Yeast infection causes a good deal of misery, aggravation and even embarrassment to a huge number of women and men every year. Indeed research indicates that three quarters of women and almost fifty percent of men will suffer yeast infection symptoms at one time or another. For some this can be the beginning of a decline into a cycle of chronic infection accompanied by a wide array of symptoms many of which are often confused with other illnesses even by medical professionals.
Indeed most doctors are under-informed about Candidiasis, the condition caused by an overgrowth of yeast. What seems a trifling matter at medical school barely warrants a few moments study for most medical students who go on to become General Practitioners (GP's), or MD's. Naturally there are medical specialists around who will be more 'clued up' about what causes yeast infection, but even they may be less informed that you might expect about effective natural alternative therapy treatments for this aggravating condition.
Most doctors are inclined to rely on the mass-market, over the counter, pharmaceutical drug based solutions when it comes to prescribing for and treating Candida albicans infection. Sadly, for many sufferers, drug based interventions may prove only temporarily effective at best, and of virtually no use at worst. Such treatment regimes can also potentially cause a variety of unpleasant side-effects that can even make the use of such products as bad as, or worse than, suffering a yeast infection itself!
One of the things that can help chronic Candida sufferers is learning about just what lifestyle habits may have contributed to their problem. The theory being that one-by-one the causes of yeast infection can be 'picked off' and the possibility of further problems reduced. It can be a long, slow journey but finding out more about what encourages yeasts to proliferate within your body can ultimately be the beginning of a long-term resolution to your problems.
In fact, whilst the simplistic observation is that the yeast Candida albicans causes the infections, the events that lead up to allowing Candida to thrive can be varied, and this is where the real precursors to thrush infection can be said to lie.
Informed sources make it clear that there are what may be called primary and secondary factors that can lead to a yeast infection establishing itself. There may also be additional issues that aggravate the problem. Some of these may relate to the external environment and also to personal psychological considerations. The possibility that Candidiasis has arisen out of a multiplicity of interrelated causes is an important consideration when seeking a long-term solution to the problem.
Here is a brief insight to yeast infection causes that might have affected you if you are a sufferer include:
Genetics: Some folks are 'genetically pre-disposed' to infection. There is a lot of talk about genes these days, and whilst it is probably fair to say that if your family has a history of Candida infections you are not bounds to develop the disease. However, a genetic predisposition could mean that if certain environmental circumstances arise you might find that yeast infections become an issue.
Diet: What you eat is another primary factor amongst yeast infection causes. Poor dietary choices can lead to an over acidified system which leads to compromised terrain in the gut. This is a little confusing because this compromise can come about when there is insufficient 'good bacteria' colonies present and these are in fact usually microbes that create lactic acid. However this type of bacteria keeps Candida in check. When the gut environment is poor Candid can thrive and become a problem for a number of reasons too complex to explain in this short article.
Immune system health: A weak immune system can lead to yeast infections becoming a problem. Candida often becomes a constant and miserable companion for those who suffering cancer and or AIDS. However your immune system may be compromised for much simpler reasons and the door opened to yeast infection. For example it has been shown that stress plays a major part in undermining immunity. In combination with other factors a period of stress can be enough to weaken the immune system enough to allow a yeast infection to become established.
Use of antibiotics/medicinal drugs: The use of various drug interventions may also lead to creating an environment where Candida albicans can get a foot hold. Something as simple as taking a course of antibiotics has proved the trigger for many folk. This is because antibiotics are often indiscriminate in their effect. They kill 'good' probiotic bacteria as well as the bad ones. This can leave the path clear for Candida to thrive and yeast infection symptoms to occur. Some victims of Candida have found that their Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was amongst the yeast infection causes that opened the door to the aggravating condition.
These types of 'instigators' can occur singly, or in combination, and lead to a cycle of events that can be hard to stop unless a range of appropriate remedial actions is taken. What is certain is that pharmaceutical remedies often only provide temporary relief from Candidiasis problems, largely because they only treat the immediate symptoms of thrush and do not resolve the real yeast infection causes. This is why a natural, holistic approach to dealing with an overgrowth of Candida, incorporating a more complex, personalized program of necessary lifestyle changes, has time-and-again proved to be the only yeast infection treatment that provides a permanent solution for an increasing number of people!
Amelia Treadgold is the sobriquet of a 'natural health crusader' representing the many Candida sufferers who have received inadequate diagnosis and treatment at the hands of the modern medical profession! She has now published many informative articles about Candidiasis for those who endure this problem, and has also reviewed the best natural treatments for yeast infection causes on the market today. Amelia has also a contributed thrush symptoms and treatment articles to the online natural health magazine website: (Go Natural and Organic)
Learn the info and how to cure your yeast infection and end your candida related symptoms
Friday, December 30, 2011
How to Identify Yeast Infection Causes and Cures
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hunt For The Best Common And Easiest Yeast Infection Cure
Getting a yeast infection is certainly no pleasant experience, but luckily there are ways of preventing and treating it. If you know the various symptoms of a yeast infection, it is particularly good because you will be able to find it quicker before it gets even worse. There are also a number of different ways to treat a yeast infection, depending on the severity of it. If you do think you have one, you will most definitely want to get to a doctor as soon as you can so he/she can give you a better diagnosis and treat you sooner.
Specifying the Main Cause of Yeast Infection:
Candida, the fungi responsible for yeast infections, is a naturally occurring flora in the human body. Also, it experiences growth spurts when the natural bacteria in the mucous of the vagina is depleted due to antibiotics or other reasons. Since these are naturally occurring flora in the body, is it possible to cure my yeast infection? If these are concerns of yours, the simple answer is yes.
Before discussing what to consume to cure your yeast infection, it is important to be aware of what can cause a yeast infection and what other preventative measures you can take to avoid these problems. Yeast infections can be caused by an irritation to the genitalia that leads to an imbalance in the Ph of that area, an antibiotic regimen, some spermicidal, non-breathable clothing and even birth control pills.
Therefore, it is always important to avoid tight-fitting clothing or things that trap heat and moisture, like lycra and nylon. If these infections are recurring, try changing birth control methods, or change your diet to insure a more regulated system.
Basis of Yeast Infection Cure:
There are a number of things that can be done to help cure the overgrowth of Candida. Always wear cotton closest to the vagina, and avoid materials like nylon and lycra as they tend to trap heat an moisture. Also, it is helpful to eat one cup of yogurt with live cultures daily as a yeast infection abdominal proactive treatment.
Avoid perfumed bath salts and powders, because irritation can lead to a yeast infection, and avoid douching for the same reason.
These are definitely things to seriously consider as part of a normal routine, particularly if you are susceptible to yeast infections. Nearly every woman will have a yeast infection in her lifetime, but no one ever should have to unnecessarily suffer needlessly. Therefore, to prevent the spread of Candida into surrounding structures seek treatment early and avoid the need for yeast infection and treatments.
Occasionally, yeast infections can cause symptoms as far away from the genital area as the abdomen and back. This is particularly possible when a mild form of Candida overgrowth is left untreated and can heighten the symptoms to include abdominal and back pain.
You can also find more info on home remedy for yeast infection treatment and causes of yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Specifying the Main Cause of Yeast Infection:
Candida, the fungi responsible for yeast infections, is a naturally occurring flora in the human body. Also, it experiences growth spurts when the natural bacteria in the mucous of the vagina is depleted due to antibiotics or other reasons. Since these are naturally occurring flora in the body, is it possible to cure my yeast infection? If these are concerns of yours, the simple answer is yes.
Before discussing what to consume to cure your yeast infection, it is important to be aware of what can cause a yeast infection and what other preventative measures you can take to avoid these problems. Yeast infections can be caused by an irritation to the genitalia that leads to an imbalance in the Ph of that area, an antibiotic regimen, some spermicidal, non-breathable clothing and even birth control pills.
Therefore, it is always important to avoid tight-fitting clothing or things that trap heat and moisture, like lycra and nylon. If these infections are recurring, try changing birth control methods, or change your diet to insure a more regulated system.
