Learn the info and how to cure your yeast infection and end your candida related symptoms
Monday, April 30, 2012
Chronic Yeast Infection - System, Treatment
A chronic yeast infection is one which recurs. Many females have yeast infections which recur for many months and even years. A great many men also get yeast infections but sometimes theirs are without symptoms, although they do experience symptoms as well.When women do experience a yeast infection it is generally accompanied by burning in the genital area. There can be a discharge which is white, odorless, and of a cheesy consistency. Men who have genital yeast infection can often have a rash on the penis which itches.
Chronic yeast infections can be caused by diabetes, excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol, or carbohydrates. Underwear which is too tight fitting could actually work to trap the infection, poor hygiene, douching, abrasions located in the genital area are some causes of yeast infection.Some of the symptoms of a chronic yeast infection which may not be so noticeable include diarrhea, indigestion, constipation, bad breath, muscle aches, fatigue, headaches, irritability, dizziness, and abdominal pain.
Everyone who experiences a yeast infection certainly wants to learn some effective treatments for their problem. Those people who have diabetes should keep control of their glucose levels. Don't continue to wear a bathing suit which is wet for an extended period of time. Avoid wearing tight underwear.
All yeast infections will not react in the same way to treatment because there are various yeast strains involved. There are anti-fungal agents which may be able to help. Use a couple of different products to treat your chronic yeast infection and change to another one if there is no noticeable change.
There is one treatment called Nystatin. This product doesn't have very many side effects at all. It is available by prescription only. Garlic is suggested as a natural remedy which can be used as an antifungal. It can be taken by mouth or suppository. Olive leaf extract can be used to treat chronic yeast infection. Grapefruit deed extract can also e used to treat yeast infection.In many cases of chronic yeast infection the cure is only a matter of avoiding certain foods such as processed ones like white rice, as well as white flour. Avoid excessive use of vinegar and avid eating mushrooms. If you don't stick to your diet you may cause your yeast infection to recur.
Matt D Murren owns and operates http://www.yeast-infection-advisor.com/
Chronic Yeast Infection
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Home Remedies For Yeast Infections
Home remedies for yeast infection are very popular and this is mainly because they play a major role in ensuring that the infection is cured. Firstly, you must know how a yeast infection occurs. A yeast infection is a condition that is caused by the one celled fungus called candida albicans or monilia. It is found in the body naturally and it is only when there is an overgrowth that the yeast causes the infection. Women will mostly suffer from vaginal candidiasis while men will mostly suffer from penile yeast infections. The most popular home remedies for yeast infections are for women and this is mainly because they cure vaginal yeast infections.
In women, virginal infection is caused by several factors which include hormonal imbalances which are as a result of pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause and others. The yeast infection is also caused by antibiotics which kill the good bacteria alongside the harmful ones. If you have a chronic disease like diabetes or AIDS you are more likely to suffer from yeast infections. This is because you have a lower immunity which is also another cause of the infection. When you suspect to have a yeast infection, you need home remedies for yeast infection. But, before you search for a cure, you need to have observed the signs that will give you a hint whether you have the infection or not. In woman, vaginal candidiasis will present itself with several signs and they include the following.
There will be severe itching in and around the vagina, there will also be a whitish discharge which resembles cottage cheese. There will also be episodes of pain during sexual intercourse and while urinating. Before you find home remedies for yeast infection, you need to be certain of the condition you have. Therefore it will be wise to go to a health professional before you self medicate. The check up will also give you the opportunity to have other conditions ruled out. Some of the conditions could be bacterial infections. Men will also have signs of yeast infection when the penis is affected. Some of the things to look out for are chronic itching at the tip of the penis, whitish patches, soreness, pain during urination as well as pain during sexual intercourse.
The man also needs to have other illnesses ruled out before they consider home remedies for yeast infection. Some other remedies include the application of yogurt on the affected area. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is a good bacteria that checks the population of yeast in the body. Other remedies that have anti fungal properties include garlic, tea tree oil, honey, vinegar and the list is endless. Gentian violet is an anti fungal agent that has been used for a very long time to cure yeast infections. Pregnant women should should have a doctor prescribe their treatments so that they can know which drugs are safe to use. One example of a harmful drug is diflucan. Make sure you follow through with every medication to eliminate the infection.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
How Do You Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection Without Dropping Your Pants?
If you're one of the 50% of women who have more than one vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime you probably are tired of going to the doctor over and over again. You're wondering how do you cure a vaginal yeast infection without the expensive trips to the gynecologist. Perhaps you'd also like to treat it with a home remedy and not with an over-the-counter cream. This article will tell you some home remedies to cure a vaginal yeast infection. I'll also tell you how to get a homeopathic remedy that cures a yeast infection without going below the belt.
The fungus known as Candida albicans causes vaginal yeast infections. You will find this fungus present on the skin and in the vagina of most healthy women. The vagina is typically very acidic and keeps the yeast from multiplying. A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused because the acidic level of the vagina drops down and the yeast starts to multiply. This can be caused by several things like antibiotics, menstruation, birth control pills, or stress. This is a very common occurrence with 3 of 4 women having at least one yeast infection in their lifetime.
There is a new way to treat a yeast infection that consists of spraying a solution under the tongue three times a day. But let's talk a little bit about the common ways to cure a vaginal yeast infection. All over the television you see advertisements for creams and pills that you can buy over-the-counter to cure a yeast infection. These are tried and true cures for a yeast infection. How do you cure a vaginal yeast infection at home? There are several different things that you can do.
Tea tree oil is a very popular and well known antifungal. If you put a couple of drops of oil on a tampon and place it into the vagina morning and night, after a few days you should feel better.
You can also mix a cup of vinegar into a warm bath and soak for about 20 minutes.
Many people use sugar-free, plain yogurt (with live cultures) just like over-the-counter creams. You can either dip the tampon in the yogurt and place it in the vagina a couple of times a day, or use some other method to scoop some yogurt into the vagina. You can also spread some yogurt on the external part to provide immediate relief.
These are all methods that you can do in the privacy of your home to cure a vaginal yeast infection. Would you like to know how to cure a vaginal yeast infection without messy creams or oils?
If you're not thrilled with the idea of treating a vaginal yeast infection with yogurt or sticking anything else in your vagina, try Yeastrol. Yeastrol is a homeopathic remedy for vaginal yeast infections that is an all natural spray that you use three times a day. It's not too late to get some now and if you're one of the 50% who have recurring yeast infections, make sure you have some Yeastrol on hand for the next time.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
How to Know If You Have a Male Yeast Infection - A Self Examination That Always Works
If I ask 10 men to explain how to know if you have male yeast infection, I will probably get 10 different answers. Basically, that's because very few men have been educated about the symptoms of male genital yeast infections, the serious harm that it can cause to your system if left untreated or the cures of a yeast infection. So I'll make it simple for you to get the answer.
Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
First things first, let's look for the physical changes that suggest you have male yeast. In the privacy of your home, examine your genital area. Do you have a rash on the head or shaft of your penis? Also look on your inner thighs and the skin between your thigh and your pubic bone. Is the skin irritated or have a rash. It's possible that there may be some blistering.
Now gently squeeze the tip of your penis and watch for a white clumpy discharge. Make sure there are no signs of the discharge on your underwear. Not all men have the discharge but if you do, it is definitely a strong sign that you have an yeast infection. Finally, make note of any unusual odor that is present.
Are you with me? Okay now you want to reflect on any current health conditions that may have triggered a yeast infection. Any health problem that weakens the the immune system is a likely culprit for causing a yeast infection, diabetes and HIV are two of the main conditions that not only cause a yeast infection but can be the reason that it returns over and over again.
What about your medications? Another culprit that many people over look is the use of antibiotics. We all know that a good antibiotic will kill bad bacteria in your system. But we forget that it will also kill good bacteria, causing an imbalance and then the dreaded yeast infection.
Still not sure how to know if you have male yeast infection? Alright, we have two more areas to consider.
Most men won't admit it but you guys love chocolate and sweets as much as women do. Of course your sugars are often consumed in foods that are deemed "normal guy" stuff like sodas, sugar filled coffees, energy drinks and did you know that many of the so called healthy energy snack bars are filled with sugar?
The normal yeast in your system feeds on sugar. Feed it too much and you'll have a problem on your hands.
Last but definitely not least is your sex life. If you'll pay attention to details, it's pretty easy to tell if your partner has a yeast infection. Does she have a discharge or an odor. Is she itching in the area of here genitals? Does she have a white film on her tongue ( this is called thrush and it's also a yeast infection)? If you're not sure be bold - remember this is your health we're talking about- simply ask her if she has one or has recently been treated for one. If she says yes and you had unprotected vaginal or oral sex you may have gotten her infection. Yeast infections are contagious.
So there you have it, the 5 checkpoints that will lead you to the answer to two of your questions- how to know if you have male yeast infection and what are the male yeast infection symptoms. Okay what's next. If your checkpoints suggest that you do have male yeast infection, don't hesitate to take action. Yeast infections do not disappear on their own.
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A complete list of power foods that promote healing A list of foods that you have to avoid and Over 50 delicious, quick and easy recipes
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Discover more strategies, secrets and natural yeast infection [http://yeast-infection-signs.com] cures that guaranty results in as little as 12 hours.
Natural Cures - Fast, Safe and Effective, Jess Alexander
Sunday, April 22, 2012
How to Treat Recurring Yeast Infection
Have you ever wonder why some people suffer from recurring yeast infection while some seem to be yeast free all their life? Luck? Well not quite.
Yeast infection may start off mild and some may not have significant symptoms to be a cause of concern. Often, a person who may be having a yeast infection may not even be aware of it and hence it's left untreated. Others may see some symptoms like irritation and itch but simply ignored these symptoms. After a while, the symptoms may be gone and you may think that you are cured. Well not quite again.
When you ignored the symptoms of a yeast infection, you are actually creating opportunity for the yeast to come back again. If allowed to progress to chronic stage, you get what we call recurring yeast infection and this is where you start to get worried, as symptoms tend to be more severe and difficult to treat.
I started off with having a slight itch associated with vaginal yeast infection but simply ignored it. The infection came back again and again and each time, the symptoms seem more severe. More itch, some irritation and eventually pain. Tried treating them with over the counter and even prescribed medicines but none seem to help eradicate the yeast infection permanently and it keeps coming back again and again. I thought I would have to be resigned to the fact that I would suffer from this infection for life. Well, that's what most recurring yeast infection sufferers would think. But luckily for me, I stumbled upon a treatment plan that helps not only in getting rid of the symptoms but it actually helps in stopping the yeast infection from recurring! I am now symptoms free for a year and there is no sign of it coming back again.
Are you bothered by a recurring yeast infection too? If you are, then what I am about to share with you may be the most valuable information that you have read for the year.
The problem with recurring yeast infection is that your chances of developing into chronic stage is higher. If this happens, then it will be more than just localized symptoms that you will see. In other words, you will be seeing more generalized non-specific symptoms like headaches, gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, constipation, memory loss, joints pains and many more. Many people would have thought that these are not associated with yeast infection but in reality they have started off from the untreated yeast infection. As such, don't allow opportunity for yeast infection to progress to this stage. Get them treated early.
The remedy that has help me in stopping recurring yeast infections is simply a change of my diet.
If you are wondering if these are some hard to follow through "diet" that I am talking about, the answer is NO. It's just the same usual foods that we take daily. The importance lies in selecting the right types, that's all to it.
You see, there are foods that yeasts loves and eating those would help the yeast to overgrow. On the other hand there are foods that prevent the over-growth of yeast. Your choice of foods will determine your chances of getting a yeast infection or your success in getting rid of a yeast infection. It's as simple as that!
Having said that, I understand it's not easy for you to know how to choose the right types of foods. I for one was totally clueless. But luckily for me, it's all taught to me in this yeast infection remedy that I found that enable me to easily select the right foods. All I did was to eat these foods that I was taught. I was skeptical at first but gave it a try nonetheless and was I glad that I did because in just 2 weeks I felt better and I was totally free of symptoms in just 4 weeks! It's almost a year now, and yet no signs of a recurrence!
You too can get rid of recurring yeast infection. Start off with changing your diet. Simple as it may sounds, you really would be surprise at how effective it is. If you are ready to free yourself from this dreadful infection, then get started by learning how to choose the right types of foods at http://www.freeofyeastinfection.info/
Friday, April 20, 2012
Male Yeast Infection - Are You the Villain Or the Victim of This Disease
Male yeast infection can occur in men of all ages and is widely misunderstood and a much overlooked disease today. Male yeast infection is however more common in male adults than in children, and would you believe in uncircumcised males rather than circumcised males.
Yeast infection in men, far from being solely a physical ailment, can also provoke emotional and social problems as well and so in some instances it can lead to a lack of self-confidence, emotional turbulence and sometimes even depression.
So What Is a Male Yeast Infection?
Yeast infection, known also as Thrush or Candida, is a destructive infection that starts in the digestive system and over time, spreads to other parts of the body slowly. Candida, the fungus responsible for the infection can affect male genitals that can cause inconvenience and health risks for example Candida is the main cause of balanitis, which is an infection of the tip of the penis.
This disease is relatively easy to identify. However Candida infections in males have not yet been well researched as a medical condition and there is a tendency to misunderstand it, so most men do not relate the problem to its symptoms and will probably neglect it.
