Wednesday, June 8, 2011

These Are Some of the Symptoms of Yeast Infections

There are very many symptoms of yeast infections and you need to know every one so that when the infection strikes, you can know what to expect and what to do. Firstly, yeast infection is a fungal condition which affects women, men and children. This is because we all have some yeast in our bodies which live peacefully in our bodies until there is a favorable condition for them to overgrow. The most common yeast that is known to cause yeast infection is candida albicans which is single celled. The yeast can be found on skin folds, gut, mouth, anus, vagina and very many other parts of the body. The most common yeast infection in women is vaginal and it is referred to as vaginal candidiasis.

Symptoms of yeast infections can be recognized mostly by the signature symptom which is itching. In almost all yeast infection cases, you will find that the itching is chronic and it gives way to soreness on the affected area. Women who suffer from the condition in the vagina will experience the following conditions. The first one is itching in and around the vagina. They will also experience soreness and pain while urinating. Most women who have had yeast infections have reported pain during sexual intercourse. Other vital symptoms of yeast infections include a whitish discharge that looks like cottage cheese and general discomfort.

When women experience these symptoms of yeast infections, they are advised to visit a doctor for confirmation. Many infections present themselves in this way and they include viral and bacterial infections. When yeast affects the skin, you will have very clear symptoms of yeast infections which include the following. The skin will be rough and dry, you will have itching and redness also. For very young babies, you might see a rash that resembles a nappy rash but, it will not go away. Mothers are advised to check the skin of the baby carefully for any symptom of a yeast infection. In the mouth, symptoms of yeast infection will be known when whitish patches form and they are usually very painful.

The condition is known as thrush and many children who have not achieved an organism balance in the mouth will be affected. You are advised to seek medical help so that you can get the treatment you need. In men, there can penile yeast infection which affects the penis and among other symptoms, there will be itching and soreness. Men may also experience pain while urinating and during intercourse. The symptoms do not confirm that you have a yeast infection and you need to see a qualified health professional who will rule out other illnesses. Therefore undertake a thorough search on the internet to ensure that you know everything you need when the infection strikes. Women need to be prepared for infections because most women in their reproductive age report infections by yeast all the time. Pregnant women will also have a higher chance of showing symptoms of yeast infection.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Yeast Infection. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here YEAST INFECTION CURES If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Treat Yeast Infection Fast - Yeast Infection Cures

Glenda was a brand new mom with a baby about a year old. Glenda was a very good mother. As soon as the baby even sneezed she took it to the pediatrician. Even being a great mom you can't control when your infant will get an ear infection which is what happened to Glenda's child. After being up all night with a very unhappy child, Glenda was headed to the pediatrician. Glenda had to put the baby on antibiotics for the ear infection and was very hopeful that in a few days all would be well again. Being that Glenda was a new mom she had no idea after about 3 days on the why her baby had huge white patches on his tongue and in the back of his throat. She was in a panic so off to the doctor they went again. Now Glenda found out that due to the antibiotic for the ear infection she was going to be treating yeast infection too.

Thrush is the yeast infection that impairs the mouth and throat. It appears as white curd like patches on the tongue, inside of the cheeks and the throat. This type of yeast is very painful especially in a child. Many times thrush also appears in cancer patients from the chemo and radiation. Glenda knew that her child was miserable so she was in search of any type of yeast infection cures. Curing yeast infection according to her pediatrician was adding yet another type of antibiotic with nystatin in it. To Glenda this was confusing since the first antibiotic is what caused the thrush to begin with. Glenda decided she had to find her own yeast infection cure fast.

Glenda felt that there had to be a yeast infection cure out there she just was going to have to do a little bit of research. She knew that yeast infection cures existed but the one that the pediatrician gave her was not working at all. Her child was miserable. Glenda was on a mission for the remedy to cure yeast infection and once found she was going to tell everyone about it. During Glenda's research she came across a natural yeast infection cure book by Leigh Hunter who not only was a health researcher but was also a former chronic thrush sufferer. Leigh Hunter claimed to have the most powerful way to cure yeast infection ever. This ebook was called Cure Yeast Infection Fast so Glenda took a chance and purchased it.

