Male yeast infection cures can be confusing.
There is far too little information available for men who may be facing this problem, leaving them wondering which cures they should use and which ones should be avoided. It seems that most available information focuses on women and vaginal candida infections.
Men deserve accurate, helpful information on this important subject. Here, you will find the facts about male candida infection cures that really work.
Of course, the best way to cure this type of infection is to avoid getting the infection in the first place, but at times, the bacteria in the body get out of balance and yeast bacteria over-multiply causing a man to experience some annoying symptoms.
If a man walks into a pharmacy or searches the over the counter pharmacy section of a store, you will find no products labels as being manufactured for treating male candida infections! You will, however, find many products labeled for treating vaginal yeast problems, relieving symptoms of these infections for females, creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories, medication-filled capsules for inserting into the vagina to treat this problem.
But nothing is clearly labels as being right for a man to use if he has signs and symptoms of a male candida infection or penile yeast infection.
Itching of the genitals can be a problem for men during an infection. The creams and ointments available over the counter for female itching of the vulva and labia can be used just as effectively by men.
Just apply the product to the affected areas as frequently as recommended by the package. These products can be very effective for relieving the itching and burning of surface tissue associated with a male yeast infection.
Products which contain over the counter medication to treat vaginal yeast infections that use a cream to be inserted into a plunger applicator for vaginal infections are just as useful for curing male yeast infections.
Apply the cream freely to the penis, and if there are signed that yeast is affecting the scrotum and other genital areas, apply the cream there as well.
These products are best used at bedtime and clean underwear should be worn to prevent the cream from getting onto bed linens. Use these creams for the period of time indicated on the package, simply ignoring the instruction about inserting the product into the plunger application and into the vagina. Instead, apply with clean hands or sterile gauze pads.
Acidophilus dietary supplements or foods with active bacterial cultures like yogurt or buttermilk can be consumed and often will cure male yeast infections in mild cases.
A natural cure that also works well is washing the genitals with yogurt diluted in water and leaving the yogurt on the skin overnight; again, this should be applied with clean hands or sterile gauze and clean white underwear should be worn to prevent linen stains. This cure works because the good bacteria in the yogurt fight the overgrowth of yeast bacteria.
In cases of male yeast infection where symptoms are severe or if there is no response to over the counter treatment or natural home remedies, it is important that a man talk to his health care professional about the problem. Symptoms of a male yeast infection, in a few cases, could indicate a more serious problem such as a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea or syphilis.
Any yeast infection which doesn't respond quickly to treatment should be accessed by a doctor. Once the yeast infection is confirmed, a doctor can prescribe much stronger treatments than those available over the counter or at home. These may include oral medication or prescription-strength creams or ointments.
Men everyday are ridding themselves of the pain and embarrassment of their male yeast infections. Now you can too. Get Bryan's book today by searching 'male yeast infections' on Or simply click here:
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