Monday, December 19, 2011

Remedy For a Yeast Infection Found the Holistic Way

These days' natural remedies for various diseases have gained a lot of precedence over their allopathic counter parts. The reasons are not tough to guess. Side effects, long term ill effects and relapse instances have pushed many people into searching for a long-term cure for their problems.

Yeast infection is also one condition, where people have started preferring natural remedies over the conventional remedies. What is the remedy for a yeast infection? What are the natural remedies for yeast infections? Before we delve into that, let us understand the causes of yeast infections.

Causes of yeast infection: Processed or junk food, alcohol, caffeine, sugar products are all major culprits in causing yeast infection. Foods containing white or wheat flour also enhance yeast infection. Yeast infection can also spread by using public places like pools and baths. You can also get yeast infection from your partner via sex. Using a condom can reduce this problem. However, before buying a condom, you should make sure they do not have a nonoxynol-9 lubricant. Yeast infections can also be caused by tight and restrictive clothing. Poorly ventilated clothes can actually trap body heat and sweat and cause yeast infections.

Remedies for yeast infection: What are the natural remedies for yeast infection? Garlic is also known as the magic herb. It has tremendous curative powers and anti fungal properties. You can either try eating garlic for a few days or if the infection is too severe then here is the remedy for yeast infection: Envelop garlic in a sterilized cheesecloth or gauze and insert this into the vagina over night. After a few applications, the infection will be cured. A word of caution here: make sure you are not allergic to garlic

Yogurt: Yogurt is not just a health snack but is also helps tremendously in the eradication of yeast infection. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which helps in the production of hydrogen peroxide which is itself an antibacterial remedy. Plain, un-sugared yoghurt can be used as a topical medicine on the infected vagina and vulva. Alternatively, you can try eating loads of yogurt.

You'll also find that tea tree oil can work as a natural remedy for a yeast infection as well. Consider putting a cream on a tampon that has a bit of tea tree oil in it. You can then use the tampon and you'll soon find that your yeast infection goes away.

If you want to make these natural remedies even more effective there are a few things you need to do. Make sure that you wash with only water if you have a yeast infection, and avoid soaps as well. Also avoid douching while you have the infection too, since it can make it worse. Don't wear underwear that are too tight or made out of manmade materials either.

Yeast infections can be irritating and tiresome. Many a times, the over-the -counter medicines may do more harm than good. They may leave you with undesired side effects for life. So, you need to try a natural remedy for a yeast infection before trying a prescribed or over the counter medicine.

If you liked this you can check out more at Remedy for a yeast infection []. Infections are a bothersome and dangerous thing. Even men need to worry about this topic. Please visit Remedy for a yeast infection [].

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