Leigh Hunter's ebook was full of yeast infection cure tips that no other doctor had ever told Glenda. There were ways to avoid this terrible thrush from ever happening to her child again all by treating the fungus from the inside out instead of just another antibiotic. Glenda had found a yeast infection no more cure that would finally ease her child's pain in just a matter of days. Glenda was going to learn how the cure of yeast infection treatment was done best by treating canditoxin and ethanol. If these toxins are left untreated they will continue to poison your body and you will have yeast infections all the time as well as sinus problems, eczema, genital yeast infections and much more.

After using Leigh Hunter's four step program, Glenda's baby was free of thrush and never had it again. This program is truly amazing. Naturally helping her baby's body to overcome the infection was a great feeling. Leigh also used this program on herself and never had to have vaginal yeast infections again either.

If you would like to know how Glenda used Leigh Hunter's [] "Cure Yeast Infection Fast," four step program to cure yeast infection away, then go to Yeast Infection No More Here []

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Treat Your Own Candida Yeast Infection - Different Vaginal Infections Symptoms & Causes

Have you been diagnosed as having a candida yeast infection and worried sick because you`re not sure what it is, or how to treat it now that you have it. You are not on your own and to put your mind at ease it is not a vaginal issue you should be deeply concerned about either as it is not a life threatening disease. It is an infection that is vastly common. Three out of four women at some time in their life will develop a candida yeast infection. 5% of females have a chronic condition defined as four or more occurrences of candida yeast infections annually
We all have a certain amount of candida yeast in our bodies like it or not, but if it is disturbed it can unbalance resulting in mass overgrowth (especially candida albicans) when specific organisms are not at their optimal levels, thus the outcome a candida yeast infection. Although, irritating they do not often lead to critical health concerns. If you at this present minute are experience some sort of usualness going on within your body, and not sure as to whether it is the infection we talk about here, then you need to know what the symptoms do or look like to help you ascertain the condition.
Regular symptoms linked with a vaginal candida yeast infection include:

- Itching

- Burning or pain when peeing and/or during sexual intercourse

- Genital irritation

- Clotted-like, odorless discharge which is not always present but minimal if it is.

What little does show may appear watery or of a thick consistency?

When candida masses if after an upset then this is when the real problems start. Like clearly stated before candida harmlessly live in our bodies regardless until it is disturbed. Candida yeast infections are reasoned by candida overgrowth which can be sparked off by hormonal shifts, including use of birth control pills, or from a frail immune system brought on by stress, unhealthy diet or sickness. It can also be provoked by use of antibiotics, tight clothing around the genitals right down to the common girlie tampon. As with most conditions/disorders they are not always possible to prevent, however there are definitely things you can introduce into your day that may help shorten the odds of you developing a candida yeast infection.

1. Toss aside nylon underwear and swap for cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra material can trap air and create a breeding settlement for yeast. This space needs to be cool and airy.

2. Avoid petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication and instead use water-based lubricants for treating vaginal dryness.

3. After using the loo clean from front to back "always." to prevent the yeast which normally reside in the intestinal tract from moving to where it is not wanted.

4. Eating a pot of yogurt daily helps sometimes in holding yeast infections back that often follow antibiotic treatment; eating yogurt is not a solution for ridding a yeast infection.

5. Avoid fragrance vaginal products these can cause irritations which can lead to infection.

6. Douching is serious business and not recommended. It can result in washing away the natural protective mucous of the vagina leaving it more prone to yeast and other vaginal infections.

7. At the first sign of yeast infection call your GP, or go to your chemist/pharmacy and purchase one of the FDA approved products that are available OTC.

If you are embarrassed over the problem then you could consider treating the infection yourself but only if under medical supervision. Women are curing their own infections successfully this way. Have your condition determined by your doctor for an exact diagnosis if you are not sure a subsequent infection is yeast. Other vaginal infections or STDs may have similar symptoms.

Yeast infections are normally treated with antifungal vaginal creams that ease the symptoms till finally removing it. You can purchase these antifungal creams, tablets, or suppositories (butoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, and tioconazole) over the chemist counter. Particular conditions BV, trichomoniasis, and yeast infection are difficult to establish on the basis of symptoms solely, so a medical prognosis should be given.

