Sunday, September 11, 2011

Here Are Some Causes of a Vaginal Yeast Infection - Turn These Causes Into Cures

You should know some of the causes of a vaginal yeast infection so you can do things to prevent getting an infection. This article talks about some of the causes and what you can do to prevent a yeast infection. You'll also learn how to get a fast, safe and effective yeast infection cure that works in hours instead of days.

Yeast is present all over our bodies, in the mouth, arm pits, genitals and other places. For the most part, it is harmless. When we are healthy, our bodies are in balance. When something causes our bodies to go out of balance, problems start to arise. When our body allows the yeast to grow uncontrollably with nothing to stop it, it becomes a yeast infection.

One of the most common causes of a vaginal yeast infection is taking antibiotics. One of the functions of the good bacteria in our bodies is to keep the growth of yeast in check. When we take antibiotics we are killing the bacteria in our body that is harmful to us. But in the process we are also killing off the good bacteria. And this leaves our bodies open to a yeast infection. This is one reason why you should only take antibiotics when absolutely necessary.

Pregnancy is another cause of a vaginal yeast infection. During the second trimester of pregnancy the body has increased estrogen levels. Of course there's nothing you can do for this but you can do things to keep your body from becoming a safe haven for the yeast to grow. To help prevent a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy try not to wear tight fitting clothes or pantyhose. Keep your vaginal area dry. Check with you doctor to see if you can have yogurt or other products with acidophilus or live cultures. Yeast needs sugar to grow so if you limit your intake of sugary or high carbohydrate foods you may prevent a yeast infection.

Stress is another of the causes of a vaginal yeast infection. No, we don't like to be stressed, but many of us are. When we get stressed our immune system becomes weak and this opens the door to all types of infection.

One of the "undercover" causes of a vaginal yeast infection is sex. With unprotected sex, semen is released into the body. Semen is more alkaline than vaginal fluids, therefore it can change the pH level of the body which can kill off the good bacteria in our bodies that keep the yeast in check. If you use a condom during intercourse the spermicide in the condom can also change the pH level of the body. Birth control pills like pregnancy cause an increase in estrogen levels which leaves the body susceptible to a yeast infection.

Go to Treatment For Yeast Infections and download a report that will give you a guaranteed fast and safe cure for a yeast infection that works in hours not days.
Find out other causes of a vaginal yeast infection and how you can prevent a yeast infection.

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