The very thought of suffering with a yeast infection on the penis is enough to make most men recoil. After all, whether he wants to admit it or not, a man thinks of his genitals as a direct extension of his masculinity and identity. The thought that he has contracted a yeast infection on the penis is therefore not only a health risk it is also mortifying .
While it is commonly thought of as a female infection, if you consider that 75% of all females will get a yeast infection and that it can be passed to your partner during sexual intercourse, your understand that a yeast infection on the penis is far more common than most people realize. The truth is that male yeast is one of the most widely misunderstood, and avoided topics today. Men just don't want to talk about it.
So let's explain it in layman's terms. A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by a type of yeast-like fungus named Candida. Though yeast growth is ordinarily kept in check by the friendly bacteria in our body, if the equilibrium of bacteria is upset and the yeast cells are able to overproduce, a yeast infection known as candidiasis can occur. Candidasis, is merely the official way of saying yeast infection. Thus, a yeast infection on the penis is an infection caused by candida overgrowth and other contributing factors.
There are two types of yeast infections. The first, the most commonly known, is an Acute infection. The symptoms advance rapidly and are simple to diagnose. If you've suffered with a yeast infection before you are acquainted with with the itching, discharge, odor and at times blisters.
The second type of yeast infection is called a chronic yeast infection. This occurs when you consistently get yeast infection signs despite being treated and temporarily cured. If this pattern of being infected, treated and re-occurance continues, you can develop serious illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and a myriad of other diseases, as the candida albicans invade and damage our healthy cells. This type of yeast infection can be much more difficult to diagnose and treat, as it is often overlooked by health professionals.
The good news is that both conditions can be permanently healed. The great news is that a yeast infection on the penis can be healed in the privacy of your home. The key is to understand that you can't just treat symptoms, you have to treat the cause. Most over the counter treatments and even antibiotics treat the symptoms. A yeast infection on the penis
If you continue to treat yeast infection externally by killing the symptoms or by using antibiotics you are literally putting your health on the line and you may never permanently get rid of your Yeast Infection.
Taking control of your health is easier than you may think and can be done in the privacy of your home using natural and easy methods. Without reinventing the wheel, spending hours researching the answer or making costly mistakes, you can have immediate relief from the signs of yeast infections and permanently cure the yeast infection on your penis.
What are the best natural cures for yeast infection?
Click Here to take control of your health, get rid of yeast & the root causes in the privacy of your home using this proven step by step all natural system.
Natural is Always Better, Jess Alexander
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