Yeast infection occurrences seem to be on the rise. Many people may think this condition is one that is limited mostly to women. But men, babies, and even the elderly suffer yeast infections. The symptoms these people suffer are also every bit as painful and annoying as they are for women.
Most people seek out or are prescribed an anti-fungal medication. These typically come in pill form or creams that are applied to the affected areas. Many women will also try antibiotic suppositories. These medication may works short term. But they carry the risk of side effects. They also only address the symptoms, not the underlying cause of yeast infections.
But what many people don't realize is that there are natural remedies that treat current yeast infections just as well medications, if not better. They also carry no risk of side effects. But most importantly, they provide the means to permanently cure yeast infections.
Yeast Infection Defined
Yeast overgrowing in the body causes a yeast infection. Yeast in normally found on the skin, mouth, vagina, and penis. So, these are the areas where yeast infections occur.
Yeast Infection Causes
o High acid levels in the vagina typically keep yeast in check. However, this level can be decreased by menstruation, diabetes, use of birth control, and antibiotics. This creates an ideal environment for the yeast to colonize, multiply, and grow exponentially.
o Wearing clothes that trap heat and moisture can also bring on yeast infections. Synthetic fibers in nylons and underwear should be avoided for this reason. The heat and moisture provide another ideal environment for yeast infections to develop.
o Yeast infections have a lot to do with pH balance in the body. Yeast is a natural component of every body. When the acidic pH level of body is lowered, yeast infections can occur. The pH level is regulated by the body's immune system. The most important factor for keeping your immune system in a healthy balance is eating a proper diet. 6.4 is the pH level of a healthy body. This is measured by examining either urine or saliva. The further you get away from the 6.4 level, either up or down, the greater the likelihood for disease and sickness such as yeast infection.
o One of the largest contributors to unbalanced pH levels is stress. Fatigue is another. Other factors that affect pH readings are obesity and the use of antibiotics and birth control.
Yeast Infection Treatments
o Eat plenty of yogurt. Or eat curds or drink milk that contains healthy bacteria known as acidophilus.
o Use tea tree oil, garlic, or grapefruit sections as a vaginal suppository. All of these contain powerful anti-fungal agents to get your yeast infection under control. They also provide relief for the symptoms.
o Colloidal silver is a mineral that is known for being effective in eliminating 100's of diseases.
o Wash and dry thoroughly after showering.
o Wear loose clothing.
o Cut sugar out your diet as much as possible.
Yeast Infection Treatment Don'ts
There is quite a bit of information out there, so here is a list of what not to do. If you have heard otherwise with anything on this list, at least take my word of warning and do some further checking on your own.
o Don't use Echinacea to treat the yeast infection. This may work well when taken orally for colds. But if taken vaginally, it will cause severe and painful burning.
o Don't use baking soda. Baking soda's high pH level will actually cause the yeast to grow more.
o Don't douche. This decreases healthy and normal secretions from the vagina.
o Don't use bleach! Bleach can severely burn and scar vaginal tissue.
If you have suffered more than a few yeast infections, it makes quite a bit of sense to try a more natural remedy. By understanding how yeast is actually formed and kept in check in your body, you are then able to uncover methods that will keep yourself in a state of healthy balance. This is the path that leads to a lifetime free of future yeast infections.
If you're tired of the burning, itching, and swelling, and want a fast, safe, and PERMANENT Yeast Infection Cure, all you have to do is Click Here!
Learn the info and how to cure your yeast infection and end your candida related symptoms
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Yeast Infection - Effective Methods to Reduce Yeast Infections
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Yeast Infection - Men Suffer From Yeast Infections Too!
We normally think of women with yeast infection. Men, however, suffer from yeast infections too.
Particularly distressing are penile and oral yeast infections. The first because of the discomfort and its impact on sex, and the second because it's more visible and embarrassing.
There's another aspect to male yeast infection. Men often don't show any obvious symptoms right away. This can cause problems during sex, where the man can transfer the infection to his partner without being aware he even has the condition. Here you'll discover the symptoms, causes and treatment for yeast infection in men.
Penile Yeast Infection Symptoms
* red and inflamed tip
* dry, flaky skin
* ulcer-like spots over tip
* burning sensation when urinating
* difficulty having sex
* unusual discharge
* itching
Oral Yeast Infection Symptoms
* white / creamy raised spots over tongue and mucous membranes
* thick coating over tongue
* fissures in tongue under coating
* discomfort when swallowing
Causes of Yeast Infections
The cause of these symptoms is Candida Albicans which is a fungus that occurs quite naturally in your body. Your body's good bacteria normally takes care of things by keeping the Candida levels low. But their are some conditions that allow the Candida to overwhelm the good bacteria. When this happens, the result is a yeast infection. Men, remember, can have an infection without showing any symptoms for a time.
Here are just some of the conditions or situations that can help 'trigger' this; lowered immune system, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, using drugs too much, antibiotics, steroids overuse, poor nutrition, contraception.
Antifungal Treatment
Mainstream treatment is centered around drug-based anti-fungal topical creams etc., and liquid suspensions or pastilles for oral infections. And these can work quite well in getting rid of your local symptoms.
However, they can't address the root cause or any underlying conditions of your infection. Plus, the Candida fungus can become resistant to the drugs. The outcome can be nasty, recurring yeast infections. For a complete cure something else needs to be done.
Natural Remedies
These are on the increase for yeast infection. Men (and women) are seeking fast, permanent cures by cutting out expensive drug-based treatment in favour of completely natural remedies. This does away with the negative aspects of drugs.
A few typical home remedies are; cranberry juice, plain yogurt, garlic, herbs (consumed or applied), etc. An important aspect of treating yeast infections is your diet. You need to cut down or avoid high yeast foods.
Of course, there are tons of natural remedies available, some good, some not so good. To find the combination of remedies that's right for you, you need to do your research and use trial and error. It's a lot of work, but worth the effort in the end.
Natural Treatment System For Yeast Infection
Alternatively, you can take advantage of the hard work done by an ex-yeast infection sufferer and researcher, Sarah Summer. With her husband, also a researcher, she has produced a totally natural treatment system that has been proven to be very fast and effective. It has been successfully used by thousands of men and women around the world.
If you'd like to find out more about this system please go to now, and you could be free from yeast infection forever.
Particularly distressing are penile and oral yeast infections. The first because of the discomfort and its impact on sex, and the second because it's more visible and embarrassing.
There's another aspect to male yeast infection. Men often don't show any obvious symptoms right away. This can cause problems during sex, where the man can transfer the infection to his partner without being aware he even has the condition. Here you'll discover the symptoms, causes and treatment for yeast infection in men.
Penile Yeast Infection Symptoms
* red and inflamed tip
* dry, flaky skin
* ulcer-like spots over tip
* burning sensation when urinating
* difficulty having sex
* unusual discharge
* itching
Oral Yeast Infection Symptoms
* white / creamy raised spots over tongue and mucous membranes
* thick coating over tongue
* fissures in tongue under coating
* discomfort when swallowing
Causes of Yeast Infections
The cause of these symptoms is Candida Albicans which is a fungus that occurs quite naturally in your body. Your body's good bacteria normally takes care of things by keeping the Candida levels low. But their are some conditions that allow the Candida to overwhelm the good bacteria. When this happens, the result is a yeast infection. Men, remember, can have an infection without showing any symptoms for a time.
