Thursday, September 29, 2011

8 Powerful Home Remedies For a Yeast Infection

It is a rare person who doesn't suffer at least one fungal infection during the course of their lifetime. Fungal infections affect almost everyone - women, men, children, babies, and even the elderly. Fungal infections usually affect the outer parts of the body but, if left untreated, can enter the blood stream and cause even worse ailments. Some can actually be lethal. These infections are also transferable.

The most common form of fungal infections is Candidiasis, or more commonly known as a yeast infection. This is an infection of the mucous membranes. It is caused by the Candida fungus, also known as Candida albicans.

Candida normally is present is certain areas of the skin, vagina, and mouth. Healthy bacteria in the same vicinity keep the Candida in check. A problem occurs when the balance of bacteria to Candida is thrown out of whack. This can be caused by the use of antibiotics, hormonal imbalances brought on by such things as menstruation and pregnancy, or a weakening of the body's natural defenses. As a result of any of these factors, the fungus begins to multiply and grow out of control.

Yeast infections can occur in the mouth, skin folds, vagina, and penis. The kind of infection that gets the most attention, and is also the most common, is the vaginal yeast infection. Almost 75% of women will incur at least one of these fungal infections in their lifetime.

While these infections can be dealt with from the privacy of your home, it is still advised to get the advice and counsel of your doctor. Candida infections share many of the symptoms as other more serious ailments. So you need to make sure you are actually suffering from a yeast infection and not something more serious, like a bacterial or urinary tract infection.

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Here are some very effective home remedies you can try from home to get things back to normal quickly:


It is recommended to drink 2 glasses or more of buttermilk per day. Not only should you do this during the course of a Candida infection, but also when you are feeling healthy. This will help to prevent future infections.

Diet and Hygiene

A proper diet can go a long way toward fighting a current yeast infection and preventing a future outbreak. Avoid sugars, foods made of white flour, and all processed foods. You should also try to limit caffeine and alcohol as much as possible. Steer more toward green, leafy vegetables, fish, chicken, and yogurt.

Change quickly after showering or working out. Also, make sure to dry thoroughly after showering. Try to avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers. These fibers trap heat and moisture, which is an ideal breeding ground for a yeast infection.

Keep the vaginal area as dry as possible by wearing loose clothing. Wear cotton underwear, or none at all. Lastly, try incorporating more skirts into your wardrobe.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You can dab apple cider vinegar on the affected areas for some quick relief. The apple cider is pretty strong so make sure to dilute it with water. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of water. Adding garlic will further help to kill the yeast and relieve the burning and itching.

Yogurt and Curds

This next home remedy is one of the best. Just mix some yogurt with curds and coat a tampon with this. Then insert vaginally. The naturally healthy bacteria in this mix will help to restore the normal balance of bacteria to yeast in your system. You can do this 2 to 3 times a day.

Cranberry Juice

This is also one of the better natural remedies. Just drink a couple glasses of unsweetened, not from concentrate, cranberry juice per day. The cranberry juice will help to flush the dead yeast cells from your body. It also prevents the remaining yeast from clinging to the inside walls of the vagina. Unable to hang on, they get flushed out.

You also should drink plenty of water to further flush out the yeast.

Olive Extract and Grapefruit Seed Extract

Mix both of these extracts into a glass of water and consume 2- 3 times per day. This is pretty powerful weapon in the war on yeast.

Tea Tree Oil

This method has you saturating a tampon with tea tree oil and then inserting the tampon into the vagina. If you want to use less tea tree oil, first coat the tampon with olive oil or KY Jelly. This will prevent the tampon from absorbing the tea tree oil. Then add a few drops of the tea tree oil.

Garlic Cloves

Garlic is a very powerful antifungal agent. One popular method is to clean and peel a clove, wrap it in gauze or cheesecloth, and insert vaginally overnight. Or you can rub the clove on the affected areas. I have to warn you that it may sting.

While all of these are great yeast infection natural remedies, if you really want to get rid of yeast infections for good, you'll need to target and eliminate the underlying cause of your yeast infections. Even after the symptoms have cleared, small amounts of the yeast spores will remain. When the right conditions present themselves again, the yeast spores will again flare up and the end result will be another yeast infection.

But there is a way to naturally and permanently cure yeast infections. This can be done safely, naturally, and quickly from home. By implementing these methods, you will start to feel better almost immediately. As the days go on, you will experience a renewed sense of health and vitality. And yeast infections will become a thing in your distant past.

If you're tired of the burning, itching, and swelling, and want a fast, safe, and PERMANENT Home Remedy For Yeast Infection Cure, all you have to do is Click Here!

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