You will find that infections can also occur in the mouth (oral thrush) or elsewhere on the body, such as the armpit, or between folds in the skin. Yeast grows faster with a higher level of sugar in your body so diabetics are sensitive to a yeast overgrowth.
Symptoms vary from person to person and include severe itching, burning, rashes and soreness, painful urination and irritation around the head of the penis or even small blisters and discharge.
Causes of a Male Yeast Infection
The most common causes are antibiotics, which can kill too many of the beneficial bacteria in your system, also alcohol, beer, sex, wheat products, corn products, peanuts, barley, and a weakened immune system. Male yeast infection thrives on beer and helps it grow due to the yeast being used in its production. Males are also prone to getting them on their skin around the genital area, and in skin folds of the armpits.
Can You Spread a Yeast Infection To Your Sexual Partner?
The short answer is yes. It can spread from one sexual partner to the other.
Sexual intercourse can trigger male yeast infection, so having sex with a female with a vaginal yeast infection can transfer the infection.
Yeast Infection Treatment
Treating a male yeast infection is quite easy and personally I would opt for a home remedy. The treatments are many and varied and are not difficult, but should not be overlooked as the symptoms can increase in intensity and make life unbearable if they continue too long. So it is important to have treatment before it becomes chronic.
Male yeast infection is therefore subject to a number of different complications and problems and when the balance of your good bacteria is compromised in some way. Do not neglect the problem, do something about it immediately and remember treatment is much more effective when you follow a healthy diet and reduce the amount of stress in your life.
Remember do not simply try to treat the symptoms; you need to treat the root cause of your yeast infection if you want to be completely cured.
Gordon Brownlie is a freelance writer who specialises in researching and writing about Health Issues and keeping track of the most up to date developments and cures. Learn more about his research by visiting http://yeastinfection-symptoms.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Quick Home Remedies For Yeast Infection
Vaginal yeast infections are very common. About 75 percent of women have a yeast infection during their lives. Vaginal infections are classified by the three major types: candida, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas. Of these, candida, also known as "yeast infection", is the cause of 20 to 40 percent of all cases of infectious vaginitis. Vaginal infections are very common, and a majority of women will experience this problem at least once at some point in their lives.
The causes cannot be pinpointed to one, but rather to different factors, which can be triggered, by various elements and stimuli. That would be a good definition of how one gets yeast infections. To some, however, the cause of the infection do not matter or concerns them very little for they are more focused in finding ways to treat their condition. They want quick relief to the distressing symptoms like nonstop itching and bad odor.
Sufferers experience a great deal of itching, redness, and irritation. The use of medicines, either commercially available or the use that are home made or alternative medications are pretty much sought after by women who suffer with the infection. There are still a number of techniques people can use to have an immediate relief from the distressing symptoms of the infection.
Believe it or not, yogurt has been found to be an effective home remedy for virginal yeast infection. Yogurt can be applied on the affected areas to achieve a soothing and cooling effect. Why yogurt? Yogurt contains friendly bacteria, which helps control the population of the yeast microorganism in the affected areas.
However, please note that the yogurt to be used should not be sweetened nor should it be heated. Yogurt is more effective if it is left on the affected area for at least 60 minutes after application. Just let the microorganism work and balance out each other before rinsing the yogurt.
Maintaining a good diet would be another good way to treat a yeast infection. Poor diet can easily aggravate a situation like the overgrowth of yeast. The increase acidity in the digestive track as well as high acidity levels in the blood can create an environment favorable to the overgrowth of yeast in the body. You should understand that yeast is normally present in our body. It is their overgrowth, which creates the infection.
Also, vinegar is another quick home remedy. Apply vinegar on the affected area. One of the most effective would be apple cider vinegar solution, which is applied on the yeast-infected areas. Others mix the vinegar in a warm water bath and spend a couple of minutes bathing in the solution. Apply cider vinegar is great to balance out the levels of acid and alkaline in the body. It flushes out the excess acid.
Some people believe in garlic as another yeast infection remedy. The antiseptic properties inherent in garlic help eliminate bacteria and fungi so it's perfect for yeast. Also be aware the yeast infection is not limited in the private areas. The mouth is also a prime place where an overgrowth of yeast can occur.
Please understand that the above listed home remedies are ideal for infections that can be considered less serious and mild. For conditions that are more severe, a combination of various treatment techniques would be a more effective method of curing the disease. Your doctor will most likely prescribe a combination of treatments to effectively curb the growth of yeast in your body.
The best option would be to undergo a complete diagnostic testing and treatment procedure. But at the same time, applying some quick home remedies for yeast infection, at least, can get you some immediate relief from the itchiness and irritation.
Dr. Joseph Egbebike is a Health Care Clinician and Research Scientist and regularly writes about health and safety issues. For complete information about Yeast Infection Cure, visit his website at http://www.yeast-infection-cure.drjoereviews.com/
The causes cannot be pinpointed to one, but rather to different factors, which can be triggered, by various elements and stimuli. That would be a good definition of how one gets yeast infections. To some, however, the cause of the infection do not matter or concerns them very little for they are more focused in finding ways to treat their condition. They want quick relief to the distressing symptoms like nonstop itching and bad odor.
Sufferers experience a great deal of itching, redness, and irritation. The use of medicines, either commercially available or the use that are home made or alternative medications are pretty much sought after by women who suffer with the infection. There are still a number of techniques people can use to have an immediate relief from the distressing symptoms of the infection.
Believe it or not, yogurt has been found to be an effective home remedy for virginal yeast infection. Yogurt can be applied on the affected areas to achieve a soothing and cooling effect. Why yogurt? Yogurt contains friendly bacteria, which helps control the population of the yeast microorganism in the affected areas.
However, please note that the yogurt to be used should not be sweetened nor should it be heated. Yogurt is more effective if it is left on the affected area for at least 60 minutes after application. Just let the microorganism work and balance out each other before rinsing the yogurt.
Maintaining a good diet would be another good way to treat a yeast infection. Poor diet can easily aggravate a situation like the overgrowth of yeast. The increase acidity in the digestive track as well as high acidity levels in the blood can create an environment favorable to the overgrowth of yeast in the body. You should understand that yeast is normally present in our body. It is their overgrowth, which creates the infection.
Also, vinegar is another quick home remedy. Apply vinegar on the affected area. One of the most effective would be apple cider vinegar solution, which is applied on the yeast-infected areas. Others mix the vinegar in a warm water bath and spend a couple of minutes bathing in the solution. Apply cider vinegar is great to balance out the levels of acid and alkaline in the body. It flushes out the excess acid.
Some people believe in garlic as another yeast infection remedy. The antiseptic properties inherent in garlic help eliminate bacteria and fungi so it's perfect for yeast. Also be aware the yeast infection is not limited in the private areas. The mouth is also a prime place where an overgrowth of yeast can occur.