Here are just some of the conditions or situations that can help 'trigger' this; lowered immune system, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, using drugs too much, antibiotics, steroids overuse, poor nutrition, contraception.
Antifungal Treatment
Mainstream treatment is centered around drug-based anti-fungal topical creams etc., and liquid suspensions or pastilles for oral infections. And these can work quite well in getting rid of your local symptoms.
However, they can't address the root cause or any underlying conditions of your infection. Plus, the Candida fungus can become resistant to the drugs. The outcome can be nasty, recurring yeast infections. For a complete cure something else needs to be done.
Natural Remedies
These are on the increase for yeast infection. Men (and women) are seeking fast, permanent cures by cutting out expensive drug-based treatment in favour of completely natural remedies. This does away with the negative aspects of drugs.
A few typical home remedies are; cranberry juice, plain yogurt, garlic, herbs (consumed or applied), etc. An important aspect of treating yeast infections is your diet. You need to cut down or avoid high yeast foods.
Of course, there are tons of natural remedies available, some good, some not so good. To find the combination of remedies that's right for you, you need to do your research and use trial and error. It's a lot of work, but worth the effort in the end.
Natural Treatment System For Yeast Infection
Alternatively, you can take advantage of the hard work done by an ex-yeast infection sufferer and researcher, Sarah Summer. With her husband, also a researcher, she has produced a totally natural treatment system that has been proven to be very fast and effective. It has been successfully used by thousands of men and women around the world.
If you'd like to find out more about this system please go to now, and you could be free from yeast infection forever.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Yeast Infection - What is It?
Microscopic yeast or fungi cause a yeast infection when they multiply too quickly. Candida albicans is the most common form of the fungi and yeast. You may not know you have a problem until the candida yeast become so numerous that symptoms show up. Studies show that 80-90% of people in the USA have a yeast infection. The percentage is similar in other developed countries.
The vaginal infection is quite common and causes itching and pain, and usually a discharge.
Men, women and children can all get yeast infections anywhere on the body. Men can get a yeast infection in the genital area.
Babies' diaper rash is often a yeast infection.
Another symptom of yeast infections is a rash on the body of males and females of all ages.
A candida infection of the mouth, throat and tongue is painfully red covered with white curd-like spots.
Infections often also occur in moist warm areas such as underarms, in skin folds and under breasts.
It can also grow under the nails.
The diagnosis of candidiasis is often missed. If the yeast is not diagnosed or treated properly it can be dangerous. Left untreated, a yeast infection can spread and attach itself to the organs and vessels of the entire body. The yeast infection is likely to become chronic. You are most likely to get a systemic yeast infection if you have a chronically weakened immune system.
A yeast infection can also cause a host of less-obvious symptoms in the body. Do you have any of the following symptoms?
o Painful Sex or Sexual Dysfunction
o Vaginal Odor
o Premature Aging
o Leaky Gut Syndrome
o Vaginal Discharge
o Arthritis
o Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
o Depression or Mood Swings
o Chronic Rashes
o Weight Gain
o Tiredness or Fatigue
o Irritability
o Joint Pain or Swelling
o Feeling Run Down
o Digestive Pain
o Muscle Aches
o Short Attention Span
o Hand Pain
o Hip and Knee Pain
o Headaches or Migraines
o Acne
o Respiratory Infections
o Impotence
o Gas and Bloating
o Hypoglycemia
o Menstrual Pain
o Skin Lesions
o Shortness of Breath
o Food Allergies
o Learning and Memory Problems
o Eczema
o Jumpy Legs
o Blurred Vision
o Brain Fog
o Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
o Male Yeast Infection
o Yeast Infections in Your Toe or Fingernails
Having any of these symptoms does not mean that you definitely have a yeast infection. They may also be symptoms of other disorders. However, an all-natural, holistic approach will also cure those candidiasis problems.
When you simply treat the yeast infection with medication or natural remedies you don't get the longterm cure that's possible. So pills and creams from the pharmacy do usually take away the obvious symptoms for a while. But the symptoms will return.
Many people also get short-term relief with natural remedies. It is possible to change the inner environment of the body and be rid of the yeast infection for ever.
It's important to treat your yeast infection in the right way in order to cure it completely. My life has changed so much since I got rid of the yeast infection completely. For example, having good energy is wonderful! And it's fantastic not to itch and scratch any more.
Janet Jamieson suffered the pain and embarrassment of yeast infection for many years. She discovered natural, holistic ways to heal herself, and has now been totally free of yeast infection for nearly two years. Visit Janet's website at
The vaginal infection is quite common and causes itching and pain, and usually a discharge.
Men, women and children can all get yeast infections anywhere on the body. Men can get a yeast infection in the genital area.
Babies' diaper rash is often a yeast infection.
Another symptom of yeast infections is a rash on the body of males and females of all ages.
A candida infection of the mouth, throat and tongue is painfully red covered with white curd-like spots.
Infections often also occur in moist warm areas such as underarms, in skin folds and under breasts.
It can also grow under the nails.
The diagnosis of candidiasis is often missed. If the yeast is not diagnosed or treated properly it can be dangerous. Left untreated, a yeast infection can spread and attach itself to the organs and vessels of the entire body. The yeast infection is likely to become chronic. You are most likely to get a systemic yeast infection if you have a chronically weakened immune system.
A yeast infection can also cause a host of less-obvious symptoms in the body. Do you have any of the following symptoms?
o Painful Sex or Sexual Dysfunction
o Vaginal Odor
o Premature Aging
o Leaky Gut Syndrome
o Vaginal Discharge
o Arthritis
o Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
o Depression or Mood Swings
o Chronic Rashes
o Weight Gain
o Tiredness or Fatigue
o Irritability
o Joint Pain or Swelling
o Feeling Run Down
o Digestive Pain
o Muscle Aches
o Short Attention Span
o Hand Pain
o Hip and Knee Pain
o Headaches or Migraines
o Acne
o Respiratory Infections
o Impotence
o Gas and Bloating
o Hypoglycemia
o Menstrual Pain
o Skin Lesions
o Shortness of Breath
o Food Allergies
o Learning and Memory Problems
o Eczema
o Jumpy Legs
o Blurred Vision
o Brain Fog
o Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
o Male Yeast Infection
o Yeast Infections in Your Toe or Fingernails
Having any of these symptoms does not mean that you definitely have a yeast infection. They may also be symptoms of other disorders. However, an all-natural, holistic approach will also cure those candidiasis problems.
When you simply treat the yeast infection with medication or natural remedies you don't get the longterm cure that's possible. So pills and creams from the pharmacy do usually take away the obvious symptoms for a while. But the symptoms will return.
Many people also get short-term relief with natural remedies. It is possible to change the inner environment of the body and be rid of the yeast infection for ever.
It's important to treat your yeast infection in the right way in order to cure it completely. My life has changed so much since I got rid of the yeast infection completely. For example, having good energy is wonderful! And it's fantastic not to itch and scratch any more.
