Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Crash Course on the Different Types of Yeast Infections

As long as you keep on living, it is quite likely that you'll experience at least one yeast infection in your life.

But, did you know that both men and women can be susceptible to yeast infections? Did you also know that there are different types of yeast infections? In this article, we'll discuss yeast infections in great detail. We'll talk about the types of yeast infections as well as what causes them. So, sit back and get ready to learn all about yeast or candida infections.

A yeast infection occurs due to an increase in Candida Albicans, a type of yeast that normally occurs within the body. Typically this yeast doesn't affect us at all however when it reaches astronomical proportions due to antibiotic use, fatigue or stress, it can leads to an infection. Once this occurs, our bodies give us a warning that we're out of balance and we experience bodily changes in our mucous membranes which cause excess discharge or irritations in our vagina, mouth, intestines or other body parts.

In most cases, physicians can properly evaluate one's symptoms and determine the type of yeast infection they're dealing with. However, one can often expect a physical exam, blood test and/or wet prep to confirm the yeast infection diagnosis.

The most common types of yeast infections are mouth yeast infection (thrush, hyperplastic, angular cheilitis, and erythematous), skin yeast infections, male, and vaginal yeast infections and systematic.

Here's an evaluation of each type:

Mouth yeast infections - this is caused when the Candida attacks the patient's tissues in their mouth.
Thrush appears as a creamy white or yellow coating on the mouth. Hyperplastic appears as discolored tongue or palate blotches, angular cheilitis appears as red cracks in the corner of the patient's mouth, erythematous appears as pink or red peeling blothes on the palate, hyperplastic appears as dicoloured patches.

Skin yeast infections often appear in moist areas like ones armpits or underneath breasts. This type occurs in both men and women and is typically treated by a topical anti-fungal cream.

Male yeast infections appear on the penis due to excessive growth of Candida in the man's reproductive system, around their crotch (jock itch) or feet (athlete's foot).

Infant yeast infections - this appears in babies whose mother was infected during breastfeeding or birth. Most times this infection occurs as a red patchy diaper rash, thrush, or a mouth yeast infection.

Systematic yeast appears inside the entire body due to a destruction of the body's good bacteria. This type is the most serious and can cause severe health problems. In most instances, this type occurs when one is given long-term antibiotics that encourage the candida growth and offset the body's natural system.

Vaginal yeast occurs in the vagina area and appears as an abnormal cottage cheese looking discharge that causes itching and tenderness.

As you can see, there are many types of yeast infections and if you suspect that you may have one, you must seek care right away. After all, there are many holistic and medical treatment options that are now available.

Are you tired, sluggish, have unexplained skin rashes, memory loss, muscle aches, hypoglycemia, food allergies, or other unusual symptoms? You could be suffering from a yeast or candida infection. Instead of masking the symptoms with drugs, you can now cure the infection from the inside out within 12 hours. Visit http://www.goodbyeyeast.info/ now and join us in bashing candida and yeast out of our lives for good!

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