I'm about to show you how I cured my yeast infection in 12 hours the natural way and how I saved myself from further infections PERMANENTLY - all with the same easy to use remedy.
Sounds pretty good huh?
I used to get yeast infections regularly and it was very very frustrating. I would wander the internet endlessly looking for the ultimate solution - The final fix that would end the cycle of infection after infection. I hated them just as much as you do. The burning, the itching, the dryness - you name it. Now, after years of research, I'm an expert on the subject. I know exactly how to not only prevent yeast infections, but for the .01% of infections that do get through, I know how to cure them literally within hours - without yeast infection cream.
There is nothing worse than having to treat a yeast infection. Not only are you suffering from an infection that make your most private areas itchy, burning, and generally makes you feel unclean, but then the medication comes into play.
The grossest part is the Yeast Infection Cream
Those wonderfully, nasty-smelling, goopy creams, that make you feel like you have just soaked your underwear in gelatin, and stepped into them!
Oh yeah, and now you get to walk around with the knowledge that every step you take makes you feel like you just squirted a bottle of lotion between your legs. Worse, you start to wonder if anyone else will notice.
Does the woman sitting next to me smell the medication? When I stand up from my chair, will I have a wet spot showing on my pants? What am I supposed to say to my boyfriend when I see him tonight?
"Sorry honey, I've got a pound of yeast infection cream in my pants."
What about your usual over-the-counter yeast infection cream?
What's worse about an over-the-counter yeast infection cream is the little nuances that the drug companies will not tell you about. How about this question: Which is worse, a yeast infection, or a sudden pregnancy? Guess what? Just about every cream in the pharmacy that deals with treating the fungus toward yeast infection also breaks down latex. Why is that important? Why else! Latex equals condoms . . . condoms equal the means to NOT get pregnant! You do the math.
Also, the main ingredient in yeast infection cream is called tioconazole. It is unknown even now as to what adverse reactions this antifungal medication does to a fetus.
Why do I hate any yeast infection cream?
Small side effects tend to worsen the symptoms. That means that the original symptoms of burning, itching, and swelling can get poorer. Allergic reactions are even more harmful. These reactions can be hives, shortness of breath, or swelling in the face, lips, or tongue. Another concern with a yeast infection cream happens to be their method of "killing" the fungus. Yeast is a fungus; however, women have "good" yeast in their body. This is a type of good bacteria that "east" other bad bacteria.A yeast infection cream cannot discriminate between the good or the bad fungi. So, you run the risk of killing off the good fungus, and making your body more susceptible to other infections.
Kill off enough of your good fungus, and your body has no more natural ways to defend itself. This can now make the yeast infection even more difficult to get rid of - since you have also most likely developed a resistance to such medicine. Thus, the vicious cycle of taking medicine and building a new tolerance begins again. And you thought modern medicine was SO helpful, didn't you?
The best yeast infection cream solution is NOT using one!
Yeast infections can be treated, but need to be done proficiently. If the medicine just masks the symptoms only, then the infection will grow stronger, and become more problematic than originally thought. For terrific answers on how to Cure Your Yeast Infection within hours using a natural, drug-free method, CLICK HERE
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