Natural yeast infection remedies have gained much popularity in recent years to cure yeast infection. People seems to have caught on the health bug and are turning more and more to natural remedies for answers to their illnesses. It is not difficult to understand since most over-the-counter medications and drugs are rarely without side effects. Yeast infection is a condition that could rebound, and more are starting to look towards natural yeast infection remedies for permanent solutions.
We will look at some self-care tips before disclosing several effective natural yeast infection remedies that we can use.
Self-Care To Prevent Yeast Infection
1. Foods to avoid
Some foods encourage yeast growth such as alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, processed foods, sugar, products containing wheat and white flour, margarine, milk and dairy products.
2. Personal Care
a. Refrain from sharing common bath area such as pools, baths and other public areas where full immersion takes place. This is so as to avoid exposure.
b. Use a condom during sexual intercourse. Remember to read the label and avoid those with nonoxynol-9 lubricant.
c. Cut down on usage of personal care products such that carry a scent like perfumes, sanitary pads, body sprays and tampons as they destroy the good bacteria that kills yeast.
d. Avoid wearing tight clothing and undergarment as they are poor ventilators of body heat. A warm and moist environment encourages yeast infection to spread. Switch to cotton clothing if you can.
Useful Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
1. Garlic
Garlic has strong antifungal properties and is a natural yeast killer. Wrap the garlic in either a piece of cheesecloth or gauze and insert the small pouch into the infected vagina overnight. The infection would die after a few applications. But make sure you are not allergic to garlic.
2. Yoghurt
Yoghurt has many uses other for consumption as a health snack. One of them is to eradicate yeast. It contains lactobacillus acidophilus which produces hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial. Use plain, non-sugared yoghurt as a topical medication on the infected vulva and vagina for healing. Eating yoghurt also helps!
3. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has been used widely in some parts of the world. It is recognized as one of the best natural yeast infection remedies. Using a tampon coated with a lubricant before adding a few drops of tea tree oil, it becomes a potent yeast infection cure.
There are many more useful and safe natural yeast infection remedies around. Be sure to read my blog if you want to find out some unique natural yeast infection remedies that have been proven to cure yeast infection within as short as 12 hours.
This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.
Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at
Learn the info and how to cure your yeast infection and end your candida related symptoms
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Work!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Recurring Yeast Infections - You Can Cure Yourself
Whilst treating Candida also known as Candida Albicans, Yeast Infection, Candidiasis, Monila or Thrush, it is important to stop the risk of recurrent yeast infections through re-infection or cross infection. There are a number of simple measures you can put in placed to ensure this, whilst undertaking a natural yeast infection cure for the symptoms of Candida.
Your natural yeast infection cure will kill the Candida infection and support your immune system as you kill the Candida fungi. It is also important to stop recurring yeast infections caused by re-infection or cross infection of yourself or your loved ones, by improving one's hygiene.
Firstly in eliminating recurring yeast infections, one should also ensure that ones sexual partner and any children living with the effected person or any other person coming into daily close contact with the effected person such as a carer, is also included in the natural yeast infection cure treatment program. As the Candida fungi can easily be spread and reoccurring yeast overgrowth can continue through cross infections from a loved one or carer who has not also been treated.
Improving ones hygiene to stop recurring yeast infections is important in the overall treatment of the Candida fungi. One needs to thoroughly wash ones hands and scrub under the finger nails, after rising in the morning and after using the toilet. As Candida can be gotten under the finger nails whilst scratching during the night and inadvertently whilst cleaning oneself after using the toilet. After going to the toilet for a bowel movement one should always wipe from front to back, to ensure that no Candida fungi being excreted during a bowel movement is wiped towards the genital area were it can create further infections.
Women should always pat themselves dry after passing urine and not wipe, as wiping can move and lodge Candida into new locations of the genitalia creating further problems, such as vaginal thrush - vaginal yeast overgrowth, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis.
After going to the toilet the genital and anus area can be cleaned with a solution of tea tree oil and water. Personal wipes could have tea tree oil added to them and be kept in ones bag or next to the toilet. Tea tree oil is strong at full strength and should be diluted when using in the genital area.
Hands should always be washed before preparing and eating any food and after touching any pets or animals. Animals can also be carriers of the Candida fungi. When preparing food, avoid tasting with ones fingers or re-dipping a spoon or folk after tasting, as Candida infections can be transferred to the food on re-dipping. Use clean utensils for every taste, when preparing food. A diet should be prepared following the guidelines of a natural yeast infection cure program.
All surfaces which the effected person is in regular contact with, remote controls, key boards, their mouse, fridge doors, counter tops and tables' etcetera should be cleaned with an antifungal solution.
Underwear should be change daily, preferably morning and evening. Tight fitting clothes and synthetics should be avoided whilst undertaking your natural yeast overgrowth treatment. As they can create a warm moist environment, and under these conditions the Candida infection will multiply and grow, as warmth and moisture is the ideal growing environment for Candida.
Clothing and towels should be washed with the addition of borax to the washing water. Borax has known antifungal qualities. Clothes and towels should then be dried in direct sunlight for several hours as sunlight will kill the Candida fungi and is a home yeast infection cure for your laundry.
After using your toothbrush soak your tooth brush head in some water which has had a drop or two of tea tree oil added to it, to kill any Candida fungi cling to your tooth brush. Like wise dentures should be soaked overnight in a solution which has had a couple of drops of tea tree oil added. It has been shown that Candida clings to dentures, re-infecting the wearer, but also any partner. Women who have recurring vaginal thrush, vaginal infection, vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, or men who have recurring penile thrush, penile yeast infection, male thrush symptoms or male yeast infections, should ensure that their partner's dentures are soaked as above, prior to undertaking any oral sex, to reduce the risk of infection from the dentures. The Candida in the body will need to be killed through a Candida treatment program.
Another yeast overgrowth minimization remedy for women is that at the time of their menstruation, one should ensure that they change their pads or tampons frequently; as these products heat up with the bodies' natural temperature and with the added moisture from the period, creates the ideal growing environment for the Candida fungi.
Implementing these changes in your life, will be effective remedies against recurrent yeast infections, when undertaken with a holistic yeast infection treatment program that will kill the yeast infection from the inside out. External manifestations of Candida yeast infection, thrush (vaginal or oral), monila and tinea are all symptoms of an overgrowth of Candida in the intestines, these symptoms do not occur without an overgrowth present in the digestive system first. The above measures to stop recurring yeast infections are very simple and powerful and when coupled with a natural cure and treatment program for Candida, will see that you do not suffer from ongoing recurring yeast infections.
Hello my friends my name is Melanie Robson, I am an Author, Screenwriter and humanitarian. A workable and permanent Candida treatment or Thrush treatment can be found by visiting these links.
Your natural yeast infection cure will kill the Candida infection and support your immune system as you kill the Candida fungi. It is also important to stop recurring yeast infections caused by re-infection or cross infection of yourself or your loved ones, by improving one's hygiene.
Firstly in eliminating recurring yeast infections, one should also ensure that ones sexual partner and any children living with the effected person or any other person coming into daily close contact with the effected person such as a carer, is also included in the natural yeast infection cure treatment program. As the Candida fungi can easily be spread and reoccurring yeast overgrowth can continue through cross infections from a loved one or carer who has not also been treated.
Improving ones hygiene to stop recurring yeast infections is important in the overall treatment of the Candida fungi. One needs to thoroughly wash ones hands and scrub under the finger nails, after rising in the morning and after using the toilet. As Candida can be gotten under the finger nails whilst scratching during the night and inadvertently whilst cleaning oneself after using the toilet. After going to the toilet for a bowel movement one should always wipe from front to back, to ensure that no Candida fungi being excreted during a bowel movement is wiped towards the genital area were it can create further infections.
Women should always pat themselves dry after passing urine and not wipe, as wiping can move and lodge Candida into new locations of the genitalia creating further problems, such as vaginal thrush - vaginal yeast overgrowth, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis.
After going to the toilet the genital and anus area can be cleaned with a solution of tea tree oil and water. Personal wipes could have tea tree oil added to them and be kept in ones bag or next to the toilet. Tea tree oil is strong at full strength and should be diluted when using in the genital area.
Hands should always be washed before preparing and eating any food and after touching any pets or animals. Animals can also be carriers of the Candida fungi. When preparing food, avoid tasting with ones fingers or re-dipping a spoon or folk after tasting, as Candida infections can be transferred to the food on re-dipping. Use clean utensils for every taste, when preparing food. A diet should be prepared following the guidelines of a natural yeast infection cure program.
All surfaces which the effected person is in regular contact with, remote controls, key boards, their mouse, fridge doors, counter tops and tables' etcetera should be cleaned with an antifungal solution.
Underwear should be change daily, preferably morning and evening. Tight fitting clothes and synthetics should be avoided whilst undertaking your natural yeast overgrowth treatment. As they can create a warm moist environment, and under these conditions the Candida infection will multiply and grow, as warmth and moisture is the ideal growing environment for Candida.
Clothing and towels should be washed with the addition of borax to the washing water. Borax has known antifungal qualities. Clothes and towels should then be dried in direct sunlight for several hours as sunlight will kill the Candida fungi and is a home yeast infection cure for your laundry.
After using your toothbrush soak your tooth brush head in some water which has had a drop or two of tea tree oil added to it, to kill any Candida fungi cling to your tooth brush. Like wise dentures should be soaked overnight in a solution which has had a couple of drops of tea tree oil added. It has been shown that Candida clings to dentures, re-infecting the wearer, but also any partner. Women who have recurring vaginal thrush, vaginal infection, vaginitis or vulvovaginitis, or men who have recurring penile thrush, penile yeast infection, male thrush symptoms or male yeast infections, should ensure that their partner's dentures are soaked as above, prior to undertaking any oral sex, to reduce the risk of infection from the dentures. The Candida in the body will need to be killed through a Candida treatment program.
Another yeast overgrowth minimization remedy for women is that at the time of their menstruation, one should ensure that they change their pads or tampons frequently; as these products heat up with the bodies' natural temperature and with the added moisture from the period, creates the ideal growing environment for the Candida fungi.
Implementing these changes in your life, will be effective remedies against recurrent yeast infections, when undertaken with a holistic yeast infection treatment program that will kill the yeast infection from the inside out. External manifestations of Candida yeast infection, thrush (vaginal or oral), monila and tinea are all symptoms of an overgrowth of Candida in the intestines, these symptoms do not occur without an overgrowth present in the digestive system first. The above measures to stop recurring yeast infections are very simple and powerful and when coupled with a natural cure and treatment program for Candida, will see that you do not suffer from ongoing recurring yeast infections.
Hello my friends my name is Melanie Robson, I am an Author, Screenwriter and humanitarian. A workable and permanent Candida treatment or Thrush treatment can be found by visiting these links.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Simple and Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
Natural yeast infection remedies are quickly becoming the best way to attack and cure your infection. I attribute this to more and more people doing their homework and understanding the benefits of using a natural remedy for their yeast infection. People are tired of going to the doctor and spending money on the doctor's visit and prescription medication and not finding permanent relief from their infection.
People are also discovering the side effects of prescription medications and deciding to stop using those drugs as a cure. People are educating themselves and finding out that the prescription drugs only treat the symptoms and not the problem that comes along with Candida infections. So it really is no surprise that more and more people, especially women a turning towards the more effective yeast infection remedies to put an end to their pain and suffering from their vagina infections.
There are no down sides, only up sides to a natural yeast infection remedy. Below are some tips that you can start using today to put an end to your yeast infection suffering.
Clothing and Hygiene
If you have a Candida infection or to keep from getting an infection you should wear loose clothing. You should also avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers. You should either wear cotton underwear or no underwear at all whenever you can. The goal here is to keep the outside of the vaginal area as ventilated and dry as possible. Yeast grows and thrives in warm, moist areas of the body.
Some people do not realize it but yeast infections are transferable from one person to another. Due to this fact, you should avoid exposure as much as possible. You should not share public showers, baths and whirlpools in places like the YMCA and your local gym. You should not share towels just to be sure you do not get a yeast infection from someone else.
If you are using condoms during sex you should not use a condom with nonoxynol-9 lubricant. Nonoxynol-9 has been found to actually cause vagina infections. There are plenty of different condoms with other type of lubricants. You should wear a condom if you are having sex with a partner that has a yeast infection.
You should eliminate the use perfumed soaps and oils as these items can potentially cause a vagina infection. These type of products can kill the good bacteria in and on your body. Killing the good bacteria leaves you open for the bad bacteria to overgrow and develop into an infection.
Foods to Avoid
Here are a short list of foods that you must avoid if you want to put a stop to your yeast infection.