Basis of Yeast Infection Cure:
There are a number of things that can be done to help cure the overgrowth of Candida. Always wear cotton closest to the vagina, and avoid materials like nylon and lycra as they tend to trap heat an moisture. Also, it is helpful to eat one cup of yogurt with live cultures daily as a yeast infection abdominal proactive treatment.
Avoid perfumed bath salts and powders, because irritation can lead to a yeast infection, and avoid douching for the same reason.
These are definitely things to seriously consider as part of a normal routine, particularly if you are susceptible to yeast infections. Nearly every woman will have a yeast infection in her lifetime, but no one ever should have to unnecessarily suffer needlessly. Therefore, to prevent the spread of Candida into surrounding structures seek treatment early and avoid the need for yeast infection and treatments.
Occasionally, yeast infections can cause symptoms as far away from the genital area as the abdomen and back. This is particularly possible when a mild form of Candida overgrowth is left untreated and can heighten the symptoms to include abdominal and back pain.
You can also find more info on home remedy for yeast infection treatment and causes of yeast infection. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Is Sex a Cause Of Yeast Infection In Man?
How can you resist the incredible, subtle, yet intoxication smell of a beautiful woman? After she moans her approval from the locking of your lips, you move to her neck and gently kiss it. You pause for a moment as you get lost in her eyes and understand her message; it's time to move to the bedroom. You rip off the covers of the bed and jump under the sheets and once you are finished you feel content and as if you are in a wonderful dream. Thankfully you will not have to worry about pregnancy or STD's as you remembered your protection, but what about yeast infection in man? Days later, reality sets in.
Your penis has developed a reddish irritation and is constantly itchy. Your mind recalls an article you read identifying these symptoms as those of a yeast infection in man. With the itchiness and irritation you are now suffering from you realize your imagination was nothing compared to the realities of these horrors.
You allow some time to pass, trying to ignore your yeast infection symptoms, hoping they will go away. But then as you are showering, you look down and can only stare at the morbid manifestation, the penile yeast infection you are suffering from has made itself grimily more apparent. Now with soreness, white discharge, blisters similar to those of genital herpes; almost every known symptom of yeast infection in man has made itself known right there on your penis. Beneath the endless screams of profanity, you can clearly hear the question being asked over and over again in your mind; How, and why me?
It makes little to no difference in the fact that you are among the few men who not only know it is possible but can recognize the symptoms of yeast infection in man. As important as that knowledge is seeking remedy for the condition, a much greater importance comes in the knowledge of the causes and ways to prevent yeast infection in man.
As an example, sex is one of the biggest causes of yeast infection in man, specifically penile yeast infection. This is caused by a man having intercourse with an infected woman. Although not a guarantee that a man who sleeps with an infected woman will contract a male yeast infection, one must understand that it is much better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with yeast infection in man.
Infection through intercourse is not just one-sided either. A man who has a yeast infection can very likely infect an unsuspecting woman. This fact alone should suffice as proof that man must be just as aware of their yeast infection as a woman is, not just to look out for his own health, but that of his partners as well. In all actuality, men should actually be more vigilant in this manner as the symptoms of yeast infection in man are not always visible.
In the end, yeast infections will continue to just as much of a threat to men as they are to women. But, with a little awareness, members of both sexes can go a long way in warding off the disease. Coming to terms with, and spotting the symptoms of yeast infection in man are simply not enough. One must educate themselves on knowing exactly what can expose you to, and how you can avoid, the terrible ailment of yeast infection in man.
Yeast infections never "just go away". Click here to discover the best ways to cure yeast infection in man forever Go to
Your penis has developed a reddish irritation and is constantly itchy. Your mind recalls an article you read identifying these symptoms as those of a yeast infection in man. With the itchiness and irritation you are now suffering from you realize your imagination was nothing compared to the realities of these horrors.
You allow some time to pass, trying to ignore your yeast infection symptoms, hoping they will go away. But then as you are showering, you look down and can only stare at the morbid manifestation, the penile yeast infection you are suffering from has made itself grimily more apparent. Now with soreness, white discharge, blisters similar to those of genital herpes; almost every known symptom of yeast infection in man has made itself known right there on your penis. Beneath the endless screams of profanity, you can clearly hear the question being asked over and over again in your mind; How, and why me?
It makes little to no difference in the fact that you are among the few men who not only know it is possible but can recognize the symptoms of yeast infection in man. As important as that knowledge is seeking remedy for the condition, a much greater importance comes in the knowledge of the causes and ways to prevent yeast infection in man.
As an example, sex is one of the biggest causes of yeast infection in man, specifically penile yeast infection. This is caused by a man having intercourse with an infected woman. Although not a guarantee that a man who sleeps with an infected woman will contract a male yeast infection, one must understand that it is much better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with yeast infection in man.
Infection through intercourse is not just one-sided either. A man who has a yeast infection can very likely infect an unsuspecting woman. This fact alone should suffice as proof that man must be just as aware of their yeast infection as a woman is, not just to look out for his own health, but that of his partners as well. In all actuality, men should actually be more vigilant in this manner as the symptoms of yeast infection in man are not always visible.
In the end, yeast infections will continue to just as much of a threat to men as they are to women. But, with a little awareness, members of both sexes can go a long way in warding off the disease. Coming to terms with, and spotting the symptoms of yeast infection in man are simply not enough. One must educate themselves on knowing exactly what can expose you to, and how you can avoid, the terrible ailment of yeast infection in man.
Yeast infections never "just go away". Click here to discover the best ways to cure yeast infection in man forever Go to
Friday, December 23, 2011
Know What Causes Yeast Infections and Cure Yourself - Home Remedies For Yeast Infection
In most of the cases, the primary cause contributing to yeast infections in women is Candida albicans fungus that occurs naturally in small amounts in the vaginal area. If the amount of Candida albicans fungus increases beyond a certain limit, it causes a yeast infection which is also known as 'candidiasis'. It can be said that this infection gets developed due to rapid multiplication of naturally occurring Candida albicans fungus. But do you know - what causes yeast infections? This article is aimed to provide you the basic knowledge about these causes so that you could cure it by yourself.
Antibiotics are the most prominent cause of a yeast infection in women. Some antibiotics work as a catalyst for the development of yeast infections. It is believed that antibiotics suppress some natural mechanism that keeps the fungus development within limit.
Irregularities in the immune system also cause yeast infection. Sometimes your immune system doesn't work properly due to stress or prolonged illness. The disturbed immune system starts developing yeast infections. Changes in hormones, which normally occur at the end of menstruation cycle also cause a vaginal yeast infection. Using birth control pills for longer period, pregnancy may also cause this infections.
A yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease but sometimes this infection is transferred from male partner to female partner during sexual activities. High sugar level in the blood also accelerates the growth of yeast.
Use of scented hygiene products and douches too can cause a chemical imbalance in vaginal environment. The major changes in PH levels cause this. Items like pantyhose, tight jeans, undergarments made of synthetic fiber don't allow the vagina to breathe. The tightness of these clothes creates excess heat and moisture in vaginal area. You know that heat and moisture both help yeast to grow at enhanced rate.
Most of the above stated causes are very simple and can be easily eliminated. The best way is to analyze the current lifestyle and to make the necessary changes to promote less stressful and healthier habits. There are many ways to treat yeast infection by natural, home and regular medications. The selection and results of these remedies depend upon the intensity of the infection. If the yeast infection occurs frequently consult your doctor.
Last time when I suffered with yeast infection I came across a great site. This site helped me amazingly, to know what causes yeast infections so if you too are looking some easily accessible source to cure yeast infection please visit:
Antibiotics are the most prominent cause of a yeast infection in women. Some antibiotics work as a catalyst for the development of yeast infections. It is believed that antibiotics suppress some natural mechanism that keeps the fungus development within limit.
Irregularities in the immune system also cause yeast infection. Sometimes your immune system doesn't work properly due to stress or prolonged illness. The disturbed immune system starts developing yeast infections. Changes in hormones, which normally occur at the end of menstruation cycle also cause a vaginal yeast infection. Using birth control pills for longer period, pregnancy may also cause this infections.
A yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease but sometimes this infection is transferred from male partner to female partner during sexual activities. High sugar level in the blood also accelerates the growth of yeast.
Use of scented hygiene products and douches too can cause a chemical imbalance in vaginal environment. The major changes in PH levels cause this. Items like pantyhose, tight jeans, undergarments made of synthetic fiber don't allow the vagina to breathe. The tightness of these clothes creates excess heat and moisture in vaginal area. You know that heat and moisture both help yeast to grow at enhanced rate.
Most of the above stated causes are very simple and can be easily eliminated. The best way is to analyze the current lifestyle and to make the necessary changes to promote less stressful and healthier habits. There are many ways to treat yeast infection by natural, home and regular medications. The selection and results of these remedies depend upon the intensity of the infection. If the yeast infection occurs frequently consult your doctor.
Last time when I suffered with yeast infection I came across a great site. This site helped me amazingly, to know what causes yeast infections so if you too are looking some easily accessible source to cure yeast infection please visit:
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Menstrual Related Yeast Infection - Fix This Problem Permanently
A menstrual related yeast infection is horrible and painful, making your life a living hell. What causes of this? A healthy vagina has many bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. The most common bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, help keep other organisms-like the yeast-under control. When a female uses antibiotics to treat common colds or sinus infections, the helpful bacteria begins to get destroyed. The destroying of this bacteria leads to changes in the balance of these organisms can grow too much and cause symptoms. Being pregnant can also lead to yeast infections as high estrogen levels caused by pregnancy will increase the likeliness of you contacting an infection. Some people always ask "can you get a yeast infection by taking alieve?" The answer to this question is yes. These infections are horrible and so many things can cause them! You need to try and eliminate your yeast infection at the first signs of contracting one.
What are the symptoms?
Itching or soreness in the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex.
Some men and women experience a white discharge when they contract a yeast infection.
Yeast infection causes physical symptoms if untreated but you can prevent yeast infections by making sure that your genital area stays as dry as possible and can has air:
- Dress in cotton, not nylon, underwear, and steer clear of tight pants and panty hose.
- Take off a wet swimsuit right away.
- Keep away from douches and feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, and deodorant tampons.
Economic and social effects of yeast infection can be detrimental if you do not have a strong partner or any money to combat this disease. If you contract one and pass it on to your partner, he/she may find it offensive and leave you. If you have a yeast infection I highly suggest staying away from any sexual activity until you cure it. It is the worst feeling in the world passing a yeast infection off to your loved one. No one should bear the pain and agony getting one of these. Prevention of yeast infection should be the number one thing on your mind, instead of just trying to cure the one you have. Taking preventative measures before you even get an infection.
Throughout the years growing up with reoccurring yeast infections, my life was absolutely horrible. No over-the-counter medications ever worked for me. It wasn't until recently I discovered the all natural remedies free of drugs in curing my yeast infections. Ever since then I have lived a better life free of agonizing yeast infections. All thanks to all natural cures to yeast infections, not over-the-counter medications. Natural cures to yeast infections treat your ENTIRE body not just one part of the yeast infection. I wish you the best of luck!
Angela Jennings is an avid health researcher who has come up with a proven natural, safe, and drug free cure for intestinal yeast infections. She has helped people all over the world permanently stop their menstrual related yeast infection. Learn more about Angela Jennings methods by visiting
What are the symptoms?
Itching or soreness in the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex.
Some men and women experience a white discharge when they contract a yeast infection.
Yeast infection causes physical symptoms if untreated but you can prevent yeast infections by making sure that your genital area stays as dry as possible and can has air:
- Dress in cotton, not nylon, underwear, and steer clear of tight pants and panty hose.
- Take off a wet swimsuit right away.
- Keep away from douches and feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, and deodorant tampons.
Economic and social effects of yeast infection can be detrimental if you do not have a strong partner or any money to combat this disease. If you contract one and pass it on to your partner, he/she may find it offensive and leave you. If you have a yeast infection I highly suggest staying away from any sexual activity until you cure it. It is the worst feeling in the world passing a yeast infection off to your loved one. No one should bear the pain and agony getting one of these. Prevention of yeast infection should be the number one thing on your mind, instead of just trying to cure the one you have. Taking preventative measures before you even get an infection.
Throughout the years growing up with reoccurring yeast infections, my life was absolutely horrible. No over-the-counter medications ever worked for me. It wasn't until recently I discovered the all natural remedies free of drugs in curing my yeast infections. Ever since then I have lived a better life free of agonizing yeast infections. All thanks to all natural cures to yeast infections, not over-the-counter medications. Natural cures to yeast infections treat your ENTIRE body not just one part of the yeast infection. I wish you the best of luck!
Angela Jennings is an avid health researcher who has come up with a proven natural, safe, and drug free cure for intestinal yeast infections. She has helped people all over the world permanently stop their menstrual related yeast infection. Learn more about Angela Jennings methods by visiting
Monday, December 19, 2011
Remedy For a Yeast Infection Found the Holistic Way
These days' natural remedies for various diseases have gained a lot of precedence over their allopathic counter parts. The reasons are not tough to guess. Side effects, long term ill effects and relapse instances have pushed many people into searching for a long-term cure for their problems.
Yeast infection is also one condition, where people have started preferring natural remedies over the conventional remedies. What is the remedy for a yeast infection? What are the natural remedies for yeast infections? Before we delve into that, let us understand the causes of yeast infections.
Causes of yeast infection: Processed or junk food, alcohol, caffeine, sugar products are all major culprits in causing yeast infection. Foods containing white or wheat flour also enhance yeast infection. Yeast infection can also spread by using public places like pools and baths. You can also get yeast infection from your partner via sex. Using a condom can reduce this problem. However, before buying a condom, you should make sure they do not have a nonoxynol-9 lubricant. Yeast infections can also be caused by tight and restrictive clothing. Poorly ventilated clothes can actually trap body heat and sweat and cause yeast infections.
Remedies for yeast infection: What are the natural remedies for yeast infection? Garlic is also known as the magic herb. It has tremendous curative powers and anti fungal properties. You can either try eating garlic for a few days or if the infection is too severe then here is the remedy for yeast infection: Envelop garlic in a sterilized cheesecloth or gauze and insert this into the vagina over night. After a few applications, the infection will be cured. A word of caution here: make sure you are not allergic to garlic
Yogurt: Yogurt is not just a health snack but is also helps tremendously in the eradication of yeast infection. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which helps in the production of hydrogen peroxide which is itself an antibacterial remedy. Plain, un-sugared yoghurt can be used as a topical medicine on the infected vagina and vulva. Alternatively, you can try eating loads of yogurt.
You'll also find that tea tree oil can work as a natural remedy for a yeast infection as well. Consider putting a cream on a tampon that has a bit of tea tree oil in it. You can then use the tampon and you'll soon find that your yeast infection goes away.
If you want to make these natural remedies even more effective there are a few things you need to do. Make sure that you wash with only water if you have a yeast infection, and avoid soaps as well. Also avoid douching while you have the infection too, since it can make it worse. Don't wear underwear that are too tight or made out of manmade materials either.
Yeast infections can be irritating and tiresome. Many a times, the over-the -counter medicines may do more harm than good. They may leave you with undesired side effects for life. So, you need to try a natural remedy for a yeast infection before trying a prescribed or over the counter medicine.
If you liked this you can check out more at Remedy for a yeast infection []. Infections are a bothersome and dangerous thing. Even men need to worry about this topic. Please visit Remedy for a yeast infection [].
Yeast infection is also one condition, where people have started preferring natural remedies over the conventional remedies. What is the remedy for a yeast infection? What are the natural remedies for yeast infections? Before we delve into that, let us understand the causes of yeast infections.
Causes of yeast infection: Processed or junk food, alcohol, caffeine, sugar products are all major culprits in causing yeast infection. Foods containing white or wheat flour also enhance yeast infection. Yeast infection can also spread by using public places like pools and baths. You can also get yeast infection from your partner via sex. Using a condom can reduce this problem. However, before buying a condom, you should make sure they do not have a nonoxynol-9 lubricant. Yeast infections can also be caused by tight and restrictive clothing. Poorly ventilated clothes can actually trap body heat and sweat and cause yeast infections.
