Learn the info and how to cure your yeast infection and end your candida related symptoms
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Vaginal Yeast Infection is Seldom Serious
Yeast is commonly present on normal human skin and in areas of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina.
Yeast normally live in the vagina in small numbers, but when the bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, too many yeast grow and cause an infection. Yeast infections can cause severe discomfort but rarely cause serious health problems.
Yeast infection causes include:
Using medications that contain steroids;
Using antibiotics;
Being diabetic or having elevated blood sugar levels;
Using the birth control pill or another form of hormonal contraception;
Hormonal changes due to menstrual cycle or pregnancy;
Frequently wearing tight pants or pantyhose...
Yeast infections are a very common and most women, about 70% of them, will get a yeast infection at least once intheir lifetimes. And some of these women will get recurring yeast infections. Women usually do not get yeast infections from sex. Instead, a weakened immune system is the most common cause of yeast infections.
Most physicians discourage women from diagnosing and treating themselves with over-the-counter medications, because symptoms may be produced by more serious vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis produces symptoms that are similar to other vaginal infections, but it is much more serious and requires specific treatment. A variety of alternative treatments exist to help cure bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
In a healthy vagina, there is a balance of several basic "components" that work together including bacteria, yeast, hormones and glycogen and natural secretions. When the healthy balance in the vagina is disturbed, the yeast overgrows. Most vaginal infections present no risk to your health, though they can be quite uncomfortable. Your health professional can usually diagnose a yeast infection just by finding discharge that looks like cottage cheese during a pelvic exam. Two simple tests can help your health professional figure out what you've got. In the first test, your health professional will look at a sample of your vaginal discharge under a microscope. In the second test, your health professional will send a sample of your discharge to the lab for a culture. If you don't have a yeast infection, these tests will help your health professional figure out what kind of infection you do have.
A mild vaginal yeast infection may correct itself without treatment. However, you are not likely to be able to go without treatment if you develop severe symptoms. Thankfully, treatment is readily available, both over-the-counter solutions as well as alternative, drug-free treatments. Perhaps the greatest risks you face when treating a vaginal yeast infection are related to self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Providing that you have had a diagnosed yeast infection before, correctly diagnose your condition based on past symptoms, and self-treat with a nonprescription treatment as directed, your risks are minimal.
A mild vaginal yeast infection may correct itself without treatment. However, you are not likely to be able to go without treatment if you develop severe symptoms. Thankfully, treatment is readily available, both over-the-counter solutions as well as alternative, drug-free treatments. Find out more about Vaginal Yeast Infection is Seldom Serious
Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products
Sunday, May 29, 2011
What Are the Causes of Penile Yeast Infections?
The symptoms for females are much more explicit and unless a man goes to a doctor to be tested, it's difficult to tell for certain.
Often the symptoms only become visible when it has progressed already. For this reason, it helps to be extra aware of one's body to notice the subtle changes that could be happening. Awareness and constant check-up is the best way to deal with penile yeast infections.
There are three common ways a man gets penile yeast infections.
The first is through sexual contact with a person with a yeast infection.
Yeast infection can grow in the mouth and can be transferred to the penis during oral sex. It can also be transferred through genital intercourse.
The vagina, because it is often moist, is a ripe breeding ground for yeast. In rare cases, a hand that is in contact with a yeast infected area of the body can transfer the yeast to the penis just by touching.
Penile yeast infections can be avoided if you work at detection with your partner.
Watch out for signs that your partner may have a yeast infection even if she hasn't noticed it yet. Pain during intercourse, as well as redness in the general area of the vagina, can be an indication of a vaginal yeast infection. To be certain, it's best to avoid sexual contact with your partner until she has been diagnosed and completed treatment for the infection.
The second way a man can get penile yeast infections is via transfer from a yeast infection in the rectum.
If your body has difficulty fighting opportunistic microorganisms, yeast infections can thrive in the intestinal area. With poor hygiene, the situation can easily be aggravated and you can develop rashes in your rectum.
When this happens, the infection can transfer to your genitals via tight underwear or improper toilet habits.
Your diet can be a cause of increased vulnerability to penile yeast infections. If you have a rich daily intake of carbohydrates and sugar, which is likely if you are a frequent beer drinker, your body is more hospitable to yeast infections. This is because east thrives on sugar. The more sugar you have in your system, the faster will the infection grow and spread.
The third way that you can get infected is through the use of an infected catheter.
Some men with bladders problems may need a catheter to assist urinary functions. However, if these catheters are exposed to yeast, they can cause penile yeast infections. Usually men with bladder problems are diabetics, or the urinary problem has caused a decrease in resistance to new infections, making the body more susceptible to infections.
If this is the case, make sure that you sterilize all your medical supplies before use.
Care when using invasive materials are particularly important because in this way of infection transfer, the yeast can get inside the body and affect organs.
You'd have more serious penile yeast infections. As much as you can, execute similar procedures at a medical facility.
How do you know that penile yeast infections have advanced? There are noticeable flaky breaks in the skin of the penis. The breaks can be itchy and irritable, and may also be painful during moments of sexual intimacy. When it has progressed to this point, consult a medical professional.
