Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Real Cause of Yeast Infection in Women - The Top Two FAQs

Over 75% of women will experience a yeast infection at some point In their lives. For a lucky few, their first yeast infection will be their last. However, it's much more common for yeast infections to become recurrent once you've already had one.

That is because the yeast spores continue to lay dormant in your body after the active infection has gone away. Sometimes the spores can be dormant for years before making a ferocious comeback, leaving you more miserable than ever.

While there are plenty of effective treatments for the symptoms of yeast infections, most of these don't address the root cause, thus ensuring the infection will come back again and again and again, sometimes for the rest of your life. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate yeast infections at their roots.

However, in order to do this, you have to first understand the real cause of yeast infection in women.

1. Yeasts needs fuels to survive. That fuel is typically sugar. It's quite possible for you to be exposed to yeast spores and not actually develop an active infection if the food for the yeast isn't present in your body.
Often, women will develop an active yeast infection after a period of several days or weeks of eating a lot of sugar filled foods. The more sugar you have in your diet, the more likely you are to get and keep a yeast infection.

If you keep eating sugar, the yeast infection will continue to come back periodically, often chronically, for as long as you continue to provide it with the food it needs to survive. On the other hand, if your diet is relatively sugar free, you may never develop a yeast infection.

2. Yeast needs the appropriate environmental conditions to thrive. This means warm, damp, and dark surroundings. So, if you're prone to sitting around in sweaty clothes for hours at a time, wearing tight jeans out in the heat for long periods, or any other activities that produce these types of conditions in and on your body, you're creating the perfect conditions for a thriving yeast infection.

Remember, yeast infections don't have to live only in your vagina. You can develop yeast infection in your mouth as well.

Once you've developed a yeast infection, you have to address the cause in order to cure it permanently. Over-the-counter medications and most natural treatments just treat the symptoms. The infection may go away for a while, but the spores are still there, waiting to flare up again when the conditions are right.

However, you can kill those dormant yeast spores and create conditions in your body that are hostile to new spores ever gaining a hold there. You can do this quickly and naturally without drugs, once you know the cause of yeast infection in women.

With the right information in hand, you never need to suffer with a yeast infection again.

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