White Flour
Wheat Flour
Processed Foods
Simple and Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
Yogurt is possibly the best food weapon to attack your yeast problem. Yogurt contains natural healthy bacteria. This natural healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus, works to kill the overgrowth of yeast in your body. It is recommended that you eat one serving per day to help eliminate your infections for the long term. Some people recommend placing yogurt on a tampon and inserting it in to the vagina but highly recommend that you DO NOT insert anything of this nature into the vagina for an infections cure.
Garlic has been found to be a good fighter against yeast infections since it contains anti-fungal properties. Adding garlic to your diet by way of adding it to the food you eat daily will help to getting your infection cured. Some people recommend wrapping a clove of garlic into a cheesecloth and inserting it into the vagina. Again, I do not recommend placing anything like this into your vagina.
Tea Tree Oil is another natural remedy that many people use world wide to use as a natural yeast infection cure. People recommend placing drops of the tea tree oil onto a tampon and inserting the tampon into the vagina. Many people swear by this as a cure for their vagina infection but to repeat myself, I do not recommend placing anything of this nature into your vagina as a cure for your infection.
Each of these natural yeast infection remedies can be used but should be used thought your diet and not used internally. These cure have been found to work by thousands of women around the world for many years.
Having Problems Finding A Natural Yeast Infections Cure?
If you can not find a cure for your Candida Infection, make sure you check out our Yeast Infections Cure Mini-Course Here.
People are also discovering the side effects of prescription medications and deciding to stop using those drugs as a cure. People are educating themselves and finding out that the prescription drugs only treat the symptoms and not the problem that comes along with Candida infections. So it really is no surprise that more and more people, especially women a turning towards the more effective yeast infection remedies to put an end to their pain and suffering from their vagina infections.
There are no down sides, only up sides to a natural yeast infection remedy. Below are some tips that you can start using today to put an end to your yeast infection suffering.
Clothing and Hygiene
If you have a Candida infection or to keep from getting an infection you should wear loose clothing. You should also avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers. You should either wear cotton underwear or no underwear at all whenever you can. The goal here is to keep the outside of the vaginal area as ventilated and dry as possible. Yeast grows and thrives in warm, moist areas of the body.
Some people do not realize it but yeast infections are transferable from one person to another. Due to this fact, you should avoid exposure as much as possible. You should not share public showers, baths and whirlpools in places like the YMCA and your local gym. You should not share towels just to be sure you do not get a yeast infection from someone else.
If you are using condoms during sex you should not use a condom with nonoxynol-9 lubricant. Nonoxynol-9 has been found to actually cause vagina infections. There are plenty of different condoms with other type of lubricants. You should wear a condom if you are having sex with a partner that has a yeast infection.
You should eliminate the use perfumed soaps and oils as these items can potentially cause a vagina infection. These type of products can kill the good bacteria in and on your body. Killing the good bacteria leaves you open for the bad bacteria to overgrow and develop into an infection.
Foods to Avoid
Here are a short list of foods that you must avoid if you want to put a stop to your yeast infection.
White Flour
Wheat Flour
Processed Foods
Simple and Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
Yogurt is possibly the best food weapon to attack your yeast problem. Yogurt contains natural healthy bacteria. This natural healthy bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus, works to kill the overgrowth of yeast in your body. It is recommended that you eat one serving per day to help eliminate your infections for the long term. Some people recommend placing yogurt on a tampon and inserting it in to the vagina but highly recommend that you DO NOT insert anything of this nature into the vagina for an infections cure.
Garlic has been found to be a good fighter against yeast infections since it contains anti-fungal properties. Adding garlic to your diet by way of adding it to the food you eat daily will help to getting your infection cured. Some people recommend wrapping a clove of garlic into a cheesecloth and inserting it into the vagina. Again, I do not recommend placing anything like this into your vagina.
Tea Tree Oil is another natural remedy that many people use world wide to use as a natural yeast infection cure. People recommend placing drops of the tea tree oil onto a tampon and inserting the tampon into the vagina. Many people swear by this as a cure for their vagina infection but to repeat myself, I do not recommend placing anything of this nature into your vagina as a cure for your infection.
Each of these natural yeast infection remedies can be used but should be used thought your diet and not used internally. These cure have been found to work by thousands of women around the world for many years.
Having Problems Finding A Natural Yeast Infections Cure?
If you can not find a cure for your Candida Infection, make sure you check out our Yeast Infections Cure Mini-Course Here.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Symptoms of A Yeast Infection - An In Depth Look As Well As Discovering Natural Treatments
While some women suffering from candidiasis do not suffer from any symptoms, for other women, there are various symptoms of a yeast infection that they have to deal with. This article provides an in depth look at the symptoms of a yeast infection as well as discovering natural treatments in order to find a yeast infection cure.
Yeast infection or candidiasis is caused by a fungus of which the main culprit that leads to candidiasis is known as candida albicans which is found in about 92% of cases each year. A smaller amount of other types of yeast or candida may also lead to this vaginal infection.
Yeast or candida is normally found in many parts of the body. It particularly thrives in moist and warm areas of the body such as the mouth, folds of skin and of course the vagina. Approximately 50% of women carry yeast in the vaginal area that never leads to an infection. Although the exact cause for candidiasis is unknown, there are many risk factors that increase the risk of developing candidiasis.
The vaginal environment and the various normal organisms that dwell in this area are usually perfectly balanced in healthy women. When this environmental balance is disrupted, it may lead to yeast infections. Various factors can disrupt this balance such as steroid and antibiotic use, a weak immune system, vaginal douching, other "feminine" sprays and products, being a diabetic, hormone changes, tight clothing, etc.
When a woman is suffering from candidiasis, she may not display any signs of this infection at all. Without any signs of a yeast infection, the infection is usually found during normal pelvic exams. In other women, the various symptoms of yeast infection include;
1. Intense itching in the vaginal area which is one of the common signs of a yeast infection. This may be followed by sensitivity and soreness in the region. You may also experience burning as well as pain especially during sexual intercourse.
Pain may also be evidenced when urinating. This is vastly different from a urinary tract infection which causes pain that is experienced inside the urinary tract. Pain associated with yeast infections is not inside but on the outside from the soreness and sensitivity of the vulva and other surrounding areas of the vagina.
2. An excessive vaginal discharge is also another one of the symptoms of yeast infection. Women normally have some level of vaginal discharge that aids in the normal functioning of the vagina. When a woman notices a significant increase in the vaginal discharge beyond her normal levels, this may be one of the yeast infection symptoms.
This discharge is usually thin or thick with a cottage cheese texture. It may be whitish in color and smell like bread or beer.
It is important to note that candidiasis is one of the top three vaginal infections that women will experience at some point in their life. Other vaginal infections may have similar symptoms as those mentioned above for candidiasis and only your doctor will be able to tell you conclusively whether you are suffering from yeast infections or some other vaginal infection. In addition, candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Normally candidiasis is not considered a serious health risk although it is highly recommended to treat this infection immediately. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems. Persistent candidiasis can also be a sign of an underlying health problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Traditional medicine usually prescribes various oral and topical medications as a yeast infection remedy. These can be available by prescription or over the counter. Traditional treatment options can be expensive in addition to leading to various side effects including leading to the development of other vaginal infections. With traditional medicine, there is always a chance that candidiasis will return in the year following treatment.
What is becoming more popular as a yeast infection remedy, is that more and more women are turning to natural treatment options for candidiasis since the results are more long lasting that traditional treatment methods. Natural methods for yeast infection cure seek to not only treat the symptoms but to also treat the root cause so that infections do not recur.
Natural cures are preferred because they seek to work with the body and not against it in order to cure candidiasis. Natural methods use various methods and ingredients that are available in your home or at a local health store.
A lifestyle change is usually one of the first steps for the treatment and cure of candidiasis so that women no longer have to deal with these vaginal infections. When natural or holistic methods are used, there are usually no side effects that are usually associated with traditional treatment methods. Natural methods are also inexpensive when compared to traditional treatment methods.
Get rid of the yeast infection symptoms as well as the root cause for good using a natural yeast infection remedy that works! Learn how to create a candidiasis free zone within two months with improvements starting to show within twelve hours of starting a unique holistic 5 step method that offers effective natural solutions that are good for you and good for your body. Visit to find out more.
Yeast infection or candidiasis is caused by a fungus of which the main culprit that leads to candidiasis is known as candida albicans which is found in about 92% of cases each year. A smaller amount of other types of yeast or candida may also lead to this vaginal infection.
Yeast or candida is normally found in many parts of the body. It particularly thrives in moist and warm areas of the body such as the mouth, folds of skin and of course the vagina. Approximately 50% of women carry yeast in the vaginal area that never leads to an infection. Although the exact cause for candidiasis is unknown, there are many risk factors that increase the risk of developing candidiasis.
The vaginal environment and the various normal organisms that dwell in this area are usually perfectly balanced in healthy women. When this environmental balance is disrupted, it may lead to yeast infections. Various factors can disrupt this balance such as steroid and antibiotic use, a weak immune system, vaginal douching, other "feminine" sprays and products, being a diabetic, hormone changes, tight clothing, etc.
When a woman is suffering from candidiasis, she may not display any signs of this infection at all. Without any signs of a yeast infection, the infection is usually found during normal pelvic exams. In other women, the various symptoms of yeast infection include;
1. Intense itching in the vaginal area which is one of the common signs of a yeast infection. This may be followed by sensitivity and soreness in the region. You may also experience burning as well as pain especially during sexual intercourse.
Pain may also be evidenced when urinating. This is vastly different from a urinary tract infection which causes pain that is experienced inside the urinary tract. Pain associated with yeast infections is not inside but on the outside from the soreness and sensitivity of the vulva and other surrounding areas of the vagina.
2. An excessive vaginal discharge is also another one of the symptoms of yeast infection. Women normally have some level of vaginal discharge that aids in the normal functioning of the vagina. When a woman notices a significant increase in the vaginal discharge beyond her normal levels, this may be one of the yeast infection symptoms.
This discharge is usually thin or thick with a cottage cheese texture. It may be whitish in color and smell like bread or beer.
It is important to note that candidiasis is one of the top three vaginal infections that women will experience at some point in their life. Other vaginal infections may have similar symptoms as those mentioned above for candidiasis and only your doctor will be able to tell you conclusively whether you are suffering from yeast infections or some other vaginal infection. In addition, candidiasis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Normally candidiasis is not considered a serious health risk although it is highly recommended to treat this infection immediately. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems. Persistent candidiasis can also be a sign of an underlying health problem that needs to be dealt with immediately.
Traditional medicine usually prescribes various oral and topical medications as a yeast infection remedy. These can be available by prescription or over the counter. Traditional treatment options can be expensive in addition to leading to various side effects including leading to the development of other vaginal infections. With traditional medicine, there is always a chance that candidiasis will return in the year following treatment.
What is becoming more popular as a yeast infection remedy, is that more and more women are turning to natural treatment options for candidiasis since the results are more long lasting that traditional treatment methods. Natural methods for yeast infection cure seek to not only treat the symptoms but to also treat the root cause so that infections do not recur.
Natural cures are preferred because they seek to work with the body and not against it in order to cure candidiasis. Natural methods use various methods and ingredients that are available in your home or at a local health store.
A lifestyle change is usually one of the first steps for the treatment and cure of candidiasis so that women no longer have to deal with these vaginal infections. When natural or holistic methods are used, there are usually no side effects that are usually associated with traditional treatment methods. Natural methods are also inexpensive when compared to traditional treatment methods.
Get rid of the yeast infection symptoms as well as the root cause for good using a natural yeast infection remedy that works! Learn how to create a candidiasis free zone within two months with improvements starting to show within twelve hours of starting a unique holistic 5 step method that offers effective natural solutions that are good for you and good for your body. Visit to find out more.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Telltale Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms
In this particular report we examine exactly what systemic yeast infection symptoms are.
The yeast microorganism can be observed naturally upon the skin, within the mouth area, vagina as well as the digestive tract of the majority of healthy females on the planet.
No damage is usually brought on by the yeast organism.
Friendly bacteria and also the immune system usually work together to maintain the levels of yeast under control.
If these conditions alter, yeast may begin to multiply uncontrollably, and a yeast infection might result.
Many components have an effect on an individual's susceptibility to yeast infections. Immune systems that have been weakened enables them to develop much more quickly.
Individuals will have a lot more difficulty preventing yeast infections when they have disorders such as AIDS or HIV.
Diabetics may have weakened immune systems also, and if their blood sugar levels are elevated, this could nurture the yeast even more and help them to multiply.