For more information on yeast infections and how to cure them visit [http://yeastinfections-news.blogspot.com/]
Friday, May 27, 2011
What Causes a Yeast Infection - You'd Be Surprised
Taking antibiotics can almost certainly lead to a yeast infection. I've had a doctor give me an antibiotic prescription and advise me to get some yeast infection cream at the same time. Like yeast, bacteria also live inside our bodies. Some of these are essential to our health and are usually harmless. Everything works together to fight off infection and keep us healthy. When we take antibiotics to kill off the overgrowth of bad bacteria, it may also kill off some good bacteria that keeps the yeast in check. This allows the yeast to multiply rapidly and become a yeast infection.
pH level is key to keeping the Candida fungus - which is yeast, from multiplying. Our bodies have a certain alkalinity which keeps things in proper balance. When that level is changed, either higher or lower, things start to happen.
During pregnancy, an increased estrogen level changes that balance. Yeast infections are very common in pregnant women, especially during the second trimester. Since pregnancy is natural, this type of yeast infection is hard to prevent.
Birth control pills change the pH level in our bodies and these can be one of the causes of a yeast infection. Birth control devices that contain spermicide or are coated with spermicide can cause irritation and an imbalance.
Sexual intercourse can also be a contributing factor to infections. Semen is more alkaline than vaginal fluids. So when you get a lot of semen in the vagina, the pH level becomes unbalanced. Also during sexual intercourse, some internal tissues can become irritated and inflamed, leaving them susceptible to infection.
It doesn't take a lot of looking to find out what causes a yeast infection. There are other factors that might affect your vaginal pH balance and cause a yeast infection. Stress can be a reason. If you are stressed, your immune system becomes compromised, which invites the growth of yeast. If you have a high carbohydrate intake like alcohol and refined sugars, you are inviting yeast to multiply in your body. Clothing is another source of irritation and can encourage forms of fungal growth. Non-ventilating clothing increases warmth and moisture, the ideal breeding ground for yeast to reproduce rapidly.
Find out what else causes a yeast infection and what you can do to prevent it. There are ways you can cure a yeast infection without all the mess associated with over the counter creams. If you're not thrilled with the idea of treating a yeast infection with yogurt or sticking anything in your vagina, you should know how to get rid of a yeast infection without the mess.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Yeast Infection Cures - Do They Really Work?
The best yeast infection cures are not to be confused with using anti- fungal drugs that are commonly prescribed by doctors and easily available from your local drugstore. Anyone who has suffered from a yeast infection knows that this can be a very discouraging time and it can be very difficult to get relief, especially when you're yeast infection quickly returns.
Many individuals have been looking all around the Internet searching for answers to their yeast infection problems. It is obvious from the massive amount of yeast infection information available that yeast infection sufferers are no longer willing to just try traditional yeast infection remedies that have no lasting effect. It also seems obvious that something is greatly lacking in the treatments that use pills and creams, since so many people are looking for other solutions.
Anyone who's gone through the extreme discomfort and pain with the itching and burning of a yeast infection knows that once is more than enough. As you are looking for yeast infection cures you now know that it is critical to find much more than just temporary relief. You need to find a permanent solution so that you never have to experience a yeast infection again.
One of the main issues involved in a successful yeast infection cure is eating in a healthy manner so that you do not feed the yeast into overgrowth. You must know which foods are encouraging the yeast to grow so that you can avoid them at critical times. This does not mean that you can never eat these foods that you really like again, it just means that you must take careful consideration on when you eat them.
And even though your diet can be a major consideration for curing your yeast infection, there are also several other things you can do to cure your yeast infection as well. There are a significant number of dangerous methods that are commonly recommended including the use of boric acid. Using boric acid has significant danger and should never be done. There are a number of legitimate natural remedies that are safe and extremely effective.
as you consider natural yeast infection cures you really need to keep in mind that people have been utilizing natural remedies successfully for many centuries. As modern medicine has come on the scene it has become evident that some of its cures work for some people and don't work for others. That is why you should enlist a significant number of other options so that you can really find what will work best for you.
You should also know that yeast infections show themselves in many areas around the human body. Because yeast can show itself in so many different areas there are many ways to successfully treat it. These treatments range from diet, douches, suppositories, ointments and many other effective treatments. Different types and fibers found in clothing can also have a significant impact in whether a yeast infection gets cured or not.
As you are looking for yeast infection cares, you should make sure that you choose cures that have been found to be safe and effective. It truly is possible for you to cure your yeast infection with many of the different natural options available.it's a great thing that we now have available through research the information we need to find permanent yeast infection cures.
To find more information on yeast infection cures and vaginal yeast infections, visit http://www.yeast-infectioncures.com today.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Yeast Infection Remedy - 3 Proven Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
If you are like me, when you get a yeast infection you just want it GONE. And by gone, I mean like yesterday. So to accomplish that you want the best and quickest yeast infection remedy there is. Do you by any chance know what any of those yeast infection remedies are? Well I do and fortunately for you, I was taught to always share.
Before I go on to the list of any type of yeast infection remedy, it might be good to let you know why they actually come about. When you get a yeast infection it is most likely because of one of two things. First is too much moisture and too much moisture in a warm area is a breeding ground for yeast. To avoid a yeast infection from this type of yeast infection is to always try to wear panties that are made of natural fibers (or at least a crotch of natural fibers). The second most likely culprit is that your body has a low amount of acidophilus which is needed to fight the yeast and so without it to fight off the yeast; the yeast takes over and makes your life miserable for the duration of its stay. Talk about an unwanted guest.
