More and more, women are turning to natural yeast infection remedies to get rid of their yeast infections. This is a not a surprising phenomenon. Over-the-counter and doctor prescribed medications run the risk of side effects that actually can make matters worse for a yeast infection sufferer. Additionally, medications are only intended to treat the symptoms, not the underlying cause of yeast infections. With the underlying cause left unaddressed, yeast infections can turn into a chronic condition. For all of these reasons, a natural remedy for yeast infection seems to be the best answer for a final solution to this problem.
When looking to a home remedy for yeast infection, there are two important issues to address. The first is to prevent yeast infections from occurring at all. The second issue is gaining an understanding of how to properly treat a current yeast infection. Let's go over prevention first.
Preventing a Yeast Infection
Certain foods should be avoided. These foods stimulate the growth of yeast within the body. These foods include:
o Sugar
o Caffeine
o Processed Foods
o Junk Foods
o Milk, Cheese, and Other Dairy Products
o Margarine
o Foods Made of White and Wheat Flour
o Wipe from front to back after using the toilet.
o Dry thoroughly after showering.
o Avoid perfumed or scented feminine products. These products have the ability to actually kill the healthy bacteria within the vagina that keep the yeast in check.
o Change quickly into dry clothes after swimming or working out at the gym.
o Try to wear loose fitting clothes and those made of cotton. Avoid synthetic materials that trap heat and moisture. Instead of wearing pantyhose, try wearing thigh highs. The object is to keep the area as dry and ventilated as possible at all times.
Natural Yeast Infection Remedies That Work
o Yogurt has been an effective home remedy for yeast infections for as long as anyone can remember. Yogurt's active ingredient, lactobacillus acidophilus, emits hydrogen peroxide as by-product that kills the yeast. This by-product is what prevents a yeast infection from occurring in the first place or helps in bringing one under control. Try eating at least one serving per day. During a yeast infection, you can coat a tampon with yogurt and insert vaginally to bring things under control and also for relief from the symptoms.
o Tea Tree Oil is also one the oldest and best natural yeast infection remedies. Not only does this product kill the yeast running amuck in your system, but it's also a great symptom reliever. Like the yogurt, you can coat a tampon with tea tree oil and insert into the vagina. Before adding the tea tree oil to the tampon, it's probably a good idea to first coat the tampon with KY Jelly or olive oil. This prevents the tampon from absorbing too much of the tea tree oil.
o Garlic has naturally occurring antifungal characteristics that kill yeasts on contact. The best way to put garlic to use is to clean a clove, wrap in a cheesecloth, and insert into the vagina. You can leave this in overnight, if you like.
Now, while these methods will definitely get you off to a good start in eliminating yeast infections for good, they are still but a part of the overall solution. You need to get to the underlying cause of what keeps allowing your yeast infection to come back again and again. Once you eliminate the underlying cause, you will have eliminated yeast infections for good. One of the best natural yeast infection remedies, and one that has helped thousands of women become permanently yeast infection free in a matter of hours, is referenced below.
If you're tired of the burning, itching, and swelling, and want a Home Remedy For Yeast Infection that is a fast, safe, and PERMANENT cure, all you have to do is click the link for one of the only Natural Yeast Infection Remedies that can actually cure yeast infections in as little as 12 hours!
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