Immune suppressing drug users are likewise in danger from getting an infection.
Discover How One Woman Cured Her Systemic Yeast Infection
For some people stress and anxiety levels or an inadequate amount of sleep at night can have an effect on the functioning of one's immune system.
Wearing tight or wet clothing, or manufactured fabric also provides an environment more conducive to the overgrowth of yeast.
As with the diabetic group mentioned previously elevated blood sugar levels can certainly help the yeast fungus to flourish, so cut down on any excess sugar from your diet as well as refined food products.
When anti biotics attack bacteria they will wipe out the good in addition to the bad. The good bacteria control the rate of growth of yeast within us. Without it the yeast fungus has one less control to address.
There are many examples where individuals have contracted an infection once a treatment of antibiotics has been finished.
Some spermicidal lubricants and a few contraceptive pills can also raise the risk.
Common microbe infections such as a genital infection or thrush are far from usually that dangerous but a systemic infection is a lot more problematical. A systemic infection is one in which the fungi has invaded other parts of the body other than the genitals and vulva.
If you believe that you could have some systemic yeast infection warning signs, you need to see a doctor promptly that will help confirm the diagnosis.
On top of the regular infection warning signals the systemic type can possibly include a creamy colored discharge from the vagina.
Due to many disorders sharing similar symptoms then it can be difficult to get a correct diagnosis. Other symptoms often change from one person to another.
Pains in the belly and more gas than typical with no apparent reason.
The vagina and vulva may be purple in colour and enlarged along with the rectum.
Small cracks in the skin of the vagina may well appear as this sort of infection has a tendency to dry it out.
Even the rather simple job of walking could be sore.
It might be a very serious kind of issue if a systemic infection were to eventually migrate to the brain.
They are most commonly encountered in people who have diseases of the immune system or those who have diabetes.
As the bodies in such groups will have trouble fighting off a yeast population bloom they may also be at risk from other forms of yeast infections.
They may have more trouble getting rid of existing yeast infections as well, and can struggle with frequent infections.
These infections really needs to be treated at the earliest opportunity to stop them from getting more serious. In ordinary cases they may be more upsetting than dangerous but still have to be acted upon as quickly as practicable.
Find out more on systemic yeast infections here Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms and discover a completely natural Homeopathic Yeast Infection Cure here.
The yeast microorganism can be observed naturally upon the skin, within the mouth area, vagina as well as the digestive tract of the majority of healthy females on the planet.
No damage is usually brought on by the yeast organism.
Friendly bacteria and also the immune system usually work together to maintain the levels of yeast under control.
If these conditions alter, yeast may begin to multiply uncontrollably, and a yeast infection might result.
Many components have an effect on an individual's susceptibility to yeast infections. Immune systems that have been weakened enables them to develop much more quickly.
Individuals will have a lot more difficulty preventing yeast infections when they have disorders such as AIDS or HIV.
Diabetics may have weakened immune systems also, and if their blood sugar levels are elevated, this could nurture the yeast even more and help them to multiply.
Immune suppressing drug users are likewise in danger from getting an infection.
Discover How One Woman Cured Her Systemic Yeast Infection
For some people stress and anxiety levels or an inadequate amount of sleep at night can have an effect on the functioning of one's immune system.
Wearing tight or wet clothing, or manufactured fabric also provides an environment more conducive to the overgrowth of yeast.
As with the diabetic group mentioned previously elevated blood sugar levels can certainly help the yeast fungus to flourish, so cut down on any excess sugar from your diet as well as refined food products.
When anti biotics attack bacteria they will wipe out the good in addition to the bad. The good bacteria control the rate of growth of yeast within us. Without it the yeast fungus has one less control to address.
There are many examples where individuals have contracted an infection once a treatment of antibiotics has been finished.
Some spermicidal lubricants and a few contraceptive pills can also raise the risk.
Common microbe infections such as a genital infection or thrush are far from usually that dangerous but a systemic infection is a lot more problematical. A systemic infection is one in which the fungi has invaded other parts of the body other than the genitals and vulva.
If you believe that you could have some systemic yeast infection warning signs, you need to see a doctor promptly that will help confirm the diagnosis.
On top of the regular infection warning signals the systemic type can possibly include a creamy colored discharge from the vagina.
Due to many disorders sharing similar symptoms then it can be difficult to get a correct diagnosis. Other symptoms often change from one person to another.
Pains in the belly and more gas than typical with no apparent reason.
The vagina and vulva may be purple in colour and enlarged along with the rectum.
Small cracks in the skin of the vagina may well appear as this sort of infection has a tendency to dry it out.
Even the rather simple job of walking could be sore.
It might be a very serious kind of issue if a systemic infection were to eventually migrate to the brain.
They are most commonly encountered in people who have diseases of the immune system or those who have diabetes.
As the bodies in such groups will have trouble fighting off a yeast population bloom they may also be at risk from other forms of yeast infections.
They may have more trouble getting rid of existing yeast infections as well, and can struggle with frequent infections.
These infections really needs to be treated at the earliest opportunity to stop them from getting more serious. In ordinary cases they may be more upsetting than dangerous but still have to be acted upon as quickly as practicable.
Find out more on systemic yeast infections here Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms and discover a completely natural Homeopathic Yeast Infection Cure here.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Best Male Yeast Infection Home Remedy
If you're a male who is unfortunate enough to get a yeast infection, this article is for you. A male yeast infection may seem like a myth, but unfortunately it can happen. Causes, symptoms and the ideal male yeast infection home remedy will all be listed in this article.
What is a yeast infection?
Yeast is a fungus that grows in warm wet areas, hence, infections are more common with women. Yeast naturally live in the human gastrointestinal system and cause few problems unless there is an increase in the amount of the fungi population.
Men commonly obtain a penile yeast infection through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Yeast cells are naturally present in the vaginal canal, which makes infection for women more common. During sex, the urethra is vulnerable, so the yeast can easily travel up the urethra and grow. Even drinking beer can cause Candida infections.
Men who drink large quantities of beer, eat excess sugar and overuse antibiotics, tend to have yeast growing on their skin, but since it isn't the right environment, the yeast will remain dormant until a man goes to have unprotected sex with an infected partner. This could result in giving the woman an infection, and a closed loop can happen where both partners are continually reinfecting each other for extended periods of time.
After taking antibiotics, the friendly, yeast regulating bacteria in the G.I. tract are killed, allowing the unaffected yeast cells to flourish. The white blood cells usually kill the excess yeast cells that are naturally found in the gastrointestinal system, but, sometimes, the amount is so low it's ineffective. Left untreated for long periods of time, this condition will then cause other serious health issues for the host. Eating an unhealthy diet at this time could be detrimental to one's health because the yeast feeds on the excess sugar in the body.
Following a proper anti Candida diet will help ensure that yeast populations do not get out of control.
Symptoms include; bloating, indigestion, gas, and diarrhea. If it's on the genitals it can cause dry flaky skin that may eventually crack and bleed as well as jock itch. Sometimes, a rash, with white in the center can appear anywhere on the genitals. If an infection makes its way high enough inside the penis, it can cause sexual dysfunction and prostate problems.
A male fungus infection can be caught early and could be cleared up with yogurt. But regardless, medical attention should be sought out because an infection can cause serious health issues rather quickly.
Another male yeast infection home remedy is to take probiotic supplements which contain potent doses of yeast fighting acidophilus. One of the most effective and popular probiotic supplements is called Primal Defense, and is made by the company Garden of Life. These are best taken on an empty stomach.
Another home remedy for a male yeast infection is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains natural antifungal properties which can be applied topically, or ingested orally. Many people like to cook with this oil as it can withstand high temperatures and is very difficult to turn rancid. Coconut oil has also been found to reduce inflammation within the digestive tract which often is a complain of many people suffering from chronic Candidiasis.
There are a few organic treatments for a male yeast infection which include; Mediterranean oregano oil, but, again dilute this solution, in order to avoid a burning sensation, when topically applied.
It is suggested to use more than one of these methods together as an effective means of clearing up a male fungal infection. It's also best to remember, when dealing with Candida yeast, you will need to get to the root of the infection in order to find any real lasting results. Once the infection is under control within the digestive tract, then using a male yeast infection home remedy such as apple cider vinegar, will generally be twice as effective and you should see results much sooner.
What you can do for immediate treatment and relief
Check out the best method that we've found so far to treat Candidiasis which can often bring relief in less than 12 hours! Visit instant Candida relief now for a guaranteed and proven system
Check out Doc Walton's free eCourse on the Top 7 Things You Must AVOID in order to cure your Candidiasis naturally, including information on male yeast infection symptoms and how to find the quickest and easiest treatments for male yeast infection for you.
What is a yeast infection?
Yeast is a fungus that grows in warm wet areas, hence, infections are more common with women. Yeast naturally live in the human gastrointestinal system and cause few problems unless there is an increase in the amount of the fungi population.
Men commonly obtain a penile yeast infection through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Yeast cells are naturally present in the vaginal canal, which makes infection for women more common. During sex, the urethra is vulnerable, so the yeast can easily travel up the urethra and grow. Even drinking beer can cause Candida infections.
Men who drink large quantities of beer, eat excess sugar and overuse antibiotics, tend to have yeast growing on their skin, but since it isn't the right environment, the yeast will remain dormant until a man goes to have unprotected sex with an infected partner. This could result in giving the woman an infection, and a closed loop can happen where both partners are continually reinfecting each other for extended periods of time.
After taking antibiotics, the friendly, yeast regulating bacteria in the G.I. tract are killed, allowing the unaffected yeast cells to flourish. The white blood cells usually kill the excess yeast cells that are naturally found in the gastrointestinal system, but, sometimes, the amount is so low it's ineffective. Left untreated for long periods of time, this condition will then cause other serious health issues for the host. Eating an unhealthy diet at this time could be detrimental to one's health because the yeast feeds on the excess sugar in the body.
Following a proper anti Candida diet will help ensure that yeast populations do not get out of control.
Symptoms include; bloating, indigestion, gas, and diarrhea. If it's on the genitals it can cause dry flaky skin that may eventually crack and bleed as well as jock itch. Sometimes, a rash, with white in the center can appear anywhere on the genitals. If an infection makes its way high enough inside the penis, it can cause sexual dysfunction and prostate problems.
A male fungus infection can be caught early and could be cleared up with yogurt. But regardless, medical attention should be sought out because an infection can cause serious health issues rather quickly.
Another male yeast infection home remedy is to take probiotic supplements which contain potent doses of yeast fighting acidophilus. One of the most effective and popular probiotic supplements is called Primal Defense, and is made by the company Garden of Life. These are best taken on an empty stomach.
Another home remedy for a male yeast infection is coconut oil. Coconut oil contains natural antifungal properties which can be applied topically, or ingested orally. Many people like to cook with this oil as it can withstand high temperatures and is very difficult to turn rancid. Coconut oil has also been found to reduce inflammation within the digestive tract which often is a complain of many people suffering from chronic Candidiasis.
There are a few organic treatments for a male yeast infection which include; Mediterranean oregano oil, but, again dilute this solution, in order to avoid a burning sensation, when topically applied.
It is suggested to use more than one of these methods together as an effective means of clearing up a male fungal infection. It's also best to remember, when dealing with Candida yeast, you will need to get to the root of the infection in order to find any real lasting results. Once the infection is under control within the digestive tract, then using a male yeast infection home remedy such as apple cider vinegar, will generally be twice as effective and you should see results much sooner.
What you can do for immediate treatment and relief
Check out the best method that we've found so far to treat Candidiasis which can often bring relief in less than 12 hours! Visit instant Candida relief now for a guaranteed and proven system
Check out Doc Walton's free eCourse on the Top 7 Things You Must AVOID in order to cure your Candidiasis naturally, including information on male yeast infection symptoms and how to find the quickest and easiest treatments for male yeast infection for you.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Ins and Outs of the Ear Yeast Infection
An ear yeast infection is commonly referred to as "swimmer's ear." The thing is though; anyone can get one of these infections and you certainly don't need to be a swimmer to do so. Yeast infections of the ear are fairly common amongst the swimming and non-swimming population. So how did they end up with this nickname? Simply because this ear infection is often brought on as a result of moisture in the ear.
We all have Candida Albicans-the fungus that causes yeast-in our bodies and it's perfectly healthy. It is when an overgrowth of this fungus occurs that you end up with a yeast infection. Yeast thrives best in an environment that is warm and damp, so when moisture gets trapped in the ear and the conditions are just right, the yeast will grow and cause the infection. Sometimes though, an ear infection can happen as the result of Candida in the throat and nose as they are all connected.