Remedies for yeast infection: What are the natural remedies for yeast infection? Garlic is also known as the magic herb. It has tremendous curative powers and anti fungal properties. You can either try eating garlic for a few days or if the infection is too severe then here is the remedy for yeast infection: Envelop garlic in a sterilized cheesecloth or gauze and insert this into the vagina over night. After a few applications, the infection will be cured. A word of caution here: make sure you are not allergic to garlic
Yogurt: Yogurt is not just a health snack but is also helps tremendously in the eradication of yeast infection. Yogurt has lactobacillus acidophilus which helps in the production of hydrogen peroxide which is itself an antibacterial remedy. Plain, un-sugared yoghurt can be used as a topical medicine on the infected vagina and vulva. Alternatively, you can try eating loads of yogurt.
You'll also find that tea tree oil can work as a natural remedy for a yeast infection as well. Consider putting a cream on a tampon that has a bit of tea tree oil in it. You can then use the tampon and you'll soon find that your yeast infection goes away.
If you want to make these natural remedies even more effective there are a few things you need to do. Make sure that you wash with only water if you have a yeast infection, and avoid soaps as well. Also avoid douching while you have the infection too, since it can make it worse. Don't wear underwear that are too tight or made out of manmade materials either.
Yeast infections can be irritating and tiresome. Many a times, the over-the -counter medicines may do more harm than good. They may leave you with undesired side effects for life. So, you need to try a natural remedy for a yeast infection before trying a prescribed or over the counter medicine.
If you liked this you can check out more at Remedy for a yeast infection []. Infections are a bothersome and dangerous thing. Even men need to worry about this topic. Please visit Remedy for a yeast infection [].
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Some of the Yeast Infection Causes
A yeast infection cause prompts the growth of fungus and helps it thrive in the human body. There are several yeast infection causes and knowing them will enable you to make the right decisions which will help you avoid yeast infections. The popular fungus Candida albicans causes the infection when it has overgrown to very high levels. In men, the most common cause of penile yeast infection is sexual intercourse with an infected woman. The yeast easily finds it way and settles on the tip of the penis and it can continue to multiply there. All men who find themselves affected must seek help immediately and they should also have their partners treated. Failure to do this will result in reinfection. Before you get the treatment, do not forget to have it confirmed by a qualified doctor. Many other conditions manifest themselves in a similar way.
The other yeast infection cause is the use of antibiotics. Not all antibiotics are bad and it really depends on an individual. This is because some people take all kinds of the medication and never suffer a yeast infection. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor and have them recommend something different for you. Other drugs like steroids are also yeast infection causes. If you do not need the drugs medically as prescribed by the doctor, avoid steroids. Other drugs that are known to cause yeast infections are birth control pills. Since there are so many methods available in the market including the natural method, you have no excuse not to change. Yeast infections can be very persistent if you only treat the symptom and not the cause. So many women continue to suffer for not having this knowledge and others suffer simply because of ignorance.
The yeast thrive in warm and moist conditions and this is another yeast infection cause. You should wear dry and well ventilated clothing to avoid providing an atmosphere for the yeast to multiply. Sometimes, yeast infection has been known to be caused by having sex repeatedly over a short period of time. If possible this should be avoided to discourage the yeast from growing. Having low immunity is a cause for yeast infection and, this may be brought about by chronic diseases like AIDS. You therefore need to make sure you get all the vital nutrients necessary in your body. If you have diabetes, get your sugar levels under control and you will reduce the chances of having infections by yeast.
Stress is another cause of yeast infection and you need to reduce stress in your life to keep away many other diseases. Stress lowers the immunity in your body making you more vulnerable to infections. Another cause is the intake of sugary foods and alcohol. When you are pregnant, you have very high chances of having yeast infections and you should treat the symptoms in a safe way and make sure you are healed before delivery. This will enable you reduce the chances of passing the infection to the baby. Scented soaps and detergents can also cause infections. Therefore, know the reason for your infection and if you can avoid it in the future, do so.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
The other yeast infection cause is the use of antibiotics. Not all antibiotics are bad and it really depends on an individual. This is because some people take all kinds of the medication and never suffer a yeast infection. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor and have them recommend something different for you. Other drugs like steroids are also yeast infection causes. If you do not need the drugs medically as prescribed by the doctor, avoid steroids. Other drugs that are known to cause yeast infections are birth control pills. Since there are so many methods available in the market including the natural method, you have no excuse not to change. Yeast infections can be very persistent if you only treat the symptom and not the cause. So many women continue to suffer for not having this knowledge and others suffer simply because of ignorance.
The yeast thrive in warm and moist conditions and this is another yeast infection cause. You should wear dry and well ventilated clothing to avoid providing an atmosphere for the yeast to multiply. Sometimes, yeast infection has been known to be caused by having sex repeatedly over a short period of time. If possible this should be avoided to discourage the yeast from growing. Having low immunity is a cause for yeast infection and, this may be brought about by chronic diseases like AIDS. You therefore need to make sure you get all the vital nutrients necessary in your body. If you have diabetes, get your sugar levels under control and you will reduce the chances of having infections by yeast.
Stress is another cause of yeast infection and you need to reduce stress in your life to keep away many other diseases. Stress lowers the immunity in your body making you more vulnerable to infections. Another cause is the intake of sugary foods and alcohol. When you are pregnant, you have very high chances of having yeast infections and you should treat the symptoms in a safe way and make sure you are healed before delivery. This will enable you reduce the chances of passing the infection to the baby. Scented soaps and detergents can also cause infections. Therefore, know the reason for your infection and if you can avoid it in the future, do so.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection And The Dangers Of Having It!
Vaginal yeast infection is one of the yeast ailments occurring in women. Infections of the vagina have three types. This includes the trichomoniasis creating and acting as parasites in the vaginal area. Next is the Bacterial vaginosis that results to sexually transmitted diseases and bacteria. And the last one known as yeast infection or the candidiasis, these are microorganisms that are responsible for the vaginal infection.
Once you are infected by the Candida, this would increase and develop the risk of symptoms of yeast infection. This doesn't only include major health problems but also the psychological, mental, a person's lifestyle and other external elements. The risk of Candida is mainly caused by the internal hormonal imbalance happening inside the body system.
Yeast infection often occurs in the form of vaginal discharge and when Candida develops into yeast to fungus, the root structures will start to flourish and attack the intestinal walls.
Infections caused by yeast can hamper a person's lifestyle resulting to excessive stress, inability during intercourse, and even the types of clothing can trigger the risk and presence of Candida. Also, some of the major indications that activate yeast infection in the body are due to the use of antibiotics and other medications, steroids and even contraceptive pills.
This also stipulates the need for physicians to formulate ways to eradicate this condition. This calls for oral medications like prescribed and other over the counter drugs. The need to eliminate the infection calls for finding ways to determine the major cause of the ailment and search for means on how to cure it.
Thus, it would be vital to identify the root cause of yeast infection. There are some people who chose yeast infection creams or tablets prescribed by doctors. However, there are still a great number of people who are left unsatisfied by the effects of these creams.
A lot of people who suffer from the uncomfortable and uneasiness of yeast infection after a series of treatment are still seeking for other alternative solution only to find out in the end that it didn't seem to work out. Apart from all the physical issues, vaginal yeast infection sufferers also faced the dilemma of emotional problems. Women sufferers are extra cautious when they are with their partners especially when intimate moments occur. They lack confidence due to the distinct smell accompanied by pain they are experiencing.
At present, women sufferers need not worry too much for there are already known cures especially formulated for yeast infection stricken people. There is a real method for curing yeast infection the natural way. This calls for natural remedies which will definitely be the answer to your never ending quest of finding for the right and perfect medication. These are methods that have been created through series of research and with the inspiration of a lot of women suffering from this kind of disease. Now, this can boost the idea of having to go back to a normal and promising life with your partner and family.
To learn more about symptoms of yeast infection, including yeast infection treatment, visit where we provide ultimate tips and much more, free of charge.