Janet Jamieson suffered the pain and embarrassment of yeast infection for many years. She discovered natural, holistic ways to heal herself, and has now been totally free of yeast infection for nearly two years. Visit Janet's website at
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Yeast Infection Causes - Natural Remedy For Male Yeast Infections
Yeast is a catalyst. It is yeast that leavens the dough of bread, it is yeast that ferments the beer and it is yeast that gives champagne its bubbly quality, these are the good yeasts, the super heroes in our lives. But there is another type of yeast that causes severe itching which could also be explained as an insane burning sensation and you might even worry that you got an STD all day.
It is the fungal infection at the tip of penis, called itchers and medically termed as balantis. White flaky parts are found at the tip of the penis which gives off a cheesy kind of smell, or the penis is swollen particularly after sex.
Among the 200 species associated with these fungi, only 25 yeast generally are infecting humans. The candida or the turf fighters are those fungi which affect the whole body. Too much intake of milk and other dairy products, taking too much caffeine, sugar, margarine and processed food are favorable for the development of yeast infection.
How do you know if you have "the killers?" Well the symptoms are easy to spot and require immediate attention. The candidema or the killers are the most fatal infections of all since the infection enters the blood stream and defeats the immune system of the body.
Male erection becomes painful as the skin of the penis cracks up. This yeast infection causes can be easily identified. More often the good bacteria ratio in your digestive system becomes unbalanced, allowing yeast fungi to thrive and spread to other parts of the body. Everyone can discover if he has the this infection by this symptom. They may either constipate or they expel loose bowels. Men get penis infection from sex or oral sex with women who are infected and anal sex with infected individual.
Change under clothing as often as possible. Some practitioners suggested that men who are trying to cure this infection with OTC medication should eat yogurt daily. Many antifungal treatments are available but some of them require prescription of a qualified doctor.
Besides anti-fungal medication, OTC prescribed by the doctor. There are natural anti-fungal products which were used with proven success. FDA approved some oral drugs that cure this infection without doctor's prescription.
You have already learned the yeast infection causes, now it is the time to cure it. The medical merit of unsweetened yogurt is taken for granted as it is highly rich in good bacteria that can kill the fungal infection. White vinegar has been pinpointed as an effective remedy. Violet is a natural, non-toxic liquid that treats skin irritation. Organic Mediterranean Oregano Oil is diluted with water can also be applied directly to the spot for relief.
In our times, better products and effective systems are introduced to cure this infection. Gratefully in our times, there are men and women who are inventing products that guarantee instant and permanent cure for this infection.
If You Would Like To Learn About Yeast Infection Causes & Cure then visit For Fast, Safe, Natural & Permanent Relief From Yeast Infection.
It is the fungal infection at the tip of penis, called itchers and medically termed as balantis. White flaky parts are found at the tip of the penis which gives off a cheesy kind of smell, or the penis is swollen particularly after sex.
Among the 200 species associated with these fungi, only 25 yeast generally are infecting humans. The candida or the turf fighters are those fungi which affect the whole body. Too much intake of milk and other dairy products, taking too much caffeine, sugar, margarine and processed food are favorable for the development of yeast infection.
How do you know if you have "the killers?" Well the symptoms are easy to spot and require immediate attention. The candidema or the killers are the most fatal infections of all since the infection enters the blood stream and defeats the immune system of the body.
Male erection becomes painful as the skin of the penis cracks up. This yeast infection causes can be easily identified. More often the good bacteria ratio in your digestive system becomes unbalanced, allowing yeast fungi to thrive and spread to other parts of the body. Everyone can discover if he has the this infection by this symptom. They may either constipate or they expel loose bowels. Men get penis infection from sex or oral sex with women who are infected and anal sex with infected individual.
Change under clothing as often as possible. Some practitioners suggested that men who are trying to cure this infection with OTC medication should eat yogurt daily. Many antifungal treatments are available but some of them require prescription of a qualified doctor.
Besides anti-fungal medication, OTC prescribed by the doctor. There are natural anti-fungal products which were used with proven success. FDA approved some oral drugs that cure this infection without doctor's prescription.
You have already learned the yeast infection causes, now it is the time to cure it. The medical merit of unsweetened yogurt is taken for granted as it is highly rich in good bacteria that can kill the fungal infection. White vinegar has been pinpointed as an effective remedy. Violet is a natural, non-toxic liquid that treats skin irritation. Organic Mediterranean Oregano Oil is diluted with water can also be applied directly to the spot for relief.
In our times, better products and effective systems are introduced to cure this infection. Gratefully in our times, there are men and women who are inventing products that guarantee instant and permanent cure for this infection.
If You Would Like To Learn About Yeast Infection Causes & Cure then visit For Fast, Safe, Natural & Permanent Relief From Yeast Infection.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Yeast Infection Causes May Be Many in Number
Antibiotics are possibly the top result of vaginal yeast infections in women in America, and are a great instance of the vital principle: from the use of technology to solve issues, we make other issues. Let's take for example that you have antibiotics to fix your nasal infection. The antibiotic will destroy the bad bacteria living inside your nose except it can additionally kill the good bacteria, upsetting the important balance of your vaginal system which will allow the yeast to take over. Antibacterial soap can have the identical side-effect. A lot of women have issues with only some types of these drugs or with long-term use of antibiotic treatment.
Cotton makes up much of our clothes now-a-days, but tight cotton clothes can be good for yeast infections and bad for you. Your best bet is to use a skirt without underwear or tights, and divert from pantyhose. If you have ever had the urge to go for a sexy stocking look except were too shy, this is the chance you have been appearing for. And if you do have to use underwear, you should use natural, un-bleached cotton underwear. It is a great idea to change your underwear often, like perhaps daily. If possible, do not sleep in your underwear. If you do, make sure it's a clean pair. Yeast can live and thrive in your underwear, so make sure to wash it very well. Especially during and after your yeast infection, hygiene is important. A few medical people think that when you've a yeast infection, you need to wash and dry your underwear and then iron them so the heat can kill the yeast.
Condoms can actually cause and make yeast infections worse. A lot of condoms come lubricated, and they consist of nonoxynol-9 that might kill the sperm and the HIV virus. A buddy of mine has been saying for many years that she gets a bad yeast infection each time she touches it. Many new studies have shown that nonoxynol-9 is almost surely linked to yeast infections. If you think this is your issue, attempt to use a condom that does not have a sperm killing lubricant. It's important to stay protected during sex, so make sure you're on the pill as well for added protection.
A few persons say that not eating food that has yeast in it can lessen the intensity and time of vaginal yeast infections. I do not understand how this could make a difference because the sort of yeast that is discovered in food isn't the same as the yeast discovered around the vagina. A lot of studies show that a high sugar level can also contribute to a yeast infection.
Hormones, both natural and artificial can affect yeast problems. For instance, pregnant women are especially likely to get yeast infections. People taking a contraceptive pill experience normal yeast infections while their hormone levels go up and down. I used to be on the pill for some time, and got a yeast infection each month before I got my period. Additionally, whether or not you are on the pill, yeast usually does not care for the pH of blood, so small yeast infections will usually go away after your period. But do not get your hopes up because the yeast will occasionally reoccur when your period subsides. Steroids can also contribute to a yeast infection.
Warning! You won't be able to get rid of yeast infection if you don't take action. Grab more information on Yeast Infection Symptoms and Yeast Infection Cure.