Please understand that the above listed home remedies are ideal for infections that can be considered less serious and mild. For conditions that are more severe, a combination of various treatment techniques would be a more effective method of curing the disease. Your doctor will most likely prescribe a combination of treatments to effectively curb the growth of yeast in your body.
The best option would be to undergo a complete diagnostic testing and treatment procedure. But at the same time, applying some quick home remedies for yeast infection, at least, can get you some immediate relief from the itchiness and irritation.
Dr. Joseph Egbebike is a Health Care Clinician and Research Scientist and regularly writes about health and safety issues. For complete information about Yeast Infection Cure, visit his website at http://www.yeast-infection-cure.drjoereviews.com/
Monday, April 16, 2012
Secrets Revealed About Cranberry For Treatment of Yeast Infection
Information on cranberry for treatment of vaginal yeast infection is spreading like a virus across the internet right now.
Everyone is talking about the incredible benefits and healing powers of this natural yeast infection cure. Surprisingly, it is one of the treatments that both conventional and natural health care providers promote as an effective weapon against yeast infections. Cranberry yeast infection cures have been found to be quite effective in inhibiting the growth of yeast and therefore help in curing the infections.
Unlike some conventional methods, cranberries do more than treat the symptoms. Cranberry's anti-infective activity in the urinary tract is well known. The FDA has authorized the use of cranberry juice as an antibacterial drug and so it can be used for dealing with urinary tract infections which sometimes consist of yeast infection. Primarily, it inhibits the adherence of bacteria to urinary pithelial cells.
This miracle fruit is known to improve immunity and people with strong immune systems often do not fall prey to yeast infections. Remember, for a natural solution to produce the best results, optimal immune function is necessary to fight yeast infections. Cranberry for treatment of vaginal yeast infection is also beneficial because it apparently has the perfect pH for the vagina and so it helps speed up recovery!
Getting Maximum Results from Cranberry Yeast Infection Cures
Because sugar will feed yeast and promote it's growth, cranberry juice cocktails or those cranberry juices with added sugars are a big No-No. This may mean you have to take a trip to a grocery store with an organic section or your local health food store. Fresh cranberries should be your first choice for cranberry yeast infection cures. However, because we are generally conditioned to expect and desire fruit that is sweet, the tart cranberry will be taste god awful and unbearable for many people. Therefore, unsweetened cranberry juice is the best choice your yeast infection treatment. If the taste is still unpleasant you might make it tastier by diluting it with water or mixing a little honey in it, which also contains yeast infection fighters.
Finally, if all else fails, you can try cranberry capsules. They are readily available at a pharmacy, health food store and even Wal-Mart. While not as good as consuming the real thing, these capsules pack quite a punch with their infection fighting abilities.
The most important thing to remember is not to consume cranberries with any sugars or sweeteners because you would actually be feeding the yeast. Cranberry yeast infection cures require straight-up undiluted cranberries, either consumed fresh or in squeezed juice form.
A Word of Caution
While fresh fruit and sugar free cranberry juice are best for everyone If you have diabetes or are glucose intolerant you should take extra caution and only drink sugar free to avoid unnecessarily elevating your sugar levels. Also, high doses of cranberry may cause stomach distress and diarrhea, or may increase the risk of kidney stones in people with a history of oxalate stones.
Remember cranberry for treatment of vaginal yeast infection (and male yeast infection) is only a part of a well balanced program. You should get a complete list of healthy and healing foods to prevent yeast infection and that will keep your system well balanced and healthy.
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A complete list of power foods that promote healing A list of foods that you have to avoid and Over 50 delicious, quick and easy recipes
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Discover more strategies, secrets and natural yeast infection [http://yeast-infection-signs.com] cures that guaranty results in as little as 12 hours.
Natural Cures - Fast, Safe and Effective, Jess Alexander
Everyone is talking about the incredible benefits and healing powers of this natural yeast infection cure. Surprisingly, it is one of the treatments that both conventional and natural health care providers promote as an effective weapon against yeast infections. Cranberry yeast infection cures have been found to be quite effective in inhibiting the growth of yeast and therefore help in curing the infections.
Unlike some conventional methods, cranberries do more than treat the symptoms. Cranberry's anti-infective activity in the urinary tract is well known. The FDA has authorized the use of cranberry juice as an antibacterial drug and so it can be used for dealing with urinary tract infections which sometimes consist of yeast infection. Primarily, it inhibits the adherence of bacteria to urinary pithelial cells.
This miracle fruit is known to improve immunity and people with strong immune systems often do not fall prey to yeast infections. Remember, for a natural solution to produce the best results, optimal immune function is necessary to fight yeast infections. Cranberry for treatment of vaginal yeast infection is also beneficial because it apparently has the perfect pH for the vagina and so it helps speed up recovery!
Getting Maximum Results from Cranberry Yeast Infection Cures
Because sugar will feed yeast and promote it's growth, cranberry juice cocktails or those cranberry juices with added sugars are a big No-No. This may mean you have to take a trip to a grocery store with an organic section or your local health food store. Fresh cranberries should be your first choice for cranberry yeast infection cures. However, because we are generally conditioned to expect and desire fruit that is sweet, the tart cranberry will be taste god awful and unbearable for many people. Therefore, unsweetened cranberry juice is the best choice your yeast infection treatment. If the taste is still unpleasant you might make it tastier by diluting it with water or mixing a little honey in it, which also contains yeast infection fighters.
Finally, if all else fails, you can try cranberry capsules. They are readily available at a pharmacy, health food store and even Wal-Mart. While not as good as consuming the real thing, these capsules pack quite a punch with their infection fighting abilities.
The most important thing to remember is not to consume cranberries with any sugars or sweeteners because you would actually be feeding the yeast. Cranberry yeast infection cures require straight-up undiluted cranberries, either consumed fresh or in squeezed juice form.
A Word of Caution
While fresh fruit and sugar free cranberry juice are best for everyone If you have diabetes or are glucose intolerant you should take extra caution and only drink sugar free to avoid unnecessarily elevating your sugar levels. Also, high doses of cranberry may cause stomach distress and diarrhea, or may increase the risk of kidney stones in people with a history of oxalate stones.
Remember cranberry for treatment of vaginal yeast infection (and male yeast infection) is only a part of a well balanced program. You should get a complete list of healthy and healing foods to prevent yeast infection and that will keep your system well balanced and healthy.
Cure Candida [http://yeast-arrest.com] from the inside out with your Free Candida Diet Foods List and Candida Diet Recipes filled with:
A complete list of power foods that promote healing A list of foods that you have to avoid and Over 50 delicious, quick and easy recipes
After you download your free gift ....
Discover more strategies, secrets and natural yeast infection [http://yeast-infection-signs.com] cures that guaranty results in as little as 12 hours.