You have antihistamines and topical anesthetics also but these only mask the symptoms and do not treat the underlying cause. The female who suffers chronic or recurring yeast infections may need to use vaginal creams for an extended period of time. Familiar factors linked with increased symptomatic infection, include pregnancy, unstable diabetes mellitus, and the use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics.

Yeast infections can affect men also but their symptoms may not be quite as prominent or noticeable as they are in women. This is because men tend to carry the yeast infection inside their urethra. The urethra is the channel inside the penis that the urine passes through to leave the body.

Male symptoms of a yeast infection may include:

- Itching/burning around the head and tip of the penis.

- Tiny red, itchy bumps around the head and on the tip of the penis.

- Inflammation

- Thick, white discharge from the penis with a yeasty smell.

- The risks factors for man to develop a yeast infection are much the same as women.

Always consult with your GP before taking or endorsing something new.

Try smearing apple cider vinegar over the skin where it is more prone to this type of infection. Add garlic to stop itchiness; and water to dilute the vinegar concentration.

Curds or yogurt: soak a tampon into curds and insert for at least 60 minutes. Basically, the healthy vital bacteria from the curds will replace bad yeast bacteria.

Add buttermilk to your daily diet. Drink at least two glasses a-day. Curds will help decrease the probability of yeast infection. And is this not what we girls are looking to do.

Treat Your Own Vaginal Yeast Infection Thrush - About Vaginitis and Vaginal Odor Issues

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Treating Yeast Infection With Hydrogen Peroxide - Does it Really Work?

Treating yeast infection with hydrogen peroxide is one of the best methods you could ever use for treating yeast infections. Yeast infections are a part of life and no matter how hard you try you just can't avoid them.

There are many causes for a yeast infection in women such as hormonal changes when you become pregnant. Most women and men are turning away from over-the-counter prescription medications because they don't work at all and actually make their yeast infections worse! Natural home remedies for treating yeast infection with hydrogen peroxide is one of the leading sources of treating yeast infections right from your own home.

Cures for a yeast infection are hard to come by, but with hydrogen peroxide, curing yeast infections has never been so easy. Before we get into how to cure yeast infections through the use of hydrogen peroxide, let's discuss the symptoms of yeast infections so you no what to look for if you think you have it:

-Vaginal itching
-Vaginal irritation
-Thick, white, possibly curd-like vaginal discharge
-Redness, swelling, and/or cracking of the vulvar skin
-Burning sensation during urination
-Itching of the rectal opening
-Pain during sexual intercourse

If you have any of these symptoms it is time to use hydrogen peroxide to treat your yeast infection. Hydrogen peroxide has been proven time and time again to stop yeast infections right in their tracks.

How exactly do you use hydrogen peroxide to treat yeast infections?

Simply mix 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of water and BOOM you have your yeast infection fighting solution. You will need to use this solution one time a day until your symptoms disappear. Hydrogen peroxide works by killing candida albicans. Females vaginas have chemicals that produce hydrogen peroxide naturally, so using hydrogen peroxide will definitely not harm your body one bit.

Hydrogen peroxide can be bought at any grocery store or pharmacy. You want to look for the bottle that is brown and labeled 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide kills the main culprit of yeast infections which is Candida Albicans. Believe it or not your vagina actually has chemicals in it that produce hydrogen peroxide naturally, so this will not harm your body or your chemical composition. Hydrogen can be purchased at just about any local supermarket or pharmacy.

It is usually in a brown bottle and is labeled as 3% hydrogen peroxide. Every time that I have ever gotten a reacurring yeast infection I have always been able to cure it with hydrogen peroxide. Reaccuring yeast infections are no fun and the reason why I had so many of them was simply due to the fact that I was pregnant. I was going through constant hormonal changes which triggered my yeast infections. Please don't let yeast infections ruin your life. By simply using hydrogen peroxide you can say goodbye to your yeast infections forever! I wish you the best of luck in your search for curing your yeast infection.

Angela Jennings is an avid health researcher who has come up with a proven natural, safe, and drug free cure for treating yeast infection with hydrogen peroxide. She has helped people all over the world permanently stop their yeast infections. Learn more about Angela Jennings methods by visiting