Cotton makes up much of our clothes now-a-days, but tight cotton clothes can be good for yeast infections and bad for you. Your best bet is to use a skirt without underwear or tights, and divert from pantyhose. If you have ever had the urge to go for a sexy stocking look except were too shy, this is the chance you have been appearing for. And if you do have to use underwear, you should use natural, un-bleached cotton underwear. It is a great idea to change your underwear often, like perhaps daily. If possible, do not sleep in your underwear. If you do, make sure it's a clean pair. Yeast can live and thrive in your underwear, so make sure to wash it very well. Especially during and after your yeast infection, hygiene is important. A few medical people think that when you've a yeast infection, you need to wash and dry your underwear and then iron them so the heat can kill the yeast.
Condoms can actually cause and make yeast infections worse. A lot of condoms come lubricated, and they consist of nonoxynol-9 that might kill the sperm and the HIV virus. A buddy of mine has been saying for many years that she gets a bad yeast infection each time she touches it. Many new studies have shown that nonoxynol-9 is almost surely linked to yeast infections. If you think this is your issue, attempt to use a condom that does not have a sperm killing lubricant. It's important to stay protected during sex, so make sure you're on the pill as well for added protection.
A few persons say that not eating food that has yeast in it can lessen the intensity and time of vaginal yeast infections. I do not understand how this could make a difference because the sort of yeast that is discovered in food isn't the same as the yeast discovered around the vagina. A lot of studies show that a high sugar level can also contribute to a yeast infection.
Hormones, both natural and artificial can affect yeast problems. For instance, pregnant women are especially likely to get yeast infections. People taking a contraceptive pill experience normal yeast infections while their hormone levels go up and down. I used to be on the pill for some time, and got a yeast infection each month before I got my period. Additionally, whether or not you are on the pill, yeast usually does not care for the pH of blood, so small yeast infections will usually go away after your period. But do not get your hopes up because the yeast will occasionally reoccur when your period subsides. Steroids can also contribute to a yeast infection.
Warning! You won't be able to get rid of yeast infection if you don't take action. Grab more information on Yeast Infection Symptoms and Yeast Infection Cure.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Yeast Infection Causes You May Not Be Aware Of
In order to be able to avoid having a yeast infection, it is helpful to be aware of some of the common yeast infection causes.
Yeast infection is a fungal infection that attacks the skin and mucous membranes of the body. Though normally associated with the genital areas, it can also affect areas like the mouth, esophagus, and intestinal tract, just to mention but a few. Rarely does an infection attack these areas but it may happen once in a while.
The best way to prevent a yeast infection is to know the yeast infection causes. We will list the known causes of yeast infection so as to educate you on how to avoid this disease.
Shockingly, yeast is found around your genital area in very small and harmless quantities. Some changes in the environment or sex life can cause them to multiply. Once they have multiplicities, they can cause a full scale infection, and, if neglected, can become life threatening.
The changes in the environment that can cause this reaction are changes in the heat and moisture levels.
Yeast is a fungus. And as basic science informs us, fungi do well in warm areas. Therefore the rise of temperature in your crotch area can lead to an overgrowth of fungus which will give rise to a yeast infection.
Another one of the yeast infection causes is moisture. So, this is also a factor that contributes to the infection. Leaving your genital area moist especially in hot weather can cause you to get a full blown yeast infection in a very short time.
The clothes you wear is another one of the yeast infection causes that you need to be aware of. The clothing you use on your private area might contribute to the cause of a yeast infection. Always avoid underwear that is tight-fitting in your genital area. The underwear should also be made from cotton. Non-cotton fabrics that are tight will lead to a rise in the temperature of your genital area. It will also lead to moisture being trapped in this area. Combining the two would result in a very favorable environment for yeast to grow and multiply very quickly.
Dirty clothes can also play a big role in the cause of yeast infection. Try and wear loose fitting clean underwear that is one hundred percent cotton. This would be a great way to avoid the problem.
Another one of the yeast infection causes is chemicals. Different chemicals have different effects on your body. Some deodorants that are used to remove the bacteria that cause unpleasant odors from your body can lead to an infection indirectly. They sometimes can cause allergic reactions and at the same time make the balance in your genital area become unstable.
Products like these are the ones that supposedly remove bad odors from you genital area. The fact is that they do not remove the odors. Rather they kill the bacteria that cause those odors. This process can be harmful in that some of these bacteria are the ones that are used to kill the fungi and limit them to a healthy level. Avoiding such chemicals would be another step in preventing yeast infections.
These are some of the common yeast infection causes that you should be aware of in order to prevent yourself from getting this discomforting problem.
Get a free copy of Sarah's report 'Understanding Yeast Infection - And What You Can Do About It' from her website. You will also discover more little known yeast infection causes and other useful information when you visit her website:
Yeast infection is a fungal infection that attacks the skin and mucous membranes of the body. Though normally associated with the genital areas, it can also affect areas like the mouth, esophagus, and intestinal tract, just to mention but a few. Rarely does an infection attack these areas but it may happen once in a while.
The best way to prevent a yeast infection is to know the yeast infection causes. We will list the known causes of yeast infection so as to educate you on how to avoid this disease.
Shockingly, yeast is found around your genital area in very small and harmless quantities. Some changes in the environment or sex life can cause them to multiply. Once they have multiplicities, they can cause a full scale infection, and, if neglected, can become life threatening.
The changes in the environment that can cause this reaction are changes in the heat and moisture levels.
Yeast is a fungus. And as basic science informs us, fungi do well in warm areas. Therefore the rise of temperature in your crotch area can lead to an overgrowth of fungus which will give rise to a yeast infection.
Another one of the yeast infection causes is moisture. So, this is also a factor that contributes to the infection. Leaving your genital area moist especially in hot weather can cause you to get a full blown yeast infection in a very short time.
The clothes you wear is another one of the yeast infection causes that you need to be aware of. The clothing you use on your private area might contribute to the cause of a yeast infection. Always avoid underwear that is tight-fitting in your genital area. The underwear should also be made from cotton. Non-cotton fabrics that are tight will lead to a rise in the temperature of your genital area. It will also lead to moisture being trapped in this area. Combining the two would result in a very favorable environment for yeast to grow and multiply very quickly.
Dirty clothes can also play a big role in the cause of yeast infection. Try and wear loose fitting clean underwear that is one hundred percent cotton. This would be a great way to avoid the problem.
Another one of the yeast infection causes is chemicals. Different chemicals have different effects on your body. Some deodorants that are used to remove the bacteria that cause unpleasant odors from your body can lead to an infection indirectly. They sometimes can cause allergic reactions and at the same time make the balance in your genital area become unstable.
Products like these are the ones that supposedly remove bad odors from you genital area. The fact is that they do not remove the odors. Rather they kill the bacteria that cause those odors. This process can be harmful in that some of these bacteria are the ones that are used to kill the fungi and limit them to a healthy level. Avoiding such chemicals would be another step in preventing yeast infections.
These are some of the common yeast infection causes that you should be aware of in order to prevent yourself from getting this discomforting problem.