Is it A Yeast Infection or Some Other Ear Infection?
How does one know if their ear infection is being caused by yeast? Often it's a matter of having an ear infection that persists or gets worse after a round of antibiotics. This is because an ear yeast infection will not only respond to antibiotic treatment but also gets worse because antibiotics rob you of the good bacteria that helps your body fight off the fungus that causes yeast infections in the first place. If you or your child suffers from chronic ear infections than it may be time to consider an ear yeast infection as the culprit for your symptoms. And these symptoms commonly include: Ear pain, whitish discharge, itching, redness, and in some cases a white foam-like substance coming from the ear canal. For some people this infection can also be accompanied by a low grade fever.
Treating an Ear Yeast Infection
If your ear infection is caused by yeast then you need to consider treatments other than antibiotics so that you can get better and not make matters even worse along the way. Homeopathic remedies are a great choice in treating an ear infection caused by yeast because homeopathy is based on making your body function better in order to prevent illness. This means that instead of getting a temporary fix from your symptoms you are instead tackling the issue at the root so that you can be cured.
To cure the yeast infection naturally you can turn to products that contain natural antifungal properties such as tea tree oil or garlic oil. These are safe to be used in and around the ear and will naturally relieve the symptoms of an ear yeast infection while also curing the infection. You can also increase your body's good bacteria so that it works better to fight off any excess yeast overgrowth in the body. You can do this using acidophilus supplements and adding a natural active culture yogurt to your daily diet while also eliminating the foods that are high in yeast, such as breads, sweets, and beer.
To help prevent future infections while also curing your current infection; keep your ears as well as the rest of your skin clean and dry so that yeast doesn't have anywhere to breed out of control. Remember to wash your hands before and after touching the affected area. And, doing your best to keep your immune system strong is also a must.
Vanessa is an ex-sufferer of candida infection & an avid health researcher. She battled with chronic candida infection for several years before finally discovering a natural cure. Click on the link to read more on how to cure all yeast infection with Candida Detox and receive a complimentary mini-series on how to End Yeast Infection Now.
We all have Candida Albicans-the fungus that causes yeast-in our bodies and it's perfectly healthy. It is when an overgrowth of this fungus occurs that you end up with a yeast infection. Yeast thrives best in an environment that is warm and damp, so when moisture gets trapped in the ear and the conditions are just right, the yeast will grow and cause the infection. Sometimes though, an ear infection can happen as the result of Candida in the throat and nose as they are all connected.
Is it A Yeast Infection or Some Other Ear Infection?
How does one know if their ear infection is being caused by yeast? Often it's a matter of having an ear infection that persists or gets worse after a round of antibiotics. This is because an ear yeast infection will not only respond to antibiotic treatment but also gets worse because antibiotics rob you of the good bacteria that helps your body fight off the fungus that causes yeast infections in the first place. If you or your child suffers from chronic ear infections than it may be time to consider an ear yeast infection as the culprit for your symptoms. And these symptoms commonly include: Ear pain, whitish discharge, itching, redness, and in some cases a white foam-like substance coming from the ear canal. For some people this infection can also be accompanied by a low grade fever.
Treating an Ear Yeast Infection
If your ear infection is caused by yeast then you need to consider treatments other than antibiotics so that you can get better and not make matters even worse along the way. Homeopathic remedies are a great choice in treating an ear infection caused by yeast because homeopathy is based on making your body function better in order to prevent illness. This means that instead of getting a temporary fix from your symptoms you are instead tackling the issue at the root so that you can be cured.
To cure the yeast infection naturally you can turn to products that contain natural antifungal properties such as tea tree oil or garlic oil. These are safe to be used in and around the ear and will naturally relieve the symptoms of an ear yeast infection while also curing the infection. You can also increase your body's good bacteria so that it works better to fight off any excess yeast overgrowth in the body. You can do this using acidophilus supplements and adding a natural active culture yogurt to your daily diet while also eliminating the foods that are high in yeast, such as breads, sweets, and beer.
To help prevent future infections while also curing your current infection; keep your ears as well as the rest of your skin clean and dry so that yeast doesn't have anywhere to breed out of control. Remember to wash your hands before and after touching the affected area. And, doing your best to keep your immune system strong is also a must.
Vanessa is an ex-sufferer of candida infection & an avid health researcher. She battled with chronic candida infection for several years before finally discovering a natural cure. Click on the link to read more on how to cure all yeast infection with Candida Detox and receive a complimentary mini-series on how to End Yeast Infection Now.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Most Important Points Regarding Yeast Infection
For those who have a prolonged itchiness within the genital region, it is possible you have a yeast or candida infection. A dense discharge in addition to a scratchy sensation is frequently suggestive of this kind of an infection. Many other signs and symptoms consist of an allergy, tenderness or even a burning up sensation, particularly while urinating. Minus the extreme itchiness, even so, there will probably be one other issue apart from the candida or yeast infection.
A yeast or candida infection that happens greater than 4 times annually is known as recurrent. Meet with a medical doctor whenever you encounter recurring yeast or candida infections to make sure of the reasons. Be aware of the well-known sparks of the yeast or candida infections so that you can lessen these.
Yeast or fungal infections are generally connected with a vulnerable immunity process. In case you are worn out or even overstressed, you may well be at greater risk. Have an abundance of rest to avoid repeated yeast or fungal infections. Substantial stress could affect your own hormonal levels and also enhance your associated risk in the process.
Inadequate nourishment, diabetes mellitus as well as being pregnant are also able to enhance the chance connected with recurrent yeast or fungal infections. The contamination may perhaps take place following a health problem or even by using a prescription antibiotic. Whenever ingesting a prescription antibiotic, take into account consuming more yogurt or some other food items having probiotics. Prescription antibiotics have a tendency to destroy the good microorganisms that combats yeast.
An unsweetened diet regime is also able to assist lower your odds of obtaining a yeast or fungal infection. When pregnant, your own hormonal shifts place you at heightened risk. Seek advice from your physician with regards to any kind of yeast-infection remedies you possibly can take during pregnancy. A minimal yeast or fungal infection frequently occurs by the end of your menstrual period because bodily hormones improve.
Yeast or fungal infections can be the effect of an alteration of the genital surroundings, for instance a rise in moisture and heat. Stay away from skinny jeans or apparel within the genital region. Dry yourself speedily following baths and also after going swimming. Swiftly shift clothing right after physical exercise.
Genital yeast or fungal infections is treatable using anti-fungal medications which can be introduced in the vaginal canal as lotions or even suppositories. In the event that one more condition has activated the yeast or fungal infection, then again, you should deal with it firstly.
A lot of women reckon that sexual intercourse will be to attribute for their own yeast or fungal infections. Yet, sexual intercourse just isn't a primary factor for your problem. Ladies who aren't sexually busy nonetheless acquire yeast or fungal infections.
Acquiring repeated yeast or fungal infections is seen as an indication of a much more serious medical condition. Seek advice from your physician to define the complexities. As soon as you already know the precipitating factor of your current yeast or fungal infections, you will be able to refrain from its repeat.
Do you want to discover the only holistic system in existence that will permanently cure your yeast infection, eliminate candida and let you regain your natural inner balance, using a unique 5-step method no one else will tell you about?
The Yeast Infection No More Program is the #1 top selling candida ebook in the history of the Internet
Thousands of women and men of all age have totally cured their yeast infection condition and gained comprehensive freedom from candida allied symptoms naturally without drugs, "magic potions", creams or just by using the clinically accurate, scientifically proven step-by-step system found in this incredible guidebook
Jay Opatha is an affiliate marketer of many well known and best selling products. For more info checkout
A yeast or candida infection that happens greater than 4 times annually is known as recurrent. Meet with a medical doctor whenever you encounter recurring yeast or candida infections to make sure of the reasons. Be aware of the well-known sparks of the yeast or candida infections so that you can lessen these.
Yeast or fungal infections are generally connected with a vulnerable immunity process. In case you are worn out or even overstressed, you may well be at greater risk. Have an abundance of rest to avoid repeated yeast or fungal infections. Substantial stress could affect your own hormonal levels and also enhance your associated risk in the process.
Inadequate nourishment, diabetes mellitus as well as being pregnant are also able to enhance the chance connected with recurrent yeast or fungal infections. The contamination may perhaps take place following a health problem or even by using a prescription antibiotic. Whenever ingesting a prescription antibiotic, take into account consuming more yogurt or some other food items having probiotics. Prescription antibiotics have a tendency to destroy the good microorganisms that combats yeast.
An unsweetened diet regime is also able to assist lower your odds of obtaining a yeast or fungal infection. When pregnant, your own hormonal shifts place you at heightened risk. Seek advice from your physician with regards to any kind of yeast-infection remedies you possibly can take during pregnancy. A minimal yeast or fungal infection frequently occurs by the end of your menstrual period because bodily hormones improve.
Yeast or fungal infections can be the effect of an alteration of the genital surroundings, for instance a rise in moisture and heat. Stay away from skinny jeans or apparel within the genital region. Dry yourself speedily following baths and also after going swimming. Swiftly shift clothing right after physical exercise.
Genital yeast or fungal infections is treatable using anti-fungal medications which can be introduced in the vaginal canal as lotions or even suppositories. In the event that one more condition has activated the yeast or fungal infection, then again, you should deal with it firstly.
A lot of women reckon that sexual intercourse will be to attribute for their own yeast or fungal infections. Yet, sexual intercourse just isn't a primary factor for your problem. Ladies who aren't sexually busy nonetheless acquire yeast or fungal infections.
Acquiring repeated yeast or fungal infections is seen as an indication of a much more serious medical condition. Seek advice from your physician to define the complexities. As soon as you already know the precipitating factor of your current yeast or fungal infections, you will be able to refrain from its repeat.
Do you want to discover the only holistic system in existence that will permanently cure your yeast infection, eliminate candida and let you regain your natural inner balance, using a unique 5-step method no one else will tell you about?
The Yeast Infection No More Program is the #1 top selling candida ebook in the history of the Internet
Thousands of women and men of all age have totally cured their yeast infection condition and gained comprehensive freedom from candida allied symptoms naturally without drugs, "magic potions", creams or just by using the clinically accurate, scientifically proven step-by-step system found in this incredible guidebook
Jay Opatha is an affiliate marketer of many well known and best selling products. For more info checkout
Friday, October 14, 2011
What Is A Yeast Infection And How Do You Deal With It?
What are the causes and cures for yeast infection?
Yeast infection is a common problem in women where 75 percent have reported infection.
Yeast infections occur in the vagina caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. A normal vagina includes bacteria and a number of yeast cells. The Vagina environment is acidic by nature so it does not allow this infection to take place. But a change in the the acid nature of vagina becomes less allowing it to grow at a rapid rate and leads to infection.
Common symptoms for these infections are irritations, itching, burning and swelling of the vagina along with abnormal vaginal discharge. Infected persons may experience pain while urinating due to inflammation of the urinary opening.
Sexual intercourse can also lead to pain because of dryness and swelling. Itching persists for more than three days, doesn't respond to home remedies or is getting progressively worse.
What Your Symptom Is Telling You
Your private parts are often covered in three or four layers of material such as a pantiliner, panties, or a pair of snug-fitting pantyhose. So what is that warm, moist part of you doing under all those layers? It's itching and driving you mad.
Vaginal itching can come from something as simple as trapping bacteria for too long under too many layers of too-tight clothes. All that warmth and moisture provide perfect conditions for incubating infections. In fact, itching can be the unwelcome calling card of a wide variety of infections, ranging from bacterial vaginitis to yeast (also called Candida albicans or monilia) and trichomoniasis. The itching can also signal an allergy to a chemical in soap, deodorant or dye, or may simply be a sign of thinning vaginal tissues in women approaching menopause.
Let's take a look at how to banish that itching.
Sitz in some salt.
Several forms of vaginitis will often respond to a simple home remedy?
The saline sitz bath.
Here's the recipe from Gideon Panter, M.D., a gynecologist in New York City.
Dissolve a half-cup table salt in a shallow tub of warm water. In the tub, insert your finger into your vagina to let the warm salt water in, then remove your finger and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Two or three consecutive nights of sitz baths should ease the itch, if yours is home treatable, Dr. Panter says.
Don't have sexual intercourse until your itching has cleared up, Dr. Panter says. If the organism set up in your vagina was transmitted by your partner, there's no sense in re-exposing yourself to trouble. Take a few days to show love in other ways, he suggests.
Consider the condom. Condoms provide wonderful protection against both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. If condom use always seems to be followed by a bout of vaginal itching, however, it's possible that an allergy to the condom's latex rubber, powder coating or lubricant could be the problem.
