Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tan - Day 7, Your Yeast Free Life Newsletter

Hello again Tan,

In the last newsletter we covered some of the natural remedies for
chronic yeast infections.

In this edition we are going to talk about the dietary choices that
will lead you down the road of better health!

Did you know that:

- There are a variety of foods that you should concentrate on
eating in order to lower the production of Candida?
- Many foods actually work against the maintenance of Candida in
the body!
- Changing your diet can provide amazing benefits to your health.

If you are serious about ridding your body of yeast infections, you
must make changes to your diet. Remember the old adage "you are
what you eat"? In terms of fighting this invasive fungus, this is
valuable to remember.

Yeast requires certain substances to thrive in your body. When you
embark on a diet to eliminate excess Candida, you may experience a
die-off effect. Remember, the yeast in your body does not want to
die. Like any other living organism, its chief goal is to survive.

The die-off effect may include symptoms such as:

- Irritability
- Headaches
- Gas
- A feeling of low-energy
- Blurry vision
- Craving sugar

These symptoms may last a while, but it is important that you DO
NOT give up your diet. This is the process of your body returning
to a state of equilibrium.

Here are some of the foods to avoid in your diet:

- Sugar - yeast requires sugar to grow.
- Certain fruits that are high in sugar
- Mushrooms and other fungi
- Refined Grains
- Alcohol

There are so many more foods that you should avoid and a detailed
look at each are available the book, "Yeast Free Life".

This is the book I highly recommend - And you can find out more
about it here:

Here are a list of foods that can help combat Candida:

- Vegetables and legumes - beans, garlic, lettuce, and others are
effective in defeating Candidiasis
- Unprocessed and uncured meats
- Fish and shellfish
- Eggs
- Butter - butter is good for your Candida-fighting diet, even
though most dairy products are not

If you wish to find out more about the foods that make fora great
yeast fighting diet, you can find detailed information in "Yeast
Free Life." You can also find a host of recipes that will make your
taste buds tingle while keeping you

Click here for more information:

I hope you found this information useful.

In the next newsletter we will be covering antifungal agents that
can be employed in the fight against chronic yeast infections.

Bye for now.


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