Get a free copy of Sarah's report 'Understanding Yeast Infection - And What You Can Do About It' from her website. You will also discover more little known yeast infection causes and other useful information when you visit her website:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Yeast Infection Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
A yeast infection, though more common amongst women, can also be seen in men. There are several factors related to lifestyle such as hygiene and diet that can lead to yeast overgrowth in the body. In order for a person to know whether or not he/she is suffering from an infection from yeast overgrowth there are some very clear signs that one can look out for. Infections by yeast overgrowth are treatable through natural methods; however, more severe conditions require professional medical consultation.
Causes of yeast overgrowth
There is a very wide spectrum of factors to consider when figuring out exactly what has caused a yeast infection. Yeast requires a warm and wet environment to thrive, so women who wear underclothing made of synthetic nonabsorbent materials that are too tight around the pelvic area provide for a perfect environment for the yeast to thrive in because moisture on the skin is locked in and not allowed to dry. That is one possible piece of the puzzle so to speak but not necessarily as there are usually several causes all combining to help yeast overgrowth, as discussed below.
The use of steroids and antibiotics lead to the destruction of 'good' bacteria that protects the body from yeast overgrowth and this is one of the major factors that cause infection. Yeast thrives on sugar so the consumptions of food which is high in fat and sugar is also a major cause of yeast overgrowth. For this same reason diabetics are highly prone to getting a yeast infection because of high blood sugar levels. Problems related to a lowered immunity like cancer or AIDS also provide for an environment conducive to yeast. It is seen that ninety percent of people who suffer from this infection have unhealthy dietary habits as they consume a lot of carbohydrates and don't drink enough water.
Symptoms of yeast infection
A person suffering from a yeast infection will notice some external symptoms which are specific to this illness. Redness of the skin akin to a kind of rash is common in people suffering from a yeast infection. Red lacerations on the affected area accompanied by swelling, tenderness and a burning sensation are also symptoms specific to yeast overgrowth. A woman suffering from a yeast infection in her vagina will experience burning and redness on the labia and the vulva along with a thick creamy discharge and severe discomfort during urination and intercourse. Dry flaky skin is also seen when other parts of the body are affected by yeast overgrowth. Persons suffering from a yeast infection usually have symptoms which are common to those suffering from urinary infections as well.
Treating Yeast Infection
As with other diseases symptoms indicate that it is already too late to prevent the condition and that a course of treatment is now necessary. There are over the counter medications and prescribed products available through chemists. The most common types of conventional medicines for candida infection (yeast overgrowth) are creams and ointments which are to be applied to the area/s affected. These can have success in treating the symptoms and at least give some relief to the discomfort and pain.
Often though, if the actual cause of the infection is not considered and addressed through a course of treatment there is a realistic chance that the condition will occur again. It is for this reason that an approach to treatment that encompasses treating both symptoms and causes usually works best and often works permanently. A holistic treatment program will consider the causes and treat the condition by dietary changes, good hygiene routines and through stress management relaxation therapy to name some examples.
The benefits of natural holistic treatment for yeast infection are numerous and include feeling good, being energized and a sense of healthy well-being.
For more information on yeast infection treatment [] visit Yeast Infection No More [].
Causes of yeast overgrowth
There is a very wide spectrum of factors to consider when figuring out exactly what has caused a yeast infection. Yeast requires a warm and wet environment to thrive, so women who wear underclothing made of synthetic nonabsorbent materials that are too tight around the pelvic area provide for a perfect environment for the yeast to thrive in because moisture on the skin is locked in and not allowed to dry. That is one possible piece of the puzzle so to speak but not necessarily as there are usually several causes all combining to help yeast overgrowth, as discussed below.
The use of steroids and antibiotics lead to the destruction of 'good' bacteria that protects the body from yeast overgrowth and this is one of the major factors that cause infection. Yeast thrives on sugar so the consumptions of food which is high in fat and sugar is also a major cause of yeast overgrowth. For this same reason diabetics are highly prone to getting a yeast infection because of high blood sugar levels. Problems related to a lowered immunity like cancer or AIDS also provide for an environment conducive to yeast. It is seen that ninety percent of people who suffer from this infection have unhealthy dietary habits as they consume a lot of carbohydrates and don't drink enough water.
Symptoms of yeast infection
A person suffering from a yeast infection will notice some external symptoms which are specific to this illness. Redness of the skin akin to a kind of rash is common in people suffering from a yeast infection. Red lacerations on the affected area accompanied by swelling, tenderness and a burning sensation are also symptoms specific to yeast overgrowth. A woman suffering from a yeast infection in her vagina will experience burning and redness on the labia and the vulva along with a thick creamy discharge and severe discomfort during urination and intercourse. Dry flaky skin is also seen when other parts of the body are affected by yeast overgrowth. Persons suffering from a yeast infection usually have symptoms which are common to those suffering from urinary infections as well.
Treating Yeast Infection
As with other diseases symptoms indicate that it is already too late to prevent the condition and that a course of treatment is now necessary. There are over the counter medications and prescribed products available through chemists. The most common types of conventional medicines for candida infection (yeast overgrowth) are creams and ointments which are to be applied to the area/s affected. These can have success in treating the symptoms and at least give some relief to the discomfort and pain.
Often though, if the actual cause of the infection is not considered and addressed through a course of treatment there is a realistic chance that the condition will occur again. It is for this reason that an approach to treatment that encompasses treating both symptoms and causes usually works best and often works permanently. A holistic treatment program will consider the causes and treat the condition by dietary changes, good hygiene routines and through stress management relaxation therapy to name some examples.
The benefits of natural holistic treatment for yeast infection are numerous and include feeling good, being energized and a sense of healthy well-being.
For more information on yeast infection treatment [] visit Yeast Infection No More [].
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Yeast Infection Relief
Yeast is an organism that is naturally found within the vagina. However, when various factors such as hormone imbalances occur, a particular type of yeast called Candida albicans can grow too much and cause irritating symptoms such as vaginal itchiness, pain during urination or sex, and a thick, odorless, cottage-cheese like discharge. These symptoms can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable, but there are several ways to treat an overgrowth of Candida and to relieve the symptoms.
With some mild cases, you can just wait until the symptoms fade on their own. However, some symptoms of yeast infections can be very uncomfortable and you want to get relief as fast as possible. In these cases, there are several options. The first is to see your doctor. Once your doctor diagnoses you with a yeast infection, they can prescribe you an antibiotic pill that you can take orally. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may only have to take the pill once and the symptoms will clear up within one or two days. For more severe infections, you might want to take a second pill a day or two after the first to fully relieve all symptoms. The advantages of taking this pill over other yeast infection treatments is that it's simple and clean - just one pill, no messy, smelly creams or suppositories.
There are other ways to relieve your yeast infection symptoms other than having to see your doctor.
However, it is important that you talk to your doctor if you've never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before or if you are unsure if you have a yeast infection. A recent study found that only 1 in 3 women who self-diagnosed themselves as having an infection actually had a yeast infection. Often, symptoms are caused by other things, including STDs, so it's important to talk to your doctor if you are unfamiliar with yeast infections or if you might have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease. It's also important to talk to your doctor before performing any self-remedies if you are pregnant or if you've had four or more yeast infections within one year.