Once you are infected by the Candida, this would increase and develop the risk of symptoms of yeast infection. This doesn't only include major health problems but also the psychological, mental, a person's lifestyle and other external elements. The risk of Candida is mainly caused by the internal hormonal imbalance happening inside the body system.
Yeast infection often occurs in the form of vaginal discharge and when Candida develops into yeast to fungus, the root structures will start to flourish and attack the intestinal walls.
Infections caused by yeast can hamper a person's lifestyle resulting to excessive stress, inability during intercourse, and even the types of clothing can trigger the risk and presence of Candida. Also, some of the major indications that activate yeast infection in the body are due to the use of antibiotics and other medications, steroids and even contraceptive pills.
This also stipulates the need for physicians to formulate ways to eradicate this condition. This calls for oral medications like prescribed and other over the counter drugs. The need to eliminate the infection calls for finding ways to determine the major cause of the ailment and search for means on how to cure it.
Thus, it would be vital to identify the root cause of yeast infection. There are some people who chose yeast infection creams or tablets prescribed by doctors. However, there are still a great number of people who are left unsatisfied by the effects of these creams.
A lot of people who suffer from the uncomfortable and uneasiness of yeast infection after a series of treatment are still seeking for other alternative solution only to find out in the end that it didn't seem to work out. Apart from all the physical issues, vaginal yeast infection sufferers also faced the dilemma of emotional problems. Women sufferers are extra cautious when they are with their partners especially when intimate moments occur. They lack confidence due to the distinct smell accompanied by pain they are experiencing.
At present, women sufferers need not worry too much for there are already known cures especially formulated for yeast infection stricken people. There is a real method for curing yeast infection the natural way. This calls for natural remedies which will definitely be the answer to your never ending quest of finding for the right and perfect medication. These are methods that have been created through series of research and with the inspiration of a lot of women suffering from this kind of disease. Now, this can boost the idea of having to go back to a normal and promising life with your partner and family.
To learn more about symptoms of yeast infection, including yeast infection treatment, visit where we provide ultimate tips and much more, free of charge.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Hidden Truth About Vaginal Yeast Infection Cause
Yeast infection is just one of various kinds of infection to invade the vagina and the vulva (the area surrounding the vagina) causing the often noted symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. It is also referred to as Candida, Monilia and Thrush.
In fact, there are three types of Vaginitis (the general medical term referring to infections of the vagina):
1) Trichomoniasis: when protozoa acting as parasites generate the infection of the vagina
2) Bacterial vaginosis: a condition of vaginal infection, the majority is sexually transmitted and the result of bacteria
3) Yeast infection (candidiasis): yeasty microbes known as Candida albicans are responsible for the vaginal infection in this case.
Candida is typically resident in our gut, throat, mouth and genitourinary complexes and is naturally present in the bowels (in particular, Candida Albicans, a fungal yeast-like organism).
Candida characteristics include identifying and eliminating bacteria and other disease-inducing microorganisms in the bowels. Candida albicans can be beneficial in its ability to defend our gut from other bacterial threats.
If our inner body mechanisms regulate the balance correctly between acid and alkali, our immune system is sufficiently robust and the friendly probiotic bacteria outweigh the Candida organisms (probiotic or friendly bacteria include L. salivarius, B. bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus). Thus, in our intestines, Candida is restricted to the right level. In a healthy state, a human being can be host to millions of Candida microbes that are in fact of inner benefit.
The catastrophic context for Candida yeast overpopulation occurs, however, when a weakened immune system, a diminution of friendly bacteria or toxicity or acidity in the blood conspires against our internal system.
These factors and cofactors encourage Candida overpopulation and are also causal in degrading an already initiated yeast infection. Like other health problems, candidiasis is caused by a number of primary and secondary considerations and also the relationship between them.
These factors directly or indirectly form the environment in which Candida multiplies without bounds to cause a range of common symptoms of yeast infection; they include psychological, mental, lifestyle and external elements as well.
Candida albicans mutate from simple, non-threatening yeast form to a form of mycelial fungus that travels through the rest of the body. Candida Overpopulation is really a phenomenon caused by internal imbalance.
The conditions which run from the annoying to high risk include the leaky gut syndrome, nutrient incompatibility, rashes, brain fog and irritation, itchiness, swollenness, inflamed areas and white vaginal discharge (vaginal candidiasis). This is because when Candida changes in form from yeast to fungus, root structures called rhizoids begin to grow and dig into the intestinal walls piecing holes. Yeast, toxic debris, bacteria and undigested food can then enter the blood circulation.
Chiefly responsible in Candida yeast infection overpopulation are:
o Substandard dietary selections and incorrect acid-alkali balance in the gut
o Diminution in beneficial probiotic bacteria
o A depressed immune system
o Increased toxicity in the intestinal tract
These 4 items create the degraded environment for Candida Albicans to multiply and evolve from yeast to fungus, with the concomitant symptoms such as yeast infection.
Lifestyle considerations such as stress, sexual habits, cleanliness, and even the kind of clothes that you wear can also accelerate a Candida condition that has already begun. Hormones out of balance, (during menstruation is one example), use of antibiotics, prescribed medication, steroids and contraceptive pills can also launch attacks of yeast infection.
This also explains the problems that physicians have to get rid of this recurring medical condition using prescribed and over the counter drugs. Candidiasis and one of its most common variants, vaginal yeast infection, is primarily an internal problem brought on by two or more factors and therefore very problematical to resolve.
To eradicate the problem at the base, instead of only treating the symptoms of the problem (how the infected parts appear externally) requires a holistic multidimensional approach. It is a fact as well that every health problem including vaginal yeast infection has such a multi-dimensional aspect.
Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Linda Allen's Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Vaginal Yeast Infection
In fact, there are three types of Vaginitis (the general medical term referring to infections of the vagina):
1) Trichomoniasis: when protozoa acting as parasites generate the infection of the vagina
2) Bacterial vaginosis: a condition of vaginal infection, the majority is sexually transmitted and the result of bacteria
3) Yeast infection (candidiasis): yeasty microbes known as Candida albicans are responsible for the vaginal infection in this case.
Candida is typically resident in our gut, throat, mouth and genitourinary complexes and is naturally present in the bowels (in particular, Candida Albicans, a fungal yeast-like organism).
Candida characteristics include identifying and eliminating bacteria and other disease-inducing microorganisms in the bowels. Candida albicans can be beneficial in its ability to defend our gut from other bacterial threats.
If our inner body mechanisms regulate the balance correctly between acid and alkali, our immune system is sufficiently robust and the friendly probiotic bacteria outweigh the Candida organisms (probiotic or friendly bacteria include L. salivarius, B. bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus). Thus, in our intestines, Candida is restricted to the right level. In a healthy state, a human being can be host to millions of Candida microbes that are in fact of inner benefit.
The catastrophic context for Candida yeast overpopulation occurs, however, when a weakened immune system, a diminution of friendly bacteria or toxicity or acidity in the blood conspires against our internal system.
These factors and cofactors encourage Candida overpopulation and are also causal in degrading an already initiated yeast infection. Like other health problems, candidiasis is caused by a number of primary and secondary considerations and also the relationship between them.
These factors directly or indirectly form the environment in which Candida multiplies without bounds to cause a range of common symptoms of yeast infection; they include psychological, mental, lifestyle and external elements as well.
Candida albicans mutate from simple, non-threatening yeast form to a form of mycelial fungus that travels through the rest of the body. Candida Overpopulation is really a phenomenon caused by internal imbalance.
The conditions which run from the annoying to high risk include the leaky gut syndrome, nutrient incompatibility, rashes, brain fog and irritation, itchiness, swollenness, inflamed areas and white vaginal discharge (vaginal candidiasis). This is because when Candida changes in form from yeast to fungus, root structures called rhizoids begin to grow and dig into the intestinal walls piecing holes. Yeast, toxic debris, bacteria and undigested food can then enter the blood circulation.