If you need medical advise then you should+ask your doctor.
You'll need your doctor's help to determine which type of infection is causing your itching. If you've been diagnosed with yeast infections in the past, and are very familiar with the specific symptoms, call your doctor for a prescription of antifungal medications such as Vagistat, Nystatin or Monistat.
Trichomoniasis is treated with the prescription antibiotic Flagyl. Bacterial infections call for antibacterial agents?either sulfa drugs or, if you're allergic to sulfa, with Betadine antiseptic, an over-the-counter product.
"And be sure to have your doctor test you for the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus, which causes genital warts, is an important and frequently overlooked cause of vaginal itching.
Get help for menopause symptoms.
If you're approaching menopause, ask your doctor about treatments for itching caused by changes that are taking place in the vagina. Hormone replacement therapy is an option, but you should also ask about prescription hormonal creams for the vagina. Bag the douche and powder. Douching not only won't help to relieve itching or vaginitis, it may be dangerous. Douching may drive infectious material up through the cervix and cause pelvic inflammatory disease.
Defeating the Yeast Beast
Fortunately for women who suffer from recurrent yeast infections, these infections respond well to treatment. And there's plenty of prevention available, too. Cut down on sugar. Sugar feeds yeast, so cut back on high-sugar foods.
See what Vitamin C can do for
ake 500 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day. Vitamin C increases the acidity of the vagina, creating a yeast-unfriendly environment.
After a shower or bath, blow-dry the vaginal area. Yeast needs moisture to survive. Set your blow dryer on cool, and position the dryer six to eight inches from the vaginal area.
A sitz bath works well to fend off yeast infections.
Once a month after your menstrual cycle, add three tablespoons of boric acid to six inches of water in a pan large enough to sit in. While you're roosting in your roaster for five to ten minutes, the yeast is in retreat.
Lay on the lactobacillus.
A cup-a-day habit of yogurt with active Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures will reduce your likelihood of yeast infections. Health food stores are your best bet for "live" natural yogurt. Lactobacillus is also available in powder and capsule forms at health food stores.
Take the scratch test.
If your yeast infections persist, you may be allergic to Candida, and allergy shots of Candida extract can help prevent further problems. Ask your doctor to refer you to a board-certified allergist for skin testing.
Remove yeast from your diet.
If you test positive, avoid allergic reactions to Candida by avoiding foods and beverages containing yeast and molds, at least until you have received the allergy shots for about six months. Look out for the following yeast and mold troublemakers: bread, pizza, English muffins, bagels, croissants, raised doughnuts, beer, wine, liquor, apple cider, moldy cheeses, cider or wine vinegar, pickles, grapes, berries, cantaloupe, fruit juices, brown sugar, sprouts, mushrooms, yeast extract, vitamins derived from yeast, smoked meats and fish and leftovers.
Prime your prescription.
If you know you get frequent yeast infections, then ask for anti-yeast medication whenever your doctor puts you on antibiotics. (Antibiotics taken for other infections kill off both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the vagina, clearing the way for an overgrowth of yeast.)
Plan your prevention.
Any vaginal irritation can pave the way for yeast infection. That's why it helps to avoid any vagina/chemical contact, including perfumes, colored toilet paper, dyed underpants, deodorants and commercial sexual lubricants.
To prevent yeast flare-ups wash your clothes with unscented detergent, avoiding fabric softeners and wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing, white cotton underwear and no pantyhose.
Stephen Hart
The newbie of the internet.
Have a look at my Health, Fitness and Well Being web site just click below
Yeast infection is a common problem in women where 75 percent have reported infection.
Yeast infections occur in the vagina caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. A normal vagina includes bacteria and a number of yeast cells. The Vagina environment is acidic by nature so it does not allow this infection to take place. But a change in the the acid nature of vagina becomes less allowing it to grow at a rapid rate and leads to infection.
Common symptoms for these infections are irritations, itching, burning and swelling of the vagina along with abnormal vaginal discharge. Infected persons may experience pain while urinating due to inflammation of the urinary opening.
Sexual intercourse can also lead to pain because of dryness and swelling. Itching persists for more than three days, doesn't respond to home remedies or is getting progressively worse.
What Your Symptom Is Telling You
Your private parts are often covered in three or four layers of material such as a pantiliner, panties, or a pair of snug-fitting pantyhose. So what is that warm, moist part of you doing under all those layers? It's itching and driving you mad.
Vaginal itching can come from something as simple as trapping bacteria for too long under too many layers of too-tight clothes. All that warmth and moisture provide perfect conditions for incubating infections. In fact, itching can be the unwelcome calling card of a wide variety of infections, ranging from bacterial vaginitis to yeast (also called Candida albicans or monilia) and trichomoniasis. The itching can also signal an allergy to a chemical in soap, deodorant or dye, or may simply be a sign of thinning vaginal tissues in women approaching menopause.
Let's take a look at how to banish that itching.
Sitz in some salt.
Several forms of vaginitis will often respond to a simple home remedy?
The saline sitz bath.
Here's the recipe from Gideon Panter, M.D., a gynecologist in New York City.
Dissolve a half-cup table salt in a shallow tub of warm water. In the tub, insert your finger into your vagina to let the warm salt water in, then remove your finger and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. Two or three consecutive nights of sitz baths should ease the itch, if yours is home treatable, Dr. Panter says.
Don't have sexual intercourse until your itching has cleared up, Dr. Panter says. If the organism set up in your vagina was transmitted by your partner, there's no sense in re-exposing yourself to trouble. Take a few days to show love in other ways, he suggests.
Consider the condom. Condoms provide wonderful protection against both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. If condom use always seems to be followed by a bout of vaginal itching, however, it's possible that an allergy to the condom's latex rubber, powder coating or lubricant could be the problem.
If you need medical advise then you should+ask your doctor.
You'll need your doctor's help to determine which type of infection is causing your itching. If you've been diagnosed with yeast infections in the past, and are very familiar with the specific symptoms, call your doctor for a prescription of antifungal medications such as Vagistat, Nystatin or Monistat.
Trichomoniasis is treated with the prescription antibiotic Flagyl. Bacterial infections call for antibacterial agents?either sulfa drugs or, if you're allergic to sulfa, with Betadine antiseptic, an over-the-counter product.
"And be sure to have your doctor test you for the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus, which causes genital warts, is an important and frequently overlooked cause of vaginal itching.
Get help for menopause symptoms.
If you're approaching menopause, ask your doctor about treatments for itching caused by changes that are taking place in the vagina. Hormone replacement therapy is an option, but you should also ask about prescription hormonal creams for the vagina. Bag the douche and powder. Douching not only won't help to relieve itching or vaginitis, it may be dangerous. Douching may drive infectious material up through the cervix and cause pelvic inflammatory disease.
Defeating the Yeast Beast
Fortunately for women who suffer from recurrent yeast infections, these infections respond well to treatment. And there's plenty of prevention available, too. Cut down on sugar. Sugar feeds yeast, so cut back on high-sugar foods.
See what Vitamin C can do for
ake 500 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day. Vitamin C increases the acidity of the vagina, creating a yeast-unfriendly environment.
After a shower or bath, blow-dry the vaginal area. Yeast needs moisture to survive. Set your blow dryer on cool, and position the dryer six to eight inches from the vaginal area.
A sitz bath works well to fend off yeast infections.
Once a month after your menstrual cycle, add three tablespoons of boric acid to six inches of water in a pan large enough to sit in. While you're roosting in your roaster for five to ten minutes, the yeast is in retreat.
Lay on the lactobacillus.
A cup-a-day habit of yogurt with active Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures will reduce your likelihood of yeast infections. Health food stores are your best bet for "live" natural yogurt. Lactobacillus is also available in powder and capsule forms at health food stores.
Take the scratch test.
If your yeast infections persist, you may be allergic to Candida, and allergy shots of Candida extract can help prevent further problems. Ask your doctor to refer you to a board-certified allergist for skin testing.
Remove yeast from your diet.
If you test positive, avoid allergic reactions to Candida by avoiding foods and beverages containing yeast and molds, at least until you have received the allergy shots for about six months. Look out for the following yeast and mold troublemakers: bread, pizza, English muffins, bagels, croissants, raised doughnuts, beer, wine, liquor, apple cider, moldy cheeses, cider or wine vinegar, pickles, grapes, berries, cantaloupe, fruit juices, brown sugar, sprouts, mushrooms, yeast extract, vitamins derived from yeast, smoked meats and fish and leftovers.
Prime your prescription.
If you know you get frequent yeast infections, then ask for anti-yeast medication whenever your doctor puts you on antibiotics. (Antibiotics taken for other infections kill off both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the vagina, clearing the way for an overgrowth of yeast.)
Plan your prevention.
Any vaginal irritation can pave the way for yeast infection. That's why it helps to avoid any vagina/chemical contact, including perfumes, colored toilet paper, dyed underpants, deodorants and commercial sexual lubricants.
To prevent yeast flare-ups wash your clothes with unscented detergent, avoiding fabric softeners and wearing loose-fitting cotton clothing, white cotton underwear and no pantyhose.
Stephen Hart
The newbie of the internet.
Have a look at my Health, Fitness and Well Being web site just click below
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Yeast Infection Cream
I'm about to show you how I cured my yeast infection in 12 hours the natural way and how I saved myself from further infections PERMANENTLY - all with the same easy to use remedy.
Sounds pretty good huh?
I used to get yeast infections regularly and it was very very frustrating. I would wander the internet endlessly looking for the ultimate solution - The final fix that would end the cycle of infection after infection. I hated them just as much as you do. The burning, the itching, the dryness - you name it. Now, after years of research, I'm an expert on the subject. I know exactly how to not only prevent yeast infections, but for the .01% of infections that do get through, I know how to cure them literally within hours - without yeast infection cream.
There is nothing worse than having to treat a yeast infection. Not only are you suffering from an infection that make your most private areas itchy, burning, and generally makes you feel unclean, but then the medication comes into play.
The grossest part is the Yeast Infection Cream
Those wonderfully, nasty-smelling, goopy creams, that make you feel like you have just soaked your underwear in gelatin, and stepped into them!
Oh yeah, and now you get to walk around with the knowledge that every step you take makes you feel like you just squirted a bottle of lotion between your legs. Worse, you start to wonder if anyone else will notice.
Does the woman sitting next to me smell the medication? When I stand up from my chair, will I have a wet spot showing on my pants? What am I supposed to say to my boyfriend when I see him tonight?
"Sorry honey, I've got a pound of yeast infection cream in my pants."
What about your usual over-the-counter yeast infection cream?
What's worse about an over-the-counter yeast infection cream is the little nuances that the drug companies will not tell you about. How about this question: Which is worse, a yeast infection, or a sudden pregnancy? Guess what? Just about every cream in the pharmacy that deals with treating the fungus toward yeast infection also breaks down latex. Why is that important? Why else! Latex equals condoms . . . condoms equal the means to NOT get pregnant! You do the math.
Also, the main ingredient in yeast infection cream is called tioconazole. It is unknown even now as to what adverse reactions this antifungal medication does to a fetus.
Why do I hate any yeast infection cream?
Small side effects tend to worsen the symptoms. That means that the original symptoms of burning, itching, and swelling can get poorer. Allergic reactions are even more harmful. These reactions can be hives, shortness of breath, or swelling in the face, lips, or tongue. Another concern with a yeast infection cream happens to be their method of "killing" the fungus. Yeast is a fungus; however, women have "good" yeast in their body. This is a type of good bacteria that "east" other bad bacteria.A yeast infection cream cannot discriminate between the good or the bad fungi. So, you run the risk of killing off the good fungus, and making your body more susceptible to other infections.
Kill off enough of your good fungus, and your body has no more natural ways to defend itself. This can now make the yeast infection even more difficult to get rid of - since you have also most likely developed a resistance to such medicine. Thus, the vicious cycle of taking medicine and building a new tolerance begins again. And you thought modern medicine was SO helpful, didn't you?
The best yeast infection cream solution is NOT using one!
Yeast infections can be treated, but need to be done proficiently. If the medicine just masks the symptoms only, then the infection will grow stronger, and become more problematic than originally thought. For terrific answers on how to Cure Your Yeast Infection within hours using a natural, drug-free method, CLICK HERE
Sounds pretty good huh?
I used to get yeast infections regularly and it was very very frustrating. I would wander the internet endlessly looking for the ultimate solution - The final fix that would end the cycle of infection after infection. I hated them just as much as you do. The burning, the itching, the dryness - you name it. Now, after years of research, I'm an expert on the subject. I know exactly how to not only prevent yeast infections, but for the .01% of infections that do get through, I know how to cure them literally within hours - without yeast infection cream.