Natural Cures - Fast, Safe and Effective, Jess Alexander
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Signs of a Yeast Infection
Signs of yeast infection are very vital because they help us determine whether we have an infection or not. A yeast infection is caused by a one celled fungus which is commonly known as yeast. The fungus can be very harmful to the body if it achieves overgrowth. It is found naturally in the body and you cannot totally eliminate it. What you can eliminate is the overgrowth that causes the infection. There first thing you need to be aware of is the actual cause of the yeast overgrowth in the body. There are several factors and some of them are chronic diseases. Diseases such as diabetes will result in more sugar in the bloodstream. This type of diabetes will feed the yeast and it will overgrow. Illnesses like AIDS will compromise the immunity of an individual and they will become predisposed to infection.
It has been said that too much stress will cause a yeast infection and this could actually happen. When you are stressed, you power to fight infections or your immunity will be weaker and in turn, the yeast will most likely find a good environment to overgrow. As you look out for these signs, you need to be aware of other causes. People who are under antibiotics medication will be likely to suffer from a yeast infection. This is because the bacteria in the body are being destroyed. The good bacteria that helps kill yeast is also destroyed by the antibiotics. There is creation of an organism imbalance and this will definitely cause the yeast to overgrow.
Women are mostly affected by the vaginal candidiasis. Some of the causes of the infection include birth control pills, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and others. Signs of yeast infection in the vagina are soreness, itching which may seem chronic, pain while urinating and during sexual intercourse. There is a whitish discharge and if it looks like cottage cheese, you will be almost sure of a yeast infection. Some of the things that you can do to prevent the yeast from developing are taking the proper yeast medications and also avoiding things that may lead to an infection like birth control pills.
Signs of yeast infection may also be observed in men and they may suffer penile yeast infection which is commonly caused by sexual intercourse. The man will notice whitish growth on the tip of the penis together with chronic itching and soreness. Sometimes, the might experience pain while urinating. He can also experience pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse and this is commonly called sexual dysfunction. When the yeast affects the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. The signs of yeast infection in the mouth include soreness and whitish blisters in the mouth. The white patches are very painful and if you have the infection, you need to get treated as soon as you can so as to facilitate your food intake. All these signs need to be confirmed by a doctor to rule out other infections with similar signs.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
It has been said that too much stress will cause a yeast infection and this could actually happen. When you are stressed, you power to fight infections or your immunity will be weaker and in turn, the yeast will most likely find a good environment to overgrow. As you look out for these signs, you need to be aware of other causes. People who are under antibiotics medication will be likely to suffer from a yeast infection. This is because the bacteria in the body are being destroyed. The good bacteria that helps kill yeast is also destroyed by the antibiotics. There is creation of an organism imbalance and this will definitely cause the yeast to overgrow.
Women are mostly affected by the vaginal candidiasis. Some of the causes of the infection include birth control pills, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and others. Signs of yeast infection in the vagina are soreness, itching which may seem chronic, pain while urinating and during sexual intercourse. There is a whitish discharge and if it looks like cottage cheese, you will be almost sure of a yeast infection. Some of the things that you can do to prevent the yeast from developing are taking the proper yeast medications and also avoiding things that may lead to an infection like birth control pills.
Signs of yeast infection may also be observed in men and they may suffer penile yeast infection which is commonly caused by sexual intercourse. The man will notice whitish growth on the tip of the penis together with chronic itching and soreness. Sometimes, the might experience pain while urinating. He can also experience pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse and this is commonly called sexual dysfunction. When the yeast affects the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. The signs of yeast infection in the mouth include soreness and whitish blisters in the mouth. The white patches are very painful and if you have the infection, you need to get treated as soon as you can so as to facilitate your food intake. All these signs need to be confirmed by a doctor to rule out other infections with similar signs.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Signs of a Yeast Infection - Common Yeast Infection Symptoms
Yeast infections occur in women when there is an imbalance of yeast in the vagina. About 75 percent of all women will experience at least one yeast infection in their lifetime. Yeast is a type of fungus that is always present in the vagina but when there is too much yeast it becomes a problem.
There are many signs and symptoms that can indicate that you are suffering from a yeast infection. The most common is extreme itchiness around the vagina. If you have itching, soreness, or irritation occurring in your vagina it is very likely you may have a yeast infection. Many people also experience unusual vaginal discharge. Discharge may be thick, white, and clumpy very similar looking to cottage cheese but does not have a smell. The vaginal discharge varies in every individual from extremely watery to having a thick consistency. There may also be a rash or red skin around your vagina. A very good indicator is a burning sensation while you pee. If you are very uncomfortable during intercourse you may also want to have a doctor check you for a yeast infection. Some women are much more prone to develop vaginal yeast infections than others. A woman that has a suppressed immune system or a prior injury of the inner vagina is very likely to get it.
Babies can also get yeast infections. When babies get this kind of infection it is called thrush. Thrush occurs inside the mouth. Thick, white patches formed on top of red bases usually occur on the tongue, inside of the mouth, or on the back of the throat. The infection inside the mouth is extremely painful and will make it very difficult for your baby to eat. Most babies develop thrush through the birthing process. If the mother has untreated yeast infection it will pass onto the child while they are making their way through the birth canal.
Men can get yeast infections as well, although it is much more dominant in women and babies. Men may experience a rash on the tip of their penis and burning while peeing. Men most commonly get this kind of infections through having unprotected sex with women who have untreated yeast infections. You will not automatically get it if your girlfriend has one; the chance of the infection being passed that way is very slim.
Men may also experience pain during intercourse. Yeast infections in men are much easier to cure than those of women and babies. Men can usually just use an over the counter medicine to treat their infection.
To learn about A Natural Cure For Yeast Infection [http://www.squidoo.com/home-remedies-for-yeast-infection-1] that can end your painful Candida infections once and for all, visit Home Remedies For Yeast Infections [http://www.squidoo.com/home-remedies-for-yeast-infection-1]
There are many signs and symptoms that can indicate that you are suffering from a yeast infection. The most common is extreme itchiness around the vagina. If you have itching, soreness, or irritation occurring in your vagina it is very likely you may have a yeast infection. Many people also experience unusual vaginal discharge. Discharge may be thick, white, and clumpy very similar looking to cottage cheese but does not have a smell. The vaginal discharge varies in every individual from extremely watery to having a thick consistency. There may also be a rash or red skin around your vagina. A very good indicator is a burning sensation while you pee. If you are very uncomfortable during intercourse you may also want to have a doctor check you for a yeast infection. Some women are much more prone to develop vaginal yeast infections than others. A woman that has a suppressed immune system or a prior injury of the inner vagina is very likely to get it.