So how do you go about replenishing the bodies natural acidophilus? My answer is one that might really surprise you but it's yogurt. Yogurt? Yep, yogurt. Know why? It's because yogurt actually contains acidophilus and so by using it you are giving yourself a boost in the most natural way you can. Keep in mind though that I'm talking about regular, unsweetened and unflavored yogurt. If you go trying to use the stuff with fruit and flavors your hoo-ha might end up smelling like a fruit salad and possibly even do more harm than good. So for this treatment just get the plain Jane stuff and douche with it. It's a little messy and all but well worth it. It's cheap, natural and works just as good. One thing to think about though is if you have some type of dairy allergy. If you do, please don't try this yeast infection remedy because I don't want hate mail telling me how stupid I am and horror stories involving swollen or hive covered anything.
If you do have some dairy allergies and can't use yogurt as a yeast infection remedy, then another natural yeast infection cure that I recommend is apple cider vinegar. I know that it doesn't smell great and is quite frankly not what you would imagine but there are even books written on the wonders of apple cider vinegar with a yeast infection remedy being one of those. To use this yeast infection remedy you simply add one cup of apple cider vinegar to a shallow tub of water and soak in the tub for about twenty minutes. I don't know about you but I'm always looking for an excuse to soak in the tub and this is one that my husband wouldn't mind as he's not allowed near me when I have a yeast infection so he's game for any type of yeast infection remedy. You can also douche with apple cider vinegar but don't get carried away as too much of a good thing is not always good and this is one of those times.
Now if you are one that thinks any type of home yeast infection remedy is a crock then you can take yourself to any pharmacy section of any store and buy whichever of the over the counter yeast infection treatments that you like. There are dozens of medical treatments for yeast infections ranging from three to seven days and come in a cream or suppository form. As with most any yeast infection remedy, it would be a good idea to wear some type of pad or pantyliner to keep the mess to a minimum. That's just good thinking.
Elizabeth Sutton is a student of gynecology and an ex yeast infection chronic sufferer. Take a few minutes of your time today to learn the secret holistic yeast infection treatment that has kept her free from Candidiasis by visiting her website: www.curemyyeastinfectionnow.com
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Saturday, May 21, 2011
Yeast Infections - How to Get Your Life Back Today!
You can get yeast infections around dentures, under the breast, vagina and lower abdomen, nail beds, and beneath skin folds. Yeast infections become more common as your age increases, but don't let that fool you; you can also get yeast infections at any age. When women get yeast infections, many times it is misdiagnosed.
Misdiagnos yeast infection female is very common among females and also even males. A lot of times you will have a yeast infection and not even know it! Many people ask, "What are the common signs of yeast infections and how do you cure them?"
Well, below are the common signs of yeast infections:
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Cure Yeast Infection Naturally
The most common yeast infection is vaginal yeast infection although it is not only women who can get yeast infection. Men, children, babies and elderly are not spared and can also get the infection. There are cases that sufferers find little or no relief on over the counter and prescription medicines. In this case they turn to cure yeast infection naturally. Of course it is important to consult your doctor at the onset of the infection to know the severity of your infection.
Suffering from yeast infection is really painful and annoying.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Do Natural Yeast Infection Cures Really Work?
Some women are also concerned that antifungal drugs can be too harsh, and would prefer a natural remedy that is milder and safer to use.
So, do natural yeast infection cures really work?
The short answer is "Yes, they do work for many women."
The more complete answer is "Yes, sometimes they work. But you need more facts about yeast infections before you decide if a natural remedy is right for you."
Unfortunately, many claims are made by Internet marketing firms promising a "natural cure" that is "guaranteed" to get rid of your current infection and keep it from coming back. Most of these remedies are based on a treatment plan first promoted by Dr. C. Orian Truss, M.D., way back in 1978.
There are several reasons why health care providers are concerned about these remedies:
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Easily Conquer Yeast Infection
A normal part of the skin's flora, Candida grows and flourishes well in moist, warm places of the body, such as the vagina, in folds of skin and the foreskin of men. Candida is always found on the vagina but it is the over growth and reproduction of the Candida cells that results in yeast infection. Normally, the body's acidity regulates the yeast's growth but such things as changes in diet, stress and illness can change the acid balance and allow the yeast cells to grow more rapidly. Certain medications such as antibiotics are also known to contribute to occurrences of yeast infection.
In a yeast infection, the affected areas will experience a burning and itching that is extremely uncomfortable. The most common medical treatment of yeast infection involves controlling and reducing the growth and reproduction of yeast cells with pills and ointments but does not really cure the infection. A more natural, traditional treatment for yeast infection that will help elevate the level of good bacteria in the body is natural, unflavored yogurt.
How do you determine if your symptoms are caused by yeast infection? There are many times and situations that contribute to the likelihood of your symptoms being a yeast infection. Every woman should know the symptoms and what situations to monitor so a yeast infection can be prevented. A few of the situations to watch are:
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Enrich Yourself With The Knowledge That How A Yeast Infection Looks Like
The additional general types of a yeast infection looks like that afflict people are vaginal yeast infections, nailed infections, and thrush and diaper rash infections. Other places where yeast infections may occur are the mouth, under the breasts and abdomen and other areas where there are skin folds. Constant sweating and moisture can increase the chances of a yeast infection.
Origin And Appearance of How A Yeast Infection Looks Like:
We've probably all heard the term a yeast infection looks like and many of us have probably suffered from the burning and itching that are indicative symptoms of this condition. But what is a yeast infection, exactly?
Friday, May 13, 2011
Five Proven And Easy Ways To Prevent Yeast Infection
Yeast occurs naturally in the intestinal tract and in the vaginal area of human beings. So, too, do certain acids. These acids keep the harmful bacteria and fungi that are already present in the body from taking control and causing illness. When the levels of acidity in certain areas of the body drop, the yeast and bacteria are allowed to flourish unchecked. So, just what should you learn to show you how to prevent yeast infections?