To get fast relief from yeast infection symptoms, there are many different at home treatments available. Antifungal and antihistamine creams can give you quick relief. Combining antifungal and anti-itching creams will help both subdue symptoms and reduce the infection. Diet can also have a very big impact on yeast infections. Healthy, natural diets can keep hormones in balance, thus reducing the risk for infection in the first place. Once infections occur, certain foods can help reduce the overgrowth of Candida.
The author of this article, Michael Koski, is also the publisher of where you will find additional articles, product reviews and recommendations for controlling a yeast infection.
Interested in the author's top recommendation for yeast infection relief? Please visit
With some mild cases, you can just wait until the symptoms fade on their own. However, some symptoms of yeast infections can be very uncomfortable and you want to get relief as fast as possible. In these cases, there are several options. The first is to see your doctor. Once your doctor diagnoses you with a yeast infection, they can prescribe you an antibiotic pill that you can take orally. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may only have to take the pill once and the symptoms will clear up within one or two days. For more severe infections, you might want to take a second pill a day or two after the first to fully relieve all symptoms. The advantages of taking this pill over other yeast infection treatments is that it's simple and clean - just one pill, no messy, smelly creams or suppositories.
There are other ways to relieve your yeast infection symptoms other than having to see your doctor.
However, it is important that you talk to your doctor if you've never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before or if you are unsure if you have a yeast infection. A recent study found that only 1 in 3 women who self-diagnosed themselves as having an infection actually had a yeast infection. Often, symptoms are caused by other things, including STDs, so it's important to talk to your doctor if you are unfamiliar with yeast infections or if you might have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease. It's also important to talk to your doctor before performing any self-remedies if you are pregnant or if you've had four or more yeast infections within one year.
To get fast relief from yeast infection symptoms, there are many different at home treatments available. Antifungal and antihistamine creams can give you quick relief. Combining antifungal and anti-itching creams will help both subdue symptoms and reduce the infection. Diet can also have a very big impact on yeast infections. Healthy, natural diets can keep hormones in balance, thus reducing the risk for infection in the first place. Once infections occur, certain foods can help reduce the overgrowth of Candida.
The author of this article, Michael Koski, is also the publisher of where you will find additional articles, product reviews and recommendations for controlling a yeast infection.
Interested in the author's top recommendation for yeast infection relief? Please visit
Friday, July 15, 2011
Yeast Infection Symptoms and Information
As women, we are amazing creatures. Our bodies perform so many functions, that we are truly incredible beings! Just think about everything your body does when you are pregnant! Your body nurtures, protects and then births a beautiful baby in just 9 extraordinary months! But as with anything truly amazing, sometimes we suffer from challenges and issues. And sometimes women can get yeast infections, otherwise known as a thrush infection of the vagina. Yeast is caused by Candida Albicans. If you have never had a yeast infection, how would you know the signs and symptoms?
Not the yeast you bake bread with...
A yeast infection of the vagina is not caused by the same type of yeast that you would use to bake with. Yeast infections are normally caused by the bacteria Candida Albicans. They call it a yeast infection because it acts or mimics yeast. Both Candida Albicans and cooking yeast grow in ideal conditions, like where it's warm, moist and dark. That's why most folks will have a infection in the folds of their skin, in their private areas or in their mouths. Under normal conditions, your body can counteract the growth of yeast by producing another type of bacteria. Candida Albicans is actually supposed to fight bad bacteria by hunting and destroying anything in it's path.
Sometimes though, that process can be altered by different factors like the use of certain medications or illness which causes the immune system to grow weak. This causes the Candida Albicans to grow unabated. If the bacteria that prevents Candida Albicans from overgrowing is harmed or killed in any way, then this type of yeast will take root and spread fairly quickly. This type of bacteria is a quick mover and has been known to go through the skin to penetrate the organ walls causing even more health issues. So not only does it affect the privates, but it can also affect other sensitive tissues.
You think you might have a yeast infection, but you are not completely sure. How do you know for sure?
First and foremost you should know what the signs of a yeast infection are. If you notice a change in the normal amount, color, smell or volume of vaginal fluids that your normally produce, then you might have an infection. Another common symptom of a yeast infection of the vagina includes an itching or burning feeling, possibly even pain whenever you wipe, urinate or have sex. These issues will be compounded if you take a bath in scented water or oils or if you use a perfumed body spray to rid yourself of the smell.
When you are in the midst of a yeast infection, you might also be more susceptible to household allergens like dust and mold. And if there is any place you visit that it even remotely dark, damp and warm, then those feelings will be even worse. Interestingly enough, having an infection also causes the person to crave things they might normally shun like extra sugars, pastas, breads...even liquor. But just because you are exhibiting all these signs does not necessarily mean you have an infection; you could be suffering from bacterial vaginosis, which is another serious infection, but will not be discussed here.
If you are exhibiting these symptoms, then you really need to call your OB-GYN, your gynecologist or your primary care physician. Basically, you need to make an appointment with the doctor who normally does your PAP smear. Your PCP or OB-GYN will ask you routine questions about your overall health, your lifestyle and how long your symptoms have been occurring. They will then take a sample of the discharge your are excreting and will test it for the Candida Albicans fungus. Your doctor will also ask you where the inflammation seems to be the strongest so that they can view the infection, up close.
Now, not all doctors will be well versed in giving you a yeast infection diagnosis. Sometimes, what a doctor believes is a yeast infection can actually be a condition known as vaginitis and vice versa. Vaginitis is treated differently than a regular yeast infection, so both need to be properly diagnosed. If your yeast infection is not diagnosed and treated quickly, then you are at risk of causing further issues such as dysfunctional ovaries, endometriosis and the release of toxic organisms which can really hurt your overall health and well-being.
Knowing that you have a infection and getting the proper treatment is half the battle because getting a clear diagnosis can sometimes be really hard to do. If you think there is a possibility that you might have a yeast infection, you need to act quickly to minimize any further health issues.
It's your body, so you should definitely know when something does not look, feel or smell right! You need to have full disclosure with your doctor when you go to get checked, so definitely tell him or her about the different medications, supplements and feminine care products that you are using!
Cure Your Yeast Infection Now []. Are you trying to find a natural way to prevent yeast infections from coming back month after month? If so CLICK HERE [].
Not the yeast you bake bread with...
A yeast infection of the vagina is not caused by the same type of yeast that you would use to bake with. Yeast infections are normally caused by the bacteria Candida Albicans. They call it a yeast infection because it acts or mimics yeast. Both Candida Albicans and cooking yeast grow in ideal conditions, like where it's warm, moist and dark. That's why most folks will have a infection in the folds of their skin, in their private areas or in their mouths. Under normal conditions, your body can counteract the growth of yeast by producing another type of bacteria. Candida Albicans is actually supposed to fight bad bacteria by hunting and destroying anything in it's path.
Sometimes though, that process can be altered by different factors like the use of certain medications or illness which causes the immune system to grow weak. This causes the Candida Albicans to grow unabated. If the bacteria that prevents Candida Albicans from overgrowing is harmed or killed in any way, then this type of yeast will take root and spread fairly quickly. This type of bacteria is a quick mover and has been known to go through the skin to penetrate the organ walls causing even more health issues. So not only does it affect the privates, but it can also affect other sensitive tissues.
You think you might have a yeast infection, but you are not completely sure. How do you know for sure?