There is nothing worse than having to treat a yeast infection. Not only are you suffering from an infection that make your most private areas itchy, burning, and generally makes you feel unclean, but then the medication comes into play.
The grossest part is the Yeast Infection Cream
Those wonderfully, nasty-smelling, goopy creams, that make you feel like you have just soaked your underwear in gelatin, and stepped into them!
Oh yeah, and now you get to walk around with the knowledge that every step you take makes you feel like you just squirted a bottle of lotion between your legs. Worse, you start to wonder if anyone else will notice.
Does the woman sitting next to me smell the medication? When I stand up from my chair, will I have a wet spot showing on my pants? What am I supposed to say to my boyfriend when I see him tonight?
"Sorry honey, I've got a pound of yeast infection cream in my pants."
What about your usual over-the-counter yeast infection cream?
What's worse about an over-the-counter yeast infection cream is the little nuances that the drug companies will not tell you about. How about this question: Which is worse, a yeast infection, or a sudden pregnancy? Guess what? Just about every cream in the pharmacy that deals with treating the fungus toward yeast infection also breaks down latex. Why is that important? Why else! Latex equals condoms . . . condoms equal the means to NOT get pregnant! You do the math.
Also, the main ingredient in yeast infection cream is called tioconazole. It is unknown even now as to what adverse reactions this antifungal medication does to a fetus.
Why do I hate any yeast infection cream?
Small side effects tend to worsen the symptoms. That means that the original symptoms of burning, itching, and swelling can get poorer. Allergic reactions are even more harmful. These reactions can be hives, shortness of breath, or swelling in the face, lips, or tongue. Another concern with a yeast infection cream happens to be their method of "killing" the fungus. Yeast is a fungus; however, women have "good" yeast in their body. This is a type of good bacteria that "east" other bad bacteria.A yeast infection cream cannot discriminate between the good or the bad fungi. So, you run the risk of killing off the good fungus, and making your body more susceptible to other infections.
Kill off enough of your good fungus, and your body has no more natural ways to defend itself. This can now make the yeast infection even more difficult to get rid of - since you have also most likely developed a resistance to such medicine. Thus, the vicious cycle of taking medicine and building a new tolerance begins again. And you thought modern medicine was SO helpful, didn't you?
The best yeast infection cream solution is NOT using one!
Yeast infections can be treated, but need to be done proficiently. If the medicine just masks the symptoms only, then the infection will grow stronger, and become more problematic than originally thought. For terrific answers on how to Cure Your Yeast Infection within hours using a natural, drug-free method, CLICK HERE
Monday, October 10, 2011
Yeast Infection Home Remedy - Vinegar Is Your Best Option to Treat Yeast Infection
A yeast or fungus infection is very difficult to tackle. It can cause a lot of pain and unease to the sufferer. Patients suffering from this infections tend to do anything to get rid of yeast infection.
There are various treatments and medicines that are suggested by doctors for the treatment of the infection but all a patient really requires is a good old yeast disease infection home remedy. Nature's gifts can be effectively utilized and made use for the cure as a yeast or fungus infection home remedy.
White vinegar can help in relieving a person off the infection of yeast by acting as an effective home remedy. Containing a good amount of organic acids in it, white vinegar is a natural micro-organism fighter. It is also used for the treatments of many infections apart from the infection of yeast. Its anti-septic properties enable it to fight against the micro-organisms and make itself known as an excellent yeast infection home remedy.
The application of the vinegar for the treatment of yeast or fungus infection is quite simple; you just have to apply it onto the affected areas regularly until and unless your infection disappears. For a more effective approach, the vinegar can be blended with other ingredients to make a perfect yeast infection home remedy.
But for a better mixture, an adequate amount of liquid should be added so that the added ingredients mix readily. Water can also be used as a medium, in which you can mix the ingredients for this amazing yeast disease infection home remedy.
Just use the liquid for a couple of times in the day on regular basis by just applying it onto the yeast infection infected areas. After some time, you are very likely to notice a drastic change.
In case of an attack of the infection of yeast on the masculine gender, the treatment is just as easy and the solution is just as simple; White vinegar. The vinegar should be applied to the effected part by soaking some cloth with the liquid and then placing it on the affected area for some time. For more of an effective and convenient approach, people mix the vinegar into water and then submerge their affected parts into it.
White vinegar serves as a great yeast infection home remedy, apart from its great qualities, its convenient usage make it popular in the world of infection home remedies.
If you are suffering from the infection and you want to get rid of it quicker than you ever thought possible, without using and medicines, without applying any creams, even if you are suffering from the severest form of the infection, you can get rid of it in dream time!
Above is one of the best home remedy that people all around the world is sharing. It can definitely soothe your condition significantly. However, it is not the best option for you to completely cure yeast disease infection. If you want to know more about the most recommended yeast infection home remedy that completely cured me, you should read on.
Personally I was tortured by Oral Yeast Infection for years. It was the worst experience I had in my life. I feel not physically hurt but also mentally irritated by this awful infection.
After trying for so many treatments without getting good result, I was depressed. It was so lucky for me to accidentally come across this awesome Yeast Infection Home Treatment system that completely help me to get away from infection.
It is not an over night miracle pills or medication. You need to put in effort to get the optimized results. Hence, if you want to get your life free from infection, please be ready to commit your time and effort in this highly recommended Yeast Infection Treatment.
There are various treatments and medicines that are suggested by doctors for the treatment of the infection but all a patient really requires is a good old yeast disease infection home remedy. Nature's gifts can be effectively utilized and made use for the cure as a yeast or fungus infection home remedy.
White vinegar can help in relieving a person off the infection of yeast by acting as an effective home remedy. Containing a good amount of organic acids in it, white vinegar is a natural micro-organism fighter. It is also used for the treatments of many infections apart from the infection of yeast. Its anti-septic properties enable it to fight against the micro-organisms and make itself known as an excellent yeast infection home remedy.
The application of the vinegar for the treatment of yeast or fungus infection is quite simple; you just have to apply it onto the affected areas regularly until and unless your infection disappears. For a more effective approach, the vinegar can be blended with other ingredients to make a perfect yeast infection home remedy.
But for a better mixture, an adequate amount of liquid should be added so that the added ingredients mix readily. Water can also be used as a medium, in which you can mix the ingredients for this amazing yeast disease infection home remedy.
Just use the liquid for a couple of times in the day on regular basis by just applying it onto the yeast infection infected areas. After some time, you are very likely to notice a drastic change.
In case of an attack of the infection of yeast on the masculine gender, the treatment is just as easy and the solution is just as simple; White vinegar. The vinegar should be applied to the effected part by soaking some cloth with the liquid and then placing it on the affected area for some time. For more of an effective and convenient approach, people mix the vinegar into water and then submerge their affected parts into it.
White vinegar serves as a great yeast infection home remedy, apart from its great qualities, its convenient usage make it popular in the world of infection home remedies.
If you are suffering from the infection and you want to get rid of it quicker than you ever thought possible, without using and medicines, without applying any creams, even if you are suffering from the severest form of the infection, you can get rid of it in dream time!
Above is one of the best home remedy that people all around the world is sharing. It can definitely soothe your condition significantly. However, it is not the best option for you to completely cure yeast disease infection. If you want to know more about the most recommended yeast infection home remedy that completely cured me, you should read on.
Personally I was tortured by Oral Yeast Infection for years. It was the worst experience I had in my life. I feel not physically hurt but also mentally irritated by this awful infection.
After trying for so many treatments without getting good result, I was depressed. It was so lucky for me to accidentally come across this awesome Yeast Infection Home Treatment system that completely help me to get away from infection.
It is not an over night miracle pills or medication. You need to put in effort to get the optimized results. Hence, if you want to get your life free from infection, please be ready to commit your time and effort in this highly recommended Yeast Infection Treatment.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Yeast Infection Remedy - Easy and Effective Herbal Treatments
Yeast is the second most common kind of vaginal infection. One of the many species of fungus called Candida causes it. Candida normally lives in small numbers in the vagina as well as in the mouth and digestive tract of both men and women.
Women are more vulnerable to get vaginal yeast infections if their bodies are under stress from poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, or when they are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune suppressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV infection are also at increased risk.
Symptoms of yeast:
The symptoms of yeast infection may vary from very mild to severe and include:
o Vaginal itch or soreness
o Thick, white, curd like discharge
o Burning discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially when urine touches the area
o Pain during sexual intercourse
o Unpleasant odour from the genitalia
o Itching and burning of the female genitals (vulva)
o Painful urination
o Vulva redness and swelling
Vaginal discharge is not always present and may be minimal, but when present may be:
o cheese like in nature
o thick, whitish-grey discharge
o watery to thick in consistency
Causes of yeast infection:
Since yeast is normal in a women's vagina, it causes an infection when a change in the balance in a woman's system occurs. For example, pregnancy, which leads to changes in hormone levels.
Antibiotics can kill the normal vaginal bacteria. Then the yeast, which is usually present in or near a women's vagina can multiply.
Thus, yeast overgrowth usually occurs as the result of:
o Fatigue
o High stress
o Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle
o Increased warmth and moisture in the vaginal area
o Menopause
o Not drying the outer vaginal area thoroughly after bathing
o Birth control pills
o Poor diet
o Poorly ventilated underwear
o Poor personal hygiene
o Pregnancy
o Certain drugs
o Use of 'broad spectrum' antibiotics
o Vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication
o Sweating
o High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels making a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow
Treatment of yeast infection:
Any woman who experiences symptoms of a yeast infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to be sure that the vaginal discharge and discomfort is caused by yeast and not any other sexually transmitted infection.
Vaginal yeast infections are treated with antifungal medicines that are inserted directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories.
Treatment of sexual partners is not necessary, since most yeast infections are not transmitted sexually.
How to prevent yeast infection?
Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections.
However, one can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps :-
- Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.
- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.
- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow.
- Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays.
- Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.
- After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.
- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.
- If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels.
- Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection.
- Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.
- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.
- Do not wear underwear at night, as our body needs to dry after a day of clothing which traps heat and moisture.
Dietary recommendations for yeast infection -
Any woman with a yeast infection should be particularly careful about her diet, as some foods promote fungal growth. Try to include -
o Fresh vegetables and fruits
o Fish
o Whole grains
o Essential fatty acids, such as nuts
o Plenty of fresh water
o 1 tablespoon Isabgol husk fibre and/or 1/4 cup Oat bran daily
o Alcohol
o Animal fats
o Caffeine
o Dairy products, such as cheese, ice-cream
o Fast foods
o Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product
o Fermented food
o Hydrogenated oils and margarine
o Processed foods
o Sugar, sweets, chocolates
o White and processed flour products
Thus, as yeast fungus thrives on sugars and carbohydrates - a vegetarian nondairy diet of protein, unrefined grains, and vegetables is best. Onions and garlic are also very helpful. Fresh, raw garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins.
Read More on Treatments by Ayurveda and Home Remedies at
Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies. - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia
Women are more vulnerable to get vaginal yeast infections if their bodies are under stress from poor diet, lack of sleep, illness, or when they are pregnant or taking antibiotics. Women with immune suppressing diseases such as diabetes and HIV infection are also at increased risk.
Symptoms of yeast:
The symptoms of yeast infection may vary from very mild to severe and include:
o Vaginal itch or soreness
o Thick, white, curd like discharge
o Burning discomfort around the vaginal opening, especially when urine touches the area
o Pain during sexual intercourse
o Unpleasant odour from the genitalia
o Itching and burning of the female genitals (vulva)
o Painful urination
o Vulva redness and swelling
Vaginal discharge is not always present and may be minimal, but when present may be:
o cheese like in nature
o thick, whitish-grey discharge
o watery to thick in consistency
Causes of yeast infection:
Since yeast is normal in a women's vagina, it causes an infection when a change in the balance in a woman's system occurs. For example, pregnancy, which leads to changes in hormone levels.
Antibiotics can kill the normal vaginal bacteria. Then the yeast, which is usually present in or near a women's vagina can multiply.
Thus, yeast overgrowth usually occurs as the result of:
o Fatigue
o High stress
o Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle
o Increased warmth and moisture in the vaginal area
o Menopause
o Not drying the outer vaginal area thoroughly after bathing
o Birth control pills
o Poor diet
o Poorly ventilated underwear
o Poor personal hygiene
o Pregnancy
o Certain drugs
o Use of 'broad spectrum' antibiotics
o Vaginal intercourse without adequate lubrication
o Sweating
o High diabetes, which raises blood sugar levels making a conducive environment for yeast fungus to grow
Treatment of yeast infection:
Any woman who experiences symptoms of a yeast infection for the first time should visit a doctor. This is important to be sure that the vaginal discharge and discomfort is caused by yeast and not any other sexually transmitted infection.