First of all, practice sanitary measures. This is a good personal hygiene habit that is essential for your health. Absolutely avoid introducing bacteria into the vagina, for starters. This includes wiping from front to back when using the toilet to keep solid waste from entering the vaginal area, which can then alter the acidity of the vagina, thereby allowing the yeast to grow out of control. You want to know how to prevent yeast infections? Wipe from front to back.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Guide to a Yeast Infection - Symptoms and Treatment Options
Learning more about candida infections helps you to determine a treatment option that best suits you. It is important to get a proper diagnosis for a yeast infection so a doctor visit is highly recommended because a yeast or candida infection symptoms are not very unique from other vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis, etc. Some drug stores also have products to help you determine whether you have a vaginal infection caused by excessive yeast or not.
For approximately 50% of women, yeast is present in the vagina so you may be asking yourself that if yeast is so normal in the vaginal area, why do women have yeast infections. There are many reasons that some women develop a candida infection. Firstly, we are all different and yeast that may not lead to an infection in one woman will cause a yeast infection in another.
Some other reasons for the development of vaginal infections due to yeast include being a diabetic, oral contraceptives, vaginal sprays including perfumes or hygienic sprays, vaginal douching, etc.
Candida Infection Symptoms
It is important to remember that the following yeast infection symptoms are similar to other vaginal infection symptoms...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Home Remedies for Yeast Infection - Do Your Homework First
It's no wonder then that you may be eager to find a fast home remedy to treat your yeast infection. There are many websites out there that provide information on home remedies for yeast infections. Some of these remedies are safe, some may have minor side effects, and some are just downright dangerous.
Many people are under the assumption that because a remedy is available for home use it is safe, however that is not always the case. Before jumping in and using a home remedy for your yeast infection you should be sure to do your homework and be sure that it is not only safe, but that it won't make your yeast infection worse than it already is.
Here are a few of the home remedies I have seen suggested that may or may not be safe to use:
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Intestinal Yeast Infection - Do You Have Yeast in Your Guts?
A yeast infection can cause a great deal of pain and irritation within a person's body. If you are dealing with this type of problem, it is likely that you have quite a bit of irritation, itching, and painful soreness present within various portions of your body. These issues can be confused with other possible disorders, so you should definitely be sure to consult with a health professional before you choose a solution to use for your problem. If you are dealing with a candida infection though, you should know that there are viable solutions on the market today that can help you remove the infection from your body and get rid of the infection for good.
Some of the common symptoms of intestinal yeast infection are:
Chronic fatigue
Diminished appetite
Headaches and stiff shoulders
Intestinal problems like bloating, constipation and diarrhea
Flaky, chapped skin
Sexual dysfunction
Monday, May 9, 2011
Male Yeast Infection Cures - Which Ones Should I Use?
There is far too little information available for men who may be facing this problem, leaving them wondering which cures they should use and which ones should be avoided. It seems that most available information focuses on women and vaginal candida infections.
Men deserve accurate, helpful information on this important subject. Here, you will find the facts about male candida infection cures that really work.
Of course, the best way to cure this type of infection is to avoid getting the infection in the first place, but at times, the bacteria in the body get out of balance and yeast bacteria over-multiply causing a man to experience some annoying symptoms.
If a man walks into a pharmacy or searches the over the counter pharmacy section of a store, you will find no products labels as being manufactured for treating male candida infections! You will, however, find many products labeled for treating vaginal yeast problems, relieving symptoms of these infections for females, creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories, medication-filled capsules for inserting into the vagina to treat this problem.
But nothing is clearly labels as being right for a man to use if he has signs and symptoms of a male candida infection or penile yeast infection.
Itching of the genitals can be a problem for men during an infection. The creams and ointments available over the counter for female itching of the vulva and labia can be used just as effectively by men.
Just apply the product to the affected areas as frequently as recommended by the package. These products can be very effective for relieving the itching and burning of surface tissue associated with a male yeast infection.
Products which contain over the counter medication to treat vaginal yeast infections that use a cream to be inserted into a plunger applicator for vaginal infections are just as useful for curing male yeast infections.
Apply the cream freely to the penis, and if there are signed that yeast is affecting the scrotum and other genital areas, apply the cream there as well.
These products are best used at bedtime and clean underwear should be worn to prevent the cream from getting onto bed linens. Use these creams for the period of time indicated on the package, simply ignoring the instruction about inserting the product into the plunger application and into the vagina. Instead, apply with clean hands or sterile gauze pads.
Acidophilus dietary supplements or foods with active bacterial cultures like yogurt or buttermilk can be consumed and often will cure male yeast infections in mild cases.
A natural cure that also works well is washing the genitals with yogurt diluted in water and leaving the yogurt on the skin overnight; again, this should be applied with clean hands or sterile gauze and clean white underwear should be worn to prevent linen stains. This cure works because the good bacteria in the yogurt fight the overgrowth of yeast bacteria.
In cases of male yeast infection where symptoms are severe or if there is no response to over the counter treatment or natural home remedies, it is important that a man talk to his health care professional about the problem. Symptoms of a male yeast infection, in a few cases, could indicate a more serious problem such as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea or syphilis.
Any yeast infection which doesn't respond quickly to treatment should be accessed by a doctor. Once the yeast infection is confirmed, a doctor can prescribe much stronger treatments than those available over the counter or at home. These may include oral medication or prescription-strength creams or ointments.
