Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yeast Infections in Men

Yeast infections in men is sometimes considered uncommon and this is mainly because it is hard to tell whether a man has the infection. However, most men get the yeast infection and they suffer silently. Yeast infection is caused by a notorious fungus known as candida albicans. Yeast can be found naturally in the body and some of the parts in men are the mouth, skin, gut, anus, penis and the list goes on. Yeast infections in men is caused when there is a yeast overgrowth and the overgrowth can be caused by many things. The most common cause of yeast infections in men is the use of antibiotics. The body naturally has bacteria that are considered friendly and the main reason for this is because they keep the yeast population in check but, when a man suffers a bacterial infection, the doctor recommends antibiotics which kill all the bacteria including the friendly ones.
Therefore a man becomes prone to yeast overgrowth. Another cause of yeast infections in men is a poor immunity which may be caused by poor feeding habits, chronic illnesses and others. Yeast infections in men can also be as a result of sexual transmission. There has been a huge debate on the topic and yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. Another cause for yeast infection in men is the use of certain foods that facilitate the growth of yeast. These foods include foods with refined sugars and ones that contain yeast. Beer is known to have a large content of yeast and men who constantly take alcohol will find themselves with the infection. Diseases like diabetes will see men retain a high sugar content in their blood where yeast will thrive.
Yeast infection is usually not a life threatening condition but, if left untreated, it might compromise the health of a man. The condition can affect the gut and cause many problems especially when it is not properly diagnosed. When yeast reaches the bloodstream, the condition is termed as systemic and, special medication will have to be undertaken to get rid of the infection. Penile yeast infection affects the penis and it presents itself with itching, soreness and other discomforts. Make sure you get all the information about yeast so that you can deal with it effectively. There are many other symptoms of yeast infection and when the infection is in the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. Thrush is a very painful condition and you will have a layer of white patches in the mouth and, when the patches are scrapped, they will reveal red sore tissue.
You are advised not to touch the patches and to seek treatment immediately. When the man has a gut yeast infection, there will be very many symptoms including stomach discomfort, fever, brain fog (which is as a result of yeast in the bloodstream and brain) fatigue and many others. When the yeast infection in men has reached this stage, it means that most organs of the body have been affected. There are very many treatment options for the infection and yeast can be totally cured. The most common modern cures are all anti fungal and you can find non prescription and prescription drugs. You can also go for more traditional cures like garlic and yogurt which are applied on the affected area.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.

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