Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Causes of Yeast Infections

December 7, 2010

Hi Tan Yook Boi,

Welcome to lesson 2 in your free mini eCourse on treating thrush the safe, natural way.

So we know what a yeast infection is, and also a few tell tale signs on whether or not we have a yeast infection. But what is the cause of a yeast infection? Believe it or not, there are MANY causes, as much as 15 or more! Today we will cover just a few of them. Read on and be amazed.

Use of Antibiotics

 In this day and age, popping pills that doctors prescribe us is common place. Among these pills, it is quite common to find antibiotics if we are really ill. In our stomach, there is a host of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Most of them are "good" bacteria, and in a nutshell, keep the "bad" bacteria under control. When we take antibiotics, the antibiotics purpose is to kill bacteria, and it cannot discriminate between the good and the bad ones. So, very often, the levels of good bacteria gets lowered so drastically, that it allows the bad bacteria and fungi to multiply out of control, including Candida Albicans, which is the cause of yeast infections. Does this mean we should stop taking antibiotics? NO. It means know what you are doing to your body, examine the real need of it, and then be better prepared for the way your body might react to it.


 Yeast thrive the best in still, warm environments. In a nutshell, clothing that prevents your body parts from breathing are "yeast harvesters".  If your bits get damp from moisture or sweat, think about how much air flow it is getting. Are you wearing synthetic panty hose, underwear or jeans? What about wetsuits? They are made from tight, synthetic material that is damp and restricts airflow. That is a cause for yeast infection all by itself! Think about natural fibres like cotton the next time you choose what underwear to put on.

Birth Control Pills

These pills actually lead a 2 pronged attack by yeast infections. Firstly, aside from the Mini-Pill, all birth control pills have progesterone. Candida Albicans love progesterone. Secondly, these birth control pills will cause massive hormonal changes as part of their job. However, what this does is very possibly lower the acidity levels in your vagina. With this alkalizing affect and the lack of an acidic enough environment, Candida Albicans will simply thrive!

That concludes today lesson. If you want to read more detail on these causes as well as other causes such as

·        Pregnancy

·        Use of Steroids

·        High sugar, high carb diets

·        Stress

·        Menopause

·        Prolonged Contact with Semen

·        Sexual Intercourse with an Infected Partner

PLUS 5 more common causes and mistakes that women do, read this great eBook by Leigh Hunter. It providess FAST, NATURAL CURES for yeast infection. I highly recommend it and it is a definite must read for everyone concerned about yeast infections.

See you in the next lesson, "Conventional Cures and Why They Don't Always Work"
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*Disclaimer:  I am not a trained medical doctor. My advice is to help you make smart, informed decisions on treatment choices, not substitute the advice of a medically trained doctor. Always talk to a doctor or trained naturopath if you have any doubts at all or if you have never gotten a yeast infection in your life.


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