First and foremost you should know what the signs of a yeast infection are. If you notice a change in the normal amount, color, smell or volume of vaginal fluids that your normally produce, then you might have an infection. Another common symptom of a yeast infection of the vagina includes an itching or burning feeling, possibly even pain whenever you wipe, urinate or have sex. These issues will be compounded if you take a bath in scented water or oils or if you use a perfumed body spray to rid yourself of the smell.
When you are in the midst of a yeast infection, you might also be more susceptible to household allergens like dust and mold. And if there is any place you visit that it even remotely dark, damp and warm, then those feelings will be even worse. Interestingly enough, having an infection also causes the person to crave things they might normally shun like extra sugars, pastas, breads...even liquor. But just because you are exhibiting all these signs does not necessarily mean you have an infection; you could be suffering from bacterial vaginosis, which is another serious infection, but will not be discussed here.
If you are exhibiting these symptoms, then you really need to call your OB-GYN, your gynecologist or your primary care physician. Basically, you need to make an appointment with the doctor who normally does your PAP smear. Your PCP or OB-GYN will ask you routine questions about your overall health, your lifestyle and how long your symptoms have been occurring. They will then take a sample of the discharge your are excreting and will test it for the Candida Albicans fungus. Your doctor will also ask you where the inflammation seems to be the strongest so that they can view the infection, up close.
Now, not all doctors will be well versed in giving you a yeast infection diagnosis. Sometimes, what a doctor believes is a yeast infection can actually be a condition known as vaginitis and vice versa. Vaginitis is treated differently than a regular yeast infection, so both need to be properly diagnosed. If your yeast infection is not diagnosed and treated quickly, then you are at risk of causing further issues such as dysfunctional ovaries, endometriosis and the release of toxic organisms which can really hurt your overall health and well-being.
Knowing that you have a infection and getting the proper treatment is half the battle because getting a clear diagnosis can sometimes be really hard to do. If you think there is a possibility that you might have a yeast infection, you need to act quickly to minimize any further health issues.
It's your body, so you should definitely know when something does not look, feel or smell right! You need to have full disclosure with your doctor when you go to get checked, so definitely tell him or her about the different medications, supplements and feminine care products that you are using!
Cure Your Yeast Infection Now []. Are you trying to find a natural way to prevent yeast infections from coming back month after month? If so CLICK HERE [].
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Yeast Infections Causes and Remedies
Mostly people think that yeast infections only affect women but that's not it. Anyone can get them men, children, the elderly and even babies can be affected too. During the time when my daughter was breast feeding I used to think that the white stuff in her mouth was cuddled milk. Only when we went for her check up one day did the doctor tell us that it was a yeast infection common in children called thrush. A yeast infection ( thrush or Candida) can be quite chronic and hidden one would sometimes not know they have it unless they are able to pick up some of the usual symptoms that can occur from time to time. Sometimes a yeast infection just clears without you even realizing you have had an infection which you may have transferred to another unknowingly. It is important to recognize some of the symptoms so that you always stay alert and ensure you are free from these infections.
I will discuss some of the symptoms of yeast infection from my own experiences. When I first got married I got furious with my husband thinking that he had given me a sexually transmitted disease, I had this burning, itchiness and vaginal discharge which did not clear even after I had taken some antibiotics instead it got worse. It was only on the second round to the doctor that he realized it was a yeast infection. Sometimes one just feels tired not because there is not enough fiber in your diet but yeast infection affect your joints you end up with low energy, lazy to even bath yourself. Some people get rashes that a mildly itchy on their hands, on the face, on the penis or any part of the body due to thrash, yeast infection or Candida. Worse still for a couple the woman experiences pain during sex, has a vaginal odor and white milky discharge, the couple will not experience sexual pleasure. The infection will be spread from one partner to the other and back again without the two of them being aware of what will be happening. Food allergies may also set in, digestive pain and frequent headaches may result due to yeast infection. Symptoms will differ from one individual to the next depending on the individual's general health or even genetic make-up.
The causes of yeast infection are vast and varied and will differ from person to person. One of the common causes these days is a compromised immune system. Vaginal yeast infections are caused by the bacteria Candida albicans which is present in the woman's crotch which rapidly multiplies to unacceptable numbers. You mostly see women who have a weak immune system due to HIV having vaginal yeast infection, mouth thrush or throat yeast infection. It is will be advisable to take immune boosters to strengthen the immune system. Our bodies nowdays cannot fight some diseases such that we normally rush for antibiotics to solve the problem but unknowingly creating more problems. The antibiotic can cure one infection but can also kill the good bacteria in us thus upset the balance in the vaginal environment and cause the yeast to multiply. For some women it is unavoidable because each time they get an antibiotic then an infection also comes so it would be better to also get an antifungal at the same time.
Women are also very susceptible to vaginal infections because of the type of clothes we wear. Yeast flourishes in tight, non-cotton panties and dirty underwear that trap heat and moisture. For a woman changing panties everyday is like second nature but that may not be so for every woman, it would be advisable to change underwear on a daily basis to ensure yeast has no correct environment to breed. It will also be good to wear underwear that is not bleached or dyed because certain chemicals might be harmful to us and be good ground for yeast multiplication. Most important is to wash and iron underwear well and pack with clean stuff not some other dirty laundry. If possible at night sleep without any underwear for free circulation of air.
Some women are in the habit of douching which disturbs the vaginal environment because the chemicals or soaps used kill the good bacteria or trigger candida albicans to multiply to undesirable quantities. I would advise to stop douching because there are not benefits in doing that, present your vagina in its natural way. Yeast infections are also common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes which can treated. Hormonal changes in women may also result from taking contraceptive pills and it is important to recognize which would not raise your yeast levels.
The important thing in yeast infections is to identify the root cause and then ensure you eliminate the cause otherwise the infection will keep recurring which is quite frustrating. One would also want to get rid of infections the natural way without using drugs because you don't know which one may be harmful. I have heard that you can use boric acid as a cure but the substance itself is toxic so keep away from it. Another 'cure' is olive leaf extract which many also believe to cure yeast infections but it's toxic the liver. It is always advisable to look for safe and effective ways to cure yeast infections. I have heard there is the Natural Cure for Yeast infections which is a better method than drugs. I am sure we all want to be free of yeast infections one method will work for you, you only need to find out which one rather than think that the symptoms are 'natural' and part of your growing up or aging.
I will discuss some of the symptoms of yeast infection from my own experiences. When I first got married I got furious with my husband thinking that he had given me a sexually transmitted disease, I had this burning, itchiness and vaginal discharge which did not clear even after I had taken some antibiotics instead it got worse. It was only on the second round to the doctor that he realized it was a yeast infection. Sometimes one just feels tired not because there is not enough fiber in your diet but yeast infection affect your joints you end up with low energy, lazy to even bath yourself. Some people get rashes that a mildly itchy on their hands, on the face, on the penis or any part of the body due to thrash, yeast infection or Candida. Worse still for a couple the woman experiences pain during sex, has a vaginal odor and white milky discharge, the couple will not experience sexual pleasure. The infection will be spread from one partner to the other and back again without the two of them being aware of what will be happening. Food allergies may also set in, digestive pain and frequent headaches may result due to yeast infection. Symptoms will differ from one individual to the next depending on the individual's general health or even genetic make-up.