Babies can also get yeast infections. When babies get this kind of infection it is called thrush. Thrush occurs inside the mouth. Thick, white patches formed on top of red bases usually occur on the tongue, inside of the mouth, or on the back of the throat. The infection inside the mouth is extremely painful and will make it very difficult for your baby to eat. Most babies develop thrush through the birthing process. If the mother has untreated yeast infection it will pass onto the child while they are making their way through the birth canal.
Men can get yeast infections as well, although it is much more dominant in women and babies. Men may experience a rash on the tip of their penis and burning while peeing. Men most commonly get this kind of infections through having unprotected sex with women who have untreated yeast infections. You will not automatically get it if your girlfriend has one; the chance of the infection being passed that way is very slim.
Men may also experience pain during intercourse. Yeast infections in men are much easier to cure than those of women and babies. Men can usually just use an over the counter medicine to treat their infection.
To learn about A Natural Cure For Yeast Infection [http://www.squidoo.com/home-remedies-for-yeast-infection-1] that can end your painful Candida infections once and for all, visit Home Remedies For Yeast Infections [http://www.squidoo.com/home-remedies-for-yeast-infection-1]
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Simple Home Remedies For a Yeast Infection
Unfortunately part of being a woman is having to deal with the looming possibility of a yeast infection attacking at any moment. It can often times be frustrating and embarrassing going to the doctor getting creams to cure your yeast infection. There are simple home remedies for a yeast infection that will ensure a much faster and more efficient way of treating your yeast infection. No woman wants to deal with the itching, burning, and irritation of a yeast infection so it's important to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
There are many different ways of treating a yeast infection, however the most effective method is to try to avoid getting one in the first place. You can do this by avoiding excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine, anything with a high amount of sugar or food that has been processed and therefore unhealthy. Those things contribute to the rising levels of yeast in your body.
When someone gets a yeast infection, this happens because the natural amount of yeast in a person's body spreads and grows faster than the body can handle it and then you get a yeast infection as a result of the excess yeast. Yeast infections are not limited to a woman's vagina, they can present on the nose, mouth, and even in men despite popular belief. It is a known statistic that 75 percent of all women will eventually have a yeast infection sometime in their lives.
Now on to the home remedies. One of the most popular home remedies to treat a yeast infection is using apple cider vinegar by applying it to the affected area several times a day. You can also take a bath and put exactly one cup of apple cider vinegar in and soak in it for around twenty minutes or so. Tree oil is another good remedy that can be easily carried out by putting a couple drops on your tampon, insert into the vagina several times a day for approximately twenty minutes.
Yogurt is another popular natural way of treating a yeast infection. Most yogurt contains live cultures which are bacteria that is good for your body and helps to fend off harmful bacteria like the ones in yeast infections. Simply apply about a cup to the affected areas or consume a couple cups a day.
I have personally suffered from yeast infections for years, and I learned the hard way that most simple home remedies for a yeast infection just don't work.
After trying every cream, oral medication, and remedy out there I felt hopeless.
That was until I found this website: http://www.squidoo.com/no-more-yeast-infections
Click here to read about my experiences and how I discovered a cure for yeast infections that began to work in about 12 hours.
There are many different ways of treating a yeast infection, however the most effective method is to try to avoid getting one in the first place. You can do this by avoiding excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine, anything with a high amount of sugar or food that has been processed and therefore unhealthy. Those things contribute to the rising levels of yeast in your body.
When someone gets a yeast infection, this happens because the natural amount of yeast in a person's body spreads and grows faster than the body can handle it and then you get a yeast infection as a result of the excess yeast. Yeast infections are not limited to a woman's vagina, they can present on the nose, mouth, and even in men despite popular belief. It is a known statistic that 75 percent of all women will eventually have a yeast infection sometime in their lives.
Now on to the home remedies. One of the most popular home remedies to treat a yeast infection is using apple cider vinegar by applying it to the affected area several times a day. You can also take a bath and put exactly one cup of apple cider vinegar in and soak in it for around twenty minutes or so. Tree oil is another good remedy that can be easily carried out by putting a couple drops on your tampon, insert into the vagina several times a day for approximately twenty minutes.
Yogurt is another popular natural way of treating a yeast infection. Most yogurt contains live cultures which are bacteria that is good for your body and helps to fend off harmful bacteria like the ones in yeast infections. Simply apply about a cup to the affected areas or consume a couple cups a day.
I have personally suffered from yeast infections for years, and I learned the hard way that most simple home remedies for a yeast infection just don't work.
After trying every cream, oral medication, and remedy out there I felt hopeless.
That was until I found this website: http://www.squidoo.com/no-more-yeast-infections
Click here to read about my experiences and how I discovered a cure for yeast infections that began to work in about 12 hours.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Simple Home Remedies For Yeast Infections
Yeast Infection is a infection that is caused by the evil fungus candida albicans. Many people around the world suffer from this but are unaware of all the simple home remedies for yeast infections. There are many simple remedies you can use at home to cure it instead of visiting a doctor or buying expensive medicine.
The first home remedy I ever tried was apple cider vinegar. This worked surprisingly well for the yeast infection I had on my hand. Simply wet the infected area with apple cider vinegar and the yeast infection will slowly die.
If you suffer from yeast infection in your vagina there are other home remedies for that those yeast infections. My favorite method here is to dip a tampon into a special solution made from Potassium Sorbate and water. I use about one pint of water and 15 grams of the Sorbate. This is one of the best home remedies for yeast infection if it is located in the vagina.
Another method that you can use no matter where you have the infection is the buttermilk method. This is a pretty slow procedure but it does work and kill the infection. Drink one glass of buttermilk each day. I drank it just before bed to let it work over night.
Garlic is in the top 3 home remedies for yeast infections. Garlic is really antifungal all will treat the bad yeast bacteria's like punch bags. Just use a garlic masher and put the mashed garlic on the infected skin. Beware to not use this method in the private areas or you will feel a worse pain than the yeast infection inflict.
My last method for this article is a warm salt bath. You can make it a small bath just to dip the affected part in or you could do like me and fill it up. I like a full hot bath with some added salt. I lie down and soak for half an hour or so. The salt will start to work on the yeast infection and this is a very comfortable way to get rid of your yeast infection.
Hope you have found these home remedies for yeast infections useful and maybe I will write some more methods soon. Good luck with curing your yeast infection and make sure you don't let it grow for too long.
The bad thing about most of these home remedies for yeast infections is that they are pretty messy and take a long time to cure the infection. There is however one way you can cure your yeast infection in less than 12 hours in a totally natural way. Have a look at Home Remedies for Yeast Infections for more simple ways to cure your yeast infection.
The first home remedy I ever tried was apple cider vinegar. This worked surprisingly well for the yeast infection I had on my hand. Simply wet the infected area with apple cider vinegar and the yeast infection will slowly die.