Chiefly responsible in Candida yeast infection overpopulation are:
o Substandard dietary selections and incorrect acid-alkali balance in the gut
o Diminution in beneficial probiotic bacteria
o A depressed immune system
o Increased toxicity in the intestinal tract
These 4 items create the degraded environment for Candida Albicans to multiply and evolve from yeast to fungus, with the concomitant symptoms such as yeast infection.
Lifestyle considerations such as stress, sexual habits, cleanliness, and even the kind of clothes that you wear can also accelerate a Candida condition that has already begun. Hormones out of balance, (during menstruation is one example), use of antibiotics, prescribed medication, steroids and contraceptive pills can also launch attacks of yeast infection.
This also explains the problems that physicians have to get rid of this recurring medical condition using prescribed and over the counter drugs. Candidiasis and one of its most common variants, vaginal yeast infection, is primarily an internal problem brought on by two or more factors and therefore very problematical to resolve.
To eradicate the problem at the base, instead of only treating the symptoms of the problem (how the infected parts appear externally) requires a holistic multidimensional approach. It is a fact as well that every health problem including vaginal yeast infection has such a multi-dimensional aspect.
Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Linda Allen's Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Vaginal Yeast Infection
Friday, December 9, 2011
The Main Causes of Yeast Infections in Men and Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection
Generally, it is believed that only women are prone to yeast infections but it is not true. Both men and women suffer with it equally. The men engaged in homosexual activities are more prone to yeast infections. Candida albicans as well as other kinds of yeast may develop in rectum or mouth. Sometimes, yeast like other organisms which can't be called sexually transmitted infections, also grow in the body due to imbalance of body functions. Infection is a common type of vaginal infection. Sometimes yeast infections (YI) in men are observed from their sex partners.
YI in men occur due to various reasons. If you know the primary cause of your yeast infection you can treat YI in more easy way. This article is aimed to make you familiar with the prime causes and symptoms of it.
A woman suffering with this infection may transmit the infection to her sex partner especially during unprotected sexual intercourse. Prolonged use of certain antiobiotics may cause yeast infection in penis because certain antiobiotics kill those bacteria also that control the formation of yeast Men suffering with diabetes are more prone to a YI. Some men use nonoxynol-9 lubricated condoms. Regular use of these condoms may develop infections.
To know the symptoms of infection is as important as is to know the causes of it. Men suffering with yeast infection feel soreness and irritation at the head of penis. Men suffering with it feel blisters and itchy reddish bumps on the head of penis. Regular or frequent discharge of white secretion is also a common symptom of it. A YI can also be detected by the smell of yeast.
Though there are various kinds of the over-the-counter medication available in the market but even then it is better consult your doctor. Yeast infections in men reoccur, if these are not treated completely. Reoccurrence of a YI may affect sexual life significantly.
It is said that prevention is always better than treatment. Balance diet at right time, drinking water in adequate quantity, good sleep everyday and cleanliness of inner garments etc help you to keep yeast infection away.
I too was suffering with yeast infection One day I came to know about this site and you wouldn't believe that the tips provided on this site helped me to cure yeast infection myself without paying regular visits to my doctor. So, if you too want to get rid of yeast infections in men of course, please visit:
YI in men occur due to various reasons. If you know the primary cause of your yeast infection you can treat YI in more easy way. This article is aimed to make you familiar with the prime causes and symptoms of it.
A woman suffering with this infection may transmit the infection to her sex partner especially during unprotected sexual intercourse. Prolonged use of certain antiobiotics may cause yeast infection in penis because certain antiobiotics kill those bacteria also that control the formation of yeast Men suffering with diabetes are more prone to a YI. Some men use nonoxynol-9 lubricated condoms. Regular use of these condoms may develop infections.
To know the symptoms of infection is as important as is to know the causes of it. Men suffering with yeast infection feel soreness and irritation at the head of penis. Men suffering with it feel blisters and itchy reddish bumps on the head of penis. Regular or frequent discharge of white secretion is also a common symptom of it. A YI can also be detected by the smell of yeast.
Though there are various kinds of the over-the-counter medication available in the market but even then it is better consult your doctor. Yeast infections in men reoccur, if these are not treated completely. Reoccurrence of a YI may affect sexual life significantly.
It is said that prevention is always better than treatment. Balance diet at right time, drinking water in adequate quantity, good sleep everyday and cleanliness of inner garments etc help you to keep yeast infection away.
I too was suffering with yeast infection One day I came to know about this site and you wouldn't believe that the tips provided on this site helped me to cure yeast infection myself without paying regular visits to my doctor. So, if you too want to get rid of yeast infections in men of course, please visit:
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Ways For Treating Chronic Yeast Infections
There are several different types of yeast infections that one can actually suffer from but they all have different levels of severity. Those people who suffer from chronic yeast infections will discover that their problems will be reoccurring on a regular basis. As well as these infections affecting the skin, they can also affect the throat and mouth, the area surrounding the groin and the gastrointestinal tract. Plus young children who wear diapers on a regular basis are much more prone to suffering from this kind of infection in its chronic form around the area where the diaper is worn.
Experts have agreed that around 75% of all women will suffer from some form of yeast infection as some stage in their lives. But it is not only something that women are prone to suffering from, young children and also men can be affected by the condition as well. In men it generally affects the groin area and medical experts will refer to is a male yeast infection. Those who suffer from it within the groin area should abstain from any form of sexual contact whilst be treated for the infection. This is because it can easily be transmitted to another person and they will then need to undergo treatment as well. So you should seek medical attention if you feel you may be suffering from this type of infection. Also if at any time you or your partner suffer from chronic yeast infections you should abstain from sexual contact until treatment has been successfully completed.
If you find that the thrush (yeast infection) you have in your mouth and throat is reoccurring, then you doctor will prescribe some type of antifungal mouth rinse, lozenges or tablets for treating chronic yeast infections. It is also important that whilst treatment is ongoing that you purchase a new tooth brush, plus once treatment has been successfully completed you then purchase another new toothbrush. By doing this you will actually prevent the yeast infection from being introduced back into your mouth again.
Should you have a child who has developed chronic yeast infections of the mouth or throat they should be prescribed with some type of medication. Plus as mentioned above it is important that you replace their toothbrush both during and after treatment has been carried out. Also you it is crucial that you sterilize, wash with hot soapy water or replace those toys or items which they like to chew on or place in their mouths.
Along with chronic yeast infections of the groin, mouth and throat area a lot of people will find that they suffer from it on their skin. The most likely places you are to find it are under the arms, under or on your breasts or in skin folds as this provides the warm moist environment that yeast likes to grow in. When suffering from chronic yeast infections of the skin is that you make sure that you keep the area affected as dry as possible. Wearing loose fitting cotton clothing can help with this.
If you choose to wear tight fitting or materials made from synthetic products it will only cause you to sweat more and this will provide the ideal breeding ground (moist and warm) in which chronic yeast infections thrive. Should you happen to suffer from any chronic yeast infections around the skin folds then it may be worthwhile using a antifungal powder rather than cream. The powder is able to not only treat the condition, but also prevent the buildup of sweat in the area.
It does not matter what types of chronic yeast infections you are dealing with, there are plenty of medical studies which show that eating yogurt that contains active cultures, are extremely effective at helping to prevent yeast infections. Especially if they are eating on a daily basis. So if you haven't then why not start including one of the many active culture yogurts available into your diet each day.
Something else which is proving to be beneficial for people who suffer from chronic yeast infections is their intake of probiotics. These are live micro-organisms that are very similar to the active cultures we discussed above found in yogurt. They work by helping to regulate the levels of all micro-organisms in the body and this in turn can help to bring any types of chronic yeast infections under control.
If you find that you have chronic yeast infections in or on any parts of your body it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible. They will be quickly able to evaluate the severity of yours and then prescribe the best course of treatment for it.
Above we have provided some helpful information for dealing with chronic yeast infections. If you would like to discover more about ways of treating yeast infections then please visit The Holistic Blog [] by clicking on the link here.