The causes of yeast infection are vast and varied and will differ from person to person. One of the common causes these days is a compromised immune system. Vaginal yeast infections are caused by the bacteria Candida albicans which is present in the woman's crotch which rapidly multiplies to unacceptable numbers. You mostly see women who have a weak immune system due to HIV having vaginal yeast infection, mouth thrush or throat yeast infection. It is will be advisable to take immune boosters to strengthen the immune system. Our bodies nowdays cannot fight some diseases such that we normally rush for antibiotics to solve the problem but unknowingly creating more problems. The antibiotic can cure one infection but can also kill the good bacteria in us thus upset the balance in the vaginal environment and cause the yeast to multiply. For some women it is unavoidable because each time they get an antibiotic then an infection also comes so it would be better to also get an antifungal at the same time.
Women are also very susceptible to vaginal infections because of the type of clothes we wear. Yeast flourishes in tight, non-cotton panties and dirty underwear that trap heat and moisture. For a woman changing panties everyday is like second nature but that may not be so for every woman, it would be advisable to change underwear on a daily basis to ensure yeast has no correct environment to breed. It will also be good to wear underwear that is not bleached or dyed because certain chemicals might be harmful to us and be good ground for yeast multiplication. Most important is to wash and iron underwear well and pack with clean stuff not some other dirty laundry. If possible at night sleep without any underwear for free circulation of air.
Some women are in the habit of douching which disturbs the vaginal environment because the chemicals or soaps used kill the good bacteria or trigger candida albicans to multiply to undesirable quantities. I would advise to stop douching because there are not benefits in doing that, present your vagina in its natural way. Yeast infections are also common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes which can treated. Hormonal changes in women may also result from taking contraceptive pills and it is important to recognize which would not raise your yeast levels.
The important thing in yeast infections is to identify the root cause and then ensure you eliminate the cause otherwise the infection will keep recurring which is quite frustrating. One would also want to get rid of infections the natural way without using drugs because you don't know which one may be harmful. I have heard that you can use boric acid as a cure but the substance itself is toxic so keep away from it. Another 'cure' is olive leaf extract which many also believe to cure yeast infections but it's toxic the liver. It is always advisable to look for safe and effective ways to cure yeast infections. I have heard there is the Natural Cure for Yeast infections which is a better method than drugs. I am sure we all want to be free of yeast infections one method will work for you, you only need to find out which one rather than think that the symptoms are 'natural' and part of your growing up or aging.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Yeast Infections In Women - Why Do You Have It and How the Heck Do You Get Rid of It?
Yeast infection in women is a very common ailment since it is believed that, at some point in their lives, close to 75% of the female population will get a yeast infection. So, what is a yeast infection, or candidiasis, what are its symptoms, and what causes it?
To lead off with, yeast is a fungus and in scientific terms it's referred to as Candidiasis or Monila. Instead of using all three names, the two most common, Candidiasis and yeast infection, will be used interchangeably in this article.
Basically, a species of fungus known as Candida is the cause of yeast infections (yeast is a kind of fungus). Candid albicans is the most frequently appearing species and is responsible for the majority of yeast infections.
Usually the infection-causing fungus occurs in the body in tiny amounts, but it is harmless most of the time. Yeast can be located on the human body in the intestines, rectum, mouth, vagina, and on the skin. The immune system usually keeps the fungus to a minimum along with microorganisms that are found on the body.
The trouble begins when the Candida fungus starts to multiply. As the Candida gets larger it can turn into an infection. When there is an imbalance inside the body, the yeast begins to grow and there is an overgrowth.
Various things can cause the body to become out of balance. Antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, oral contraceptives, weakened immune system, stress, non-ventilating clothing and poor nutrition are the most common contributors to imbalances in the body.
One form of fungal infection more common than others is the vaginal yeast infection. Vaginal may be more common, but candidiasis can and do occur other places in the body. Your mouth, your fingernails and your skin can all develop yeast infections.
There are various symptoms relating to an infection. For example let's look at the common signs of a vaginal infection which is the most prevalent form of yeast infection in women. Most women will complain of vaginal itching and pain. A thick, white discharge may also appear with vaginal yeast infections. When a woman does discharge this vaginal fluid, it normally does not smell. Redness or swelling of the genital area, a stinging sensation during urination and experiencing pain during intercourse may also appear.
All of these symptoms may not occur in everyone, but most everybody will experience the itching associated with the vaginal yeast infection.
As stated earlier, candidiasis is not limited only to the vagina. Candidiasis can develop in the mouth, on the skin, and under the fingernails. When a person has an infection in their mouth it is known as "thrush". However, no matter where the yeast infection is located, it is caused by the same thing - an overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans.
There are some fairly easy steps you can take to both prevent candidiasis and also get rid of a yeast infection in women (or men) once it has appeared.
See our Web site,, to learn the steps you need to take to prevent yeast infections and what we think are the best yeast infection treatments. You will also find lots of free information on all aspects and types of yeast infections.
To lead off with, yeast is a fungus and in scientific terms it's referred to as Candidiasis or Monila. Instead of using all three names, the two most common, Candidiasis and yeast infection, will be used interchangeably in this article.
Basically, a species of fungus known as Candida is the cause of yeast infections (yeast is a kind of fungus). Candid albicans is the most frequently appearing species and is responsible for the majority of yeast infections.
Usually the infection-causing fungus occurs in the body in tiny amounts, but it is harmless most of the time. Yeast can be located on the human body in the intestines, rectum, mouth, vagina, and on the skin. The immune system usually keeps the fungus to a minimum along with microorganisms that are found on the body.
The trouble begins when the Candida fungus starts to multiply. As the Candida gets larger it can turn into an infection. When there is an imbalance inside the body, the yeast begins to grow and there is an overgrowth.
Various things can cause the body to become out of balance. Antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, oral contraceptives, weakened immune system, stress, non-ventilating clothing and poor nutrition are the most common contributors to imbalances in the body.
One form of fungal infection more common than others is the vaginal yeast infection. Vaginal may be more common, but candidiasis can and do occur other places in the body. Your mouth, your fingernails and your skin can all develop yeast infections.
There are various symptoms relating to an infection. For example let's look at the common signs of a vaginal infection which is the most prevalent form of yeast infection in women. Most women will complain of vaginal itching and pain. A thick, white discharge may also appear with vaginal yeast infections. When a woman does discharge this vaginal fluid, it normally does not smell. Redness or swelling of the genital area, a stinging sensation during urination and experiencing pain during intercourse may also appear.
All of these symptoms may not occur in everyone, but most everybody will experience the itching associated with the vaginal yeast infection.
As stated earlier, candidiasis is not limited only to the vagina. Candidiasis can develop in the mouth, on the skin, and under the fingernails. When a person has an infection in their mouth it is known as "thrush". However, no matter where the yeast infection is located, it is caused by the same thing - an overgrowth of the yeast Candida Albicans.
There are some fairly easy steps you can take to both prevent candidiasis and also get rid of a yeast infection in women (or men) once it has appeared.
See our Web site,, to learn the steps you need to take to prevent yeast infections and what we think are the best yeast infection treatments. You will also find lots of free information on all aspects and types of yeast infections.
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