If you suffer from yeast infection in your vagina there are other home remedies for that those yeast infections. My favorite method here is to dip a tampon into a special solution made from Potassium Sorbate and water. I use about one pint of water and 15 grams of the Sorbate. This is one of the best home remedies for yeast infection if it is located in the vagina.
Another method that you can use no matter where you have the infection is the buttermilk method. This is a pretty slow procedure but it does work and kill the infection. Drink one glass of buttermilk each day. I drank it just before bed to let it work over night.
Garlic is in the top 3 home remedies for yeast infections. Garlic is really antifungal all will treat the bad yeast bacteria's like punch bags. Just use a garlic masher and put the mashed garlic on the infected skin. Beware to not use this method in the private areas or you will feel a worse pain than the yeast infection inflict.
My last method for this article is a warm salt bath. You can make it a small bath just to dip the affected part in or you could do like me and fill it up. I like a full hot bath with some added salt. I lie down and soak for half an hour or so. The salt will start to work on the yeast infection and this is a very comfortable way to get rid of your yeast infection.
Hope you have found these home remedies for yeast infections useful and maybe I will write some more methods soon. Good luck with curing your yeast infection and make sure you don't let it grow for too long.
The bad thing about most of these home remedies for yeast infections is that they are pretty messy and take a long time to cure the infection. There is however one way you can cure your yeast infection in less than 12 hours in a totally natural way. Have a look at Home Remedies for Yeast Infections for more simple ways to cure your yeast infection.
Friday, April 6, 2012
The Best Way to Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection - Top Vaginal Yeast Infection Cures
Vaginal yeast infection affects 8 out of 10 women in their lifetime. For a lot of them it happens to be a recurring problem. The female vagina unfortunately plays an excellent host for the yeast to survive and multiply. Yeast requires warmth and moisture for growth and hence it seeks refuge in vagina playing havoc and causing all the frustrations to the sufferer.
The usual conventional method for vaginal yeast infection cure is to go for over the counter medications. Also, doctors prescribe antibiotics to kill the yeast infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics do nothing to address the root cause of the yeast infection which is the excessive activity of Candida in our body. Further, the antibiotics kill the useful bacteria which have the natural property to keep Candida in check, making the body even more prone to yeast infections. Thus it is common to see people rambling all over the forums and message boards of how they tried pills and how it only resulted in them having yeast infections with increased severity.
So what then is the best solution?
Luckily, there is a solution. The best way to cure a vaginal yeast infection is to resort to natural holistic treatment methods, where the root cause of the yeast infection is treated instead of addressing only the symptoms. The treatment method should be a two pronged approach. It should treat the local symptoms of yeast infection like the itches, burns and soreness and also treat the root cause so that recurring infections can be prevented.
Some of the treatments you can follow right away to relieve your itches are follows:
Apply unsweetened yogurt in and around the affected region. This should have a chilling effect on application. The bacteria present in yogurt will kill the yeast present in the skin and you should feel better in minutes.
Another effective treatment is to use dilute tea tree oil in the affected area. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties which help fight yeast infection.
The above method will give an instant relief from itches and burns, but to treat the yeast infections and keep it from coming back, you need to treat the root cause of the infections. Also, if you prolong taking action to cure yeast infection at its source for long, it can cause severe health hazards, lack of energy, weakened immunity, hair loss etc. It is important to act right now to live a healthier, life free of yeast infections countless problems associated with it.
To Cure Vaginal yeast infection forever by means of a Simple Effective Permanent Natural Cure, Visit Yeast Infection Vagina You will Discover how to get rid of even Severe Yeast Infection forever and stay away from those embarrassing itches and burns by treating the Root cause of the infection right away in 12 Hours!
Sandra Greene, an ex-yeast infection sufferer had compared the best treatments available to help you Get Rid of Yeast Infections forever!
The usual conventional method for vaginal yeast infection cure is to go for over the counter medications. Also, doctors prescribe antibiotics to kill the yeast infection. Unfortunately, antibiotics do nothing to address the root cause of the yeast infection which is the excessive activity of Candida in our body. Further, the antibiotics kill the useful bacteria which have the natural property to keep Candida in check, making the body even more prone to yeast infections. Thus it is common to see people rambling all over the forums and message boards of how they tried pills and how it only resulted in them having yeast infections with increased severity.
So what then is the best solution?
Luckily, there is a solution. The best way to cure a vaginal yeast infection is to resort to natural holistic treatment methods, where the root cause of the yeast infection is treated instead of addressing only the symptoms. The treatment method should be a two pronged approach. It should treat the local symptoms of yeast infection like the itches, burns and soreness and also treat the root cause so that recurring infections can be prevented.
Some of the treatments you can follow right away to relieve your itches are follows:
Apply unsweetened yogurt in and around the affected region. This should have a chilling effect on application. The bacteria present in yogurt will kill the yeast present in the skin and you should feel better in minutes.
Another effective treatment is to use dilute tea tree oil in the affected area. Tea tree oil has antifungal properties which help fight yeast infection.
The above method will give an instant relief from itches and burns, but to treat the yeast infections and keep it from coming back, you need to treat the root cause of the infections. Also, if you prolong taking action to cure yeast infection at its source for long, it can cause severe health hazards, lack of energy, weakened immunity, hair loss etc. It is important to act right now to live a healthier, life free of yeast infections countless problems associated with it.
To Cure Vaginal yeast infection forever by means of a Simple Effective Permanent Natural Cure, Visit Yeast Infection Vagina You will Discover how to get rid of even Severe Yeast Infection forever and stay away from those embarrassing itches and burns by treating the Root cause of the infection right away in 12 Hours!
Sandra Greene, an ex-yeast infection sufferer had compared the best treatments available to help you Get Rid of Yeast Infections forever!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
The Real Cause of Yeast Infection in Women - The Top Two FAQs
Over 75% of women will experience a yeast infection at some point In their lives. For a lucky few, their first yeast infection will be their last. However, it's much more common for yeast infections to become recurrent once you've already had one.
That is because the yeast spores continue to lay dormant in your body after the active infection has gone away. Sometimes the spores can be dormant for years before making a ferocious comeback, leaving you more miserable than ever.
While there are plenty of effective treatments for the symptoms of yeast infections, most of these don't address the root cause, thus ensuring the infection will come back again and again and again, sometimes for the rest of your life. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate yeast infections at their roots.
However, in order to do this, you have to first understand the real cause of yeast infection in women.
1. Yeasts needs fuels to survive. That fuel is typically sugar. It's quite possible for you to be exposed to yeast spores and not actually develop an active infection if the food for the yeast isn't present in your body.
Often, women will develop an active yeast infection after a period of several days or weeks of eating a lot of sugar filled foods. The more sugar you have in your diet, the more likely you are to get and keep a yeast infection.
