Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Causes Of Yeast Infection - Its Definition And Therapy

A yeast infection is a very horrible condition that many women deal with daily. In fact, 75% of all women will have one in their lifetime, while 50% will have multiple yeast infections. A yeast infection is caused by the fungus Candida albicans which naturally occurs inside your body. Because of the naturally acidic atmosphere of the vagina, the number of yeast is controlled. However,if the pH level drops,the prevalence of yeast may rise, causing a vaginal yeast infection.

This infection could happen to both men and women and they experience the following the symptoms of a yeast infection including itching and redness around the outer vagina (vulva), soreness, rash, and/or burning especially while urinating. Also, a thick cheese- like discharge may be at hand. While these are the symptoms of a yeast infection, not all women or girls will experience all of them, but if severe itching is not present then you may be suffering from some other condition - see your doctor immediately.

Yeast Infection Causes could briefly include some of the most common being Antibiotics (the leading cause of vaginal yeast infections, menstruation, Contraceptives such as birth control pills and condoms, Steroids that are often found in antibiotics, Pregnancy/Hormonal changes, Diabetes, Clothing that is too tight or non-cotton, (traps heat and moisture), Sexual transmission, Weakened immune system (due to HIV or Lyme diseases), People with weakened immune systems are also more susceptible to thrush, a yeast infection in the mouth with symptoms including white,creamy patches on the tongue, in the throat or mouth and have allergic reactions to chemicals such as dyes,perfumes and inks.

Here are some tips for women or even men to put off the onset of a yeast infection and they involve Wearing natural-fiber clothing and underwear with a cotton lining! Not tight clothing such as pantie hose, tights, leggings, nylon underwear, and tight jeans.Wearing a condom during sexual intercourse! If you are sexually active always use a condom. Not staying wet after bathing or swimming and avoiding in a wet swimsuit for long periods of time. Use of feminine sprays or deodorants sparingly - especially if experiencing symptoms will be an important prevention tip to take.

If one suspects that they have a yeast infection, they must visit their doctor first. He or she can diagnose you and may prescribe a one-dose yeast infection drug available only by prescription.Over the Counter Treatments for Yeast Infections can be misappropriated by users and thus one must ALWAYS read the brand and follow the instructions carefully in order to securely put off of your yeast infection.

Always consult your doctor prior to following the advice of arbitrary web sites or magazines.All the same there are some popular yeast infection home remedies - Yogurt - The bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus is naturally occurring in yogurt and is also found in healthy vaginas. This bacterium kills yeast by producing hydrogen peroxide.Yogurt should only be used plain, no-sugar-added yogurt and be certain that it contains the live bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus. Apply yogurt to the outside and inside of the vagina.Make yogurt Popsicles by either freezing it in a tampon applicator or in the fingers of rubber gloves, then insert into the vagina at the first sign of a yeast infection. You could use a syringe with no needle to apply once or twice a day until one day after the symptoms have subsided.

One could also use acidophilus tablets found at your local health food supermarket. Adding garlic to your diet will help kill yeast because it contains a natural anti-fungal substance. Eating cranberries will lower the pH of your urine causing a rise in vaginal acidity as it passes through the vagina. The yeast infected areas will be "washed clean" This is a mild remedy and should be used at the first sign of an infection. In the case of a more serious infection, this method can be combined with other home remedies. Cranberry pills, which can be found at natural food stores, can be taken throughout the duration of a yeast infection as an addition.

Wangeci Kinyanjui has been researching and reporting on Health Matters for years. For more information on Yeast Infection, visit her site at YEAST INFECTION

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