If you suffer from a host of symptoms that never really seem to have a cause, you might need to drastically change the way that you view the food that you eat. Feelings of prolonged depression, fatigue and general malaise can be caused by an imbalance in your body's pH. The vast amount of manufactured foods with highly refined ingredients that we consume can create conditions that are ideal for a yeast overgrowth.
Alleviating your heretofore unexplained symptoms may require nothing more than taking several weeks away from the fast and fatty foods commonly ingested on the run, and enjoying the healthy fare of a yeast infection diet.
Candida Albicans, or yeast lives naturally within the body, populating the vagina in women and the digestive tract in both parties. When the body's ability to regulate the growth of Candida is thrown off, the yeast can spread through various systems and cause a host of problems. This can be caused by taking antibiotics, oral contraceptive, steroids or by merely being prone to fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
A systemic yeast infection or systemic candidiasis can plague the individual with numerous aches and pains and affect visual perception and even memory. Normal yest infections can become present in the body such as thrush, skin infection and yeast infections of the genitals. The presence of a system wide infection can be difficult to treat with prescribed medications. This is because the medicine that is strong enough to kill off an overgrowth of yeast that permeates the entire body, will inevitably be strong enough to kill off the body's good, necessary bacteria as well.
Additional symptoms of a systemic yeast infection can include poor memory, mood swings, sinus infection and poor memory skills among others. Having a systemic infection means that your total health has been affected by the overgrowth of Candida, and this means that you are at susceptible to other types of illness while your immune system is suppressed by this condition. Sufferers commonly report frequent cravings for sweets.
While many aspects of systemic candidiasis continue to be debated, many medical professionals have come to agree that the overgrowth of yeast does occur and that it can indeed affect multiple systems within the body. There are numerous treatments for local skin and vaginal yeast infections, but systemic infections require that you take a different approach.
Rather than attempting to kill the overgrowth of yeast with strong medicines or courses of natural herbs and supplements, the yeast can instead be starved to death. Yeast relies on the foods that you eat just as much as you. In individuals suffering from yeast overgrowth, constant cravings for sugary, sweet carbohydrates can be caused by the yeast inside the body demanding necessary nutrients. The yeast infection diet operates on the principle that by sufficiently denying the overabundance of yeast all foods that it needs to survive, you can effectively starve it into non-existence.
One of the many symptoms of systemic candidiasis is a marked craving for sweet sugar foods with the host. Weight gain can be experienced with this condition making the yeast infection diet all the more beneficial. It is a diet that will restore both health and a naturally balanced physique.
The elimination process begins with letting of sugars and yeast containing foods. Manufactured foods are also to be avoided for their high chemical and refined sugar and corn syrup content. The diet recommends letting go of all carbohydrates that break down easily into sugar. Different variations of the yeast infection diet allow the consumption of natural sugars, which in essence means fresh fruit. However, even these require the elimination of certain varieties of fruit. In general, diets consist of high amount of fresh or lightly steamed vegetable in conjunction with high protein options. Additional foods such as olives, beer, vinegar and vinegar containing products, among many others, are done away with as well.
There is a growing number of yeast infection diets that are available online. With each however, the general focus remains consistent: limit foods that quickly break down into sugars or otherwise support yeast, and do away with all sugars and yeast containing foods. The length of time necessary can vary from person to person and can range from weeks to months. The payoff however, is a balanced body that can operate at its optimal level of health.
Click here to learn more about Yeast Infection Diet.
Click here to learn more about how to cure Untreated Yeast Infection.
Samantha Sullivan wanted to know everything there was to know about how to stop her own yeast infections. These articles and Cure-Yeast-Infection.net were the result of her extensive research and quest to cure her yeast infections naturally.
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