If you keep eating sugar, the yeast infection will continue to come back periodically, often chronically, for as long as you continue to provide it with the food it needs to survive. On the other hand, if your diet is relatively sugar free, you may never develop a yeast infection.
2. Yeast needs the appropriate environmental conditions to thrive. This means warm, damp, and dark surroundings. So, if you're prone to sitting around in sweaty clothes for hours at a time, wearing tight jeans out in the heat for long periods, or any other activities that produce these types of conditions in and on your body, you're creating the perfect conditions for a thriving yeast infection.
Remember, yeast infections don't have to live only in your vagina. You can develop yeast infection in your mouth as well.
Once you've developed a yeast infection, you have to address the cause in order to cure it permanently. Over-the-counter medications and most natural treatments just treat the symptoms. The infection may go away for a while, but the spores are still there, waiting to flare up again when the conditions are right.
However, you can kill those dormant yeast spores and create conditions in your body that are hostile to new spores ever gaining a hold there. You can do this quickly and naturally without drugs, once you know the cause of yeast infection in women.
With the right information in hand, you never need to suffer with a yeast infection again.
Discover the 12 hour secret at [http://www.BestCureYeastInfection.com]
That is because the yeast spores continue to lay dormant in your body after the active infection has gone away. Sometimes the spores can be dormant for years before making a ferocious comeback, leaving you more miserable than ever.
While there are plenty of effective treatments for the symptoms of yeast infections, most of these don't address the root cause, thus ensuring the infection will come back again and again and again, sometimes for the rest of your life. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate yeast infections at their roots.
However, in order to do this, you have to first understand the real cause of yeast infection in women.
1. Yeasts needs fuels to survive. That fuel is typically sugar. It's quite possible for you to be exposed to yeast spores and not actually develop an active infection if the food for the yeast isn't present in your body.
Often, women will develop an active yeast infection after a period of several days or weeks of eating a lot of sugar filled foods. The more sugar you have in your diet, the more likely you are to get and keep a yeast infection.
If you keep eating sugar, the yeast infection will continue to come back periodically, often chronically, for as long as you continue to provide it with the food it needs to survive. On the other hand, if your diet is relatively sugar free, you may never develop a yeast infection.
2. Yeast needs the appropriate environmental conditions to thrive. This means warm, damp, and dark surroundings. So, if you're prone to sitting around in sweaty clothes for hours at a time, wearing tight jeans out in the heat for long periods, or any other activities that produce these types of conditions in and on your body, you're creating the perfect conditions for a thriving yeast infection.
Remember, yeast infections don't have to live only in your vagina. You can develop yeast infection in your mouth as well.
Once you've developed a yeast infection, you have to address the cause in order to cure it permanently. Over-the-counter medications and most natural treatments just treat the symptoms. The infection may go away for a while, but the spores are still there, waiting to flare up again when the conditions are right.
However, you can kill those dormant yeast spores and create conditions in your body that are hostile to new spores ever gaining a hold there. You can do this quickly and naturally without drugs, once you know the cause of yeast infection in women.
With the right information in hand, you never need to suffer with a yeast infection again.
Discover the 12 hour secret at [http://www.BestCureYeastInfection.com]
Monday, April 2, 2012
This is What Causes Yeast Infections
Have you ever asked yourself what causes yeast infections? If you have, you might have gone on the internet to find out and, you must have found a lot of resources to help you know all the details about yeast infection.
The internet is the leading source of information when it comes to yeast infection. Firstly, a yeast infection can affect virtually everybody and the reason for this is that we all have contents of yeast in our bodies and the reason why we have no infection is that the yeast in us has not overgrown to an unnatural level. There are many factors that cause yeast to overgrow and when you get to know the factors, you will have known what causes yeast infections.
The first known cause is the use of drugs like steroids and antibiotics. If you have to take antibiotics, make sure you see your doctor on the issue. Others get yeast infections because of using the antibiotic treatment for a very long time. Never use steroids if the doctor has not recommended them. They are very powerful drugs that have the ability to alter the normal functions of the body. Some women are often very surprised when they realize that pregnancy is what causes yeast infections. There is nothing much a pregnant woman can do to reverse the cause but, she is advised to take the right medication and to cure the condition before delivery.
The topic on what causes yeast infections is very long because factors like stress also cause yeast infections. It will be vital to avoid stress where necessary and you can do this in a number of ways including going for physical exercises and keeping a positive attitude on life. Very serious diseases like diabetes and cancer might play a major role to ensure you get the yeast infection. This is because you will have a low and compromised immunity. Another thing that will compromise your immunity is poor diet that is not rich in all the essential nutrients that your body needs.
Sexual intercourse mostly in men is what causes yeast infections. The partners continue infecting one another if they do not realize the condition they have. When they confirm that yeast has to do with their symptoms, they need to go for treatment so that they can break the cycle. Certain condom lubricants also cause the yeast infection and this is mainly because they contain a substance called nonoxynl 9. Other causes are tight clothing which provide warm and conducive environment for yeast to thrive. Take time to learn what causes yeast infections and learn more, you will empowering yourself to make wise choices and avert infection by yeast.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
The internet is the leading source of information when it comes to yeast infection. Firstly, a yeast infection can affect virtually everybody and the reason for this is that we all have contents of yeast in our bodies and the reason why we have no infection is that the yeast in us has not overgrown to an unnatural level. There are many factors that cause yeast to overgrow and when you get to know the factors, you will have known what causes yeast infections.
The first known cause is the use of drugs like steroids and antibiotics. If you have to take antibiotics, make sure you see your doctor on the issue. Others get yeast infections because of using the antibiotic treatment for a very long time. Never use steroids if the doctor has not recommended them. They are very powerful drugs that have the ability to alter the normal functions of the body. Some women are often very surprised when they realize that pregnancy is what causes yeast infections. There is nothing much a pregnant woman can do to reverse the cause but, she is advised to take the right medication and to cure the condition before delivery.
The topic on what causes yeast infections is very long because factors like stress also cause yeast infections. It will be vital to avoid stress where necessary and you can do this in a number of ways including going for physical exercises and keeping a positive attitude on life. Very serious diseases like diabetes and cancer might play a major role to ensure you get the yeast infection. This is because you will have a low and compromised immunity. Another thing that will compromise your immunity is poor diet that is not rich in all the essential nutrients that your body needs.
Sexual intercourse mostly in men is what causes yeast infections. The partners continue infecting one another if they do not realize the condition they have. When they confirm that yeast has to do with their symptoms, they need to go for treatment so that they can break the cycle. Certain condom lubricants also cause the yeast infection and this is mainly because they contain a substance called nonoxynl 9. Other causes are tight clothing which provide warm and conducive environment for yeast to thrive. Take time to learn what causes yeast infections and learn more, you will empowering yourself to make wise choices and avert infection by yeast.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
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