While some women suffering from candidiasis do not suffer from any symptoms, for other women, there are various symptoms of a yeast infection that they have to deal with. This article provides an in depth look at the symptoms of a yeast infection as well as discovering natural treatments in order to find a yeast infection cure.
Yeast infection or candidiasis is caused by a fungus of which the main culprit that leads to candidiasis is known as candida albicans which is found in about 92% of cases each year. A smaller amount of other types of yeast or candida may also lead to this vaginal infection.
Yeast or candida is normally found in many parts of the body. It particularly thrives in moist and warm areas of the body such as the mouth, folds of skin and of course the vagina. Approximately 50% of women carry yeast in the vaginal area that never leads to an infection. Although the exact cause for candidiasis is unknown, there are many risk factors that increase the risk of developing candidiasis.
The vaginal environment and the various normal organisms that dwell in this area are usually perfectly balanced in healthy women. When this environmental balance is disrupted, it may lead to yeast infections. Various factors can disrupt this balance such as steroid and antibiotic use, a weak immune system, vaginal douching, other "feminine" sprays and products, being a diabetic, hormone changes, tight clothing, etc.
When a woman is suffering from candidiasis, she may not display any signs of this infection at all. Without any signs of a yeast infection, the infection is usually found during normal pelvic exams. In other women, the various symptoms of yeast infection include;
1. Intense itching in the vaginal area which is one of the common signs of a yeast infection. This may be followed by sensitivity and soreness in the region. You may also experience burning as well as pain especially during sexual intercourse.
Pain may also be evidenced when urinating. This is vastly different from a urinary tract infection which causes pain that is experienced inside the urinary tract. Pain associated with yeast infections is not inside but on the outside from the soreness and sensitivity of the vulva and other surrounding areas of the vagina.
2. An excessive vaginal discharge is also another one of the symptoms of yeast infection. Women normally have some level of vaginal discharge that aids in the normal functioning of the vagina. When a woman notices a significant increase in the vaginal discharge beyond her normal levels, this may be one of the yeast infection symptoms.
This discharge is usually thin or thick with a cottage cheese texture. It may be whitish in color and smell like bread or beer.
It is important to note that candidiasis is one of the top three vaginal infections that women will experience at some point in their life. Other vaginal infections may have similar symptoms as those mentioned above for candidiasis and only your doctor will be able to tell you conclusively whether you are suffering from yeast infections or some other vaginal infection. In addition, candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Normally candidiasis is not considered a serious health risk although it is highly recommended to treat this infection immediately. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems. Persistent candidiasis can also be a sign of an underlying health problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Traditional medicine usually prescribes various oral and topical medications as a yeast infection remedy. These can be available by prescription or over the counter. Traditional treatment options can be expensive in addition to leading to various side effects including leading to the development of other vaginal infections. With traditional medicine, there is always a chance that candidiasis will return in the year following treatment.
What is becoming more popular as a yeast infection remedy, is that more and more women are turning to natural treatment options for candidiasis since the results are more long lasting that traditional treatment methods. Natural methods for yeast infection cure seek to not only treat the symptoms but to also treat the root cause so that infections do not recur.
Natural cures are preferred because they seek to work with the body and not against it in order to cure candidiasis. Natural methods use various methods and ingredients that are available in your home or at a local health store.
A lifestyle change is usually one of the first steps for the treatment and cure of candidiasis so that women no longer have to deal with these vaginal infections. When natural or holistic methods are used, there are usually no side effects that are usually associated with traditional treatment methods. Natural methods are also inexpensive when compared to traditional treatment methods.
Get rid of the yeast infection symptoms as well as the root cause for good using a natural yeast infection remedy that works! Learn how to create a candidiasis free zone within two months with improvements starting to show within twelve hours of starting a unique holistic 5 step method that offers effective natural solutions that are good for you and good for your body. Visit http://yeastinfectionsholistic.info/ to find out more.
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