Men everyday are ridding themselves of the pain and embarrassment of their male yeast infections. Now you can too. Get Bryan's book today by searching 'male yeast infections' on Amazon.com. Or simply click here: http://www.amazon.com/Male-Yeast-Infections-Diagnose-Infection/dp/145050731X
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Principal Causes Of Yeast Infection Are
A yeast infection is caused by fungi that are already present in your skin. These fungi love moist areas and thrive when it gets moister. A change in the area where the fungi is can cause a yeast infection. Normally, our skin is equipped in preventing any complications of the fungus but breaks in the skin can be where the organism enters.
Only grown women get yeast infections. A little child cannot get a yeast infection, that's silly. Sure, a child can get thrush or yeast infection of the mouth, but not anywhere else. Any parent has heard any one of these misconceptions at some point in the development of their toddler. Unfortunately, these are misconceptions. Children, like any other human, are susceptible to the overgrowth of Candida and this is not just limited to the mouth area. Yeast infections may occur anywhere there is a warm and wet environment.
Reasons of Yeast Infection:
Candida just loves warm and wet areas and where is that more available than in the diaper of your now-starting-to-toilet-train toddler. All of those adorable little folds in your child's body are perfect breeding grounds for Candida, especially those covered by her heat-trapping diaper. The appearance is not unlike that found in thrush. It still has that white lumpy look and smells a bit like rising bread. To help prevent yeast infections be sure to keep your toddler clean and dry as possible, particularly during the hot summer months.
While it is true that women and girls are more susceptible to yeast infections that is only because the genital area of females has more folds for Candida to thrive in. Little boys are also susceptible to toddler yeast infections, because they also wear the same heat trapping diapers. Consider: the same environment that is ripe for diaper rash is also perfect for Candida overgrowth, so take the same preventative measures for your son that you would your little girl.
Warning Signs of Causes of Yeast Infection:
The yeast infection symptoms vary depending on the locality of the infection. If the infection occurs in the vagina, women usually feel a burning sensation accompanied by a discharge that could be thick and white or thin and watery. Whereas, oral yeast infections or thrush, can manifest itself as thick white patches on top of swollen red skin in the mouth. It is not itchy compared to the outer skin infections but it is more sensitive and could bleed easily when the whitish part is removed. This causes pain when eating and drinking so children should be hydrated regularly.
People and parents must be vigilant regarding causes of yeast infections. Although, it is not necessarily fatal or dangerous, it could eventually develop to complications when left unattended. The yeast infection symptoms listed above are the common symptoms that may occur.
You can also find more info on chronic yeast infection and home remedy for yeast infection treatment. YeastInfectionTreatment.org is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
See A Doctor Before Treating A Yeast Infection If You Are Pregnant
Candidas albicans is the fungus that causes yeast infections in pregnant women. Although some yeast is always present in the vagina, it does not normally take the form of infection due to the acidic environment there. When a woman is pregnant her body goes through many hormonal changes that affect her body, including the sensitive vaginal environment. When a woman is pregnant, the increased sugar levels in the vaginal secretions feed the yeast giving rise to infection.
When a woman is pregnant the signs of yeast infection are hard to ignore. Early symptoms of pregnancy yeast infection usually include extreme itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning and redness in the vagina and vulva. This may be followed by an odorless, white, creamy or cottage cheese like vaginal discharge.
Experiencing pain during urination and sex are some of the common symptoms of yeast infection when pregnant.
The main concern of every pregnant woman is the safety of the baby in her womb. For this reason, many pregnant women become very distressed when they find out that they are suffering from a yeast infection.
The good news is that yeast infection usually has no effect on the developing baby. However, there is a slim chance that the newborn baby may come in contact with the yeast infection as he or she passes through the birth canal. This infection, called thrush, causes white patches in the baby's mouth, which can be passed to mother when the child is breast feeding. Thrush is not a serious condition and is easily treated.
Your physician will perform a test to determine the best way to treat a yeast infection when you are pregnant. Your doctor will take a sample of your vaginal discharge and check it for yeast to confirm the diagnosis. If you do have a yeast infection, your doctor will give you a medication that is safe to use to treat a yeast infection when are pregnant.
Learn more about vaginal yeast infection on our site. You'll also find other information such as yeast infection while breast feeding and diaper cream and yeast infection. YeastInfectionTreatment.org is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with yeast infection to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Seven Signs of a Yeast Infection to Watch Out For
Although this is not a serious health condition, leaving a yeast infection undiagnosed or untreated may lead to other health conditions that may include fertility issues or weaken the immune system. Schedule an appointment with a doctor if you think that you have a yeast infection in order to determine for certain whether you have a yeast or candida infection and not some other vaginal infection and start treatment immediately.
It is common for yeast or candida to be present in various parts of the body including the vagina. Yeast is usually found in moist areas such as the mouth or vagina. A candida infection results from the excessive growth of this yeast or fungus. No exact cause for yeast infections has been identified so far.
Seven Signs of Candida Infections
1. If areas such as the mouth or vagina in this case itch excessively, it may signal a yeast infection. Yeast overgrowth usually occurs in areas that are difficult to scratch such as the aforementioned mouth and vagina. If the yeast or candida infection is present on the skin, it may be result in red rashes on the skin.
2. You may become overly sensitive to some chemicals such as antibiotics, refined carbs as well as yeast when you are suffering from this infection.