Vaginal yeast infections are treated with antifungal medicines that are inserted directly into the vagina as tablets, creams, ointments or suppositories.
Treatment of sexual partners is not necessary, since most yeast infections are not transmitted sexually.
How to prevent yeast infection?
Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections.
However, one can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps :-
- Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast.
- Keep the external genital area clean and dry.
- Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow.
- Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays.
- Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently.
- After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods.
- Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.
- If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels.
- Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection.
- Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.
- Eating one cup of yogurt a day helps some women prevent the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment. However, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection.
- Do not wear underwear at night, as our body needs to dry after a day of clothing which traps heat and moisture.
Dietary recommendations for yeast infection -
Any woman with a yeast infection should be particularly careful about her diet, as some foods promote fungal growth. Try to include -
o Fresh vegetables and fruits
o Fish
o Whole grains
o Essential fatty acids, such as nuts
o Plenty of fresh water
o 1 tablespoon Isabgol husk fibre and/or 1/4 cup Oat bran daily
o Alcohol
o Animal fats
o Caffeine
o Dairy products, such as cheese, ice-cream
o Fast foods
o Pickle, vinegar or any yeast product
o Fermented food
o Hydrogenated oils and margarine
o Processed foods
o Sugar, sweets, chocolates
o White and processed flour products
Thus, as yeast fungus thrives on sugars and carbohydrates - a vegetarian nondairy diet of protein, unrefined grains, and vegetables is best. Onions and garlic are also very helpful. Fresh, raw garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins.
Read More on Treatments by Ayurveda and Home Remedies at
Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies. - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Yeast Infections That Last For Months
Yeast infections that last for months are often associated with an underlying medical condition. When a yeast infection lasts for months it usually means that the yeast and fungal overgrowth are affecting your entire system, not just your genital area.
One thing that is rarely taken into account on lasting yeast infections is the fact that yeast is significantly influenced by the vagina's natural monthly fluctuating acid base (PH balance). The pH balance changes with monthly hormonal rhythms. Most women with yeast infections that last for months notice that the symptoms manifest or worsen a few days prior to the onset of menstruation and often clear up or improve when the period ends. Just prior to menstruation and throughout the time of the menstrual flow, the vaginal pH balance becomes significantly more alkaline, allowing yeast colonies that have been in a dormant state to become active and produce symptoms.
Many women treating yeast infections with prescription and over the counter remedies assume that when the symptoms go away the infection is gone for good. Unfortunately, sometimes there is another onset of symptoms, perhaps as soon as the onset of the next period. The main reason for yeast infections that last for months is that dormant colonies of yeast were not eradicated by the perilous treatment.
A paste made of slippery elm and a little water can help relieve the symptoms associated with yeast infections that last for months. This can be applied as needed. Another way to relieve symptoms is to keep aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and apply it to your vulva on a cotton pad as needed.
Some women prefer herbal remedies to help keep their body's pH balance at a level that discourages yeast infections. Tea tree oil vaginal suppositories are used by many women. Besides being very soothing, the suppositories possess powerful anti-fungal activity that can help return the vaginal pH balance to a normal state.
Women with yeast infections that last for months should eat yogurt every day. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in the vagina. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Some women apply yogurt directly to the affected area to kill the yeast infection. If you use yogurt on your genital area, make sure that you buy plain yogurt with no sugar added.
Try the following steps to help prevent yeast infections:
o Don't use douches.
o Avoid scented hygiene products like bubble bath, sprays, pads and tampons.
o Change tampons and pads often during your period.
o Don't wear tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers.
o Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
o Change out of wet swimsuits and exercise clothes as soon as possible
o Take two acidophilus capsules every day.
Bear in mind that yeast infections that last for months could be the sign of something more serious, like diabetes or HIV. If you have infections that persist you should talk to your doctor about the treatments that are available. Nobody should have to live with yeast infections that last for months.
Learn more information on yeast infection while breast feeding and how to get rid of yeast infections. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
One thing that is rarely taken into account on lasting yeast infections is the fact that yeast is significantly influenced by the vagina's natural monthly fluctuating acid base (PH balance). The pH balance changes with monthly hormonal rhythms. Most women with yeast infections that last for months notice that the symptoms manifest or worsen a few days prior to the onset of menstruation and often clear up or improve when the period ends. Just prior to menstruation and throughout the time of the menstrual flow, the vaginal pH balance becomes significantly more alkaline, allowing yeast colonies that have been in a dormant state to become active and produce symptoms.
Many women treating yeast infections with prescription and over the counter remedies assume that when the symptoms go away the infection is gone for good. Unfortunately, sometimes there is another onset of symptoms, perhaps as soon as the onset of the next period. The main reason for yeast infections that last for months is that dormant colonies of yeast were not eradicated by the perilous treatment.
A paste made of slippery elm and a little water can help relieve the symptoms associated with yeast infections that last for months. This can be applied as needed. Another way to relieve symptoms is to keep aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and apply it to your vulva on a cotton pad as needed.
Some women prefer herbal remedies to help keep their body's pH balance at a level that discourages yeast infections. Tea tree oil vaginal suppositories are used by many women. Besides being very soothing, the suppositories possess powerful anti-fungal activity that can help return the vaginal pH balance to a normal state.
Women with yeast infections that last for months should eat yogurt every day. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium that occurs naturally in the vagina. Acidophilus kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide. Some women apply yogurt directly to the affected area to kill the yeast infection. If you use yogurt on your genital area, make sure that you buy plain yogurt with no sugar added.
Try the following steps to help prevent yeast infections:
o Don't use douches.
o Avoid scented hygiene products like bubble bath, sprays, pads and tampons.
o Change tampons and pads often during your period.
o Don't wear tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers.
o Wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
o Change out of wet swimsuits and exercise clothes as soon as possible
o Take two acidophilus capsules every day.
Bear in mind that yeast infections that last for months could be the sign of something more serious, like diabetes or HIV. If you have infections that persist you should talk to your doctor about the treatments that are available. Nobody should have to live with yeast infections that last for months.
Learn more information on yeast infection while breast feeding and how to get rid of yeast infections. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Yeast Infections, How Long Should They Last
Many women, especially women who are suffering from their first yeast infection ask, how long should a yeast infection last? The women who also ask this question fall into another category, and they're the women who are having trouble curing their yeast infection. Which category do you fall into? And would you like to know the answer?
Many women who are suffering from their first yeast infection want to know how long it will last because yeast infections are not very pleasant to have. The sooner that they're dealt with, the better off you are.
Then you have the women, who, having their first yeast infection, want to know how long the infection will last without applying any treatment. I'll tell you now, they all need treating, and that's as soon as possible.
The time frame of a yeast infection will be different for everyone. The cause of your yeast infection, and where you have your yeast infection will determine how long it will take to cure yourself.
If your yeast infection is a vaginal yeast infection that has been caused by stress then it will be cured within a few days. This type of yeast infection can easily be cured with a natural treatment such as a tampon dipped in live yogurt then inserted into your vagina. It will also help if your stress has gone.
A more severe yeast infection that has been caused by continual use of antibiotics will take a lot longer to cure. This type of yeast infection is usually recurrent in your vagina, and could possibly have infected your intestines. An intestinal yeast infection can take months to cure depending on how long you've had the infection, and how long you have been taking the antibiotics.
An intestinal yeast infection/candidiasis will need to be cured from the inside of your body, and requires a complete diet change, and the use of natural anti fungals and probiotics.
If you're suffering from your first yeast infection then the sooner you discover the cause the faster you will cure yourself. Nearly all women will go straight for a cure to ease their symptoms without even thinking about the cause. This can lead to poor health in the long term if your treatment doesn't cure the cause as well as your symptoms.
To find out the answers to more yeast infection questions like this one visit - Yeast infection natural cures or visit my - Yeast infection blog.
Many women who are suffering from their first yeast infection want to know how long it will last because yeast infections are not very pleasant to have. The sooner that they're dealt with, the better off you are.
Then you have the women, who, having their first yeast infection, want to know how long the infection will last without applying any treatment. I'll tell you now, they all need treating, and that's as soon as possible.
The time frame of a yeast infection will be different for everyone. The cause of your yeast infection, and where you have your yeast infection will determine how long it will take to cure yourself.
If your yeast infection is a vaginal yeast infection that has been caused by stress then it will be cured within a few days. This type of yeast infection can easily be cured with a natural treatment such as a tampon dipped in live yogurt then inserted into your vagina. It will also help if your stress has gone.
A more severe yeast infection that has been caused by continual use of antibiotics will take a lot longer to cure. This type of yeast infection is usually recurrent in your vagina, and could possibly have infected your intestines. An intestinal yeast infection can take months to cure depending on how long you've had the infection, and how long you have been taking the antibiotics.
An intestinal yeast infection/candidiasis will need to be cured from the inside of your body, and requires a complete diet change, and the use of natural anti fungals and probiotics.
If you're suffering from your first yeast infection then the sooner you discover the cause the faster you will cure yourself. Nearly all women will go straight for a cure to ease their symptoms without even thinking about the cause. This can lead to poor health in the long term if your treatment doesn't cure the cause as well as your symptoms.
To find out the answers to more yeast infection questions like this one visit - Yeast infection natural cures or visit my - Yeast infection blog.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Yeast Infections: Ancient Microbes, Modern Plague
Yeast infections have been around since ancient times. Although ancient healers couldn't identify Candida as the organism most often responsible for yeast infections, they were able to successfully treat yeast infections using herbs with natural anti-fungal properties. Microscopic fungi like Candida have always thrived, but yeast infections in humans were rare until modern times when two major factors set the stage to make yeast overgrowth in America as common as apple pie:
1. Antibiotics - The overuse of antibiotics is a major cause of yeast infections and other forms of fungal overgrowth. Modern antibiotics don't discriminate between the pathogens they target and the beneficial microorganisms or probiotics that normally inhabit the gut in large numbers.
When the delicate balance of essential flora in the GI tract is disturbed, yeasts and other pathogens are quick to capitalize on the opportunity to multiply. Left to flourish untreated, candida can invade the intestinal walls, breaking them down until they begin to leak harmful bacteria and larger proteins into the blood stream. The resulting long term "leaky gut" toxicity and constant immune system burden can have devastating consequences to your health.
2. Refined Carbohydrates - Our high carb diet alters pH levels, lowers baseline immunity, and directly feeds the cycle of yeast infection in our bodies.
Types of Yeast Infection
There are more than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida Albicans. These fungi live on all surfaces of our bodies. Under certain conditions, they can become so numerous they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas. Examples of such infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush (infection in the mouth), skin outbreaks and diaper rash, sinus and nail bed infections. Rarely, the infection may spread throughout the body. Most people do not survive systemic infections because of the massive amount of inflammation and toxicity produced.
Underlying Causes of Yeast Infection
Like antibiotics, corticosteroids also deplete the body of beneficial bacteria and undermine baseline immunity, encouraging the overgrowth of yeast. Birth control pills can also promote yeast infections.
A number of factors influence the body's ability to directly or indirectly control Candida overgrowth:
• Mineral Imbalance or Deficiency - Trace minerals like zinc and copper are essential to the body's ability to keep yeast under control.
• Stress impairs immune system function and depletes the body of essential minerals.
• Excessive Alkalinity favors yeast overgrowth. Adrenal exhaustion and thyroid insufficiency contribute to increased alkalinity.
• Heavy Metal Toxicity - Candida sufferers often have high levels of mercury, lead or cadmium in their tissues. Hair analysis can be helpful in identifying toxicities.
• Inadequate Cellular Energy Production - Biochemical energy is required for all body functions, including immune system function, and all other body systems.
• Impaired Short-chain fatty Acid Metabolism - Short-chain fatty acids are protective compounds that are manufactured as a byproduct of normal metabolism. Caprylic and butyric acid are frequently used as anti-fungal agents. Hair analysis and Organic Acid Testing can be helpful in identifying deficiencies.
• Thyroid Suppression is both a cause and a symptom of yeast infection because of its role in impaired immunity and energy production. Candida overgrowth in turn causes a buildup of mycotoxins that suppress thyroid function.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
Symptoms of candidiasis can vary widely depending upon where the infection takes hold, from vaginal itching, burning and discharge to allergies and skin disorders to brain fog, thyroid and immune suppression, sugar cravings and chronic fatigue.
