Friday, December 30, 2011

How to Identify Yeast Infection Causes and Cures

Yeast infection causes a good deal of misery, aggravation and even embarrassment to a huge number of women and men every year. Indeed research indicates that three quarters of women and almost fifty percent of men will suffer yeast infection symptoms at one time or another. For some this can be the beginning of a decline into a cycle of chronic infection accompanied by a wide array of symptoms many of which are often confused with other illnesses even by medical professionals.

Indeed most doctors are under-informed about Candidiasis, the condition caused by an overgrowth of yeast. What seems a trifling matter at medical school barely warrants a few moments study for most medical students who go on to become General Practitioners (GP's), or MD's. Naturally there are medical specialists around who will be more 'clued up' about what causes yeast infection, but even they may be less informed that you might expect about effective natural alternative therapy treatments for this aggravating condition.

Most doctors are inclined to rely on the mass-market, over the counter, pharmaceutical drug based solutions when it comes to prescribing for and treating Candida albicans infection. Sadly, for many sufferers, drug based interventions may prove only temporarily effective at best, and of virtually no use at worst. Such treatment regimes can also potentially cause a variety of unpleasant side-effects that can even make the use of such products as bad as, or worse than, suffering a yeast infection itself!

One of the things that can help chronic Candida sufferers is learning about just what lifestyle habits may have contributed to their problem. The theory being that one-by-one the causes of yeast infection can be 'picked off' and the possibility of further problems reduced. It can be a long, slow journey but finding out more about what encourages yeasts to proliferate within your body can ultimately be the beginning of a long-term resolution to your problems.

In fact, whilst the simplistic observation is that the yeast Candida albicans causes the infections, the events that lead up to allowing Candida to thrive can be varied, and this is where the real precursors to thrush infection can be said to lie.

Informed sources make it clear that there are what may be called primary and secondary factors that can lead to a yeast infection establishing itself. There may also be additional issues that aggravate the problem. Some of these may relate to the external environment and also to personal psychological considerations. The possibility that Candidiasis has arisen out of a multiplicity of interrelated causes is an important consideration when seeking a long-term solution to the problem.

Here is a brief insight to yeast infection causes that might have affected you if you are a sufferer include:

Genetics: Some folks are 'genetically pre-disposed' to infection. There is a lot of talk about genes these days, and whilst it is probably fair to say that if your family has a history of Candida infections you are not bounds to develop the disease. However, a genetic predisposition could mean that if certain environmental circumstances arise you might find that yeast infections become an issue.

Diet: What you eat is another primary factor amongst yeast infection causes. Poor dietary choices can lead to an over acidified system which leads to compromised terrain in the gut. This is a little confusing because this compromise can come about when there is insufficient 'good bacteria' colonies present and these are in fact usually microbes that create lactic acid. However this type of bacteria keeps Candida in check. When the gut environment is poor Candid can thrive and become a problem for a number of reasons too complex to explain in this short article.

Immune system health: A weak immune system can lead to yeast infections becoming a problem. Candida often becomes a constant and miserable companion for those who suffering cancer and or AIDS. However your immune system may be compromised for much simpler reasons and the door opened to yeast infection. For example it has been shown that stress plays a major part in undermining immunity. In combination with other factors a period of stress can be enough to weaken the immune system enough to allow a yeast infection to become established.

Use of antibiotics/medicinal drugs: The use of various drug interventions may also lead to creating an environment where Candida albicans can get a foot hold. Something as simple as taking a course of antibiotics has proved the trigger for many folk. This is because antibiotics are often indiscriminate in their effect. They kill 'good' probiotic bacteria as well as the bad ones. This can leave the path clear for Candida to thrive and yeast infection symptoms to occur. Some victims of Candida have found that their Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was amongst the yeast infection causes that opened the door to the aggravating condition.

These types of 'instigators' can occur singly, or in combination, and lead to a cycle of events that can be hard to stop unless a range of appropriate remedial actions is taken. What is certain is that pharmaceutical remedies often only provide temporary relief from Candidiasis problems, largely because they only treat the immediate symptoms of thrush and do not resolve the real yeast infection causes. This is why a natural, holistic approach to dealing with an overgrowth of Candida, incorporating a more complex, personalized program of necessary lifestyle changes, has time-and-again proved to be the only yeast infection treatment that provides a permanent solution for an increasing number of people!

Amelia Treadgold is the sobriquet of a 'natural health crusader' representing the many Candida sufferers who have received inadequate diagnosis and treatment at the hands of the modern medical profession! She has now published many informative articles about Candidiasis for those who endure this problem, and has also reviewed the best natural treatments for yeast infection causes on the market today. Amelia has also a contributed thrush symptoms and treatment articles to the online natural health magazine website: (Go Natural and Organic)

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