3. The vagina or other body part may burn but be sore to the touch and may not necessarily lead to blisters or itching. The body part may also feel numb or tingly.
4. When present in the vagina or digestive system, a candida infection may result in a mucous discharge that is white or whitish in color.
5. A yeast infection may also cause mood swings or coordination problems. Negative emotions may be increased to more than usual and the sufferer may become slothful in their work. Sufferers may not be able to move or balance themselves as well as they were previously able to.
6. An oral yeast infection may lead to excessive dryness of the mouth as well as bleeding gums and tongue cracks. Swallowing may also become difficult if not impossible when a yeast or candida infection is present in the mouth.
7. A yeast infection can lead to irritation of the eyes and areas of the eyes as well as chronic inflammation of the eyes. In order to defend itself against the retina, the retina may accumulate pus inside an inflamed tissue pocket of the eye which may result in permanent damage to vision.
These are only a few symptoms of a yeast infection and it is important to note that some sufferers may not display any symptoms at all. Only a doctor can tell you for certain whether you have a yeast or candida infection. If you notice any abnormalities in the body, schedule a doctor's appointment as soon as you can.
There are various treatments for yeast or candida infections some of which are traditional and some that are holistic or natural. Traditional treatments in addition to being expensive can lead to various side effects as well as a recurrence of the candida infections since traditional medicine only treats the symptoms.
Holistic treatments for a yeast infection use ingredients that are readily available in your kitchen or at a local health or drug store. This makes them cheaper than traditional treatment options. Holistic treatments also seek to treat the root cause of the candida infections in order to prevent recurrence of a yeast infection. The lack of side effects from holistic or natural treatments for candida infections is usually ideal for most suffers.
Take control of your health and body and learn how to permanently overcome a yeast infection using holistic and natural health practices. Learn how to create a candida infection free zone within two months with improvements starting to show within twelve hours of the commencement of a unique holistic 5 step method. Visit http://yeastinfectionsholistic.info/ to find out more.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tell Tale Signs of Vaginal Thrush Yeast Infections - How to Treat a Painfully Sore Swollen Vagina
Vaginal thrush is a yeast infection that causes irritation of the vagina and vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast usually live in the vagina in low numbers, but when the bacteria is upset it unbalances allowing more yeast to develop therefore opening the door to infection. Vaginal yeast infections are vastly notable. Survey showed that an amazing 75 percent of females at some time in their life have suffered a yeast infection.
Women tend to worry and get mixed up when they start to see or experience unusual vaginal behaviors. Who would not when you hear so many scary stories about vaginal diseases. But let us not panic at this stage because you will only upset yourself more. Unnecessary stress is not good for your well being, and it can also be a condition more serious than a yeast infection.
Below you will find the more regular symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection? To put your mind at ease, vaginal infections are treatable and curable. They are also nothing to be ashamed about or to be embarrassed over.
Some vaginal rashes and infections present themselves through silly little things like wearing tight clothing around the genitals.
The most frequent symptom of a yeast infection is extreme vaginal itching. Other symptoms include:
Burning, stinging redness, and swelling of the vagina
Pain when weeing
Sexual Intercourse pain
A thick curdy white vaginal discharge with a yeasty odor
The importance of having your doctor examine you is because yeast infection symptoms are very much like those of sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea. The purpose of the examination is to eliminate these so appropriate medications can be prescribed. A test of the pelvic will be performed to look for swelling and discharge. Swab samples may be taken from the vagina for further testing. A yeast infection can have many reasons for happening and some of these reasons may have you bemused over how they could actually be the cause. But who are we to argue with modern science and professional medics.
There is a multitude of instances that can change the acidity of the vagina encouraging a vaginal yeast infection. Like:
poor diet
sugary foods
birth control pills
steroid medicines
diseases such as poorly-controlled diabetes
HIV infection
Antifungal medicines i.e. cream, tablets, and suppositories are recognized mostly for treating a yeast infection. Namely: butoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin, tioconazole and terconazole. A single dose of oral fluconazole is effective in ridding an infection but is obtained only via a prescription given by your GP.
Is it safe to use over-the-counter medicines for treating yeast infections, yes because if they were not we would see plenty of law suits being filed? Nevertheless it is best for your doctor to okay them first. Not because the actual treatment is not safe but in case you`re not safe, meaning is your body healthy and in a fit state for that particular medication.
Get GP advice and guidance before treating yourself for a vaginal yeast infection if:
You`re expecting a baby
You`ve never had a yeast infection
or you experience recurring yeast infections
If you are sexually active then remember that some specific creams and inserts may weaken condoms and diaphragms. About 5% of females develop four or more vaginal yeast infections in one year. This is called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Treatment for this can go on for as long as up to six months.
To help prevent vaginal yeast infections:
Never douche.
Don`t use fragrance products.
Change tampons and sanitary towels regular.
Wear loose underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers.
Wear cotton knickers and pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
Doctor`s to clarify a particular vaginal infection will looks towards the tell tale sign of changes in a woman`s vaginal discharge. It is from this that an exact prognosis can usually be made.
In this section let us try to prove that your beliefs are right and that you do have vaginal thrush
Vaginal thrush, also called yeast infection or candidiasis, is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a series of nasty symptoms (itching and soreness.) If the natural yeast already in the body masses this causes thrush.
This yeast is mostly known as Candida albicans and Candida glabrata is yeast known for causing thrush.
