However, it is helpful to fully understand what vaginal yeast infection is, what some of the common causes are, as well as how supplements can help.
What is it?
Vaginal yeast infections and vitamins starts with understanding what yeast actually is, as well as the two conditions that can result because your body is producing or adding too much yeast; vaginitis and vulvitis.
Yeast itself is a fungus that is commonly referred as Candida, and the specific type of fungus that causes most of the problems is referred to as Candida albicans. Yeast is quite common in human skin and it is associated with any area that has a lot of moisture, including the mouth as well as the vagina.
It is estimated that as high as fifty percent of all women will have yeast in their vaginal area at any given time.
When a women's vagina becomes inflamed because of the presence of yeast, it is referred to as vaginitis and it is estimated that at least 75 percent of all women will have this inflammation at some point in their lifetime. It most commonly is the result of a form of vaginal yeast infection that is referred to as vaginal candidiasis.
However, it may not always be the result of a fungal infection, as it may also be caused by a bacterial infection such as gonorrhea, as well as protozoan infections. Vulvitis is slightly different, as it is an inflammation of the external genital organs.
Vaginal yeast infections and vitamins and their possible effects in most cases, will be centered on the actual cause of this condition. Although it is widely held that the actual case is the result of too much yeast in the vagina, it also has another cause; new yeast. If new yeast is for whatever reason introduced into any of the affected areas and combines with existing yeast, this can also result is yeast infections. Under normal circumstances, the protective bacteria in the body protect the yeast from overgrowing, but in some cases this protective bacteria is compromised.
This is usually the result of some type of an antibiotic that has recently been introduced into the body to fight infections such as a urinary tract infection as well as some respiratory infections. Every human body is different and in the vast majority of cases, these antibiotics will not affect the protective bacteria, but they can. Immunosuppressive drugs may also cause existing yeast to multiply, and once it does, it can very easily invade other tissues and result in irritation to the lining of the vagina.
There are other potential causes of vaginal yeast infections that include some type of an inner vaginal injury, diabetes mellitus, as well as pregnancy and oral contraceptives. However, one of the biggest concerns may be with douche or some type of vaginal spray that has any type of perfume in it. Vaginal yeast infections and vitamins benefits may fall short in this case, as scented products can easily cause reactions that may result in a the over-growth of normal yeast.
The reason is that as you are protecting your body with supplements, you are at the same time allowing for the growth of yeast by the additives in the perfume.
The main symptoms of vaginal yeast infection, severe itching and discomfort, are well known universally, but there are also several other potential symptoms. Burning as well as extreme soreness can also occur, as well as slight or even severe pain during intercourse or urination. In the more severe case, there may also be a discharge, although this is considered to be somewhat rare. But when it does occur, it will be white in color, completely odorless, and have a slight texture to it.
However, it is extremely important to note that if this condition starts to be a reoccurring issue time after time, even after treatments or with the use of vitamins, there is usually some type of underlying medical condition and you should seek medical attention.
Vaginal Yeast Infections and Vitamins
Most women will have this condition at some point in their life, and to have it reoccur occasionally is quite natural; to have it almost constantly is not. There are several medications available to treat this very troubling condition, but treating just the vagina is considered to be very unproductive. In fact, William Crook, M.D., and the author of the book "The Yeast Connection and the Woman" refers to treating just the vagina a waste of money. He goes on to state in his book that vaginal suppositories can be helpful, but the major priority is to make your body unattractive to yeast infections.
This is where vaginal yeast infections and vitamins come into play, especially Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as the mineral Zinc. Zinc is considered a must with not only fighting but preventing this condition. It is well known for its production of cells in the immune system referred to as T lymphocytes cells, and these cells do several things. However, in the case of yeast infections, they are critical in cleaning up any cell that has been attacked by an infection.
Vitamin C is also essential with vaginal yeast infection, as it not only helps to boost your immune system; it also helps to promote the health of white blood cells which are critical in fighting off infections. However, it also has another real advantage as it assists lactobacillus, which is a natural defender in your body against bacteria grow in the acid it supplies. There are several recommend dosages for this vitamin in fighting this condition, but the best results will come in the form of daily supplements from a multi-vitamin in liquid form, as it is a lot more effective in absorbing at full capacity.
There are suggestions of up to 2,000 milligram dosages per day, but that should be discussed with your physician as is not necessary if you use liquid forms, as this high of dosage may cause diarrhea. Vaginal yeast infection and vitamin supplementation should also include both vitamin A and E. Vitamin A is also extremely effective at boosting the immune system, and there are some sources that will recommend dosages we high as 25,000 units a day.
However, this can be extremely dangerous during child bearing years as it can cause birth defects, and again, just the daily requirement should be effective enough in liquid form.
Vitamin E also helps to boost the immune system and assists both zinc and vitamin C to operate at full capacity.
Vaginal yeast infections and vitamins can also be assisted by watching your diet. Yogurt helps to stimulate the same cells that zinc does, and when combined, it makes a very effective team. Sweet treats are also suggested to cause yeast infections and they should be avoided if you are having problems. Although this condition may never be fully eliminated, it can be slowed naturally if you boost your immune system with supplements.
I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.
He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.
After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.
After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.
Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.
I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.
Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;
Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets
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