Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yeast Infection In Man - An Irony In Medicine When Traditional Treatment Makes The Infection Worse

A Man With A Yeast Infection?

There are certain ironies in the field of medicine. Take Candidiasis, for example, the illness commonly
known as yeast infection. Candidiasis is most frequently associated with woman, but believe it or not,
yeast infection in man is a medical reality. The majority of available information about yeast infection, it's symptoms and the treatments that are available definitely favor women, just as the Candida fungus does.

However, yeast infection in man is just as real and troublesome for men as it is for women. What's ironic is when a man gets stricken by this woman's malady, it occurs most frequently on his penis - the one thing a man and a woman do not have in common.

Penile yeast infection is just one instance of the many medical ironies, and of course, there's a lot more where that came from. Another irony for yeast infection in man can also be seen in the way most men deal with a yeast infection. For example, those afflicted with penile yeast infection frequently panic at the sight of a common yeast infection symptom in man, such as reddish irritation on the penis or a clumpy white discharge.

This panic leads them to consult their doctor and request a prescription medication. In turn, the doctor typically recommends an ointment or prescription drug the patient can take to relieve the symptoms and rid himself of the illness. Instead of treating the underlying cause of the yeast infection, the medical profession tends to only treat the symptoms of the infection, thereby prolonging the symptoms.

Traditional Medical Treatment Only Prolongs The Illness

Do you see the irony? So do the ones who stick to this routine. Yeast infection in man is a sickness that results from an inability of the body to function normally, an inbalance in the body. Yet the method many use to treat it is introducing artificial chemicals into their system, trying to get the body to act naturally through unnatural means.

Of course, medicine is not completely ineffective; it is capable of getting rid of a yeast infection symptom or two. But none of the available prescription medications can guarantee a cure of penile yeast infection in every infected man. If there was one miracle drug that was effective against all yeast infections, then it wouldn't have any competition. Instead, there are many different treatment options (and even more for women) which may or may not be effective, and some of which may even have detrimental effects.

Traditional Medical Treatments May Actually Make The Problem Worse

Here is a case in point. Antibiotics are supposed to promote good health by ridding the body of bacterial infections and fungal infections. But antibiotics, when over prescribed or used improperly, can actually cause yeast infection in man. This is because they kill off the desirable microorganisms (which are absolutely essential to good health) along with the bad. The very drugs that should keep us healthy actually put us at greater risk of infection. Ironic, isn't it?

For these reasons, there have been many others who've decided to deviate from the frustrating routine of trial and error and instead seek out methods to cure a yeast infection naturally. The benefits of a natural approach to treating the yeast infection almost always outweigh taking prescribed drugs. For example, unfavorable side effects won't be a concern with natural methods, and the natural methods will actually improve the overall health of the affected person since they focus on a healthier lifestyle instead of limiting treatment to the infected area only.

Natural Cures Result in Cost Savings and Better Health

And this brings us to the biggest irony of all in the medical field for yeast infection in man. Far too much time and money is spent trying to achieve a cure through a variety of prescriptions, rather than treating the underlying cause of yeast infection in men. The ultimate irony, of course, is that natural cures for yeast infection not only get rid of the problem, but also make us healthier and thereby enable us to live longer lives, all at a fraction of what is spent on prescription drugs.

Natural treatments for yeast infection in men are healthier and more effective than traditional treatments. Yeast infections are best cured by naturally addressing the underlying cause instead of only treating the symptoms. Click here to learn more about natural alternatives to treating yeast infection in man. Go to

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