We all carry yeast in and on their bodies without any tribulations. Yeast is normally located in the intestines, vagina, mouth and skin, where 'harmless' bacteria help keep yeast levels low. You are likely to be suffering from thrush if you are experiencing itching, burning, soreness, swelling of the vagina and vulva and have a yeasty-smelling discharge. Burning and itching can be so severe it is difficult to resist scratching, but you have to be steadfast and avoid scratching as it can make matters worse. Thrush irritates the weak tissue of the vagina, making it sore, swollen and red. Because of this, the inflammation may have you feel pain when urinating if the urine stream touches the inflamed skin. More discomfort can rise from sitting and walking.
If you see a change in vaginal discharge whether or not it be what we say is a normal thrush type discharge (white thick and smells strongly of yeast) you must still check it out.
If other women treat their Vaginal Thrush infection then why don't you - Do you have a Vaginal Odor and want to rid it?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Business Of Serious Yeast Infections
Some people use their own home made medicine mixture to try and stop the yeast infection, and if the home made mixture is for yeast infection, it is normal that people use it together with other possible cures.
This should of course be done with much forethought and awareness as some ingredients present in the home remedies can react adversely with each other. The same applies for prescription medications and home remedies which are used in conjunction with each other. Not all ingredients can live happily side by side.
If preparations are being made to make some sort of medicine for the individuals suffering from yeast infection, no matter if it is normal or serious chronic infection, it is wise to seek the advice of a professional physician first. In case the patient suffers some sort of unwanted reaction due to the home made remedies, it is better to prepare a lists of ingredients that makes up the cure.
The more serious strain of the yeast infection can happen for various different reasons. A weak body which shows a fragile immunity system would definitely be risking itself to the yeast infection. Patients should be tested for the presence of the HIV, or otherwise known as AIDS virus, as soon as they are positive for yeast infection growth.
Patients who find themselves infected with yeast growth are normally those who have frail body immune system. People often misunderstand that the people that are infected with yeast growth would have the HIV virus in them also, but it is not true.
Chronic yeast infections can also come about as the result of the use, and sometimes overuse, of antibiotics. Since antibiotics were designed to fight off bad bacteria, it should then come as no surprise that some of the good bacteria also gets zapped in the process.
When this happens the natural balance of the body falls and the yeast producing bacteria are allowed to thrive. That's why many people take preventative measures such as eating a lot of yogurt or including garlic in their diets, at the same time they are taking their course of antibiotics.
Besides the physical conditions that would leave a person suffering from yeast infection, being pressured and feeling lots of stress would also leave the person in risk of suffering from yeast infection. People would be surprised to know that even though mental pressure and stress is not related to the physical side of the human body at all, but it could cause the human body to lose its balance. When the person is not eating properly and is feeling stressful due to various different reasons, then they are among the most risky people to suffer from chronic yeast infection.
Woman would normally use many feminine sanitation and hygiene products to keep them feeling nice and fresh, but they use these products without realizing the effects. An overuse of these products, especially the types that contain fragrance, would cause the vaginal area to suffer from hormone imbalance, and this would cause the yeast infection to grow.
As people would say, the best cure is to prevent. The best prevention method for yeast infection is to make sure you live a healthy lifestyle and if you find the current lifestyle is not healthy for the body, make changes so that you live a fuller, healthier and happy life, and when you are feeling good, the infections would stay away from you.
Thomas Bronson's work is regularly featured on Remedy for yeast infections site, a site dedicated to Yeast infections treatment as well as other general health articles which you may find useful.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thing You Must Know To Prevent Yeast Infection In Men - Read On Even If You Are Infected!
Food habit is related to yeast infection in men. Overeating of peanut, coconut, wheat, barley and overdose of alcohol increase the percentage of yeast infection in men. Infection of yeast is also spread through sexual behavior. Having unprotected sexual relation with a yeast infected man can be good reason to Yeast infection in Men. If any person gets affected by yeast in mouth and makes any oral contact with any female partner then the women will be surely affected by it. If any yeast affected person makes sexual intercourse with a female infected with yeast then the male may get affected by the infection. Diabetes is another reason for causing yeast infection in men. Long term use of antibiotic medicine destroys the helpful bacteria of human body and thus creates ambient atmosphere to grow yeast. These bacteria can destroy the spore of yeast.
Serious pain in the penis, itching, flaming after the sex, red dot can be found or feel in the human body after the infection. Canadidema is the medical name of blood based infection. The after effect of this type of infection is severe. Many kinds of severe skin diseases can be happened for a canadidema or blood based yeast fungus patients. The symptoms of this type of disease are- over mucus through mouth, internal bleeding, de-hydration, damage in the oxygen system etc. Canadida can reach to a man through used syringe. Self testing for yeast disease infection is very important. A man can easily prevent infection of yeast if he can become aware of this.
Yeast infection in men is really a serious problem and for curing this problem effectively one should consult with a specialist doctor. Most of the doctors prescribe antibiotic and cream. Antifungal cream should be used carefully as it may cause problem in eye and its surroundings area. Try to prevent it rather curing it. Clean and healthy environment will ensure you a life without yeast disease infection.
Consult With your doctor in a regular basis to overcome any severe problem and try to check up your skin once in a month. All these strategies will help you to find the best life.
If you are already diagnosed with this scary infection, do not depress and give up on curing it even you did not able to find one effective treatment for infection of yeast. Read on to know more about a treatment that I strongly recommend to all of our fellow yeast disease infection sufferers, no matter male or female.
I believe that everyone, no matter male or female can definitely eliminate infection of yeast from life if the right treatment is implemented.