Some natural practitioners estimate that because of the factors mentioned above, 70-80% of Americans are dealing with some form of fungal overgrowth. Don Dennis, MD, Board Certified EENT and plastic surgeon in Atlanta claims that fungal infection accounts for the suffering of a vast majority of chronic sinusitis patients.
According to Dr. Dennis, "Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) affects over 37 million Americans, making it more common than arthritis or high blood pressure."
Most CRS patients, like virtually all sufferers of chronic fungal infection, are caught up in an endless and seemingly hopeless cycle of infection and secondary reinfection with repeated antibiotic and steroid exposures that lead to its familiar pattern of symptoms.
Cancer Connection
Many practitioners are convinced that yeast overgrowth plays a central role in the growth of many cancers because of the toxic burden and oxidative stress it places on the body... not to mention the estrogenic effect of mycotoxins, the pirating of valuable cellular resources or the consequences of an overwhelmed immune system. Having a chronic yeast infection is like trying to row a boat with the anchor out!
Morgellons Connection
Similarly, fungal overgrowth appears to be a common factor among sufferers of Morgellons Disease, a horrific and increasingly common condition that involves immune compromise and failure of the bioterrain with multiple infections and infestations with plant and soil based pathogens that don't normally affect humans.
The greatest danger of chronic yeast infection may be that it sets the table for secondary opportunistic infections.
Treatment of Yeast Infections
Mild cases of yeast infection are easily treated, but successful treatment of chronic candidiasis requires time, patience, determination and a multifaceted approach.
There are five critical areas of intervention that are required to root out entrenched yeast infection in the body:
1. Diet - Anyone who has endured marathon struggles with candida overgrowth can attest to the difficulty of displacing established fungal infections, especially when underlying challenges such as heavy metal toxicity provide favorable conditions even when stringent dietary restrictions are followed. But the fact is, without a proper diet, there is virtually no hope of breaking out of the cycle of infection and reinfection. Basically, we need to eat what God has provided... a diet of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, while limiting meat and dairy and avoiding anything processed... especially refined carbs.
2. Restore Digestion - Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes are necessary to restore adequate numbers of beneficial bacteria to the GI tract and improve digestive efficiency. Enzymes also help control yeast directly and perform a "house cleaning" function in the body. Hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCL) can also be helpful in restoring pH levels and improving protein and mineral absorption.
A broad spectum, high potency probiotic is very effective in restoring balance to essential flora in the gut. Don't fall for the sales hype about enteric coated delivery systems. God doesn't package our probiotics in tiny plastic bubbles; neither should we.
3. Anti-fungals - Prescription anti-fungal creams and suppositories can be very effective for topical or vaginal use. Systemic drugs are also available, but they can be very hard on the liver and kidneys. Natural practitioners prefer to use herbs and nutrients that are just as effective but lack the downside of chemical treatments, such as oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, proteolytic enzymes, butyric acid, black walnut, and wormwood.
4. Detoxification Support - Regardless of whether natural or conventional treatment options are pursued, it is wise and very helpful to provide the body with some liver support to help promote detoxification pathways which are heavily burdened with mycotoxins generated in the dieoff of yeast cells. This will minimize any Herxheimer effects as the body attempts to cast off these toxins.
5. Heal the Gut - This may seem redundant as all of the above strategies are aimed at restoring the digestive process, but as this happens, certain nutrients may be particularly helpful in repairing the integrity of the intestinal lining, such as L- Glutamine, Omega Three Fats and - once progress has been made - Whey Protein Isolate (a great source of pure amino acids, the building blocks needed for repair). Glutamine is an amino acid that is particularly useful early on in treatment, and may also help with sugar cravings.
Yeasts like Candida have been with us all along, but our collective choices have made yeast infections and other types of fungal overgrowth and secondary infections a growing epidemic around the world.
For those who have struggled with chronic yeast infections and fungal overgrowth for years, know this:
Because of the intransigent and pleomorphic (spontaneously mutating) nature of the microbes involved (not to mention the secondary infections they invite), don't expect a first round knockout, but a multiple round epic struggle. With each round of treatment, the fungal load gets a little lower; with each round, the toxic burden gets a little lighter. With each round, the battle field is a little more level until finally the immune system is no longer outnumbered and outflanked.
With faithful determination and by God's grace, this is a battle worth fighting; it is a battle that can be and is being won.
Interested in learning more about probiotics, digestive enzymes, Morgellons Disease or fungal overgrowth?
Please visit and join my Super Natural Health WordPress blog to learn how to maximize your health and quality of life naturally.
To experience firsthand the life changing impact of our cutting edge anti-candida support program, visit our website and take advantage of the special offer on the Candida Cleanse Protocol.
Visit the Logos Nutritionals website to gain direct access to a vast amount of timely and useful health information, an extensive collection of authentic natural medicines, and the amazing legacy of nutrition pioneer Carson B. Burgstiner, MD, the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol.
It is our privilege to serve you.
Abundant Blessings,
John Burgstiner
Logos Nutritionals
1. Antibiotics - The overuse of antibiotics is a major cause of yeast infections and other forms of fungal overgrowth. Modern antibiotics don't discriminate between the pathogens they target and the beneficial microorganisms or probiotics that normally inhabit the gut in large numbers.
When the delicate balance of essential flora in the GI tract is disturbed, yeasts and other pathogens are quick to capitalize on the opportunity to multiply. Left to flourish untreated, candida can invade the intestinal walls, breaking them down until they begin to leak harmful bacteria and larger proteins into the blood stream. The resulting long term "leaky gut" toxicity and constant immune system burden can have devastating consequences to your health.
2. Refined Carbohydrates - Our high carb diet alters pH levels, lowers baseline immunity, and directly feeds the cycle of yeast infection in our bodies.
Types of Yeast Infection
There are more than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida Albicans. These fungi live on all surfaces of our bodies. Under certain conditions, they can become so numerous they cause infections, particularly in warm and moist areas. Examples of such infections are vaginal yeast infections, thrush (infection in the mouth), skin outbreaks and diaper rash, sinus and nail bed infections. Rarely, the infection may spread throughout the body. Most people do not survive systemic infections because of the massive amount of inflammation and toxicity produced.
Underlying Causes of Yeast Infection
Like antibiotics, corticosteroids also deplete the body of beneficial bacteria and undermine baseline immunity, encouraging the overgrowth of yeast. Birth control pills can also promote yeast infections.
A number of factors influence the body's ability to directly or indirectly control Candida overgrowth:
• Mineral Imbalance or Deficiency - Trace minerals like zinc and copper are essential to the body's ability to keep yeast under control.
• Stress impairs immune system function and depletes the body of essential minerals.
• Excessive Alkalinity favors yeast overgrowth. Adrenal exhaustion and thyroid insufficiency contribute to increased alkalinity.
• Heavy Metal Toxicity - Candida sufferers often have high levels of mercury, lead or cadmium in their tissues. Hair analysis can be helpful in identifying toxicities.
• Inadequate Cellular Energy Production - Biochemical energy is required for all body functions, including immune system function, and all other body systems.
• Impaired Short-chain fatty Acid Metabolism - Short-chain fatty acids are protective compounds that are manufactured as a byproduct of normal metabolism. Caprylic and butyric acid are frequently used as anti-fungal agents. Hair analysis and Organic Acid Testing can be helpful in identifying deficiencies.
• Thyroid Suppression is both a cause and a symptom of yeast infection because of its role in impaired immunity and energy production. Candida overgrowth in turn causes a buildup of mycotoxins that suppress thyroid function.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
Symptoms of candidiasis can vary widely depending upon where the infection takes hold, from vaginal itching, burning and discharge to allergies and skin disorders to brain fog, thyroid and immune suppression, sugar cravings and chronic fatigue.
Some natural practitioners estimate that because of the factors mentioned above, 70-80% of Americans are dealing with some form of fungal overgrowth. Don Dennis, MD, Board Certified EENT and plastic surgeon in Atlanta claims that fungal infection accounts for the suffering of a vast majority of chronic sinusitis patients.
According to Dr. Dennis, "Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) affects over 37 million Americans, making it more common than arthritis or high blood pressure."
Most CRS patients, like virtually all sufferers of chronic fungal infection, are caught up in an endless and seemingly hopeless cycle of infection and secondary reinfection with repeated antibiotic and steroid exposures that lead to its familiar pattern of symptoms.
Cancer Connection
Many practitioners are convinced that yeast overgrowth plays a central role in the growth of many cancers because of the toxic burden and oxidative stress it places on the body... not to mention the estrogenic effect of mycotoxins, the pirating of valuable cellular resources or the consequences of an overwhelmed immune system. Having a chronic yeast infection is like trying to row a boat with the anchor out!
Morgellons Connection
Similarly, fungal overgrowth appears to be a common factor among sufferers of Morgellons Disease, a horrific and increasingly common condition that involves immune compromise and failure of the bioterrain with multiple infections and infestations with plant and soil based pathogens that don't normally affect humans.
The greatest danger of chronic yeast infection may be that it sets the table for secondary opportunistic infections.
Treatment of Yeast Infections
Mild cases of yeast infection are easily treated, but successful treatment of chronic candidiasis requires time, patience, determination and a multifaceted approach.
There are five critical areas of intervention that are required to root out entrenched yeast infection in the body:
1. Diet - Anyone who has endured marathon struggles with candida overgrowth can attest to the difficulty of displacing established fungal infections, especially when underlying challenges such as heavy metal toxicity provide favorable conditions even when stringent dietary restrictions are followed. But the fact is, without a proper diet, there is virtually no hope of breaking out of the cycle of infection and reinfection. Basically, we need to eat what God has provided... a diet of veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, while limiting meat and dairy and avoiding anything processed... especially refined carbs.
2. Restore Digestion - Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes are necessary to restore adequate numbers of beneficial bacteria to the GI tract and improve digestive efficiency. Enzymes also help control yeast directly and perform a "house cleaning" function in the body. Hydrochloric acid (Betaine HCL) can also be helpful in restoring pH levels and improving protein and mineral absorption.
A broad spectum, high potency probiotic is very effective in restoring balance to essential flora in the gut. Don't fall for the sales hype about enteric coated delivery systems. God doesn't package our probiotics in tiny plastic bubbles; neither should we.
3. Anti-fungals - Prescription anti-fungal creams and suppositories can be very effective for topical or vaginal use. Systemic drugs are also available, but they can be very hard on the liver and kidneys. Natural practitioners prefer to use herbs and nutrients that are just as effective but lack the downside of chemical treatments, such as oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, proteolytic enzymes, butyric acid, black walnut, and wormwood.
4. Detoxification Support - Regardless of whether natural or conventional treatment options are pursued, it is wise and very helpful to provide the body with some liver support to help promote detoxification pathways which are heavily burdened with mycotoxins generated in the dieoff of yeast cells. This will minimize any Herxheimer effects as the body attempts to cast off these toxins.
5. Heal the Gut - This may seem redundant as all of the above strategies are aimed at restoring the digestive process, but as this happens, certain nutrients may be particularly helpful in repairing the integrity of the intestinal lining, such as L- Glutamine, Omega Three Fats and - once progress has been made - Whey Protein Isolate (a great source of pure amino acids, the building blocks needed for repair). Glutamine is an amino acid that is particularly useful early on in treatment, and may also help with sugar cravings.
Yeasts like Candida have been with us all along, but our collective choices have made yeast infections and other types of fungal overgrowth and secondary infections a growing epidemic around the world.
For those who have struggled with chronic yeast infections and fungal overgrowth for years, know this:
Because of the intransigent and pleomorphic (spontaneously mutating) nature of the microbes involved (not to mention the secondary infections they invite), don't expect a first round knockout, but a multiple round epic struggle. With each round of treatment, the fungal load gets a little lower; with each round, the toxic burden gets a little lighter. With each round, the battle field is a little more level until finally the immune system is no longer outnumbered and outflanked.
With faithful determination and by God's grace, this is a battle worth fighting; it is a battle that can be and is being won.
Interested in learning more about probiotics, digestive enzymes, Morgellons Disease or fungal overgrowth?
Please visit and join my Super Natural Health WordPress blog to learn how to maximize your health and quality of life naturally.
To experience firsthand the life changing impact of our cutting edge anti-candida support program, visit our website and take advantage of the special offer on the Candida Cleanse Protocol.
Visit the Logos Nutritionals website to gain direct access to a vast amount of timely and useful health information, an extensive collection of authentic natural medicines, and the amazing legacy of nutrition pioneer Carson B. Burgstiner, MD, the Burgstiner Wellness Protocol.
It is our privilege to serve you.
Abundant Blessings,
John Burgstiner
Logos Nutritionals
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