptoms disappear, only to come back again after the medication has been ceased. That is, they suffer from recurring yeast infections which have a pretty devastating effect on their lives. Could this be you?

There are 2 possible reasons for this...

(1) The medication addresses the local symptoms rather than the root cause (the Candida Albicans fungus), and, the underlying conditions that can help trigger its 'overgrow' into a yeast infection (e.g. things like a lowered immune system, stress, poor diet, antibiotics, steroids, hormonal changes, etc.).

(2) The Candida Albicans can build-up a resistance to the drugs that these medications contain, rendering them ineffective if you keep using them over a long period of time (e.g. when you have recurring yeast infections, or, your infection is being stubborn the first time around).

This is why so many frustrated women are looking for totally natural yeast infection cures...

More and more women (and men) are turning to yeast infection natural remedies that don't have the negativity of mainstream drug-based remedies, with the added bonus that they're way cheaper too.

These 3 natural yeast infection remedies are proving to be very popular...

(1) Many women swear by using yogurt to relieve their symptoms. They just apply over the vulva and vagina, and / or, they soak a tampon in the yogurt for internal relief. But it has to be plain, unsweetened, with no added color. And it must contain "live, active cultures" - always check the label.

(2) Another women's favorite is to use garlic as a paste or as a tampon. Crush peeled raw garlic into a paste and smear over the affected area. You can also wrap a peeled whole clove of garlic in muslin and use as a tampon.

(3) Last, but not least, is something that is becoming more and more popular, although it has been used for thousands of years; raw apple cider vinegar. You can douche with it, or, have it in a 'sitz' bath. For the douche just add 2 tablespoons of cider to 2 quarts of warm water. For the bath, just add 2 cups of cider to a low, warm bath and bathe for around 20 minutes.

So there you have it, 3 natural yeast infection remedies for you to try at home.

But on their own are they enough?

These are just three of a whole bunch of natural yeast infection remedies, and on their own, they can't really be called "cures". To really cure yeast infections naturally, especially stubborn or recurring yeast infections, you need much more information than I can give in this short report. For example, you have to consider dietary and even lifestyle issues, the type of things that can help to perpetuate your yeast infection if not properly addressed.

If you want to discover more about natural yeast infection cures, and get the facts on how you can get rid of your yeast infection fast (in as little as 12 hours perhaps) and permanently, then please go now to It'll only take a couple of minutes.

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