As a guy, I strongly understand the frustration and dilemma of having yeast infection in men. Personally I have gone through and over come this torturing infection by following a very effective Yeast Infection Treatment 1 year ago.
You can visit this reliable website - Yeast Infection In Men which provide me detail review of this treatment before I obtained it and successfully cure my infection for good.
Do not miss the chance to completely cure your long haunted infection.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Tips On How to Treat a Yeast infection in a Man
The human body can contain certain healthy amounts of different microorganisms. However, sometimes this balance can be disrupted, for instance by poor hygiene or other factors. Bodily changes or changes in the bodily environment may favor the growth of one microorganism over another, resulting in imbalance. Such is what happens with yeast infections.
Physical changes in the genital environment can make it more conducive to the growth and proliferation of yeast. These changes can be caused by different things. For instance, pregnant women experience hormonal changes that help to make the vaginal area a more fertile ground for yeast. This is why yeast infections are a common symptom among pregnant women, especially near midterm.
Other possible causes include diabetes and the taking of antibiotics. Diabetics have greater amounts of sugar in their urine - and sugar is what yeast likes to feed on. Antibiotics, on the other hand, when used for prolonged periods, may kill off the other microorganisms that compete with yeast. This would yield to the faster growth of yeast, and thus the beginnings of a yeast infection.
Vaginal yeast infections can also be transmitted to males through sexual intercourse. Physical contact is enough to transmit the yeast. In some cases, sexual partners may pass the yeast infection back and forth. Cleanliness and hygiene is important to make sex safer. But cleaning up and clearing up the yeast infection before engaging in further sexual activity may be a safer bet.
How are yeast infections treated? A common natural cure involves yogurt. Yogurt contains a bacterium that occurs naturally in healthy vaginas called Lactobacillus acidophilus. This bacterium produces hydrogen peroxide, which kills yeast. Thus, introducing more of this bacterium into the infected area, either by eating more yogurt or applying it topically, will help control the yeast population.
Another natural substance that can kill yeast is garlic. Garlic actually contains some antifungal components that can target yeast and help curb the infection. These remedies are easy and cheap to implement, but they may not be able to handle more severe yeast infections. These natural remedies may prove sufficient for cases where the infection is still small and undeveloped, but may fail for more advanced infections.
For severer infections, medications in the form of topical creams or suppositories (obviously, not for the males) may be better choices. Over the counter drugs are available mostly for female patients of yeast infections, but they may also work for male infections.
If self-treatment does not work, doctors can prescribe antibiotics to clear a yeast infection in man or woman out effectively. These antibiotics are usually taken orally, meaning that they are equally applicable for both sexes. In addition to being able to prescribe these antibiotics, a doctor would also be able to determine with certainty whether or not some other infection may be causing the symptoms. These other infections may turn out to be more serious than yeast infections, and require immediate medical assistance.
However many men do find the chemical methods of treating a yeast infection can be quite harsh on the body, especially their skin. There are many very effective natural methods out there for treating yeast infections, which are far more gentle on the body and often more effective also.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What Are the Yeast Infection Symptoms in a Man?
Men, like women have candida present in their gut. A candida overgrowth, better known as candidasis, is simply the fancy way of saying yeast infection. For instance, oral thrush, and many skin rashes and infections such as athlete's foot are all forms of yeast infections that are linked to candida. Thus, genital yeast infections are an infection caused by candida overgrowth and other contributing factors.
What are the other causes aside from candida? Unlike oral thrush yeast infection symptom in man - often caused by HIV - A yeast infection that affects the genital region, known as a penile yeast infection, can be caused by different factors.
Some of these factors may include the following -
Sexual transmission - If a man has unprotected sex with a woman, who has a vaginal yeast infection, candida can be transmitted from her to him through direct contact, just like a sexually transmitted disease. Although this isn't entirely a common occurrence, it can and does happen more frequently than one would think.
Antibiotics - It is really uncommon for a penile yeast infection symptom in man to develop from antibiotics, but it is not impossible. Antibiotics are considered candida friendly because they destroy good bacteria and bad bacteria, creating an imbalance in gut flora which can result in candida overgrowth and lead to infection.
Diabetes - Men who have diabetes are at a greater risk of developing yeast infections due to the fact that they have elevated sugar levels in their urine.
What are the symptoms? The following are some of the penile yeast infection symptom in man to look for:
If a man is experiencing these symptoms, it is important that he visit his doctor to receive a proper diagnosis.
There are two main reasons why a professional diagnosis is important -
1. If a man does not treat a yeast infection, he can pass it back to his partner, and she can continue to pass it back to him. Both sexual partners should be treated to eradicate the threat of infection.
2. Although a man may think he is suffering a yeast infection, in actuality his symptoms may be the cause of an entirely different medical condition- genital herpes. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is characterized by little itchy bumps, and is a chronic disease that can not be treated with the same remedies as a yeast infection.
Hence, always have symptoms investigated by a health care provider to be sure, and refrain from self-diagnosis.
How is a penile yeast infection symptom in man treated? In most cases it is treated with the same topical cream prescribed to women with vaginal yeast infections. These creams are available without a doctor's prescription at your local pharmacy. Just remember, that if you've never experienced a penile yeast infection before, it's a good idea to visit your doctor, get checked out, and take his treatment advice to experience effective relief.
Grab your free copy of Jane Symms' brand new Candida & Yeast Infection Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about chronic candidiasis and for information on chronic yeast infection please visit Naturally Eliminating Candida.