Yeast infections are caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast. There are more than 20 species of Candida that causes candidiasis or yeast infections. These infections can occur in nail beds, around dentures, under the breast, beneath skin folds and in the vagina and lower abdomen.
Though yeast infections are more common when you age, it can occur to anyone, at any age. Not only women, but also men suffer from yeast infections, especially if the man has sex with a woman suffering from a yeast infection.
Yogurt is effective in treating yeast infections
Usually men and women resort to treating yeast infections with creams, suppositories and other medical remedies. However these medications treat yeast infections temporarily; it is better to try home remedies for a more permanent cure from yeast infections.
Plain, unsweetened yogurt helps in fighting yeast both internally and externally. It is better to eat yogurt before meals as it provides the body with good bacteria for the stomach, which aids in digestion. You can also try dipping a tampon in plain yogurt, and then inserting into the vagina or just rubbing some on the outside. However don't leave this for long; wipe it when its job is done lest you feel itchier because of its moisture.
A clove of garlic a day keeps yeast infections at bay
Garlic is really effective in treating yeast infections. You get great relief just by inserting a garlic tab or garlic clove into the vagina every few hours for great results. Garlic taken internally is also effective in fighting yeast infections. Try pressing a whole garlic clove, and drowning it with water. Not only is garlic effective in fighting yeast infections, it is also effective in reducing blood pressure and bad cholesterol and is a natural antibiotic.
Apple cider vinegar and not plain, white vinegar helps in treating yeast infections internally and externally. Don't apply it directly to the skin as it burns; add a cup of it to bathwater. It is very relaxing and soothing, and provides temporary relief from yeast infections.
Drink at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day, or more if your body needs it, to reduce yeast infections. The more water you drink, the more you urinate wherein you flush out the sugars that feed yeast in the body. Just ensure that you drink pure water, free from toxins.
Eating too much sugar can lead to yeast infections
Try taking beneficial bacteria supplements to provide balance in a yeast infection. Choose supplements that guarantee that its bacteria are alive on ingestion so that it works more effectively in fighting the yeast infection.
When suffering from a yeast infection, don't take birth control pills or antibiotics as they weaken the immune system and makes you susceptible to yeast. Avoid douching during an infection as it upsets the natural balance of the vagina.
Make it a point to avoid non-cotton or clothing tight at the crotch as it only traps moisture and heat to create a wonderful environment for yeast. All this, and avoiding foods that feed yeast like refined foods, yeast and sugars all help in fighting the battle against yeast infections.
Emily Omay is an expert on yeast infection. Visit her site RIGHT NOW for the best natural cure for yeast infection you will ever see. If you want to know how to cure yeast infection, Emily can help you out. Go there now -
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