Experts have agreed that around 75% of all women will suffer from some form of yeast infection as some stage in their lives. But it is not only something that women are prone to suffering from, young children and also men can be affected by the condition as well. In men it generally affects the groin area and medical experts will refer to is a male yeast infection. Those who suffer from it within the groin area should abstain from any form of sexual contact whilst be treated for the infection. This is because it can easily be transmitted to another person and they will then need to undergo treatment as well. So you should seek medical attention if you feel you may be suffering from this type of infection. Also if at any time you or your partner suffer from chronic yeast infections you should abstain from sexual contact until treatment has been successfully completed.
If you find that the thrush (yeast infection) you have in your mouth and throat is reoccurring, then you doctor will prescribe some type of antifungal mouth rinse, lozenges or tablets for treating chronic yeast infections. It is also important that whilst treatment is ongoing that you purchase a new tooth brush, plus once treatment has been successfully completed you then purchase another new toothbrush. By doing this you will actually prevent the yeast infection from being introduced back into your mouth again.
Should you have a child who has developed chronic yeast infections of the mouth or throat they should be prescribed with some type of medication. Plus as mentioned above it is important that you replace their toothbrush both during and after treatment has been carried out. Also you it is crucial that you sterilize, wash with hot soapy water or replace those toys or items which they like to chew on or place in their mouths.
Along with chronic yeast infections of the groin, mouth and throat area a lot of people will find that they suffer from it on their skin. The most likely places you are to find it are under the arms, under or on your breasts or in skin folds as this provides the warm moist environment that yeast likes to grow in. When suffering from chronic yeast infections of the skin is that you make sure that you keep the area affected as dry as possible. Wearing loose fitting cotton clothing can help with this.
If you choose to wear tight fitting or materials made from synthetic products it will only cause you to sweat more and this will provide the ideal breeding ground (moist and warm) in which chronic yeast infections thrive. Should you happen to suffer from any chronic yeast infections around the skin folds then it may be worthwhile using a antifungal powder rather than cream. The powder is able to not only treat the condition, but also prevent the buildup of sweat in the area.
It does not matter what types of chronic yeast infections you are dealing with, there are plenty of medical studies which show that eating yogurt that contains active cultures, are extremely effective at helping to prevent yeast infections. Especially if they are eating on a daily basis. So if you haven't then why not start including one of the many active culture yogurts available into your diet each day.
Something else which is proving to be beneficial for people who suffer from chronic yeast infections is their intake of probiotics. These are live micro-organisms that are very similar to the active cultures we discussed above found in yogurt. They work by helping to regulate the levels of all micro-organisms in the body and this in turn can help to bring any types of chronic yeast infections under control.
If you find that you have chronic yeast infections in or on any parts of your body it is important to visit your doctor as soon as possible. They will be quickly able to evaluate the severity of yours and then prescribe the best course of treatment for it.
Above we have provided some helpful information for dealing with chronic yeast infections. If you would like to discover more about ways of treating yeast infections then please visit The Holistic Blog [] by clicking on the link here.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Whittling Down The Odds Of Yeast Infection In Men
We all know the old adage; "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", but when it comes to yeast infection in a man, those truly are words of wisdom. As ridiculous as it sounds, it is true that even men can be struck down with Candida infection symptoms just like any female can.
Sadly, unlike women, men do not have the vast range of products to help combat and cure a Candida yeast infection like women do. Since vaginal infections are so common, they have rightfully warranted a massive line of medication; meanwhile the occasional penile yeast infection, as rare as it is, has not yet earned its own shelf in many local drug stores. This lack of availability leaves men affected with yeast infections little choice in having to take risky prescription that in reality may or may not work, and quite possibly turn a minor male yeast infection symptom into a recurring infection.
This prospect alone should be enough for most men to take up yeast infection prevention, but with the statistics as they are, most men do not even think about it, or even worse, do not even know it is possible for a yeast infection to occur in a man. Unfortunately, too many men play this dangerous game of chance, thinking that the Candida fungus could never prey on them, leaving them totally unprepared for when the unthinkable happens.
Once a infection in man has occurred, it is not just a simple procedure of finding and applying a cure. As the ailment is uncommon, treatment to can be sometimes hard to find. Also, since the manifestation of yeast infection symptoms in man may not be noticed until a severe yeast infection has developed, the remedies effectiveness may fall short as there is never any guarantee that medical treatment will come through time after time. These instances show that old adage, though sensible, is actually flawed. There are times when no weight of cure will make up for a mere ounce of prevention. Sadly once a yeast infection in man reaches this point, there is no turning back.
This is the exact reason that men, even more so than women, need to practice infection prevention. The preventative measures one can take against yeast infection in man are easy and value awareness more than any actual effort. Ranging from practicing safe sex to reading up on yeast infections in man and understanding their causes and symptoms, these prevention methods are easy and effective. Besides learning how to cure a yeast infection naturally, these steps can also be beneficial in the sense that they enhance the body's immune system to fight against all forms of infection.
With all things considered, yeast infection in man is not something that should be overlooked. Even though the odds are slim, ones time is better spent preventing yeast infections in man and learning how to deal with the infection, should he get infected.
Yeast infections never "just go away". Click here to discover the best ways to cure yeast infection in man forever. Go to
Sadly, unlike women, men do not have the vast range of products to help combat and cure a Candida yeast infection like women do. Since vaginal infections are so common, they have rightfully warranted a massive line of medication; meanwhile the occasional penile yeast infection, as rare as it is, has not yet earned its own shelf in many local drug stores. This lack of availability leaves men affected with yeast infections little choice in having to take risky prescription that in reality may or may not work, and quite possibly turn a minor male yeast infection symptom into a recurring infection.
This prospect alone should be enough for most men to take up yeast infection prevention, but with the statistics as they are, most men do not even think about it, or even worse, do not even know it is possible for a yeast infection to occur in a man. Unfortunately, too many men play this dangerous game of chance, thinking that the Candida fungus could never prey on them, leaving them totally unprepared for when the unthinkable happens.
Once a infection in man has occurred, it is not just a simple procedure of finding and applying a cure. As the ailment is uncommon, treatment to can be sometimes hard to find. Also, since the manifestation of yeast infection symptoms in man may not be noticed until a severe yeast infection has developed, the remedies effectiveness may fall short as there is never any guarantee that medical treatment will come through time after time. These instances show that old adage, though sensible, is actually flawed. There are times when no weight of cure will make up for a mere ounce of prevention. Sadly once a yeast infection in man reaches this point, there is no turning back.
This is the exact reason that men, even more so than women, need to practice infection prevention. The preventative measures one can take against yeast infection in man are easy and value awareness more than any actual effort. Ranging from practicing safe sex to reading up on yeast infections in man and understanding their causes and symptoms, these prevention methods are easy and effective. Besides learning how to cure a yeast infection naturally, these steps can also be beneficial in the sense that they enhance the body's immune system to fight against all forms of infection.
With all things considered, yeast infection in man is not something that should be overlooked. Even though the odds are slim, ones time is better spent preventing yeast infections in man and learning how to deal with the infection, should he get infected.
Yeast infections never "just go away". Click here to discover the best ways to cure yeast infection in man forever. Go to
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Why You Get Yeast Infections During Pregnancy
It is quite normal for everyone to have some level of yeast in their body systems. However there is an increased chance of women suffering from yeast infections when pregnant. The reason for this is because when a woman gets pregnant, there is an increased chance of the occurrence of an imbalance in yeast levels in the body. This in turn occurs because of the changes that take place in the woman's body.
In fact, it has been found that about 15% of pregnant women usually suffer from some form of yeast infection in their pregnancies. The changes that take place in a pregnant woman's body are mainly due to the increase in the level of estrogen hormone in the body. There are also other chemical and hormonal changes that take place in the woman's body during pregnancy.
Increased sugar in pregnant women's vaginal secretions triggers yeast infections
One important change that takes place in a pregnant woman is that pregnant women usually have more sugar in their vaginal secretions. This increased sugar provides the yeast in the body with more of substance for the yeast to feed on. This in turn leads to a cyclic imbalance in the vaginal area which once again leads to an increase of the fungus in the vagina. And all this is what starts a vaginal yeast infection in a pregnant woman.
