As women, we are amazing creatures. Our bodies perform so many functions, that we are truly incredible beings! Just think about everything your body does when you are pregnant! Your body nurtures, protects and then births a beautiful baby in just 9 extraordinary months! But as with anything truly amazing, sometimes we suffer from challenges and issues. And sometimes women can get yeast infections, otherwise known as a thrush infection of the vagina. Yeast is caused by Candida Albicans. If you have never had a yeast infection, how would you know the signs and symptoms?
Not the yeast you bake bread with...
A yeast infection of the vagina is not caused by the same type of yeast that you would use to bake with. Yeast infections are normally caused by the bacteria Candida Albicans. They call it a yeast infection because it acts or mimics yeast. Both Candida Albicans and cooking yeast grow in ideal conditions, like where it's warm, moist and dark. That's why most folks will have a infection in the folds of their skin, in their private areas or in their mouths. Under normal conditions, your body can counteract the growth of yeast by producing another type of bacteria. Candida Albicans is actually supposed to fight bad bacteria by hunting and destroying anything in it's path.
Sometimes though, that process can be altered by different factors like the use of certain medications or illness which causes the immune system to grow weak. This causes the Candida Albicans to grow unabated. If the bacteria that prevents Candida Albicans from overgrowing is harmed or killed in any way, then this type of yeast will take root and spread fairly quickly. This type of bacteria is a quick mover and has been known to go through the skin to penetrate the organ walls causing even more health issues. So not only does it affect the privates, but it can also affect other sensitive tissues.
You think you might have a yeast infection, but you are not completely sure. How do you know for sure?
First and foremost you should know what the signs of a yeast infection are. If you notice a change in the normal amount, color, smell or volume of vaginal fluids that your normally produce, then you might have an infection. Another common symptom of a yeast infection of the vagina includes an itching or burning feeling, possibly even pain whenever you wipe, urinate or have sex. These issues will be compounded if you take a bath in scented water or oils or if you use a perfumed body spray to rid yourself of the smell.
When you are in the midst of a yeast infection, you might also be more susceptible to household allergens like dust and mold. And if there is any place you visit that it even remotely dark, damp and warm, then those feelings will be even worse. Interestingly enough, having an infection also causes the person to crave things they might normally shun like extra sugars, pastas, breads...even liquor. But just because you are exhibiting all these signs does not necessarily mean you have an infection; you could be suffering from bacterial vaginosis, which is another serious infection, but will not be discussed here.
If you are exhibiting these symptoms, then you really need to call your OB-GYN, your gynecologist or your primary care physician. Basically, you need to make an appointment with the doctor who normally does your PAP smear. Your PCP or OB-GYN will ask you routine questions about your overall health, your lifestyle and how long your symptoms have been occurring. They will then take a sample of the discharge your are excreting and will test it for the Candida Albicans fungus. Your doctor will also ask you where the inflammation seems to be the strongest so that they can view the infection, up close.
Now, not all doctors will be well versed in giving you a yeast infection diagnosis. Sometimes, what a doctor believes is a yeast infection can actually be a condition known as vaginitis and vice versa. Vaginitis is treated differently than a regular yeast infection, so both need to be properly diagnosed. If your yeast infection is not diagnosed and treated quickly, then you are at risk of causing further issues such as dysfunctional ovaries, endometriosis and the release of toxic organisms which can really hurt your overall health and well-being.
Knowing that you have a infection and getting the proper treatment is half the battle because getting a clear diagnosis can sometimes be really hard to do. If you think there is a possibility that you might have a yeast infection, you need to act quickly to minimize any further health issues.
It's your body, so you should definitely know when something does not look, feel or smell right! You need to have full disclosure with your doctor when you go to get checked, so definitely tell him or her about the different medications, supplements and feminine care products that you are using!
Cure Your Yeast Infection Now []. Are you trying to find a natural way to prevent yeast infections from coming back month after month? If so CLICK HERE [].
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