However there is not much to worry about if you suffer from a yeast infection during pregnancy as this yeast infection does not in any way increase the risk of suffering from other pregnancy problems like pre-term labor, birth defects or low birth weight.
There is no difference in the symptoms of a yeast infection in a woman, whether pregnant or not. The usual symptoms of a yeast infection are painful urination, itching, burning, vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse.
However pregnant women have to be on guard, and consult a doctor when they notice any symptoms of yeast infections. This is because when a woman is pregnant, it is important that treatment for the yeast infection start immediately, for timely cure from the infection.
Yeast infections are harder to treat in pregnant women
This is because yeast infections in pregnancy are generally harder to treat, and cure than in any other instance in a woman's life. And if the infection is not treated in the beginning, there will not be much that the doctor can do as it is not that safe to take too many medications when pregnant as some medications have contraindications on the developing fetus.
The best treatment option for yeast infections when pregnant is the use of vaginal suppositories. There are some brands that are available as a single dose treatment, and are available over the counter. Sometimes oral prescriptions may be required to treat the yeast infection. However it is important that you take what the doctor prescribes, to ensure that it is safe for you and the baby, and has no side effects whatsoever.
Emily Omay is an expert on yeast infection. Visit her site RIGHT NOW for the best natural cure for yeast infection you will ever see. If you want to know how to cure yeast infection, Emily can help you out.
In fact, it has been found that about 15% of pregnant women usually suffer from some form of yeast infection in their pregnancies. The changes that take place in a pregnant woman's body are mainly due to the increase in the level of estrogen hormone in the body. There are also other chemical and hormonal changes that take place in the woman's body during pregnancy.
Increased sugar in pregnant women's vaginal secretions triggers yeast infections
One important change that takes place in a pregnant woman is that pregnant women usually have more sugar in their vaginal secretions. This increased sugar provides the yeast in the body with more of substance for the yeast to feed on. This in turn leads to a cyclic imbalance in the vaginal area which once again leads to an increase of the fungus in the vagina. And all this is what starts a vaginal yeast infection in a pregnant woman.
However there is not much to worry about if you suffer from a yeast infection during pregnancy as this yeast infection does not in any way increase the risk of suffering from other pregnancy problems like pre-term labor, birth defects or low birth weight.
There is no difference in the symptoms of a yeast infection in a woman, whether pregnant or not. The usual symptoms of a yeast infection are painful urination, itching, burning, vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse.
However pregnant women have to be on guard, and consult a doctor when they notice any symptoms of yeast infections. This is because when a woman is pregnant, it is important that treatment for the yeast infection start immediately, for timely cure from the infection.
Yeast infections are harder to treat in pregnant women
This is because yeast infections in pregnancy are generally harder to treat, and cure than in any other instance in a woman's life. And if the infection is not treated in the beginning, there will not be much that the doctor can do as it is not that safe to take too many medications when pregnant as some medications have contraindications on the developing fetus.
The best treatment option for yeast infections when pregnant is the use of vaginal suppositories. There are some brands that are available as a single dose treatment, and are available over the counter. Sometimes oral prescriptions may be required to treat the yeast infection. However it is important that you take what the doctor prescribes, to ensure that it is safe for you and the baby, and has no side effects whatsoever.
Emily Omay is an expert on yeast infection. Visit her site RIGHT NOW for the best natural cure for yeast infection you will ever see. If you want to know how to cure yeast infection, Emily can help you out.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Yeast Infection - How to Solve Your Horrible Problem Today!
Everywhere you turn on the internet you will find numerous yeast infection relief remedies. These remedies will attempt to cure yeast infections, but do they truly work?
Finding random information on the internet can cause you severe health problems and side effects because anyone could make up random information instead of getting it from a trusted source.
Some of these relief remedies might work, while others might not. Some people try treating their infection with hydrogen peroxide and even use white vinegar.
These methods do indeed work well; you just need to know how to use them properly and safely.
Yeast infections hurt and cause a lot of harm to our bodies. When you develop a yeast infection your first goal should be to get it removed ASAP before you damage your body further.
If you don't know what yeast infections are, let me quickly explain.
A yeast infection is a fungus that can overgrow and take over our systems causing so much devastation if not treated properly. Yeast infections can overgrow due to factors that include birth control pills, antibiotics, and steroids. It can also overgrow by using certain foods such as foods loaded with sugar and drinks such as beer.
Many women develop them while pregnant. This is very common because a women's body is going through many hormonal changes. Yeast infections feed off of hormonal changes. If you are pregnant don't be alarmed! There are plenty of treatments that will get rid of it in no time at all.
Symptoms for yeast infections include the following for women:
-Soreness around the vagina
-pain during sex and urinating
-white discharge
Symptoms for yeast infections include the following for men (penis foreskin pain yeast infection):
-white patches
-discomfort and discharge during sex
If you are experiencing any of these problems you need to fight the yeast infection right away and stop it in its tracks! The first thing you need to do is NOT take over-the-counter medication due to the fact that it will only fight parts of the yeast infection, not help fight problems in your ENTIRE body.
You can start off by going to the fridge and eating yogurt. Yogurt will keep a balance of the bacteria in the body helping get rid of unwanted numbers of yeast.
Other home remedies that truly work are garlic, oregano oil, vinegar, and even boric acid. I have been using all natural remedies containing no harmful chemicals and drugs every time I get a yeast infection for years.
I prefer it over all other over-the-counter medication simply because I can find it right in my own house and
it doesn't contain harmful chemicals that will also cause additional health problems such as liver disease and high blood pressure. I want you to have the same relief of yeast infections that I had, so please only use all natural remedies to yeast infections. I wish you the best of luck in curing your harmful yeast infection right away!
Angela Jennings is an avid health researcher who has come up with a proven natural, safe, and drug free cure for yeast infection. She has helped people all over the world permanently stop their chronic yeast infections. Learn more about Angela Jennings methods by visiting
Finding random information on the internet can cause you severe health problems and side effects because anyone could make up random information instead of getting it from a trusted source.
Some of these relief remedies might work, while others might not. Some people try treating their infection with hydrogen peroxide and even use white vinegar.
These methods do indeed work well; you just need to know how to use them properly and safely.
Yeast infections hurt and cause a lot of harm to our bodies. When you develop a yeast infection your first goal should be to get it removed ASAP before you damage your body further.
If you don't know what yeast infections are, let me quickly explain.
A yeast infection is a fungus that can overgrow and take over our systems causing so much devastation if not treated properly. Yeast infections can overgrow due to factors that include birth control pills, antibiotics, and steroids. It can also overgrow by using certain foods such as foods loaded with sugar and drinks such as beer.
Many women develop them while pregnant. This is very common because a women's body is going through many hormonal changes. Yeast infections feed off of hormonal changes. If you are pregnant don't be alarmed! There are plenty of treatments that will get rid of it in no time at all.
Symptoms for yeast infections include the following for women:
-Soreness around the vagina
-pain during sex and urinating
-white discharge
Symptoms for yeast infections include the following for men (penis foreskin pain yeast infection):
-white patches
-discomfort and discharge during sex
If you are experiencing any of these problems you need to fight the yeast infection right away and stop it in its tracks! The first thing you need to do is NOT take over-the-counter medication due to the fact that it will only fight parts of the yeast infection, not help fight problems in your ENTIRE body.
You can start off by going to the fridge and eating yogurt. Yogurt will keep a balance of the bacteria in the body helping get rid of unwanted numbers of yeast.
Other home remedies that truly work are garlic, oregano oil, vinegar, and even boric acid. I have been using all natural remedies containing no harmful chemicals and drugs every time I get a yeast infection for years.
I prefer it over all other over-the-counter medication simply because I can find it right in my own house and
it doesn't contain harmful chemicals that will also cause additional health problems such as liver disease and high blood pressure. I want you to have the same relief of yeast infections that I had, so please only use all natural remedies to yeast infections. I wish you the best of luck in curing your harmful yeast infection right away!
Angela Jennings is an avid health researcher who has come up with a proven natural, safe, and drug free cure for yeast infection. She has helped people all over the world permanently stop their chronic yeast infections. Learn more about Angela Jennings methods by visiting
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